Race on the skies

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Oct 23, 2024 8:20 pm
As Hanami flew across the shimmering lake on her broom, the crisp air rushed past, tugging at her scarf. The Main Building loomed ahead, silhouetted against the horizon, and for a moment, it seemed as though she was on a clear path straight there. But then, the wind began to shift, swirling unpredictably around her broom. What had been a steady breeze suddenly turned into a chaotic dance of air currents, pushing and pulling her off course.

The sudden gusts made it difficult to keep her balance, and just as she was adjusting to the change, a voice called out over the rushing wind. "Hey, witch girl!" The voice had a playful, almost taunting lilt to it. Hanami glanced to her side and saw a figure swooping in on a gust of wind—a winged girl wearing the school's uniform, with curly green hair and a confident grin, her dimples showing as she smiled. She gave Hanami a mischievous look, her eyes sparkling with challenge. Her wings covered in feathers of reddish brown and emerald green.

"How about a little race?" Aika shouted, her voice carrying easily on the wind. She adjusted her flight path to match Hanami's, her movements graceful and quick. "Let's see who reaches the Main Building first. Or are you afraid I’ll leave you in the dust?"

As she spoke, the wind around Hanami grew even more unpredictable. Aika's laughter rang out as she surged ahead.
Oct 23, 2024 10:24 pm
"Tch...! Watch what you're doing with that wind, dumbass!" Hanami yelled after the winged girl, squeezing the handle of her broom with a white-knuckled grip to keep from falling. She had no practical reason to give in to such a stupid challenge, but after such an inconsiderate display from that girl, it was only fair to teach her a little lesson. Besides, she was heading to the building anyway. However, her broom wasn't up to the challenge as it was now. She'd only given it a drop of magic, and thus it was spindly, frail and not suited for high speeds.

Hanami fished her wand out of her pocket and tapped the end against her broom, pouring more power into it in an attempt to make it into a super-broom that could win this race!
Casting a spell to add Gear +4 (Broomstick - Flight +4) on top of my pre-existing Gear +1 (Broomstick - Flight +1) for +5 total. A +4 Ability is greater than my level in Arcane Magic, so I need to roll DN 10 (2 + double the level of desired Ability). It also costs 30 Endurance, whether I succeed or fail. That'll leave me with 25 out of 60 Endurance. Is that all right? Also, would it be a roll to identify exactly what kind of yokai Aika is?


Spell Cast (Arcane Mage + Smart) - (9d6)

(126313242) = 24

Oct 24, 2024 2:19 am
you are correct, I'm impressed (and very pleased) with you knowledge on the game! Just a little nitpicking: it doesn't sound nice for one to cast a spell just below their magic ability, then cast it again (the same effect) and only count this raised difference for the DN. The right way is for the DN to be the full ability level you desire, in this case, the DN would be 12 then (2+10). Anyway, that's an unbelievably unfortunate roll (though 10 is a very tough DN to pass anyway), and Hanami unfortunately failed, but heh, it happens to the best among us, and the hardship will surely bring some excitement! About the endurance cost, you're correctly (or rather, the total cost is 40, but that counts the initial 10 she used to make the +1 broom). As for the identify roll, one would use Smart.

The winged girl turns her back, grinning annoyingly to Hanami: "I'm impressed: You were able to figure all this wind is my doing! You must be pretty smart eh, pointy hat!" She shows Hanami her tongue and thrusts forward. The two of them are still somewhat distant from the school, and the girl's shenaningans pushed them quite upwards in the sky; they were flying betwixt clouds!

Hanami struggles to pick her wand (they're normally a bit clunky to put in a pocket) while all that wind slapped her face. After finally pulling it, she tried an incantation on her makeshift broom, but weren't able to concentrate under such stress! Even taking one hand from the broom to reach her wand already shook her scarily!
Let's do this race as an Extended Action: DN 4 rolls to get closer to the school, 3 successes needed. Remember you can spend your turn in other ways, or use multiple times too! Twelves give 2 successes.
Oct 24, 2024 8:18 am
I've been looking into the system while I've been waiting for the game to begin. That's a fair assessment. I had a small feeling it might actually work that way, but the roll is nowhere near enough either way lol. Hanami used 5 endurance for the initial spell since a +1 Ability at Level 3 Magic is 5 on the spell cost chart, at least from what I'm reading. So, 35 in total.
"It wasn't exactly a hard guess. The wind started as soon as you dragged your feathery ass in!" Hanami shouted. She wasn't afraid of heights, but being this high in the air was causing her stomach to twist and turn. The wind wasn't doing her any favors either, but she swallowed the lump in her throat and steeled herself. Just don't look down.

