3 The Goblin Cave

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Feb 5, 2025 4:15 am
Nope, you posted while I was typing. Editing mine.
Feb 5, 2025 6:23 am
Tatiana tugs on Raven's elbow to call his attention. Her eyes flit once back down the passageway they arrived from, towards the cave with the supplies. She mouths, The chest, to convey the desire to confiscate the unlocked container he found, and tips her head as a subtle directive for the farmhand to do just that.
Feb 5, 2025 7:07 am
Trakomak keep standing in the passageway sneering at the goblin. Looks like he did hear Tatiana talking to him.

When everyone done their communication and is moment of silence he asks goblin Black Spider ? What black spider? What business?
I'd like to make my own decision oh weather my PC is going anywhere. I would like to remind that 1. Trakomak sees this Sildar for first time in his life. Neither do Sildar knows Trakomak is to be trusted 2. Trakomak is barbarian and is barelly holding off from doing something stupid (i.e. attack)
Last edited February 5, 2025 7:09 am
Feb 5, 2025 1:17 pm
Raven grips his staff tightly as the discussion continues. He glances at Tatiana as she pulls his arm. His eyes narrow at the suggestion, but he returns his attention to the people who are still very much in danger.



Feb 6, 2025 4:19 pm
The goblin who had begun to climb the stairs continues on his way and slips into the unseen area behind Yemmik for a moment before arriving back into view dragging a whimpering dwarf behind him. He drags him toward the approaching Alex.

Everyone but Alex and Ammos can see that Gundren’s eyes are white, no iris or pupils visible. He seems to be as beat up as Sildar is.



Feb 6, 2025 4:22 pm
"The Black Spider is a bossy ass. We not working him no more. Cragmaw used to be strong. Now King just wait like pup for Spider to tell him when to piss." Yemmik hisses at Trackomak’s question, shaking Sildar a bit in his obvious fury.
Feb 6, 2025 4:38 pm
Seeing that Trakomak isn't headed forward, Decklan will make his way forward to help retrieve the captives.
Feb 6, 2025 5:52 pm
I've got him! Trakomak say to the goblin dragging dwarf and rushes toward him, putting the weapons away. If not stopped/interrupted he would take dwarf and carry him like a baby.
With my carry capacity of 270 and wearing no armor I assume it is not a big deal
Feb 6, 2025 6:04 pm
Tatiana remains where she is, ready to launch destructive magic against any goblin that attacks her companions. The farmhand has the right of it; recover Gundren and SIldar first, then retrieve Klarg's treasure chest.

However, she also understands that the layout of this cave is perfect for the goblins to ambush them as they retreat. Someone may have to remain at the bridge as a bulwark while the party navigates the tunnel, lest goblin arrows are loosed from there. Someone... or something.
Feb 7, 2025 5:53 pm
The goblin holding Gundren allows Trakomak to take possession of him.

Trakomak the dwarf looks up at you with unseeing eyes and fear on his face as you lift him easily.

Yemmik keeps a close eye on both Alex and Decklan as they aproch him and Sildar. "You may take them and go, but if you make any move to harm us, my boys will shoot these first and they are sure to die."
not sure who is getting Sildar
Feb 7, 2025 6:14 pm
When Trakomak charges forward to get Gundren, Decklan stops advancing. He was only going because for a moment, it looked like Trakomak might not go get one of the hostages. Decklan nods at Yemmick. "As I said... no funny stuff on our end."

The implication is clear.

He'll keep his distance, and watch intently.
Last edited February 7, 2025 6:14 pm
Feb 7, 2025 7:08 pm
Can I see what Tatiana was referring to on the shelf from where I now stand?
Feb 7, 2025 7:26 pm
I assume Alex will take custody of Sildar, since he is there?
Tatiana takes one step back down the tunnel. She nods to her brother and says to her companions, "Our retainer will be the rearguard at the bridge until we have safely passed through, after which they will rejoin us. We will not be the aggressors, but we will defend ourselves if we are attacked.

"Ammos, let us move ahead to secure the path, and inform our guard of what he needs to do."
Tatiana plans to cast Silent Image and place the illusion of another half-orc on the bridge wearing half-plate armor and carrying a glaive, who will stand like the mythical Benkei in blocking the way. If necessary, Ammos can provide a voice using Minor Illusion. She reasons that since Trakomak is unfamiliar to the former-prisoner goblin Trck, having a second half-orc warrior shouldn't seem out of the ordinary.

Also, Tatiana intends to recover Klarg's treasure chest.
Feb 7, 2025 8:46 pm
Raven will wait for whoever is bringing Sildar and then either assist them if needed or follow behind as rear guard as the others help carry them away.
Feb 8, 2025 4:35 pm
Alex as you crest the top of the steps, you can see that the ledge Yemmik stands on must be where he sleeps and keep the prisoners. In the back corner thete are metal rings in the wall where the prisoners were probably tied.

When you approach, you are allowed to take possession of Sildar. Yemmik draws his bow slowly but does not knock an arrow. He just nervously fidgets and waits for you all to leave.
Tatiana saw that Sildar was looking back at where Gundren was.
Feb 8, 2025 4:36 pm
Upon and Tatiana's whispered request Ammos follows her prepared to assist in her illusion plan.
Feb 8, 2025 7:10 pm
"Ammos," whispers Tatiana as they walk together, "I know you need to be closer to manipulate your voice. Move ahead to the lower level, under the bridge, and put yourself as far as needed towards the exit. You will be in a better position if we need to convince the goblins of our guard while we bring our friends through the tunnel."

Once out of sight of the goblins, Tatiana uses her wand to conjure her Silent Image. She visualizes the wolfen shifter Surge with his longsword and dagger, and places the illusion at the bridge in a pose ready to spring into action. "You remember his voice, yes?" she says to Ammos.

The noblewoman will continue on to recover Klarg's treasure chest.
I just remembered that Trck did see Surge, so I've altered the plan a bit to make it more believable. I figure Trck wouldn't question the appearance of Surge since they fought each other at the ambush.
Feb 9, 2025 8:33 am
just to confirm my PC intention
Trakomak carry dwarf to the exit - toward the bridge, over the bridge and then around and out of cave. Then put gentry on the ground and give a bit of water to drink.
Feb 9, 2025 5:12 pm
Alex turns to Yemmik and asks, as convincingly as he can, you don't have any more prisoners back there you need to free now, do you? My large friend here, and here Alex nods at Trakomak, who has just picked up Sildar, would really not like to have to come back here. Nor would you.
Alex remains concerned about that ledge that Tatiana pointed out and at which Yemmik keeps glancing. DM, if you want a persuasion or intimidation check, please let me know. From a "red mage" perspective I am aiming for persuasion, as I am better at it, but intimidation may be more appropriate here :).
Feb 9, 2025 7:51 pm
Tatiana a image of Surge appears where you cast your spell. He looks ready to defend the bridge against on comers. You return to the chest and, as it is unlocked, it is easy to lift the lid. Within you find 600 copper pieces, 110 silver pieces, two glass vials with red liquid inside, and a small statue of a frog with tiny golden orbs for eyes. The statue is small enough to fit in a pocket.

Alex from where you stand you can see the hole of the ledge and there is no one else up there, and there are also no more openings in the walls. Yemmik shakes his head, "None left but this one." He nods his head at Sildar.

Trakomak Gundren is still and easy to carry out of the cave. No one stops you. When you exit back out into the clearing next to the river and offer water, Gundren seems hesitant to drink it.

Ammos follows close behind Trakomak as he goes to the exit but doesn’t follow all the way out. Instead Ammos stops where he can still see the silent image of Surge, that he might give it voice if required.
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