Gathering at the Commencement Ceremony

Oct 27, 2024 10:07 pm
The main building of Yokai Academy: up close, it was a huge Neo-Gothic building, made of light and brown stones, carved into elaborated long windows of stained glasses (though its figures were indistinguishable from so afar), arches and flying buttresses. The roof raised acutely over it, made of clay tiles. The layout was a square building, with a big main wing at the center entrance, where the ceremony was held; and towers also on its corners. Above the main wing was a clocktower, dwarfing the other ones.

The students of Yokai Academy converged at the entrance to the Main Building, where a wide set of stone steps led up to the auditorium doors. The soft hum of conversation filled the air, accompanied by the distant rustling of leaves and the occasional bird call. Some students arrived together, chatting animatedly, while others came alone, quietly observing the flow of their peers. There was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air, a mixture of excitement and nervousness that spread through the crowd like a ripple.
[Morning, Minutes before the ceremony - April 1, Mon.]

Down the main path came Konomi running, and just behind her were Ibuki and Sumeriyu. The running girl was stopped short, when two strangers popped out of nowhere on her face! It was Lìng Jíng and Luna!

Still recovering from the mutual surprise, they are once again startled when a winged girl lands roughly at their side, cheering something. Upwards in the sky, they can see another winged girl, hers feathery, falling limp from the sky, unresponsive! A moment after came another girl, mounted on a stick! They were, of course: Kanako, the unknown Tengu and Hanami!

Down the road, being among the last to come, was a single buy, walking unbothered, wearing, with an irregular black tie, yet still formal, outfit. Matsui.

Lastly came, between the forest trees and bushes, a single, foreign looking girl, it was Adela.
Oct 28, 2024 1:36 am
Ibuki seeing crow girl falling will rush over and try and catch her before she can hit the ground before checking on her wounds
Oct 28, 2024 7:18 am
The towering girl, red hair flying behind her, sprints alongside Ibuki to help catch the unconscious person falling from the sky.
Oct 28, 2024 9:32 am
Matsui continued his leisurely gait, reaching the cluster of eagerly awaiting students before long. An unconscious, winged girl seemed to be falling from the sky, although it looked like plenty of people were rushing to her aid.

Truth be told, he was more concerned about seeing him.
Oct 28, 2024 1:43 pm
Kanako, winning handily, had to suppress a cheer as she landed, instead limiting herself to a moderate fist pump. Brushing the hair off her eyes, she tilted her head back and adjusted her glasses in a way she thought made her look very cool.

"It's my win, naturally."

Withdrawing her Manga from where she had stowed it, she began leisurely heading into the auditorium.
Oct 28, 2024 2:37 pm
I lost... Damn it. Hanami didn't get to stew in her frustration for long, because just as she arrived, she witnessed the crow tengu girl drop from the air like a stone before being caught by Ibuki, Himeji, and whoever else happened to rush in. Hanami was alarmed by the tengu's fall. She didn't think she had hexed the girl that badly, but maybe the girl had overexerted herself. It's not like she forced the tengu to overdo it, but still, she felt responsible.

She landed carefully near Kanako and allowed her broomstick to return to its original branch form, casually discarding it. The succubus's smug, dorky aura annoyed the hell out of her, and she was also quite the sore loser, so she couldn't resist calling after Kanako as she was heading off. "Please. You only won because you're built like a missile, no curves whatsoever."

She turned her back and made her way to the tengu girl, pushing past a few students who were gathering around the scene curiously. "Let me get a look at her," she said curtly to the pair of red-haired girls, one towering and the other not so towering. First, she pulled out her wand and dispelled her curse from the tengu girl's wings, then she assessed her condition. In addition, she fished around in her magical doctor bag for a drink in case the tengu girl was thirsty.


Examine the Tengu Girl (Smart, Knowledge (Medicine)) - (8d6)

(26611255) = 28

Retrieve a drink (Gear - Dimensional Pocket) - (6d6)

(621632) = 20

Oct 28, 2024 3:12 pm
Judging Hanami as capable based on her demeanour Ibuki will step aside, at the same time from the expediency of spell casting she deduces she might know a little of what caused this...

"so how is she doing? Also you wouldn't happen to know what happened to cause this would you?
Oct 28, 2024 5:51 pm
While everyone was not noticing, the golem slipped into the area. She noticed the fallen Tengu and began to make her way over, though paused. It seemed as though there were others handling her...and that was quite a large crowd. Adela paused for a moment and fought with her growing desire to help...

...ultimately she would move past them and into the auditorium, though she felt extremely guilty for not helping.
Oct 28, 2024 6:11 pm
Lín Jìng watched the walking tower catch the fallen bird. "Whoa . . . "
Oct 28, 2024 6:40 pm
Konomi blends in to the other students that have gathered around the scene. She doesn't really know what to do here, so she makes her way in to the auditorium as well.
Oct 28, 2024 9:35 pm
After being gently dropped on the ground (or either held on Ibuki's/Sumeryu's arms, as her weight is nothing to them), Hanami approaches to access her situation:

The girl is fine, the witch is sure of it, she just overexerted herself, losing her breath, and falling unconscious due to fatigue. She also seemed dehydrated, by over-sweating, but Hanami already foresee that, and she already has a reposition concoction in hand. She treats the girl swiftly and skillfully, then discerning she just need a rest, Maybe they could bring her to the infirmary (though it would take some time), carry her with them, or (heartlessly?) leave her in there, on the ground. Either ways, the ceremony seemed about to start.
Oct 28, 2024 11:57 pm
After catching the falling crow-girl, Sumeryu just keeps hold of her, since she's unconscious. The giant beauty -who isn't wearing a school uniform- does not impede Hanami in any way and obligingly turns the tengu such that the magical healer has easy access to her patient. Sumeryu herself wears a look of concern, which morphs into interest and finally a nod of approval as Hanami literally works her magic.