She cursed under her breath upon failing to supe up her broom but she didn't put her wand away just yet. If she couldn't give herself an advantage, then maybe she could give feather-girl a disadvantage. The thought kept her warm in these powerful winds as she pointed her wand and started to conjure up a hex to impair Aika's coordination. Let's see how you like being unsteady.
Got it. I'll spend a turn attempting to cast -3 Clumsy on Aika for 20 endurance. That leaves me just 5. Would I add Iron-Willed to Witchcraft attempts or is that something only the defender could benefit from?


Inflict -3 Clumsy (Magic, Witchcraft + Smart) - (9d6)

(663453561) = 39

Identify Aika (Smart) - (6d6)

(546311) = 20

Oct 24, 2024 2:48 pm
Yes, iron willed is only for the defense. You use your Witchcraft instead. By the way, that's up to you, but in my reading of clumsy, it don't looks like it would impair her flight (if that's what you intend with it, which I'm presuming it is), it seems more of a dexterity with the hands thing. I would rather suggest that you suppress her flying ability, if that's were your intention (also remember that unique weaknesses are fair game, under my discretion)

Considering her appearance and wind powers (which Hanami instinctively got), she easily assessed that the girl was a Crown Tengu!
Bite-Sized Monster Encyclopedia says:
A yōkai from Ancient Japan. Possessing the beak and feathers of a crow, it can manipulate the wind through its supernatural powers. Its origins date back before the proud Tengu. There are many legends involving this creature, such as Kurama Tengu, who taught swordsmanship to Ushiwakamaru. It is famous for being a creature who likes children. They look humanoid with a crow-like beak and wings, usually tall and toned built.

Tengu are capable of blasting strong beams of wind, their wings allow them to fly, and they show great speed, a mark of their affinity with the winds.

Legends have Crow Tengu taking children away from neglectful or abusive homes and caring for them until they can find a new loving family. They then wreak vengeance upon the former parents/caretakers by the power of the wind.
As Hanami swings her wand at the winged girl, and conjures her incantation, a frightening wave of dark aura is shot from her wand! As it reaches the girl, Hanami sees that she quickly loses speed, her wings looking slow and scrubby, her face darkens in despair, "W-what did you do?!! My wings!!!"


Secret Roll - (3d6)

(112) = 4

Oct 24, 2024 5:07 pm
A few hundred meters below them, another girl wearing the academy uniform swoops by on leathery bat-like wings. The dark-haired girl holds her manga volume directly ahead of her face to prevent her glasses from fogging, which means she has to peek out every other page to see if she's still on track.

Previously unaware of the race unfolding above her head, the Tengu's screeching causes her to look up for once and see the confrontation.

"Jeez, the first day and already causing pointless trouble. That said..."

Taken by a spark of competitiveness, she races ahead, a few mighty flaps sending her careening to the same altitude and wordlessly joining the competition.

"I won't lose when it comes to flying either, after all!"
Oct 24, 2024 6:03 pm
I did intend to impair her flight, and Clumsy isn't necessarily limited to the hands as I understand it, but I suppose it wouldn't do anything in a straightforward race of speed with no obstacles. I'll swap the -3 Clumsy out for Suppress Flight (-3) then, if I can. Also, I can see the 'secret' roll, in case you weren't intended that to be visible.

On another note, welcome, jolly!
"Haha! Don't worry, it's nothing permanent. Just sit tight while I leave you in the dust, kay?" Hanami teased Aika, throwing the crow tengu's challenging words back at her. Just as she was about to try and pull ahead, she was momentarily interrupted by the unexpected third party.

"Another one? Fine, let's see what you're made of." At least this one didn't seem to be annoying so far. Stashing her wand away, Hanami grasped her broom's handle with both hands and started to increase her speed. As she did so, she examined the new arrival. The leathery wings made it obvious that the girl was a succubus. But Hanami couldn't help but notice the distinct lack of curves. Knowing better than to comment on it though, she pretended she didn't look.
Rolling flight for the race


Race (Flight) - (3d6)

(252) = 9

Oct 24, 2024 6:36 pm
Not deigning to respond, Kanako looks back with a quick smirk and then pushes forward as fast as she can, spinning once or twice just for the flair of it. She was too confident in her speed to believe this would be anything but her win.


