3 The Goblin Cave

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Feb 9, 2025 8:14 pm
Tatiana quickly mulls over the encumbrance of the treasure chest and decides on a short list of priority.
Quick logistics question, is Klarg's chest easy enough for Tatiana to carry? If yes, she would take the whole thing. If not, she will take the statue and glass vials first, followed by as much silver as she can and saving the copper for last.
Feb 9, 2025 9:03 pm
Decklan oversees as his group leaves with the rescued hostages.
Feb 13, 2025 5:17 am
Trakomak got Gundren outside, who is helping Sildar?
Feb 13, 2025 3:37 pm
I don't wish to speak for others, but in the interest of moving on and if Alex is intending to take a different action, could we say that Raven or Decklan would step forward to help Sildar?
Feb 13, 2025 11:59 pm

Raven can certainly help with Sildar. He was bringing up the rear with Decklan, so that works fine.
Feb 14, 2025 9:56 pm
Very well; let’s go, Sildar, Alex says as he helps Sildar out of the cave. With everyone leaving he is not going to challenge the goblins on his own. Lady Wizard, he calls out, don’t forget our findings!
Feb 14, 2025 10:12 pm
When Alexander yells out about their "findings," Decklan immediately shoots him a withering look. If it could kill...

Regardless, Decklan makes sure everyone else has left the cavern with the rescued hostages before looking to Yeemik. "Pleasure doin' business." With that, he heads out himself.
Feb 14, 2025 10:15 pm
Raven follows Alex or Tatiana out of the gave (which ever is slower) and will help with Sildar if needed.
Feb 15, 2025 7:52 pm
Ammos helps Tatiana with the treasure. Together they are able to get all of what was in Klargs chest out of the cave.
Feb 15, 2025 7:52 pm
As you all pass back through the cave you're on edge, but you all make it back out into the now starlit night. Sildar goes straight to Gundren upon exiting the cave. The dwarf turning to him with unseeing eyes.

Sildar Hallwinter
"You're alright my friend. We've been saved, and we'll find a way to fix it."
Everyone reaches level 2 as you exit the cave. Well done all!
Feb 15, 2025 10:02 pm
"Ammos, please see to Gundren," says Tatiana, wanting her brother to help Sildar with the dwarf and provide any medical assistance. Gundren's condition is of obvious concern.

To Raven, she asks, "Can you get us to the wagon? I don't wish to remain so close to these goblin churls with so many wounded. We ought to leave as quickly as we can for Phandalin."

Turning to the rest of the group, Tatiana says, "Thank you all for your help. I wish we could rest, but I'm certain you would all agree that we must get as far from here as possible. Perhaps one day we can return and reclaim those stolen supplies. In the meantime, let us be mindful of traps as we travel towards safety."
Do we apply all benefits of a new level now, or do we need to rest first?
Feb 15, 2025 11:20 pm
Raven thought for a moment, "The trail here was fairly straight forward to follow, but in the dark, I'm not sure. With Decklan's help, I think we can manage. I agree, we should not linger near this cave."
Feb 16, 2025 12:28 am
everything from the level up may be applied, except your current hp will remain the same until you long rest or heal in some other way
Feb 16, 2025 8:22 am
You leave them stolen. They keep robbing merchants. Torture people. Trakomak points at dwarf.
I go take supplies. Not help hem prosper.

Trakomak is going to retrieve supplies. If goblins bother him, he will kill them (at least try to).
Feb 16, 2025 7:03 pm
"Whatever prosperity they enjoy will be temporary," says Tatiana. She cannot pursue the half-orc physically, so her voice attempts to follow. "You are a formidable warrior, Trakomak, and night has fallen; lend us your skills to protect our friends as we escort them to safety. We will return to deal with these goblins."

She waits briefly by the cave entrance. If Trakomak chooses to continue for the supplies, Tatiana regrettably turns to follow the rest of her companions to the wagon.
Feb 16, 2025 9:51 pm
Halforc stops, turns around and with a dull OK returns ready to carry dwarf to the wagon.
Feb 17, 2025 6:40 pm
Ammos crouches down next to Gundren, casting dancing lights about them, so he might examine his friend. Gundren is beaten but no wounds are fatal. "What happened to your eyes?" Ammos asks him softly.

Gundren Rockseeker
"The Bugbear, he made me drink something. It… it took my sight."

Sildar Hallwinter
"We will find a cure, whatever it is there must be a cure." Sildar squeezes Gundren’s shoulder and turns back to the rest of the group. "I heard them talking, they said they took our things to somewhere called Cragmaw castle. We need to find Gundren’s map when we can, but first I think he needs a healer. Surely a cleric can heal his sight."
Feb 17, 2025 7:12 pm
Tatiana nods. "The wagon is nearby. We will head for Phandalin immediately. Is there a cleric at Phandalin?"
Feb 18, 2025 3:03 am
"Damn well better be," Decklan says, arms crossed as he looks over the group. They were certainly the worse for wear, but they were all still pushing air past their teeth -- that was always a good sign.

"Me an' th' kid can lead the way back to the wagon. We move slowly but decisively. I agree with Princess... we put distance between us and these caves. I don't think they want to fight us, seeing as how we'd killed the guy they were afraid of... but if they think we're easy marks they might roll the dice. Let's not risk findin' out."
Feb 18, 2025 4:00 am
So where are we now. Are we back at our wagon? Have we taken and looked at Klarg's chest yet? Who is holding that? Have we told Gundren/Sildar about the Farsheild coster trade goods? I'm a bit confused.
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