Greeting at the cliffside.

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Oct 25, 2024 11:25 pm
vicky_molokh says:
Lín Jìng shows up out of nowhere just as Luna slows down.

"Um, if you feel like you're falling behind, maybe I can show you a shortcut to get to the academy faster. And avoid having to keep up with a big crowd. Uh, if that's okay with you?"

Her speech sounds foreign and her confidence was lacking, and yet there was also a hint of something shifty in the way she approached and addressed the other pupil.
"Uwah!" Surprised at the sudden appearance of Lin Jing, Luna recoils and lets out a cute noise. After looking down the road to Yokai Academy, Luna decides to accept. She wasn't sure they'd get there in only half an hour of walking. "O-Oh, that would be quite helpful, actually."

Lín Jìng / 林静


Oct 26, 2024 5:04 am
Lín Jìng takes a few steps off the path, beckoning the other student. "Come closer when I say and we can take the shortcut."

She opens her third eye and performs wide-swinging and broad steps of old mudras, getting the youki flows just right for a quick jaunt. Finally, she freezes in a low stance with one hand extended to Luna. "Umm, if you just step closer, we're ready to go."

And then she begins performing a couple more mudras.

Lín Jìng / 林静
Performing a teleport 'out of sight' (i.e. difficulty 4) Area Effect 1, and Elaborate Gestures, whatever's the nuisance for the eye is called [which normally only happens when Lín Jìng casts Arcane stuff], to offset the Endurance cost back to 0. I'm assuming that when the rules tell to roll 'teleport dice', that means one die for each level of Teleport, without the base 2 dice on normal actions (please correct me if I'm wrong).

Lín Jìng will teleport in a few seconds, so now's the time to either step into proximity and join her, or keep a distance and stay behind.


Teleport against difficulty 4 - (3d6)

(425) = 11

Oct 26, 2024 6:06 pm
"Ah! Wait for me!" Luna hurries to join Lin Jing for the teleportation and steps close to her, glad to have met a helpful person.
Oct 26, 2024 6:14 pm
@Moyreau, feel free to transport us to the appropriate location when you feel it's time. Since Lín Jìng is taking her time, if there's something about to happen here still, it can happen before the departure.

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