Gathering at the Commencement Ceremony

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Oct 27, 2024 10:07 pm
The main building of Yokai Academy: up close, it was a huge Neo-Gothic building, made of light and brown stones, carved into elaborated long windows of stained glasses (though its figures were indistinguishable from so afar), arches and flying buttresses. The roof raised acutely over it, made of clay tiles. The layout was a square building, with a big main wing at the center entrance, where the ceremony was held; and towers also on its corners. Above the main wing was a clocktower, dwarfing the other ones.

The students of Yokai Academy converged at the entrance to the Main Building, where a wide set of stone steps led up to the auditorium doors. The soft hum of conversation filled the air, accompanied by the distant rustling of leaves and the occasional bird call. Some students arrived together, chatting animatedly, while others came alone, quietly observing the flow of their peers. There was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air, a mixture of excitement and nervousness that spread through the crowd like a ripple.
[Morning, Minutes before the ceremony - April 1, Mon.]

Down the main path came Konomi running, and just behind her were Ibuki and Sumeriyu. The running girl was stopped short, when two strangers popped out of nowhere on her face! It was Lìng Jíng and Luna!

Still recovering from the mutual surprise, they are once again startled when a winged girl lands roughly at their side, cheering something. Upwards in the sky, they can see another winged girl, hers feathery, falling limp from the sky, unresponsive! A moment after came another girl, mounted on a stick! They were, of course: Kanako, the unknown Tengu and Hanami!

Down the road, being among the last to come, was a single buy, walking unbothered, wearing, with an irregular black tie, yet still formal, outfit. Matsui.

Lastly came, between the forest trees and bushes, a single, foreign looking girl, it was Adela.
Oct 28, 2024 1:36 am
Ibuki seeing crow girl falling will rush over and try and catch her before she can hit the ground before checking on her wounds
Oct 28, 2024 7:18 am
The towering girl, red hair flying behind her, sprints alongside Ibuki to help catch the unconscious person falling from the sky.
Oct 28, 2024 9:32 am
Matsui continued his leisurely gait, reaching the cluster of eagerly awaiting students before long. An unconscious, winged girl seemed to be falling from the sky, although it looked like plenty of people were rushing to her aid.

Truth be told, he was more concerned about seeing him.
Oct 28, 2024 1:43 pm
Kanako, winning handily, had to suppress a cheer as she landed, instead limiting herself to a moderate fist pump. Brushing the hair off her eyes, she tilted her head back and adjusted her glasses in a way she thought made her look very cool.

"It's my win, naturally."

Withdrawing her Manga from where she had stowed it, she began leisurely heading into the auditorium.
Oct 28, 2024 2:37 pm
I lost... Damn it. Hanami didn't get to stew in her frustration for long, because just as she arrived, she witnessed the crow tengu girl drop from the air like a stone before being caught by Ibuki, Himeji, and whoever else happened to rush in. Hanami was alarmed by the tengu's fall. She didn't think she had hexed the girl that badly, but maybe the girl had overexerted herself. It's not like she forced the tengu to overdo it, but still, she felt responsible.

She landed carefully near Kanako and allowed her broomstick to return to its original branch form, casually discarding it. The succubus's smug, dorky aura annoyed the hell out of her, and she was also quite the sore loser, so she couldn't resist calling after Kanako as she was heading off. "Please. You only won because you're built like a missile, no curves whatsoever."

She turned her back and made her way to the tengu girl, pushing past a few students who were gathering around the scene curiously. "Let me get a look at her," she said curtly to the pair of red-haired girls, one towering and the other not so towering. First, she pulled out her wand and dispelled her curse from the tengu girl's wings, then she assessed her condition. In addition, she fished around in her magical doctor bag for a drink in case the tengu girl was thirsty.


Examine the Tengu Girl (Smart, Knowledge (Medicine)) - (8d6)

(26611255) = 28

Retrieve a drink (Gear - Dimensional Pocket) - (6d6)

(621632) = 20

Oct 28, 2024 3:12 pm
Judging Hanami as capable based on her demeanour Ibuki will step aside, at the same time from the expediency of spell casting she deduces she might know a little of what caused this...

"so how is she doing? Also you wouldn't happen to know what happened to cause this would you?
Oct 28, 2024 5:51 pm
While everyone was not noticing, the golem slipped into the area. She noticed the fallen Tengu and began to make her way over, though paused. It seemed as though there were others handling her...and that was quite a large crowd. Adela paused for a moment and fought with her growing desire to help...

...ultimately she would move past them and into the auditorium, though she felt extremely guilty for not helping.
Oct 28, 2024 6:11 pm
Lín Jìng watched the walking tower catch the fallen bird. "Whoa . . . "
Oct 28, 2024 6:40 pm
Konomi blends in to the other students that have gathered around the scene. She doesn't really know what to do here, so she makes her way in to the auditorium as well.
Oct 28, 2024 9:35 pm
After being gently dropped on the ground (or either held on Ibuki's/Sumeryu's arms, as her weight is nothing to them), Hanami approaches to access her situation:

The girl is fine, the witch is sure of it, she just overexerted herself, losing her breath, and falling unconscious due to fatigue. She also seemed dehydrated, by over-sweating, but Hanami already foresee that, and she already has a reposition concoction in hand. She treats the girl swiftly and skillfully, then discerning she just need a rest, Maybe they could bring her to the infirmary (though it would take some time), carry her with them, or (heartlessly?) leave her in there, on the ground. Either ways, the ceremony seemed about to start.
Oct 28, 2024 11:57 pm
After catching the falling crow-girl, Sumeryu just keeps hold of her, since she's unconscious. The giant beauty -who isn't wearing a school uniform- does not impede Hanami in any way and obligingly turns the tengu such that the magical healer has easy access to her patient. Sumeryu herself wears a look of concern, which morphs into interest and finally a nod of approval as Hanami literally works her magic.

Since Sumeryu is significantly and noticeably taller than everyone else, she can see over the crowd easily. Are there any teachers or staff nearby?

When Hanami is done, Sumeryu introduces herself: "My name is Himeji Sumeryu. This girl with me is Ibuki. I would also like to know how the patient is doing, doctor." Her tone is a serious alto, betraying not a single drop of sarcasm. Either Sumeryu believes Hanami to actually be a licensed medical professional or that Hanami knows enough to be respected as one.
Last edited October 28, 2024 11:58 pm
Oct 29, 2024 1:31 am
After being teleported in, Luna felt a sense of vertigo. It was her first time being teleported, so it took her a bit to adjust to the sudden shift in scenery. The auditorium, as it stood in front of her, was impressive in its own right. So impressive that she didn't notice the tengu falling out of the sky behind her.

