Scene 4: The Tower

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Dec 25, 2024 5:23 am
The spider’s hairs stand on end and it quickly gulps down what is left of the bird it is consuming. It is surprised the druid can see him, but he soon espies the lantern Hindle holds and realizes it is the same one the funny fellow would use when walking around the tower. He lets out a little annoyed sigh and wipes its fangs for a moment with its forelegs. It then steps out of the alcove, the potion bottle still half-hidden in the shadows, to talk with the inquisitive human.

"How now, humans always find their business to be more important than others. What advice could humble travellers need from a wolf spider who minds his own business? Nothing interesting about me, as you can clearly see."

Despite its words, Leana and Hindle notice its eight eyes wander to the double doors before refocusing on the two of them.
Dec 28, 2024 6:22 pm
Making good use of the time that the spider pays attention to his two friends, Brickowsky utilises his invisible magic hand to gather the flask. A potion in need is a fine potion indeed, or some such.

Looking at Leana, the dwarf expects a translation of the spiders' words. Does it know anything? Where are the cultists? Is The Hard Way still around? Where is the dragon egg the group stole? What colour is the egg? So many things to learn.
Through my telekinetic feat, the mage hand is invisible. Do I need to roll anything to get the potion without being detected? :)
Dec 28, 2024 6:53 pm
"Oh great spider, we have come to prevent further annoyance, I can assure you. A group of bad men, real scorpions, you see, have stolen an egg. One of the sort that if it hatches, it might burn everything to the ground - including your cosy palace. So if you have seen anything strange going on, any other creatures mucking about, we'd appreciate the heads up. Should you in your wisdom know any advice for us going through these here doors, you so wisely indicated with your many sharp eyes earlier, we would be much obliged and - should you wish it - will spread the tale of the great brother spider who reigns on this floor."
Dec 30, 2024 1:55 am
Love Leana's dialogue with the spider!
The wolf spider moves forward a little more, appeased by the druid's obeisance, the spider answers without additional enticement.

"Man delights not me, but I will satisfy your curiosity. I know little about eggs other than spider eggs, but I did see a large group of adventurers like yourselves venture through those very double doors and ne'er come back out. A bearded smiling man likes to walk in and out, but we mostly ignore each other and live our lives. I like to stay invisible and he likes to use that lantern there to visit me once in a while and ask if I see anything like you do. If you believe he plans to upset this balance, please take care of him and his friends and leave us be in this tower."

As Leana converses and summarizes the conversation to the group, Brickowsky uses the conversation to reach out with his invisible mage hand and attempts to grab the potion behind the spider. Brickowsky, please roll Dexterity vs the spider's perception.


Perception (Wisdom) - (1d20+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Dec 30, 2024 10:07 am
Rolling 🤞



(10) + 2 = 12

Dec 31, 2024 4:35 am
Ha ha, that spider is really seeing nothing! Must be hungover from his bird snack.
The wolf spider's move forward is more than enough for Brickowsky's mage hand to nip the potion and bring it back to the dwarf with the spider none the wiser. As the potion bottle settles in his hand, he disturbingly sees an eyeball floating in the yellow liquid. Its brown iris swirls about and settles itself to look directly at the wizard. Leana and Hindle silently watch the potion bottle be whisked away, but stay focused on the wolf spider to prevent suspicion.
Dec 31, 2024 9:41 am
That spider is so enchanted by Leana, that it is nearly blind for everything else. *G*
Pressuming, that this is some kind of divination magic, the dwarf inconspicuously dusts of his shoulders and straightens his mantle. In common he suggests: "Well ... let us find this Rumwell punk." before he bows to the wolf spider and mumbles something along the lines of: "May your butt always so nicely hairy as today."

If no one expresses any objections, the wizard starts waddling towards the stairs. Somewhere this tower had to end. And Brickoswky maybe has an inkling who and what can be found up there.
Jan 3, 2025 9:53 am
Hindle points desultorily at the key, then the doors, "But?" Noting Birckowsky's sure stride, he looks wistfully at the glowing orb, and siddles around the spiders alcove towards the stairs, "We can always come back later, I guess." All the while, he assiduously keeps the lantern's light on the creature. "May your fangs ever find birds, oh Big Spider."
Jan 3, 2025 10:35 pm
Leana nods, then half bows to the spider before going after the boys. Time to find out what was hiding behind that door.
Jan 6, 2025 12:46 am
Brickowsky waddles around the wolf spider up the stairs and see they end at the top of the room and tower. All he sees is the underside of the main tower roof with its many beams and supports. Lots of webs and dust coat the beams. He looks down between them at Leana, Hindle, and the wolf spider below. He then looks at Alax, Pouncy, Merton, and Firina standing to the side, watching the scene.

Hindle looks about at the key, the glowing orb, and all that is interesting to him in the room, but he finally focuses on keeping the lantern on the wolf spider to keep it visible and bids his adieus as he follows behind Brickowsky. The wolf spider gives what could be considered a small bow and it scuttles back into its hidey-hole. It does not even seem to be bothered that the potion bottle is gone and just focuses on grooming its fangs.

Leana also bids adieu and follows after the boys in moving away from the wolf spider, half bowing back in return. She moves to the locked double doors. They are a large set of wooden double doors flocked by candle sconces, dominating the wall opposite the window. The large metal lock glints in the sunlight from the setting sun through the window.
Jan 6, 2025 1:45 pm
Leana once more flexes her fingers and takes out her water bottle. She pours a small amount of water over and into the lock, then once again freezes it to burst it open.
shape water
Jan 7, 2025 5:49 am
"Ummmm. This place is making me feel claustraphobic." Hindle then turns back and heads down the stairs. Just before heading down, he hesitates before placing his foot down upon them. He tells Bricko, "Don't touch anything." and hurries back down. Reaching out abscently with his hand, Hindle uses his telekinesis to grab the key and pulls it towards him and heads towards Leana and the doors. "Think we'll need this."
Jan 7, 2025 7:44 pm
With practiced ease, Leana flexes her fingers and takes out the water bottle to freeze a lock blocking her way once more. Hindle, seeing nothing more of interest, heads back down the stairs and carefully makes his way to the double doors, beckoning the others forward carefully. As the lock bursts and its pieces fall to the ground, Hindle uses his telekinesis to grab the strangely placed key and prepares for what comes next.
Scene 5 coming up! Feel free to state anything else you want your characters or the NPC characters to do before we move on. Apologies for the delay, but Scene 5 will probably be up tomorrow, Wednesday 01/08.

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