Distress in the road; friendship is born?

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Oct 23, 2024 7:54 pm
[Morning - April 1, Monday]

The road leading from the Cliffside to the Main Building is a wide cobblestone path, lined with enchanted lampposts, which emit a soft, pale glow even during the day. Flowerbeds of strange, otherworldly flora grow on either side of the path, their petals shimmering faintly with magic. Occasionally, a fluttering will-o'-the-wisp can be seen drifting among the flowers, disappearing as quickly as it appears. Benches also start appearing as they go forth.

Overall, the creepy and tenebrous landscape seems to dwindle as one would approach the school grounds, giving place to an otherworldly, dreamlike, scenery.

On one side of the road, a row of statues stands, each depicting a famous alumnus of Yokai Academy in a heroic pose. Some statues even move slightly, adjusting their posture or turning to look at passersby, as if animated by an old enchantment. A small stone bridge crosses over a trickling stream that runs parallel to the path, where fish with glowing scales swim lazily.
Konomi Wataname Walked down the road carelessly, enjoying the view of this new landscape. Overall, the path was specked with feel, scattered students, some fastening their gait and now ahead, others lingering back on the cliffside.

The only students who captured her attention since she saw them on the bus were an average-height and svelte girl with reddish pink hair and two buns atop her head: she seemed lost in her own thoughts, holding some thread on her hand, which were actually beads, on further inspection.

Now, the other girl was a huge figure, towering over anything else around her, being around 7 feet tall! Long bright red hair flowed down her backs. That figured instigated concomitantly a feeling of bewitching awe, for her otherworldly beauty, but also a big deal of fear, for her stature and the gleam of something feral and savage deep underneath her gaze.

(however Konomi felt, by those two figures coming behind her) she went forward.
After a declive, the forest seems to advance further on the road, over steep hill. Right after, the path curves inwards around the elevation and trees. As Konomi round the bend, the path opens up slightly into a small clearing, with a few roofed benches and tables, and a notice board. In there, there were three students, seemingly older than her (and she looking much younger that she is). As they catche a glimpse of them, they promptly throw her an evil grin.

"And look at what we've got here!" They start approaching her, "You must be lost, there is no day care in here, runt!" "Where's your mama, eh?!" Presently, they cornered her around the board area, and continue to call her names, and to poke at her, "What, gonna cry?!" They mocked.
At this time, Sumeryu and Ibuki just turned the curve, and saw the situation.
Oct 23, 2024 9:36 pm
Ibuki is broken out of her musings by the scenario unfolding in front of her, she wonders if she should be surprised that monsters are acting like this or if it should have been expected. "I suppose however perhaps they are just acting as humans would..." and with that thought She will step forward and draw the attention onto herself. "Pardon me but this is the way the Yokai academy correct?"
Oct 24, 2024 1:32 am
The big redhead walks quickly, thanks to her long stride, but she lingers to examine the statues. She takes their presence as a sign that she is, in fact, going in the correct direction.

When confronted with three older students bullying a smaller and younger girl, she takes a step towards them, but because Ibuki moves first, Sumeryu chooses to finish her pace and wait, folding her arms and glaring balefully. If the smaller girl isn't able to fend off the bullies on her own and they don't back down from the be-bunned girl, Sumeryu will definitely step in.

She wants to anyway, since that poor girl getting picked on radiates adorableness.

Control yourself!
Oct 24, 2024 9:32 am
Konomi stands there for a while, taking the abuse without much of a reaction.
"You would not like me if I cried." She eventually responds, with a surprising amount of menace for such a lame line.

"It's bad fortune for the lot of you." She continues. "Don't worry, I will let you apologize. Once you have reflected on your actions that is." She delivers the last part with a mischievous grin on her face.

She pays no real attention to the other two girls approaching the scene, but with Ibuki distracting them she moves to slip away from the bullies.
Commiting 15 Endurance to give each of the bullies -3 unlucky. As far as I understand this does not need a roll?
Oct 24, 2024 2:21 pm
No, because of her very high ability, it doesn't.