"Thank you for the help, Ms." Coming to her senses, Luna thanked Lin Jing for her help before joining the crowd of students heading into the auditorium.
Oct 29, 2024 2:23 am
Hanami's golden eyes were soft as she looked after the tengu girl, but as soon as she determined it wasn't anything serious, her warmth disappeared behind an annoyed look that seemed to be her default expression. She stared up at Himeji for a second, trying to decipher if she was making fun of her. When she saw nothing but faith in her skills, Hanami's cheeks and ears grew hot. She was clearly pleased to be seen as a doctor, even if she felt she was nowhere close to what she wanted to be. "Hmph... Do I look like a doctor? You can just call me Hanami Matsuyama." She fingered her scarlet scarf as she recovered from the slight embarrassment. "My 'patient' is doing just fine. Dumbass just pushed herself too hard. She could've actually gotten hurt if she hit the ground though, so I'm glad you two caught her. Ibuki, if you must know, she challenged me to a stupid race and she didn't know when to quit, even when I cursed her wings," she casually admitted. She didn't see any point in lying, and as a witch, she saw it as mere roughhousing anyway, only regretting what it inadvertently led to.

"Anyways, I'll take it from here. I need to bring her to the infirmary so she can rest." Though she was pretty much out of magic and completely unaware of where the infirmary was, asking Himeji and Ibuki for help didn't even cross her mind. She knew she was likely going to end up missing the commencement ceremony if she went. Even if the entire point of rushing over was to be on time, she'd miss it without a second thought in order to help the tengu girl. But she couldn't very well ask the same of Himeji and Ibuki.
Oct 29, 2024 3:16 am
Ibuki will sigh as she remembers. "ah yes casual sky racing and curses on the first day, i suppose this should have been expected now that i am on this side. Still this girl seems to want to take responsibility at the same time.."

Ibuki can't tell if the people here are reckless or if this is just what is common sense for monsters either way karma demands that good acts be answered...

As Hanami goes to pick up the tengu Ibuki will swoop in and lift both of them up with strength that belies her frame. "I assume if this academy is similar to human schools most of the teachers will be present for the commencement ceremony, I do believe it would be best for us to proceed there first."


Strength - (5d6)

(35661) = 21

Oct 29, 2024 6:36 pm
"Wh-!? Hey!" Hanami was shocked to find herself being picked up like a sack of rice, especially by a girl who was hardly bigger than she was. What surprised her in equal measure was that Ibuki had said 'us'. She wants to help? It's not even her problem though... She thought. Shock aside, Ibuki did have a point.

"A lot of the teachers should be there, yes. Maybe the nurse too, if we're lucky. If not, one of them could point us in the right direction, then we might make it back in time for the ceremony if we hurry..." Hanami mused. Ultimately, she gave in. "Alright, fine, let's go. But put me down already! I can walk on my own."
Oct 29, 2024 6:39 pm
Lín Jìng at first rushes forward, then slow down and cautiously approaches the crowd, watching Himeji from behind the backs of the others.
Oct 30, 2024 5:41 am
"You act like a doctor and have the skills of a doctor. Whether you look like one or not doesn't matter, does it?" asks the giant girl, rhetorically.

Sumeryu hands the tengu over to Ibuki without complaint or resistance. She does not, however, leave the group of girls, ready to take up any burden that someone else lays down. In the meantime, she leads the way by two steps, clearing space through the crowd with her good looks, size, and aura of authority.
Oct 30, 2024 7:34 am
"Forgive me if this seems rude but you did not strike me as someone who enjoyed physical activity, I believe this will be faster do not worry i can handle this much without discomfort"

And with that ibuki will follow that path created by sumeryu swiftly making her way to the auditorium along with her... semi unwilling passengers
Last edited October 30, 2024 7:35 am
Oct 30, 2024 11:49 am
"T-That's not what I was— There's processes you have to go through to-" Hanami started to protest against Sumeryu, but she cut herself off midway. Just go with it. She was too tired to argue. Yes, that was it. The warmth she felt in her chest played absolutely no part in this. "...Okay, sure. If you want to call me doctor, or even, uh, Dr. Matsuyama, then feel free."

"Your discomfort isn't the problem here..." She grumbled under her breath, but she didn't put up any resistance against Ibuki, even though being carried like this wasn't very dignified. Since she was worn out, she begrudgingly accepted the chance to be off her feet for a bit.
Oct 30, 2024 4:09 pm
And with that, the group rushed inside, but alas! It had already started!
As the students entered the auditorium, they were greeted by the sight of tall, arched windows lining the walls, through which rich beams of sunlight spilled, making the marble floor shine. The room was vast, with multiple downward steps of hardwood sculpted seat rolls, arranged in a semi-circle around a stage at the front. Above the stage hung a large, intricately woven banner displaying the emblem of Yokai Academy: A silver crescent moon and hexagram with a golden dragon to their left and a red phoenix to their right, over a field of purpure.

In the front rows, a few upperclassmen and teachers had already taken their seats. The atmosphere felt different here—more focused, almost expectant—as if they were waiting for the new students to make their mark.

As the last few stragglers found their seats, the lights in the auditorium dimmed, drawing everyone's attention toward the stage. The low murmur of the crowd gradually faded to a hush as a figure stepped up to the podium.
At the stage, there were a long table at the side, where multiple adult figures sat down, and at the center, a somewhat familiar figure... Or at least her voice: a tall (for a Japanese woman, that is) and svelte woman, at 5'5'', with long dark brown hair: long straight bangs that covered all of her forehead, and long sidelocks that reached her chest. She dressed very unusually, with a long dark purple dress and a tattered orange cape around her shoulders.

The woman showed her colleagues and the students a warm smile: "Welcome, welcome all! In this auspicious day, we celebrate the start of a new school year!" She says, waving at the crowd. "Without further ado, let's go to the introductions!!" Despite looking like a mature woman, she sounded very energetic, with a cheerful high voice.

"Starting by the school's staff..." She stops for a second, for dramatical effect, "That would be me-" She points at herself and waves, "Ruby Tojo! Currently, the academy's master of ceremonies!"

After that, everything goes quite for a moment. "Well, that would be it... Now to the teachers!" She turns to the long table at the corner and points at it, calling them in, "Please, come one on a time."

The first to come in, whose amazing beauty leaved more than half of the hall in awe, was woman of average high, with long light-blue hair that cascaded past her shoulders in waves, and slightly unequal curved parted bangs, that covered framed her face nicely; her big eyes were light purple. She dressed in a short frilly strapless dress the color of wine, under a leather coat-jacket, which framed a significant amount of the reason for the awe she caused: her veeery well endowed bosom.

"Oh my, what a pleasant crowd we have here today! I'm delighted." She says, waving around, "You'll be graced by me being your wonderful Home Economics, and class 1-A homeroom teacher: Kurumu Kurono! I know you're all very happy by those news!" She smiles around, "Those of you fortunate enough to be 1-A students, that is... For those who don't, I sympathise, and feel your pain, really... I know it must be hard - and boring - for you guys on... the other class. But do not give up! Even if your homeroom te-" She couldn't finish her sentence, because she suddenly froze in place, literally: she was covered in a big lump of ice!

