There do not seem to be any living things left in this part of the cave system.
3 The Goblin Cave
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Jan 25, 2025 5:33 pm
Entering the cave from which Klarg and the wolf exited you see, sacks and crates of looted provisions are piled up in the south end of this large cave. To the west, the floor slopes toward a narrow opening that descends into darkness. Where you came in is a larger opening, leads north down a set of natural stone steps. The roar of falling water echoing from the waterfall by the pools beyond. In the middle of the cavern, the coals of a large fire smolder.
There do not seem to be any living things left in this part of the cave system.
There do not seem to be any living things left in this part of the cave system.
Jan 25, 2025 5:35 pm
"I have a healing kit, if we stopped for a moment, I could heal Tatiana and Alex up some."
[ +- ] Healer (feat)
You are an able physician, allowing you to mend wounds quickly and get your allies back in the fight. You gain the following benefits:
When you use a healer's kit to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also regains 1 hit point.
As an action, you can spend one use of a healer's kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it, plus additional hit points equal to the creature's maximum number of Hit Dice. The creature can't regain hit points from this feat again until it finishes a short or long rest.
Feat ability
When you use a healer's kit to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also regains 1 hit point.
As an action, you can spend one use of a healer's kit to tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it, plus additional hit points equal to the creature's maximum number of Hit Dice. The creature can't regain hit points from this feat again until it finishes a short or long rest.
Feat ability
Jan 25, 2025 6:26 pm
Raven nodded to Ammos, "I think that would be best. I have some additional supplies, although I lack your training."
He moved over to the various things. "I do not see our friends... I'll look through these things while you bandage. Then we can move on."
He focused his thoughts with a word as he looked around.
Cast: Guidance - Looking around the room and through the stuff.
He moved over to the various things. "I do not see our friends... I'll look through these things while you bandage. Then we can move on."
He focused his thoughts with a word as he looked around.
Cast: Guidance - Looking around the room and through the stuff.
Perception (Guidance) - (1d20+5+1d4)
(4) + (4) + 5 = 13
Jan 25, 2025 6:27 pm
Tatiana sighs. "Of course they're not here," she mutters, as though confirming that fate has some sort of grievance against them. "Over the bridge, once we've staunched the bleeding."
I won't say no to some healing!Jan 25, 2025 10:27 pm
Ammos has 7 charges left in his healing kit, and is happy to bandage anyone who wants to be. Raise your hands if you need/want healing. I'm just gonna do one roll and mark off as many uses of the healing kit as people who want to use them. Rolls
Healing from Ammos - (1d6+5)
(3) + 5 = 8
Jan 26, 2025 4:08 am
Tatiana will request healing.EDIT: I assume the 8 you rolled is the number of HP restored? If so, that brings Tatiana to full.
Last edited January 26, 2025 5:13 pm
Jan 26, 2025 6:47 am
Trakomak don't hide his disappointment. He goes to the pool to wash the blood : his own blood from an arrow and much more of the decapitated creature.
As adrenaline rush is over he leans against a wall silently observing the rest of the party.
Where did they get all of the crates? Your friends were delivering?
HalfOrc is around of his battle scars and will avoid getting bandaged.
As adrenaline rush is over he leans against a wall silently observing the rest of the party.
Where did they get all of the crates? Your friends were delivering?
HalfOrc is around of his battle scars and will avoid getting bandaged.
ready to move on over the bridge wherevera PC guves an order. Jan 26, 2025 4:02 pm
Raven takes a quick look around, but the fresh blood from the wolf bite reminds him to take his own suggestion. Once some of the more savaged members get bandaged, Raven will take his own turn to get healed.
"I've got some healing supplies also. Since you are easily better practiced at this, we can share mine."
Raven pulls out his healing kit and allows Ammos to use his supplies to help the others.
Transfer 5 of Raven's 10 healing kit uses to Ammos.
"I've got some healing supplies also. Since you are easily better practiced at this, we can share mine."
Raven pulls out his healing kit and allows Ammos to use his supplies to help the others.
Transfer 5 of Raven's 10 healing kit uses to Ammos.
