2. Gnycish 2, Tyroth

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Feb 21, 2025 7:51 pm
Cole's eyes narrowed slightly, a small tightening of his jaw, as he considered the councilman's accusations, whether they were meant to be taken as such or not, and forced a smile. "I assure you we are not here to solicit yours or anyone else's membership into the Federation and I applaud your ability to remain autonomous and neutral," he stated, forcing a smile, "And our reputation as fair and compassionate diplomats is also well earned, your insinuation that our intelligence service is in the habit of stealing technology through theft or conquest might be considered an insult ...

"If I weren't aware of the rumors of an elusive and secretive organization within the ranks of Starfleet Intelligence. I assure you that any such faction would be considered rogue and not sanctioned by the UFP no Starfleet.

"I think history has shown we discover our technology through innovation and the collective strength of a variety of different worlds and cultures AND why I believe we were asked by the wronged delegation as a respected and neutral party that they could trust to provide them with the truth whether that was favorable or not."
Presence 10 Command 4 no applicable focuses.


Presence 10 + Command 4 (14) to convince the Council to release the security footage and give access - (2d20)

(172) = 19

Feb 22, 2025 4:35 pm
Another councilman blinks slowly and says, "The truth as you see it is not the point. Distrust exists, whether or not that is fairly earned. We do not know how the Federation conducts it's business, and it is not our role to judge you." There is a slight look at the initial speaker.

"We however are cognizant that many of the delegates here are intensely concerned with safeguarding their autonomy. Our concern for justice is tempered by a need to avoid an unnecessary public backlash."
Three accumulated successes.
Feb 27, 2025 6:37 pm
Cole's eyes flared wide momentarily, a firm set to his jaw as he reigned in the rough temper of his youth growing up on a frontier ranch, keeping the frustration at the Council's continued stubborness from his voice as he continued, his tone even, "The Federation does not solicit nor force worlds or civilizations into its membership like some conquering Empire so I assure you the other delegates autonomy, should they not wish to join the Federation, will remain intact.

"You speak of unnecessary public backlash while ignoring the most aggrieved party, that of whose delegate was murdered, not to mention I would think the concern would be that members of the other parties won't suffer the same fate and the killer found and brought to justice ... realizing that in the course of an investigation some feathers might be slightly ruffled - if you excuse my human expression."

His eyes narrowed slightly, meeting the council members in turn, not in a threatening manner but more disappointed, "What of the delegations whose ambassador was murdered? They don't seem to trust in your desire to bring the killer to justice. Any 'backlash' to the culprit would be deserved. So ... about that security footage and more cooperation in the investigation?"
Okay. Going wth the more blunt / stright shooter response and burning a Momentum for an extra die as well.

Presence 10 + Security 4

So ... good thing I spent the Momentum as the (1) it rolled provided 2 Successes for 3 in total. Rather than an Immediate Spend I guess I'll just put it back in the pool to cover the one I spent.

Sorry for the delayed response ... been laid up the past 3 days with the flu X-(
Last edited February 28, 2025 5:53 pm


Presence 10 + Security 4 : Extended Task - (2d20)

(1415) = 29

Create Opportunity (Momentum) - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Feb 27, 2025 9:55 pm
Luna is impressed with the candor of Cole's statement. Surely, they would have to see the need for them to surrender all materials relating to the case.
Luna awaits their reply with withhold breath.
Mar 1, 2025 8:08 pm
Aurin had been prepared to stand up for the Federation, but Cole's adroit response to the council made his feathered brows perk up. He did not have the force that the Commander had mustered and brought to this meeting.

He took his time, eyeing their opposition, carefully formulating a response if Cole's rhetoric flagged and he needed a moment to regroup, but he did not want to impede his momentum by interjecting...
Mar 4, 2025 4:49 am
The alien council deliberate and secretly vote among themselves using wrist mounted tech.

"Very well, we will authorize Orda to share the data with you. We look forward to your report on your investigation. Should there have been a breech in our security, preventing such tragedies in the future will be Orda's primary concern."

One of the others adds, "After we apprehend the suspect, of course."