"Enough clucking, hag: or this crap's gonna go forever." The next person in the line came on the center stage, visibly looking very discomforted by it: she was a bit taller than Kurumu, but skinnier, on the other hand, and well, less endowed (but not lacking either!) than her. She had purple hair that was tied in a loose and messy bun, while very long spiky bangs covered the sides of her head and bent outward. She had sapphire blue eyes. She wore a lavander off-shoulder sweater, slightly oversized, with one shoulder slipping lower than the other, and which covered her hips, below that, she wore dark leggings, and then grey cloth ankle boots. She had a choker on her neck with a snowflake pendant, and also had a lollypop in her mouth...
Anyway... I'm Mizore Shirayuki, I'm your... hmm, what was it again? She looked at Ruby, with an interrogative gaze. "Uh... Language teacher, or whatever... And homeroom to the guys at 1-B; yeah, that's it."

Suddenly, the ice lump around Kurumu started shaking frenetically, and then: pwoosh! It exploded in a blast of water that soaked everyone close to the stage! "Fufufu!!" She howled, "Nice try, but I'm so hot I can't be frozen!!" Her cheering was cut short when she realized who was the culprit.

"You crazy bitch! I could've died!!" "No one would've minded that..." "Alright! You're so dead!!"

And with that, Kurumu's nails grew long as swords, and a pair of leathery wings sprouted out of her back, and a tail came out below her dress him. In response, Mizore's arms turned into big ice claws; and both were in a fighting instance!
"Oh boy... Here we go again..." Ruby said, just as she noticed a group of students approaching, carrying a girl.
Oct 30, 2024 4:42 pm
"Greetings Ms Tojo My name is Ibuki and I happened to come across one of our peers that has overexerted themselves, could you kindly inform us if the nurse is in at this moment and direct us to the infirmary?"
Oct 30, 2024 4:53 pm
Ibuki is pointedly ignoring the anime scuffle in the background
Oct 30, 2024 5:46 pm
The towering girl has already come to view and treat Ibuki implicitly as a comrade, developing a tacit understanding that they're working together on a shared objective.

Sumeryu glances behind herself occasionally. She sees Lin Jing following her, and Sumeryu smiles pleasantly and raises her hand in acknowledgements and greeting.

"Dr. Matsuyama it is then," she told Hanami, with a charming smile.

Why, impressionable hearts would be set all aflutter by that perfect smile.
The bench seats are a blessing for the giant Sumeryu. She sits with enough self control to avoiding straining anything with her weight; given her height and athleticism, she weighs much, much more than the average girl her age. And is, perhaps, the only girl in the world who is unbothered by being so much heavier than average.

She was both easily visible above and could see over the crowd. She drew just as much attention for her assets as the blue-haired teacher did. She would have drawn more, if not for the literal spotlight on the latter.

The immaturity of the teachers was both amusing and reassuring to Sumeryu, who finds it right and proper that weaker monsters, no matter their experience, should be childish.

"Just as Ibuki says," the giant confirms to Ruby.
Oct 30, 2024 5:52 pm
Lín Jìng, upon seeing Himeji turn, freezes in place, bows silently, then rushes off to her place in the crowd.
Oct 30, 2024 6:07 pm
Matsui made his way towards his seat, feeling the gaze of several female admirers amidst the throng of students. Both new and returning. He secretly prayed it was simply due to his good looks, and not because of his identity.

Pulling on the knot of, his already loose, tie. Matsui eventually finds an almost empty row, and lowers himself into the seat. Admiring the spectacle taking place on stage, and hoping it’ll steal the gazes that still lingered on his visage.
Oct 30, 2024 6:15 pm
After wandering through the crowd, Lín Jìng too picks the mostly-empty bench, albeit at the opposite end, and watches the ceremony, albeit occasionally glancing at Matsui Aono.
Oct 30, 2024 6:53 pm
With her attention taken by another matter, Ruby feels relieved, that she won't have to take responsibility for what is currently happening at the stage: the battle was fierce! And a good amount of the stage was already destroyed.

Ruby turns and looks at Ibuki with an indecipherable smile, seeming amused, "Oh, greetings! You must see Ibuki Doji..." "Hmm... You're looking for the nurse, eh? Ok, wait a moment. She then walk towards the curtains, whispering to herself (and forgetting that her voice was being amplified) "Phew, I was in such a hurry that I couldn't take off this silly scarecrow costume; but now I have a good reason too!"

After vanishing behind the curtains, mere 30 seconds pass when she reappears from behind them: Ruby now was wearing a nurse uniform! It looked very costumey though, a short light-pink dress under an equally short white apron (tied with a cute knot on her back!), white pantyhose and a tall white cap, with a red cross on it.

"Hi!! Somebody needed a nurse?"
Oct 30, 2024 6:55 pm
Ibuki flinches abit at her full name but will still put down Hanami and hold the tengu girl steady so Ruby can examine her
Oct 30, 2024 7:34 pm
Hanami brushed the dust off her skirt after she was set back on her feet. While she was appalled that two teachers were violently attacking each other, she too didn't focus on it too much. She scoffed at Ruby, not believing she was really the nurse due to how costume-y that uniform looked. The idea that the woman could just switch to 'nurse mode' was ridiculous to her. "Oh please. Miss, you can't just dress up as a nurse, we need someone who knows what they're doing. Now where's the real one?"
Oct 30, 2024 8:30 pm
Sumeryu folds her arms imperiosuly and grins, self-satisfied that Hanami has already internalized her wisdom. The crow girl is in good hands.
Oct 30, 2024 8:44 pm
Adela would find herself seated in between Lin Jing and Matsui on the quiet bench...that was until she noticed the teachers getting into a fight and sigh. What kind of school did her papa send her to? She was used to fights of course...but not from the teachers. This was not looking too good.

She would glance over at the larger, taller then even her, Sumeryu and that group, looking thankful that the injured student was getting aid? Though she was confused about the nurse, that was beyond strange to her. Though all these emotions and feelings did not register on the Golem's face. So no one would know what she was thinking.

..however the fight was going for too long. Adela would simply get up, push past Matsui with a muttered "Excuse me." Then she lumbered right up on stage and in between Kurumu and Mizore. She was going to grip both, but noticed someone else moving, and so just took one Teacher, Mizore, by the arm then picked her up and tossed her to the opposite side of the stage from where she entered from! (Or at least that was the plan)
I'm just going to roll 'strong' here. Tell me if I need to roll something different.
Last edited October 30, 2024 9:13 pm


Throwing Teacher (Strong) - (6d6)

(156263) = 23

Oct 30, 2024 9:03 pm
Indeed, a certain 7-foot-tall redhead beauty marched up on stage, with confidence. She readily commanded the space and attention of the crowd, and she gave a nod of respect as she saw Adela going up with her. She changed her trajectory from straight up the middle to off to the side.