Jan 26, 2025 5:21 pm
Wincing as the salves and bandages are applied, Tatiana answers Trakomak. "We learned of our friends' capture because of a goblin ambush. This must be the spoils from other waylaid travelers."
She thanks her brother for his help, and as he moves on to assist the others, Tatiana goes to the looted supplies for an inspection. "We might find something useful," she explains, poking through the sacks and crates. "And if not, we can see about bringing these back once we've put the rest of this vermin into the ground."
She thanks her brother for his help, and as he moves on to assist the others, Tatiana goes to the looted supplies for an inspection. "We might find something useful," she explains, poking through the sacks and crates. "And if not, we can see about bringing these back once we've put the rest of this vermin into the ground."
Jan 26, 2025 5:55 pm
Raven, you search the piles of sacks and crates as you wait for your turn to heal. Most are marked with the image of a blue lion.
Hidden among the supplies is an unlocked treasure chest belonging to Klarg.
Hidden among the supplies is an unlocked treasure chest belonging to Klarg.
Jan 26, 2025 9:54 pm
Raven looks at the chest for a moment, "Anyone know what a blue lion means? what merchant that is?
Some kind of locked chest over here too. We can try to open it now or wait until later."
Some kind of locked chest over here too. We can try to open it now or wait until later."
How big is the chest? could it be carried?Jan 27, 2025 3:00 am
Tatiana considers the icon of a blue lion. Perhaps it was a merchant house, or maybe a government agency.
History - (1d20+5)
(5) + 5 = 10
Jan 27, 2025 7:32 am
Tatiana you do not recognize the brand on the crates. You do know that in order to move/take them you will need the wagon.
Raven the chest is unlocked. The chest is three feet long by two feet wide and tall.
Raven the chest is unlocked. The chest is three feet long by two feet wide and tall.
Jan 27, 2025 7:41 am
Where is Alex physically at this point? Is he still behind the rock, has he been moved into the "treasure" room or back outside the cavern complex?Jan 27, 2025 1:21 pm
Decklan shifts impatiently. On one hand, he knows these people need a chance to get patched up if they're going to be of any use. On the other hand... no one is rescuing themselves.
"Don't care what a blue lion means. If it has useful gear, grab it. If not, we have some saving to do. We can come back to this crap later and sort it out then."
"Don't care what a blue lion means. If it has useful gear, grab it. If not, we have some saving to do. We can come back to this crap later and sort it out then."
Jan 27, 2025 4:22 pm
"Decklan is right," says Tatiana, stepping away from the crates. "Brother, don't forget about Alex. Once he and everyone has been seen to, we will move across the bridge and find Gundren and Sildar."
We moved to the treasure room because I thought our benefactor was there. I'd assume Alex joined us for some healing.Last edited January 27, 2025 4:24 pm
Jan 27, 2025 4:50 pm
""Of course, dear sister."
Alex can be where ever he wants
so it looks like Ammos is attending to Alex, Tatiana, and Ravens wounds, but Decklan and Trakomak are not taking healingAlex can be where ever he wants
Jan 27, 2025 10:05 pm
Alex looks up in a haze of blood lust and blood loss. Thank you, snouty, he says in his brain-addled fog, as the wise dragonborn tends to his wounds. But see to your sister first, the blond princess has lost more blood than I. Catching wind of some discussion about boxes and locks, Alex weakly pipes up, I have some facility with arranging for items to become more accessible, if needed. My fingers can use the practice. After I take a nice long nap, that is, he says, coughing up another trickle of blood.
Are we taking a short or long rest? Otherwise, how many HP can we recover due to the care?Avraham sent a note to Arrcher101
Jan 27, 2025 10:17 pm
I believe DM told anyone could choose to be healed by Ammos for 8HP. That brings your PC to full HP and we don't plan any rest at all. We are going to push forward over the bridge, are we not?Jan 27, 2025 10:30 pm
Raven glanced at the chest, which was tempting, but he agreed with Decklan's statement. "Once we are patched up, we can get moving. Let's not forget this chest is here once our friends are safe."
I agree. Lets keep moving for once the bandages are on :)
I agree. Lets keep moving for once the bandages are on :)
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