Now, however, she appears to spy Trakomak's orc-like body sporting a variety of weapons. "You!" she says, directing a muddy finger towards the warrior's nose. "If you know how to use those, join us. There are goblins to hunt and people to save."
Something in her own words triggers a change as Tatiana adopts a poise more suited to business than slaughter. She straightens her back, smooths out the wet folds stubbornly clinging to her skirt, tugs on the bottom of her stained vest, and smooths more mud into her hair before clasping her cold hands together at her waist.
"My name is Tatiana Grifstone," she says with all the regality a wet fish could muster. "With my brother Ammos," here a royal curtsy towards the dragonborn, "we are performing a service for Master Gundren Rockseeker, who has unfortunately become waylaid by nasty goblins within this cave. Our company recently had a departure over a disagreement of priorities; you could fill that position and will receive the same benefits and compensation. Do you find this agreeable?"