While Adela grabbed Mizore, Sumeryu put one hand on Kurumu's shoulder and swept her leg with her other hand, picking the teacher up in a princess carry.
Rolling Strong and buying 2 drama dice for a total pool of 2+4+2=8.


Sensei catfight - (8d6)

(31435542) = 27

Oct 31, 2024 1:47 am
Luna, who had arrived earlier and taken a seat, gazed upon the scene unfolding before her with shock and awe. The colorful personalities of the staff was one thing, and their stimulating, to say the least, outfits was another. Not to mention the cat fight unfolding before her eyes that even her fellow students were joining in on...!

O-ho-ho, I thought this would be a drab, stuck up school given its reputation, but it seems I was gladly mistaken. This place is sure to be nothing but fun! The other voice in Luna's head cackled as it seemed to be enjoying every moment so far.

I-Is this what high school is normally like for monsters...? For a pure soul like Luna, this kind of chaos was unprecedented for her. Wondering about the reactions of her fellow students, Luna glanced around the auditorium to look at them.
Oct 31, 2024 4:29 am
specktech says:
Wondering about the reactions of her fellow students, Luna glanced around the auditorium to look at them.
If Luna looks up at Ibuki she will see her reaction is of someone resigned to their fate, her neutral expression somehow still says 'I guess this is my life now'
Oct 31, 2024 9:21 am
As everyone's attention was more focused on the on-stage events, Lín Jìng quietly concentrated. Externally, she continued glancing alternatingly at Sumeryu and at Aono; internally, she focused on the mind-over-matter powers, reaching out with an invisible force to gently grasp Aono's already tie once he let go of it, and started very slowly pulling it down, until either it fell softly to the ground, or Aono noticed something (in which case she would cease interaction, but - importantly - continue the same pattern of alternating her gaze between the two smashers without change).
Subtle TK (will-based, no gestures, slow build-up) to try to covertly take off Aono's tie. Base 2 dice + 3 from Iron Will. Best dice in the outcome are 3+3 = 6.
Last edited October 31, 2024 12:36 pm


Subtle TK - covertly remove the tie - (5d6)

(31513) = 13

Oct 31, 2024 9:42 am


Noticing TK on tie - (4d6)

(6345) = 18

Oct 31, 2024 9:59 am
Result = 11

Matsui felt a slight tugging sensation coming from around his neck, looking down to realise his tie was suspiciously loose. The second he became aware of the manipulation, it ceased as quickly as it begun. Someone here really had the balls to mess with him? He was honestly shocked, and his interest was piqued.

Leaning back, and placing one arm over the back of his seat. Matsui attempts to locate the source of the disturbance, his deep blue eyes scanning the crowd, the slitted pupils signifying his authority to any students knowledgable enough to recognise their significance.
Perception to try and spot the culprit. Base 2 dice + 2 from perceptive for a total of 4 dice
Last edited October 31, 2024 10:03 am


Locate the culprit - (4d6)

(5433) = 15

Oct 31, 2024 10:03 am
What do you think should this be opposed with? I'm not entirely sure how the search attempt is supposed to work (in terms of what cues he's searching for).
Last edited October 31, 2024 10:07 am
Oct 31, 2024 10:06 am
Probably performer or something along the lines of trying to deceive others, since you’re trying to act natural and not guilty.

Matsui is just scanning the crowd for anyone who seems guilty. So avoiding eye contact, fidgeting, sweaty etc etc.
Last edited October 31, 2024 11:02 am
Oct 31, 2024 10:57 am
Realising that the telekinetic trick has failed, Lín Jìng kept going through the motions at before, concentrating on the idea of being the wallflower she usually is, and trying to project it outwards as a sort of aura, hoping that Aono won't pay attention to her.
I decided to go the youkai way, and rely on supernatural abilities instead. Psychic (page 59-60), Psychic 1 + Iron Will 3 = base 4 dice, but -2 for 'implanting an idea or enocuraging an action', for a net 2 dice against Aono's Will. The idea/action is of course that this wallflower probably isn't doing anything unusual / isn't worth the attention / &c. A Jedi Mind Trick of sorts.

Sorry that this made the game-system handling trickier. I'm assuming that if the psychic trick fails, then Lín Jìng will auto-fail the mundane deception.


Not the one you're looking for - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Oct 31, 2024 1:43 pm
As Matsui continued to scrutinise the crowd, he soon became aware of an external influence trying to influence his perception. His keen senses perceiving the deceiving flow of Youkai that seemed to shield Lín Jìng.

Just as he prepared to stand up and initiate a conversation, three female students, also seemingly fresh off the bus, bombard him. He feels hands and maybe even a tail? Grasping his arms and torso. Another sensually stroking his navy blue hair. Luckily, the ordeal only lasts a short moment before he can fight his way free. But not before one of the assailants could make off with his tie, laughing and giggling with her friends about her new "prize."

Matsui lets out a sound akin to a growl, grasping at the empty space his signature tie previously occupied. He lingers only momentarily before chasing after the trio.
Success with complication: Stolen tie
Oct 31, 2024 1:57 pm
Upon seeing the student staring right at her, Lín Jìng, in a split second, managed to freeze, blush, and raise a hand as if beginning some sort of mudra, only to sigh in relief upon seeing him run off after another student.
Oct 31, 2024 3:07 pm
Yes, rolling strong is the correct thing to restrain the teachers.

The fighting was coming at its climax, the two teachers, betwixt the ruined stage, are setting up for a definitive attack each. Though, as they are about to dash forward:

Adela comes up the stage from the left, closing in on Mizore and grabbing her arm, not paying much attention for the chilly cold. Promptly then, she throws her own teacher away! Between her and the other teacher. For a moment, after landing, on her feat, of course, confusion strikes her face.

Hmm... What you think you're doing? Out of the way! Seeing Adela not flinching, she adds: "Huh; you got an attitude, doing something like that..." She smirks sardonically behind her lollypop, seeing her rival was also impeded. "throughout my whole career, no one ever dared that."

She lifts her dark visage, revealing her glimmering, determined eyes at Adela, then, very dramatically, raises her arm towards her, until finally giving her a (totally cool) thumbs up! After that, she walks away, adding: "Just don't pay heed to us, girl. Me and her are long-time rivals, going in at each other is a good stress relieve." She makes sure to say that quietly enough so that just Adela heards it, and certainly not the other teacher.
meanwhile, Kurumu's attack is cut short when Sumeryu comes behind and grabs her! Instinctively she retracts her nails, to avoid hurting her. Again, a moment of confusion fills her, until she finally registers the situation, Mizore seems to get out of her mind instantly "W-what?!". After quick study of her 'captor's' visage, her face turns into a warm smile, and the stiffness she maintained until now was all gone.