"Heh! Acting tough, huh?!!" Their leader said, mockingly. "Apologize? Reflect? Bwahahaha! You're a funny one, girl!"

As he says that, Ibuki and Sumeryu come in, with the first calling to their attention.

"Huh? What's that?" They eye Ibuki with a crooked gaze, "Screw off, strawberry head! We ain't telling you nothing." They dismiss her with exaggerate and vulgar gestures.

Eyeing just behind the girl, was another one, Sumeryu! Her sight makes them gulp dry and stop looking, turning their attention back at their original target.
Could you roll to see if Konomi can slip away from her? In this instance, she would roll with her Art of Invisibility.
Oct 24, 2024 2:30 pm
Ibuki is unfazed by their comments and responds. "my apologies by your uniforms I assumed you were familiar with the route to school as our Senpai. Not everyone is good with directions I am sorry for jumping to conclusions like that"
Oct 24, 2024 2:30 pm


Slipping away from bullies - (4d6)

(4536) = 18

Oct 24, 2024 8:54 pm
As the bullies turn back to her original target, they are astonished! She disappeared! "w-where'd she go?!!" Their leader asked, astonished, searching her around.

They spend a sufferable time searching for her: one trips on his loose shoelace and falls flat on the ground, other get's a splint on is hand and a twig falls on his head, when her searched around a tree; the last, their leader, was stung by a wasp in his cheek!

"Damn it! Forget this brat!! Let's get the hell outta here!"

At Ibuki's remarks, he only manages to cry, "Shut up!!" While walking away.
Oct 24, 2024 9:46 pm
She glares at the older students. Despite being younger, she is much, much bigger (and prettier); her angry stare has been known to make small animals faint. She unfolds her arms and takes another step towards the bully blob, but then the tiny girl disappears. Sumeryu has no visible reaction, but she's still surprised.

Where'd that girl go? Is she a wizard? Or maybe just really good at sneaking away.

When the bullies flee, the very tall girl smirks at their frustration and self-inflicted hardship. She unfolds her arms and smiles wider and more genuinely, looking down at the shorter girl with hair buns next to her.

"Thank you for helping. I like the way you handle yourself."

Sumeryu is so tall that, if Ibuki is of average height, the latter barely comes up to Sumeryu's chest.

She calls into the woods, only raising her voice a little, "They're gone. You can come out now."
Oct 25, 2024 12:13 am
Ibuki is indeed about average height and has to physically look up to Sumeryu. "there is no need for thanks, i was only doing what is natural and besides... it appears my help was unnecessary, That little seems rather capable of handling herself"
Oct 25, 2024 2:05 am
"People should be praised when they do good," answers the statuesque stunner in her confident alto.

"She's good at getting away, and least. It's like she just vanished."

She turns fully towards Ibuki and bows her head a couple inches.

"Himeji Sumeryu. It's a pleasure to meet you."

She isn't overly polite, but she has a smooth, mellow cadence.
Last edited October 25, 2024 2:05 am
Oct 25, 2024 3:00 am
Ibuki returns the bow with one of her own, internally she thinks "She is rather polite for a supoosed monster... than again i suppose i fit that criteria as well"

"The pleasure is mine you may call me Ibuki... just Ibuki is fine. As for doing good I simply do as the Buddha teaches"

You can sense She is hesitant in giving out her full name for some reason
Oct 25, 2024 8:12 am
Konomi suddenly reappears from behind the notice board.

"Who are you calling 'little'?" She asks Ibuki, pouting. "I will have you know that...." She notices Himeji and interrupts herself to examine the intimidating figure.

After a few awkward seconds of looking at Himeji with a dumbfound expression her eyes grow wide.