Since Sumeryu is significantly and noticeably taller than everyone else, she can see over the crowd easily. Are there any teachers or staff nearby?

When Hanami is done, Sumeryu introduces herself: "My name is Himeji Sumeryu. This girl with me is Ibuki. I would also like to know how the patient is doing, doctor." Her tone is a serious alto, betraying not a single drop of sarcasm. Either Sumeryu believes Hanami to actually be a licensed medical professional or that Hanami knows enough to be respected as one.
Last edited October 28, 2024 11:58 pm
Oct 29, 2024 1:31 am
After being teleported in, Luna felt a sense of vertigo. It was her first time being teleported, so it took her a bit to adjust to the sudden shift in scenery. The auditorium, as it stood in front of her, was impressive in its own right. So impressive that she didn't notice the tengu falling out of the sky behind her.

"Thank you for the help, Ms." Coming to her senses, Luna thanked Lin Jing for her help before joining the crowd of students heading into the auditorium.
Oct 29, 2024 2:23 am
Hanami's golden eyes were soft as she looked after the tengu girl, but as soon as she determined it wasn't anything serious, her warmth disappeared behind an annoyed look that seemed to be her default expression. She stared up at Himeji for a second, trying to decipher if she was making fun of her. When she saw nothing but faith in her skills, Hanami's cheeks and ears grew hot. She was clearly pleased to be seen as a doctor, even if she felt she was nowhere close to what she wanted to be. "Hmph... Do I look like a doctor? You can just call me Hanami Matsuyama." She fingered her scarlet scarf as she recovered from the slight embarrassment. "My 'patient' is doing just fine. Dumbass just pushed herself too hard. She could've actually gotten hurt if she hit the ground though, so I'm glad you two caught her. Ibuki, if you must know, she challenged me to a stupid race and she didn't know when to quit, even when I cursed her wings," she casually admitted. She didn't see any point in lying, and as a witch, she saw it as mere roughhousing anyway, only regretting what it inadvertently led to.

"Anyways, I'll take it from here. I need to bring her to the infirmary so she can rest." Though she was pretty much out of magic and completely unaware of where the infirmary was, asking Himeji and Ibuki for help didn't even cross her mind. She knew she was likely going to end up missing the commencement ceremony if she went. Even if the entire point of rushing over was to be on time, she'd miss it without a second thought in order to help the tengu girl. But she couldn't very well ask the same of Himeji and Ibuki.
Oct 29, 2024 3:16 am
Ibuki will sigh as she remembers. "ah yes casual sky racing and curses on the first day, i suppose this should have been expected now that i am on this side. Still this girl seems to want to take responsibility at the same time.."

Ibuki can't tell if the people here are reckless or if this is just what is common sense for monsters either way karma demands that good acts be answered...

As Hanami goes to pick up the tengu Ibuki will swoop in and lift both of them up with strength that belies her frame. "I assume if this academy is similar to human schools most of the teachers will be present for the commencement ceremony, I do believe it would be best for us to proceed there first."


Strength - (5d6)

(35661) = 21

Oct 29, 2024 6:36 pm
"Wh-!? Hey!" Hanami was shocked to find herself being picked up like a sack of rice, especially by a girl who was hardly bigger than she was. What surprised her in equal measure was that Ibuki had said 'us'. She wants to help? It's not even her problem though... She thought. Shock aside, Ibuki did have a point.

"A lot of the teachers should be there, yes. Maybe the nurse too, if we're lucky. If not, one of them could point us in the right direction, then we might make it back in time for the ceremony if we hurry..." Hanami mused. Ultimately, she gave in. "Alright, fine, let's go. But put me down already! I can walk on my own."
Oct 29, 2024 6:39 pm
Lín Jìng at first rushes forward, then slow down and cautiously approaches the crowd, watching Himeji from behind the backs of the others.
Oct 30, 2024 5:41 am
"You act like a doctor and have the skills of a doctor. Whether you look like one or not doesn't matter, does it?" asks the giant girl, rhetorically.

Sumeryu hands the tengu over to Ibuki without complaint or resistance. She does not, however, leave the group of girls, ready to take up any burden that someone else lays down. In the meantime, she leads the way by two steps, clearing space through the crowd with her good looks, size, and aura of authority.
Oct 30, 2024 7:34 am
"Forgive me if this seems rude but you did not strike me as someone who enjoyed physical activity, I believe this will be faster do not worry i can handle this much without discomfort"

And with that ibuki will follow that path created by sumeryu swiftly making her way to the auditorium along with her... semi unwilling passengers
Last edited October 30, 2024 7:35 am
Oct 30, 2024 11:49 am
"T-That's not what I was— There's processes you have to go through to-" Hanami started to protest against Sumeryu, but she cut herself off midway. Just go with it. She was too tired to argue. Yes, that was it. The warmth she felt in her chest played absolutely no part in this. "...Okay, sure. If you want to call me doctor, or even, uh, Dr. Matsuyama, then feel free."

"Your discomfort isn't the problem here..." She grumbled under her breath, but she didn't put up any resistance against Ibuki, even though being carried like this wasn't very dignified. Since she was worn out, she begrudgingly accepted the chance to be off her feet for a bit.
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