"Woa!! So cute!! You where worried and came to aid this awesome teacher (though I didn't need any)!! How adorable!!" Her arms alternate from being bent over her body, her hands united by crossed fingers, to giving her a warm (and suffocating, for a normal girl, that is) hug. And feeling her 'assets', just like she makes the girl feel hers, she adds, startled "Gah! You're a fine lady miss!! No wonder you are on my class!! A worthy pupil of mine, no doubts about that!"

She gives a little side-glance at the other teacher, ensuring she is far away "Of course, my class all of the pretties, hottest and cutest girls! While hers got only the second grade, lame ones, isn't that right..." She then enjoys a bit more hugging of her new favorite pupil.
Meanwhile, Hanami and Ibuki are with Ruby and the crow girl. "Fufufu!" She laughs, "Please miss, I have years of experience! The academy never bothered hiring a real nurse because of my superb skills! Fufufu!!" She poses for that laugh. "Now, now. You girls should learn to respect an uniforms authority..." She says that with an elevated visage and a finger pointed up, lecturing the girls If I'm dressed as the welcoming scarecrow, I am the welcoming scarecrow, if I'm dressed as a police officer, I am a police officer (with arresting power, teehee), and when I'm dressed as the nurse, I'm the nurse! Got it?

"Now, hand me over that girl, and she'll be up and runnin' in no time!!"
Oct 31, 2024 3:38 pm
"So if you were to dress as the Buddha would you achieve enlightenment?" Ibuki will ask as she hand over the tengu
Oct 31, 2024 5:24 pm
Kanako was already half-checked out after seeing the school opening ceremony devolve into a brawl before her very eyes. The succubus teacher especially... really ticked her off. She had tried ignoring that witch girl's taunts earlier, but this Succubus teacher was bringing back memories of home... less than fond memories... and was quickly wearing down her patience.

She pulls out her phone, choosing to distract herself by shitposting.

"Damn normies... and their titty monsters..."
Oct 31, 2024 5:45 pm
"Tch..." Hanami still didn't believe Ruby, but it'd be clear soon enough whether her 'superb skills' had any basis in reality. "Fine then. If you can actually help the girl, then by all means. You'd better take good care of her, though." She grumbled. What kind of academy doesn't have a dedicated nurse? What sort of place is this?

As she groused mentally, she realized that Sumeryu wasn't standing at their side anymore. She wasn't sure how she lost track of such a giant, but it didn't take her long to notice Sumeryu and Adela breaking up the situation between the two teachers. She was glad that fiasco came to an end, but couldn't quite tear her gaze off Sumeryu and Kurumu and how 'close' they were getting. Her heart was just about ready to leap out of her chest. Crap... Why am I jealous? And why am I not sure who I'm jealous of? Wait, why do I feel something warm-?

Blood was trickling out of her nose. Blushing profusely, she looked away from the offending sight and started rooting around in her bag for some tissues, or really, anything that could stop the flow. "Shit, come on..."


Tissues (Gear - Dimensional Pocket) - (6d6)

(236615) = 23

Oct 31, 2024 6:22 pm
Matsui was already on edge, hunger twisting in his gut as he chased the three monster girls across the auditorium. He was tired, annoyed, and could barely remember the last time he’d fed. His senses were heightened, making every movement, every scent sharper, more tempting than usual. As he sprinted after his stolen tie, he caught a scent that froze him in his tracks, something distinct that cut through the noise and clamor around him.

Blood. And not just any blood—it was uniquely rich, an intoxicating scent that pulled him in, sharper than any other he’d come across. He swallowed, his instincts flaring as he scanned the room, trying to keep his hunger at bay. His eyes landed on her: Hanami, blushing furiously and fumbling through her bag, a faint streak of blood trickling down from her nose. She looked lost in her own frustration, muttering something under her breath as she searched for a tissue.

"Tch…,"Matsui muttered, clenching his fists as he fought back the instinct to feed. Trying to keep his expression neutral, he walked over to her, pulled out his handkerchief, pressing it gently against her nose.

"Here,"he said, his voice tight as he dabbed away the blood, careful not to let his hands tremble. The scent was so close, overwhelming, and he had to concentrate just to keep his fangs from showing. "You really need to watch yourself. Don’t you know you’re a walking hazard?"
Would this warrant a willpower roll?
Last edited October 31, 2024 6:37 pm
Oct 31, 2024 6:34 pm
Ibuki will turn around and notice hanami bleeding thanks to the commotion. "Oh are you ok? What happened? Do you need to see the nurse as well?" she will also take note of matsui adding. "Surely she cannot be blamed for having a nosebleed, it might be a condition"
Oct 31, 2024 6:36 pm
Matsui regards the little girl out the corner of his eye, dismissing her with a glance.

"That’s not what I mean. You wouldn’t get it, but I’m sure she does." He sticks Hanami with a pointed look. Still combating the urge to let his fangs emerge and sink into her jugular.
Last edited October 31, 2024 6:37 pm
Oct 31, 2024 6:47 pm
Sumeryu is standing on stage, the prettiest girl around for a very very long way, holding her beautiful teacher in her arms. She had intended to break up the fight and chide the women who were supposed to be examples of maturity, but she has somehow managed, by instinct, to instead come off as romantically gallant.

Her cheeks flush bright red but she tries to keep control of embarrassment, shaking her head vigorously to clear her thoughts.

She seems as unconcerned with the blue-haired woman's immodest behavior as she is with said lady's claws, though inwardly she's having a bit of a panic.

"S-Sensei!" Sumeryu blurts. "Isn't fighting with another teacher before commencement is over a bit much?"

She puts down the blue-haired woman after the latter squeezes her a fourth time, desperately trying not to squeeze back. The older woman was much smaller, looked far younger than she was, and was acting terrifically cute.

The redhead giant cleared her throat. "Ahem. Yes. Right. I belong in the first class, it's true. Now, shouldn't commencement go on?"

She gestures to the empty part of the stage and steps to the side, though her sheer height and amazing good looks make it impossible to forget she is there.
Last edited October 31, 2024 11:50 pm
Oct 31, 2024 7:04 pm
Adela stared at Mizore with a blank expression. Truly there was no poker face like hers. All that she did was tilt her head a little bit, inside though she was terrified that she might have made an enemy of her homeroom teacher immdeately. From the way she threadened her with that hand of hers. Adela even took a step back at the dramatic raising of said hand but would inwardly breathe a sigh of relief at the thumbs up.

All these emotions did not register on her face at all. "Very well. Just...'go at' your rival later. The other students are watching right now. Just get on with the ceremony." The golem was blunt and straight to the point. She also just wanted to get off the stage so people stopped staring at when Sumeryu moved to the empty part of the stage, she would follow her.

