3 The Goblin Cave

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Nov 14, 2024 4:45 pm
Furious at the condition of her finery, steam literally rising into the sky from her soggy clothes and muddy hair, Tatiana seems ignorant of Trakomak's presence as her boots squish upon the embankment onto the grass. "They will call this a goblin dale when I'm finished!" she declares, imagining the collapse of heavy earth upon poor goblin heads. She seems intent on following Decklan back into the cave to enact her revenge.

Now, however, she appears to spy Trakomak's orc-like body sporting a variety of weapons. "You!" she says, directing a muddy finger towards the warrior's nose. "If you know how to use those, join us. There are goblins to hunt and people to save."

Something in her own words triggers a change as Tatiana adopts a poise more suited to business than slaughter. She straightens her back, smooths out the wet folds stubbornly clinging to her skirt, tugs on the bottom of her stained vest, and smooths more mud into her hair before clasping her cold hands together at her waist.

"My name is Tatiana Grifstone," she says with all the regality a wet fish could muster. "With my brother Ammos," here a royal curtsy towards the dragonborn, "we are performing a service for Master Gundren Rockseeker, who has unfortunately become waylaid by nasty goblins within this cave. Our company recently had a departure over a disagreement of priorities; you could fill that position and will receive the same benefits and compensation. Do you find this agreeable?"
Nov 14, 2024 6:32 pm
Huh Trakomak takes a look at Tatiana then at Alexander and looks like he made some conclusion before he speaks:
Your compensation is your. I need not... he looks for the right words cut of your pie.
He smiles and draws his greataxe Trakomak love good fight. You kick nasty goblins? I cut them in half.

Half orc seems eager to fight goblins out of bloodlust alone. He demonstrate some ability to think though, switching greataxe for two handaxes. that will be more handy in the cave narrow for a goblin
Nov 14, 2024 6:49 pm
Tatiana appears satisfied with the answer, placing her hands on her hips with approval. She turns to take stock of the current situation and notices Raven exhausted on the ground and both Alex and Ammos in a similar condition. "Let's take a moment to collect ourselves. Where's Decklan?"
If we're taking a short rest, Tatty will ask someone to fetch the scarred warlock.
Nov 14, 2024 9:38 pm
Raven, still laid in the mud at the edge of the stream, slowly opened his eyes as he heard Tatiana speaking. With a sigh, the farmer slowly climbed to his feet. "He was here..." the boy looked around "must have headed back into the cave. We definitely need a moment to catch our breath."
Nov 14, 2024 9:51 pm
"Someone please fetch our scarred friend," says Tatiana. She looks to the hidden nook where the goblin guards were flushed from as a place to rest.
Nov 15, 2024 6:59 pm
Alex is beside himself with frustration and fury, but realizes he is too exhausted to go on. Lady Wizard, I would fain track after yonder scarred man, but between the goblin ambuscade and the watery adventure, I fear that I would simply collapse before finding him. I believe many of us are in a similar state, other than this…gentlebeing…to my right. Here, Alex looks with a rather jaundiced eye at the half-orc. Mighty convenient is he, wandering on us serendipitously as we were disgorged like jetsam from the mouth of yonder cave. Nevertheless, we must gather* our breath and our selves before we tromp back in and despoil those small, green freaks. Muttering a bit more softly, Alex continues I have made a commitment to creating a set of marbles…
[ +- ] *
Nov 15, 2024 10:12 pm
Raven looked at Alex as he delivered a lot of words. Normally Raven missed about half of what Alex said, but with the recent beating he felt as though he was missing even more than normal. The young man tilted his head to try to get the water out of his ear, but since everything on him was equally wet, he had little success.

Raven looked tiredly at the open cave, "Maybe Decklan will come back..." the farmer sloshed his way away from the stream, heading in the general direction of the cave, but more looking for a dry spot in the shade to sit.

"We should keep our guard up... those goblins might send someone to check on the success of their trap."
Nov 15, 2024 10:57 pm
"In here," directs Tatiana, pointing to the hunting blind used by the former goblin guards. "We can rest and keep an eye out for trouble."
Nov 16, 2024 12:54 am
Arrcher101 sent a note to MaJunior
Nov 16, 2024 1:43 am
Raven glanced up to where Tatiana indicated, nodding his agreement, "Good idea. I'll move the goblins out of the way."

The farmer trudged up to where they had fought the two goblin guards and pulled the bodies deeper into the wooded area to clear the space for the party to rest.
Nov 16, 2024 11:17 am
Your scarred friend. Decklan - right? You think he freak out when I follow ? Guess will figure out
Trakomak slowly move into the cave trying to figure out which way Decklan have gone.
Nov 16, 2024 2:50 pm
MaJunior sent a note to Arrcher101
Nov 17, 2024 12:36 am
Arrcher101 sent a note to MaJunior
Nov 17, 2024 12:37 am
Arrcher101 sent a note to CancerMan,GreyWord,DrifterDwarf,Avraham,SHMKehoe
Nov 17, 2024 7:43 am
Exhausted, Alex all but crawls after Raven and collapses on the floor of the blind, breathing heavily, and gingerly testing his ribs for fractures. The scarred one must look after himself, for now Alex whispers as he closes his eyes.
Unless otherwise directed, Alex is going to take a short rest. @Arrcher101, please let me know when the rest is over.
Last edited November 17, 2024 7:43 am
Nov 17, 2024 8:17 am
GreyWord sent a note to Arrcher101
Nov 17, 2024 3:21 pm
Arrcher101 sent a note to GreyWord
Nov 17, 2024 5:13 pm
MaJunior sent a note to Arrcher101
Nov 18, 2024 2:10 am
Arrcher101 sent a note to MaJunior
Nov 18, 2024 6:14 am


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(12) + 2 = 14

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