Flying Fast - ((5d6))

(11224) = 10

Oct 24, 2024 8:36 pm
Oh yea, I just hid the reason of the roll because I accidentally revealed the girl's name (which Hanami doesn't know yet)

Leaving the poor tengu-girl behind, the witch and the succubus race towards the school, bot keeping up with each other, both a third of the way there!

But alas! When they had already forgotten the Tengu-girl, she comes in: dashing between them two, at tremendous speed! The gush of wind from her passing throw them both apart somewhat.

"Hahaha!!! I'm not done yet you fools! You silly magic is nothing compared to my talent!"

She quickly doubles her distance to the girls, now being betwinxt them and the school.


Tengu girl racing - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Oct 25, 2024 2:13 am
Ahh, okay.
"Wha-!?" Hanami wasn't expecting anything out of the tengu after her well-crafted spell, but it looked like the girl had gotten her second wind. And what a wind it was, as it nearly sent Hanami's witch hat flying off her head. She grabbed it before it could come off completely and re-steadied her broom's course.

She was secretly impressed with how the tengu managed to make a comeback, but that didn't mean she was just going to give up.


Race (Flight) - (3d6)

(123) = 6

Oct 25, 2024 2:13 pm
Sent spiraling by the sudden Jetstream - or would that be a Tengustream? - Kanako fumbled to pick up her Manga, which almost fell below. Gritting her teeth, she spread her wings.

"I'll show you!"

With another powerful impulse, she cannoned forward, following behind the tunnel of reduced air resistance.


Flying Fast - ((5d6))

(32611) = 13

Oct 25, 2024 4:33 pm
The strong gust of air sent Hanami off-course for an instant, she had to decelerate to adjust her route and so gained little distance towards the school, falling back!

Meanwhile, Kanako dashed forward, catching up with the Crow-girl: as she came right next to her, she saw the intense frown on her face, she was sweating and puffing for air, her speed decreased severely, and she lost all advantage over the Succubus.

1. Kanako: 1 success from the school;
2. Tengu girl: 1 success from the school, severely weakened;
3. Hanami: 2 successes from the school.


Tengu's flight - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Oct 25, 2024 5:56 pm
"Damn it..." Hanami grumbled as she veered back on course. However, she didn't fail to catch how the nerdy-looking succubus took advantage of the wind left by the tengu's mad dash. It got the gears in her brain turning. Maybe if I do the same...

Seeing as the tengu girl was losing speed, Hanami focused on the succubus instead. Putting a hand on her hat to keep it steady, she put on a burst of speed and leaned forward, making herself as aerodynamic as possible while she trailed directly behind Kanako, trying to advantage of the girl's slipstream.
Does that get a bonus? And in the future, would I just roll the dice first and roll any bonus dice (if granted of course) afterward?
Oct 25, 2024 7:19 pm
In that particular case, I wouldn't say it should give a bonus, looks more like the description of a good roll. Yeah, it's good practice to roll what you're pretty certain gives you a bonus, if it isn't the case, we just need to reduce them from your roll (in the order they appear, starting by the last ones); and for the ones you're not very certain, maybe it's best to ask beforehand, like you did! Now, if you want a bonus, you can always spend 5 Endurance to roll an extra dice!
Oct 25, 2024 7:19 pm
By the way, I ask you keep track of your Endurance in your sheet.
Oct 25, 2024 7:45 pm
Alright, got it. I've updated my sheet with my current Endurance and Health. I've only 5 Endurance left, and I believe I'll get a -1 penalty to actions if I run out, defeating the purpose of the extra die. Unless you rule the penalty would kick in after the roll, but either way, I'll see the results before I decide to use it.


Race (Flight) - (3d6)

(422) = 8

Oct 25, 2024 7:48 pm
That's good enough for me, so I'll save the last 5.
Oct 25, 2024 7:54 pm
Alright! And yes, I would let it kick in only after the check, to not defeat the purpose of it! But it is always best to roll and see your results before resorting to them. Anyway, let us now way for Kanako`s roll.
Oct 26, 2024 2:31 am
Risking a look over at the Tengu girl, Kanako met her face, marred by exertion, with an irritating grin and a quiet scoff.

"You can go and rest, birdie. I'll go ahead and win."

That said, she pitched into a corkscrew dive. Wings folded back to achieve maximum airspeed on the final approach to the school, its imperious construction growing large in their view.


Flying Fast - ((5d6))

(65654) = 26

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