"Good job out there Ms Giant." She says to the dragon girl. Adela, herself, was pretty tall for a girl at around six foot, but Sumeryu was much bigger. "My name is Adela by the way. It's nice to meet you."
Oct 31, 2024 7:34 pm


Resisting addictive blood - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Oct 31, 2024 7:50 pm
Despite her grumblings, Hanami and Ibuki delivers the girl to Ruby, who answers to the latter's question, "Fufufu... I'm already enlightened! Either way, I'm lacking a Buddha costume, now that I think about it..." She says, pondering to herself, almost forgetting about her patient, for the girls dismay. "Oh right! This girl needs help!" She eyes here quickly, her face turns displeased, "uff... She's just overexerted... Bo-ring..." She picks a wand form her back pocket and swings it at her, whispering an incantation: a puff of glitter dust falls from the wand and showers the girl, after a minute, she wakes up.

"Hmm... What?! She looks around, trying to comprehend her situation. But then, her eyes fall on Hanami: "You!!! You cheating harridan!!!" She jumps to her feet, showing her claws at Hanami!

"Oh my, I shouldn't have pumped her with so much energy." Says Ruby, in a mixture of excitement and surprise.
"Hmm? Ceremony??" Both teachers say to their pupils, at once. As they look at the stage, they see it completely destroyed, Giant Ice shards growing out of the crashed and sliced flor. The remaining teachers, sitting on the corner, still on the dark, don't seem to pay any heed to it.

"Sheesh, I better close this ceremony before any more mishaps!! Says Ruby, running at the center stage, dodging holes and ice spikes alike. As she reaches it, she stops and, before saying anything, looks at her clothes: a strike of realization fills her, and she says: "Oh.. Just a moment, please."

With that, she dashes behind the curtains, then another minute passes. Finally, she comes out with the clothes she were using before. Positioning herself, she greets everyone of the confused and scandalized eyes with a smile. "Well, well. It was an honor to have you all! This ceremony is close! You guys can all go to your classes now! Outside there will be a board listing which one everyone will attend."
I decided everyone to have a last chance to pick their classes for 1. now that they better now their colleagues and teachers and 2 to have everyone's assigned class in one organized place.

Oct 31, 2024 8:19 pm
She was too distracted by her predicament to notice Matsui's approach. Just as she managed to grab hold of something useful in her doctor bag, her need for something absorbent was filled by his handkerchief. Her hand pausing within her bag, she looked up at him and was immediately unsettled. He was a little handsome, she noted, but she could tell he was trying to hold himself back for some reason. That on its own wasn't enough to tell, but his words confirmed her suspicion. Wait, is this guy a...? Behind her scarf, her bite scars started to itch.

She didn't respond immediately, but his glare snapped her out of it. The shock and mild fear on her face vanished, but her blush stubbornly refused to fade entirely. "Oh, uh... I am aware. It's not like I'm trying to bleed all over the place. It's just..." She found what Ibuki said was the perfect excuse. "...A condition. Like she said. It happens when I get- I mean, it happens randomly! Thank you for the handkerchief, but I've got it from here." She said hurriedly, finally pulling out what she'd found in her bag: An entire box of tissues. When'd I put this in here? It was absolutely what she needed, but she couldn't help but feel more embarrassed now. Still, she pulled two tissues from the box and held them to her nose.

She was almost glad when the tengu girl woke up and yelled in her direction. It was just the distraction she needed. Her eye twitched and she snapped back at the tengu girl. "If you get to use your wind, why shouldn't I use my magic, you damn chicken nugget!?"
Last edited October 31, 2024 8:50 pm
Nov 1, 2024 12:19 am
It was over fast, and she was the star of the show. Or one of them, at least. Her expression was stern, which was her neutral expression. And yet the tone of her voice was self-assured and satisfied. For, after all, a magnificent dragon should be the star of the show at monster school.

She smiles at Adela and inclines her head a few inches, demonstrating respect.

"Likewise, it's great to meet you, Adela, and you did well. Thank you for your help. My name is Himeji Sumeryu. I am a dragon."

It wouldn't do for Adela to think she was merely a giant.
Nov 1, 2024 1:07 am
Adela stared up at Sumeryu and tilted her head for a moment. The other looked gorgeous! No wonder she was getting so much attention, aside from her height, the golem blushed ever so slightly but it
faded quickly.

"No. I should thank you. Oh…we are doing full names? That’s what you do in Japan right? Alright. My name is Adela Beran. I’m a golem." Adela’s robotic movements made her seem inhuman, even by monster standards of course she wasn’t really flesh and bone but clay and magic.
Nov 1, 2024 3:20 am
"Ch-ch-ch-chicken nugget?!!" The Tengu girl seemed extremely offended by that, she gasped with words to reply, until: "That's way too mean!! You scummy bully!! How dare you call me that!!!" She takes flight, raising high over Hanami: "Take that back!! Apologize, or you're dead!"
Nov 1, 2024 3:27 am
Ibuki can't help but overhear the Adela and Sumeryu satisfying her curiosity of her what monsters her fellow students could be."A dragon huh,with how she was looking at konomi earlier I would have guessed she was a Hachishakusama"

"A golem, does that make her a genuine artificial intelligence? I suppose if there is monster that is closest to enlightenment it would be her, im a bit jealous. I guess that means my training is still insufficient"
Nov 1, 2024 5:49 am
Adela's shy blush was charming to Sumeryu. It's cute, after all. Her greatest weakness!

"That is the custom here. I can refer to you as Adela, if you want, or Beran-san or Beran-chan."

So many cute people! It's all getting to be a little much for Sumeryu. How long can her composure last?!
Nov 1, 2024 6:49 am
"Just Adela is fine. Thank you."

The golem paused and turned back to Sumeryu to say that before hearing someone else speak. It seems as though someone was watching them closely. Adela would turn around and spot Ibuki and speak out to her. "I am no machine or automaton. Construct perhaps but not one of metal. Who might you be?"
Nov 1, 2024 7:16 am
"Greetings I am Ibuki and I apologise, I mean no offence in what I said I just so happen to find... your existence intriguing. Say since you classify yourself differently what would you say is the key difference between a construct such as yourself and that if machines and automatons as of your own examples?"
Last edited November 1, 2024 7:17 am
Nov 1, 2024 7:56 am
"Nice to meet you, my name is Adela Beran. As for your question. Also they are similar. Machines are a type of construct, and automatons are machines. They tend to have programmed personalities. I do not."

Sure didn’t look like it seeing as her expression hadn’t changed at all this entire time.

"Really it’s just that I don’t see myself as a robot since I’m made of clay not metal."
Last edited November 1, 2024 7:56 am
Nov 1, 2024 8:45 am
"Intriguing, it is nice to meet you Adela. Say what do you know about the teachings of Buddha? Forgive my curiosity if this question is personal but as a construct do you yet still have worldly desires?"
Nov 1, 2024 9:41 am
Konomi had taken a seat somewhere in the auditorium and observed in the unfolding chaos with disapproval.