Out of the nowhere she bows deeply before Himeji. She begins rambling: "Sensei! I'm so sorry! But I did not start it, they did. This girl surely saw it." She gestures at Ibuki. "You did right? If I went to far I can take a way the bad fortune again. But they were really mean to me, so you should scold them as well." Looking up at the girl towering over her, she deploys her cutest puppy eyes. "Sensei, let me off the hook just this once, OK?"
Oct 25, 2024 10:44 am
Ibuki raises an eyebrow but nonetheless confirms "It is as she says the others were the ones to pick the fight"
Last edited October 25, 2024 10:45 am
Oct 25, 2024 4:44 pm
Sumeryu will need a roll to resist that (if she intends to, that is...)
Oct 25, 2024 6:57 pm
The towering redhead nods in acknowledgement and approval of Ibuki's humility.

"Ibuki then."

Sumeryu does not startle easily. Or at all. She is like a magnificent tigress calmly surveying her domain. Thus, Konomi's sudden appearance only causes her to turn her head in the much smaller girl's direction.

Then her cheeks flush.

Too adorable! Keep it together, Sumeryu! You are a proud and noble dragon!

She glances at Ibuki when the Buddhist girl confirms Konomi's story. Almost as if the beautiful giant is looking for help? That wouldn't make sense, though. Right? Definitely not.

Her voice breaks on the first few words.

"Of course I-"

And then she reasserts herself and assumes her more normal, pleasant but in-control tone.

"Ahem. I saw some older students picking on a younger student and bullying her. They got the bad karma they deserved."

She clears her throat a second time, bends down, and offers her hand to Konomi, to help her stand up. She does her best to smile non-threateningly. Sumeryu's hand is soft and smooth but also very big, like the rest of her. She has sharp nails, like claws, the same bright red color as her hair. The color is natural and not polish or paint.

"You look like you handled them, but I'm glad that we were here to help. This is Ibuki, and my name is Himeji Sumeryu."
Last edited October 25, 2024 6:57 pm
Oct 25, 2024 8:07 pm
"Uhm... right, Himeji Sensei...." She seems a bit perplexed and reflexively bows again before introducing herself: "Konomi Watanabe, I will be in your care from now on."

Turning to Ibuki she continues: "I hope we get along this year. Are you a first year as well?" Before giving her a chance to answer she begins fuzzing about once more, glancing down the road. "Oh right, we had better hurry!" She bows to Himeji yet again: "Please excuse me."

Picking up her pace she continues down the road to the academy, once again not waiting for any response.
Himeji is her surname, right? Maybe we ought to note what order we use for names. I used given name -> surname for Konomi.
Last edited October 25, 2024 9:03 pm
Oct 25, 2024 10:37 pm
"Well then 'Himeji sensei' let us not keep her waiting, Buddha knows she does not seem to have the patience for such"

Ibuki will continue down the down road after Konami, she is quite looking forward to seeing how this misunderstanding is cleared up
Last edited October 26, 2024 7:01 am
Oct 26, 2024 6:04 am
"I look forward to it, Watanabe-san."

She has a big grin and is blushing.

Don't hyperventilate. She is too adorable. It's not fair!

Having been left hanging, Sumeryu pouts for just a moment. Perceptive people might even pick it up!

She stands back to her great height and shrugs. And so they go! Onward!
Yeah, Himeji is her surname. Sumeryu is her personal name. Should I switch it around? Everyone else seems to have used Western name order...

Cultural note, "sensei" is not necessarily an inappropriate honorific in this case. It doesn't just refer to a teacher. Anyone in a respected profession or position can be "sensei." In modern Japan, doctors and lawyers are all called "sensei," for example. The point being that the misunderstanding makes more sense than it seems to.
Oct 26, 2024 7:05 am
i think you can keep the order, I made my name this way because its how oni are typically named in myth. As for the sensei thing true but i dont think konomi expcts you to be a first year student regardless so it still works as a misunderstanding
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