The first one makes a handsign that might be an acknowledgment. "Of course. To that matter, you will leave the apprehension of any suspect you identify to Chief Orda. How he might involve you further will be his prerogative."
Mar 4, 2025 6:33 am
"It is not and was never our intent to impugn on your jurisdiction, Chief Orda. We simply want to get to the truth of the matter." Aurin folded his hands, relieved that the aliens had heard them out and agreed. Running parallel investigations would be wasteful and potentially disastrous.
Mar 4, 2025 9:44 pm
Luna smiles triumphantly on the team's behalf. This was a small win for their investigation. Cole had handled it excellently. Clearly, these aliens are very protective about their data and sovereignty.

"Let's go see Chief Orda and get the surveillance then." she says
Mar 5, 2025 10:09 am
Anything interesting happening on the conference side?
Mar 5, 2025 8:13 pm
Cole stood, straightening his uniform as he nodded respectfully, meeting each of the council members eyes with a diplomatic smile he thanked them for their willingness to cooperate and coordinate with them on their investigation, mentioning, "Chief Orda has confirmed some of his own suspicions and was eager to coordinate with us once we had the opportunity to meet with this esteemed council and received it's blessing."

Offering his hand to each member in turn he added, "If there is nothing else we will leave you to your business and search out the Chief."
Mar 6, 2025 2:47 am
The Seminar
While the lecturer continues their presentation...
[ +- ] Downstream Concerns
... the Ferengi woman enters and takes an empty seat near the back. She appears to start recording the speech while making virtual notes on her display. She notices you looking at her, but mostly because her eyes flit her gaze about the room in almost a paranoid fashion.
Mar 6, 2025 2:50 am
The Council
They awkwardly take Cole's hand, having only a vague notion of what to do.

One of them, the most liberal of them it seems, escorts you into the hallway. "You're on dangerous grounds I'm sure that you know. Out here beyond the edge of your Federation, many fear a loss of autonomy more than they are jealous of your egalitarian society. There are those who cherish freedom above all other concerns."

He offers no more insight as to why he's made this observation, but leaves you to your own devices.
Mar 6, 2025 3:03 am
Drake leans in and says in a low voice to the doctor, "That Ferengi woman, she's acting like she's expecting something unpleasant."

He nods to where she is sitting. "I'm glad we are in the back also. I am going to pretend that I need to use the bathroom and look around. Maybe make a slow entrance back and see if I can figure out what is making her so nervous. Keep an eye on the audience, will you please?"

Drake slowly stands up and heads toward the exit, trying to remain inconspicuous so he doesn't disturb the lecturer but at the same time noting the details of the room and any unusual movement.
Mar 6, 2025 7:55 pm
Inwardly Cole smiled at the alien's awkwardness towards his firm handshake, even though he knew the human custom not necessarily for everyone, particularly those cultures who despised touching. Despite the smile he felt, he mouth drew even and his lids narrowed as one of the council members followed them into the hall with a warning, or perhaps threat, the strange beings alien features giving nothing away. As diplomatically as he could, Cole offered the councilbeing a nod, leaving the host to interpret the gesture as he would before turning and motioning for the rest of the team to follow, eager to compare notes with the more straight shooting security chief.
Just to see if I might be able to add some Momentum to the pool, I'm going to roll.

Insight 9 + Security 4 - to determine if the council member was offering some advice/fact or veiled(ish) threat.

1 Success
Last edited March 6, 2025 7:56 pm


Insight 9 + Security 4 (13) - to discern the meaning of Council statement - (2d20)

(715) = 22

Mar 6, 2025 8:30 pm
Cole believes that the being was trying to warn you about something, perhaps just a vague notion on the resistance the Federation should expect everywhere on the station. Or perhaps saying that the amount of assistance they will grant after this should be expected to be minimal.
Mar 8, 2025 5:19 pm
Assured the council member's words were not a direct threat, Cole still made a mental note to remain vigilant and on guard. Tapping the badge on his chest, "Drake. Our meeting with the Council went as expected and they are willing to assist however they were somewhat clear that not everyone in attendance is enthusiastic about our presence. Keep your eyes peeled ... Less the Christa be investigating our murders as well

Satisfied he motioned for the team to follow, eager to compare notes with the Chief.

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