"To think I fussed about just to attend this mess..." She sighs and makes her way to the board to learn what class she had been assigned.
I was not really checking the forums for a day and have completely lost the plot here. :S
Nov 1, 2024 9:55 am
Matsui listened wordlessly as the girl explained her "condition", and was then accosted by the Harpie girl. He’d never heard about someone having such a unique scent to their blood, he couldn’t even begin to imagine the taste. If a vampire got their hands on her, she may not come out the other side in one piece…the thought sobers him up, as he doubles his efforts in fighting his primal urges. Resisting the temptation, just like his parents had taught him.

When he could, he’d have to find some time to ask either of them about it. Surely they would have an answer. They seemed to know everything. Though the thought of seeing his father ruined his mood even further.

Snapping out of his reverie. Matsui steps between the Harpy and the Blood bag, raising his arms in mock surrender as he approaches the former. Flashing his most dazzling smile. "Surely we don’t need to escalate to violence. I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure, what’s your name?"
Attempting to charm the Harpy. Base 2 dice + 2 dice from Beautiful
Last edited November 1, 2024 10:00 am


Charming Harpy - (4d6)

(2452) = 13

Nov 1, 2024 12:04 pm
Lín Jìng reaches out with her mind, trying to establish psychic contact with the admirer who got away with the prize.

Pst, hey, you, you've got that souvenir over there. What would you ask in exchange for parting with it? Such as barter or favours.
She can of course just resist the connection and Lín Jìng will leave her alone, at least for now.
Nov 1, 2024 3:39 pm
"Adela then."

Sumeryu holds up her hand in greeting to Ibuki.
Nov 1, 2024 4:38 pm
Ibuki waves back

"as an aside good job settling our teachers down with minimum violence ,I have to wonder if this is how all our days are gonna be here... Though I suppose this day has had its blessings as well, I couldn't help but overheard earlier that you said you were dragon? If so It is truly good fortune that I should meet you on my first day here. As a revered guardian of the dharma I hope you will continue to take care of me this year"
Nov 1, 2024 4:45 pm
Hanami begrudgingly bit back any further retorts when she realized Matsui was trying to come to her aid. She didn't initially intend to antagonize the tengu girl when she woke up, but after being called a 'cheating harridan', her mouth quickly got ahead of itself, so she appreciated the chance to possibly get another try at this. She had been concerned about the tengu girl, after all. So for now, she watched how his attempt to diffuse the situation played out.

Maybe I should give her something nice? Hanami thought. Her nose had stopped bleeding, so she put her tissues away and subtly rummaged around in her bag for a lollipop that might suit the tengu's tastes. Come on, I made plenty last week... There. Within the magical void, her hand brushed past a lollipop and she pulled it out. To stay inconspicuous, she clutched the lollipop behind her back without checking the flavor. She'll just have to find out when she handed it over.


A Delicious (?) Lollipop (Gear - Dimensional Pocket) - (6d6)

(534142) = 19

Nov 1, 2024 5:14 pm
Just as tensions began to spark between Aika and the witch girl, a voice drifted over the scuffle, smooth and calm, breaking through the rising tension.

"Surely we don’t need to escalate to violence," Matsui Aono said, his tone velvety, each word carrying an almost hypnotic weight. He stepped closer, his gaze catching Aika’s with an intensity that seemed to pierce through any hostility. A soft, alluring smile played on his lips as he added, "I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure. What’s your name?"

The effect was instant and overwhelming. Aika blinked, her confrontational stance softening as she turned to Matsui, her fierce expression shifting to something far more… enraptured. She blinked rapidly, as if trying to shake off the dizzying charm but failing entirely, her face turning an unexpectedly bright shade of red. Her eyes widened, then softened, and her lips parted slightly as if she were entranced.

"M-Matsui… I mean, I’m Aika," she stammered, sounding more flustered than she ever had in front of anyone. Her hand went up instinctively to brush her curls back, and a sheepish, almost nervous smile formed on her face. "I—I was just… you know… defending my honor," she murmured, her previous intensity now completely muted as she fidgeted with the edge of her sleeve, all aggression forgotten.

For a moment, Aika seemed utterly entranced, as if she’d forgotten everyone else entirely. She leaned a bit closer to Matsui, her gaze fixed on him with wide, adoring eyes. "I... I didn't saw you here... Did you came today?" she asked in a near whisper, the earlier rivalry and tension melting into something entirely unexpected.


Tengu girl resistance to the charming - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Nov 1, 2024 5:49 pm
Matsui’s smile grew just a fraction, a subtle glimmer of satisfaction flashing in his eyes as he watched Aika’s fiery demeanor melt into something soft and completely disarmed. He took a small step closer, just enough to make his presence feel a touch more overwhelming, his gaze never wavering from hers.

"Ah, so you’re Aika. That’s a beautiful name." he murmured, his tone gentle but tinged with a knowing warmth."I’d have remembered if we’d met before." He tilted his head slightly, catching the hint of blush on her cheeks, and let a note of playful intrigue slip into his voice."Mhm I’m here today. It’s my first day after all, same as you. Now why don’t we put all this unpleasantness behind us? We all know your honour is unblemished. Right?"His gaze held hers for a moment longer, then he leaned back and looked over his shoulder at Hanami, clearly expecting her to answer the question too.
Last edited November 1, 2024 5:52 pm
Nov 1, 2024 6:51 pm
Hanami resisted the urge to roll her eyes at how Aika melted. Ugh. Don't just let a somewhat attractive guy fry your brain like that... Have some self-respect. She thought, completely failing to notice her own hypocrisy. But no matter how ridiculous she thought Aika looked right now, the situation was definitely better now.

Upon being prompted by Matsui's glance, she cleared her throat. This was her chance. "Right. You're not a chicken nugget. I'm... sorry I said that. As for the race... Tell you what. I'll apologize for that if you race me again in a few weeks. By then, I'll have put together a much better broomstick to kick your ass with. I promise I won't 'cheat' either."

Pulling the wrapped, handmade lollipop from behind her back, she walked right up and shoved it into Aika's hand. She could feel her cheeks starting to burn now, but she went on. "So you'd better take care of yourself until then. And keep your strength up. If you're going to defend your honor or whatever, you need to do it at your best. I'm not accepting any less. Got it?"
Nov 1, 2024 7:47 pm
Matsui couldn’t help the amused smirk that tugged at his lips as he watched the back-and-forth between Hanami and Aika. Their squabbling, complete with dramatic insults and begrudging apologies, was unexpectedly charming, almost… adorable.

But as much as he enjoyed the show, being close to Hanami was testing his self-control more than he cared to admit. The unique scent of her blood was as rich and enticing as ever, lingering in the air between them, making his pulse quicken despite himself. He caught himself glancing at her a second too long, every breath pulling him further under its intoxicating effect. Watching her cheeks burn as she tried to hide her sincerity beneath a tough exterior only made her scent that much harder to ignore.

