Aline / Konomi Watanabe

Oct 18, 2024 2:04 pm
Here's your character thread, @Aline.
Oct 18, 2024 8:36 pm
Right I am still torn between a ghost and a vampire. I think the ghost might be tricky to do as it would require some rather extreme abilities and weaknesses, so I am leaning towards the vampire right now. I am not entirely sure how to judge how much of a +/- you should assign for each ability/weakness though.
Oct 18, 2024 11:57 pm
Hmm, I see... I'd say that for the weaknesses it is easy to access the right value: you just need to think of how much that weakness hinders and defines your character. If it is something very minor, which's more like flavor than an actual hinderance, or something which seldom affects your character, and when it does, it is in a way she can easily overcome, it's then a -1. If it is something more serious, that actually influences your characters actions and outcomes in a meaningful way, but won't for example, defeat her in the climax of a situation, or bring her downfall, then it's a -2; For the most grave of weaknesses, which define her character, which is her main obstacle to attain her goals, which she must have in mind all the time, you put a -3.

As for Abilities, always consider that a 0 (no ability) represents an average skill or competence, with a +1 she is above average, +2 is when she's distinguished in that area (normal people rarely go over that, unless they heavily specialize), a +3 represents a masterful competence, where most people without great talent will have their limit in, a +4 is a competence way beyond what most professionals/specialists are capable of, normally being world-renowned, and finally, a +5 would signify a competence that is among the world's best (or is the world's best).

Basically, to keep up with the other PCs so far, your character should have a +3 or +4 in her main abilities (the ones that most define her), the value depending if she has lots of them or fewer, if she's versatile or more of focused in some areas, if she is really focused (or heavily hindered by weaknesses), she could have 1 or 2 of her main abilities at +5.

All that being said, the rulebook give a more specific guide for that, for most of each individual weaknesses, at least (and some abilities).
Oct 19, 2024 4:46 pm
Right I think I got the hang of it. Somewhat. :S

How do the Magic Arcane/Witchcraft abilities work? Do you pick out an ability/weakness when picking this ability and can then only confer that on to others or can you just confer any ability/weakness on to others as long as you have the magic ability?
Oct 19, 2024 5:17 pm
Your second guess, it let's you confer any ability to you/others, on a cost of Endurance (there's a nice little table of the costs in the Ability's section in the rulebook). Arcane works for Abilities, Witchcraft for Weaknesses.
Oct 19, 2024 5:23 pm
Would it be possible to get an endurance discount if I limit it to just one ability/weakness, as in a flaw? I kind of want to have the ability to confer luck and bad luck respectively as like a blessing/curse, not really make a proper mage kind of character. Maybe this could also be a unique ability?
Oct 19, 2024 6:12 pm
Alright, you can pick the magic Abilities with a -2 Focus weakness (can only use it for lucky/unlucky effect).
Oct 19, 2024 7:35 pm
Right so my basic concept would be a Zashiki-warashi who brings fortune to those who she favors and misfortune to those she dislikes. Playing pranks along the way. Generally more of a support kind of character who does not fight but instead influences the outcome with her fortune bestowing abilities.

So far I have:

Magic, Arcane (Good Fortune) (+5)
Magic, Witchcraft (Bad Fortune) (+5)
Cute! (Absolutely!) (+3)
Art of Invisibility (Master at hide and seek) (+2)
Evasive (+2)
Illusionist (Minor trickery, mostly used for her pranks) (+1)
Passion (Playing pranks) (+2)
Vigorous (+1)

5 Points to distribute (-5)
Focus (Can only use magic for lucky effect) (-2)
Focus (Can only use magic for unlucky effect) (-2)
Pacifist (Worst thing she will ever do is play some pranks or bring some bad fortune if all else fails) (-2)
Ageism (Looks younger than she actually is, much to her annoyance) (-1)
Frail (-2)
Weak (-1)
Harmless (Unique Weakness: opposite of intimidating) (-1)
Sensitivity (Being mistaken for or treated like a kid) (-2)
Cowardly (Not much of a combatant so might as well run) (-1)
Bizarre Appearance (When not in her school uniform her fashion choices are rather "unique", makes her stand out a fair bit) (-1)
Soft Spot (Very easily bribed by snacks) (-1)
Last edited October 20, 2024 4:45 pm
Oct 20, 2024 12:25 am
Woa! That's quite an interesting character! Not having any combat abilities and such. By the way, the -2 focus weaknesses can apply twice (once for each ability). Besides, cool character! (Suggestion only) she would fit very well in class 1-A!
Oct 20, 2024 5:05 pm
Alright, I upped the cuteness and added Vigorous. I assume Vigorous is for Endurance. I also have no idea how much Endurance/Health I actually have.
As for the magic abilities, what is the actual endurance cost to use those?
Oct 20, 2024 6:43 pm
Everyone starts with 40 Health and Endurance, vigorous increases it by 10 per level.

Magic costs depend on the level of the ability you wish to create and level of the magic ability.
This table is from page 58, the horizontal axis is for the level of the ability you wish to mimic, and the vertical one is your level in the magic ability.
Oct 20, 2024 7:01 pm
Ok thanks. Character is almost ready, just need to work through some of the fluff parts.
Oct 20, 2024 7:20 pm
Right, by how much does Frail reduce my HP? Also Whats my defense? Evasive gives me a bonus there. Finally, what is TV?
Last edited October 20, 2024 7:20 pm
Oct 21, 2024 4:12 am
For each Level in Frail, subtract 10 from your Health.

Defense is the amount of bonuses for the defense roll, simply that. Which, in your case, would be just the Evasive bonus.

TV is threat value.

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