Clearing his throat, he realised this was the best chance to excuse himself, and get the hell out of here. "Ahem. Now that’s all settled, I’ll leave you two lovely ladies to talk. It was a pleasure." He flashes Aika another charming smile before sauntering off.

He doesn’t get far before he remembers something critical. Where is my damn tie?!
Nov 1, 2024 8:11 pm
While Matsui was turning to leave, the Witch was talking to the Aika. Unfortunately though (for Hanami's temper, that is), in her entranced state, she doesn't look like she pays much heed to Hanami's words.

She barely even notice the candy placed on her hand, "Huh... What's this?" She asks herself, almost oblivious of the gifter's presence. She then decides to give it a taste, and promptly licks it cautiously.

Her eyes grow wide, a slight tremble feels her, and she eyes Hanami deeply, "Gah!! This is delicious! Super delicious!!" Hanami can clearly see the awe in her face, "Thank you so much miss!! You're sooo sweet!" She then lowers her head, "I-I was wrong with you... Sorry for calling you names."

Her mortification doesn't last long though, as, in a flash, almost to quick to be registered, Both Hanami and matsui are tugged by the neck, and when they realize, they are both tangled on Aika's strong arms. She cheers: "Ahaa!! First day at school and I already have a lover and a best friend!! Awesome!!"
Meanwhile, the girl whom Líng Jìng establishes her connection with answers "haha! No way this is MY prize! If you want it, come and get!! Besides: don't you know it's rude to invade others minds?!! Get a grip!"
Nov 1, 2024 8:24 pm
It's not an invasion if I knock politely instead of stampeding through your head. Thanks for the answer, bye.
Nov 1, 2024 10:09 pm
A vein throbbed on Hanami's forehead when she finally realized Aika wasn't paying attention. This bird-brained bitch...! I take it back, she's a chicken nugget!

Just as she was about to yell at Aika however, the tengu noticed the lollipop. Hanami stopped with a half-open mouth, watching with bated breath as Aika tasted it. Seeing her enjoy candy that she made herself was enough to make her irritation fade away, replaced by a fluttering in her heart. She idly tugged at her scarf, which was her nervous tic. "Tch... I-It's fine. Just don't call me sweet again, alright-? AHH!" She let out an indignant squawk as she got grabbed.

Hanami was trying to free herself, but with her level of strength, or lack thereof, she could hardly budge the damn chicken nugget's arm. "Let me go, damn it...! I didn't say anything about being friends! Certainly not best friends!" She protested. Aika's ability to make massive leaps in logic left Hanami in awe. "I mean, you don't even know my name yet! It's Hanami Matsuyama! Ha-na-mi!"
Nov 1, 2024 10:34 pm
Sumeryu smiles a little bit at Ibuki's implied praise. Dragons are pretty great, and Sumeryu guards at least several individual destinies. So why not the dharma?

"I am a dragon, yes. I look forward to working with you, Ibuki."

A pleasantly that Sumeryu has somehow phrased so as to include Ibuki as an assistant, even a comrade, in protecting the dharma.

She can't help being gallant.
Nov 1, 2024 11:16 pm
Matsui has a similar reaction to Hanami. Although unlike the witch, he possessed more than enough strength to pry himself free from the Harpy’s grasp, he just didn’t want to hurt her in the process. "Ok woah! Lovers is too much..! At least take me out to dinner first!" Matsui cried out from beneath her arm.

Arguably, an even more pressing problem, was his close proximity to the girl he now knew as ‘Hanami Matsuyama’. From this distance, he could practically see the veins bulging from her neck, and was having a hard time resisting his urges. He had to get out of there, and FAST. Matsui attempts to desperately pry his way free.
Base 2 dice + 2 dice from strong.
Last edited November 1, 2024 11:17 pm


Prying himself free - (4d6)

(4646) = 20

Nov 2, 2024 1:02 am
Matsui easily pries free of the grasp, even the fit athlete-looking body that Aika have is in no way able to compete with his strength.

"W-wait, are are you going!! I don't even know your name!!" She says, with her free hand trying to grasp the fleeing vampire, to no avail.

Fortunately though, she still have means of consolation on the other arm. "shuu... Whatever!! I still got my friend! Banami, Banami..! She repeats, while brushing her cheek on Ba- I mean, Hanami's.
Nov 2, 2024 2:34 am
tacokarp says:
"Intriguing, it is nice to meet you Adela. Say what do you know about the teachings of Buddha? Forgive my curiosity if this question is personal but as a construct do you yet still have worldly desires?"
"Teachings of the Buddha? As in the practice of Buddhism? I do not know much about that no. Also yes I do get earthly desires, just like I have likes and dislikes."
Nov 2, 2024 2:49 am
"Oh perhaps i can teach you more about the Buddha and in turn i could learn some of these likes and dislikes of yours... Alas it shall have to be at another time as it appears it is time for our first classes. It was nice meeting you Adela it is not often i find others who can listen to a full one of my lectures"
Nov 2, 2024 4:04 am
Adela simply nods her head. "Ok. See you sometime." She moves her hand up and gives Ibuki a headpat, it was..awkward to say the least.

Then she would leave the room with her things to put them away in her dorm before classes.
Nov 2, 2024 4:49 am
"No, don't leave me with her...!" In sync with Aika, Hanami weakly reached out to Matsui's retreating back, but it was no use. Of course. She was going to have to get herself out of this.

"I said Hanami. Stop it! What are you, an attention-starved puppy?" She grumbled, hating how she didn't dislike this as much as she wanted to. "Look. Keep this up and we'll be late to class," she explained. Besides the unlikely witch-bird duo, only a few other students were still in the auditorium. The rest had already headed off to their respective classes.

"Let me go and we can eat lunch together later. Alright? I'll have some more candy for you, too." She bargained.
Nov 2, 2024 5:46 am
The awkward headpat in front of her is also adorable, and it's nearly too much for Sumeryu to handle.

"Yeah, we should head to our first classes. Good work today, both of you."

She bowed and left. Inwardly, she felt like she had to get out of the auditorium before she exploded. Outwardly, she was majestic, charismatic, and compelling, leaving because it was the natural course of things and staying exactly as long as she should have.
Nov 4, 2024 11:29 pm
As Hanami finishes her proposition, she eyes Aika's visage in expectancy. In fact, a good moment passes with her expressionless, her jaw drops, her eyes gleam profoundly, reflecting Hanami's. "R-r-really?!!" Her face then glisters with cheer, "Woaa!!! Awesome!! I can't wait!! Hey, hey... Do you have any other kinds of candies?!! Hey, hey... Can I sit besides you?!! Hey, hey, Banami! I'll be waiting for you, I'll pick a great place for us, just you wait!!"

And with that, she drops the poor captive and dashes away, out of view.
Nov 5, 2024 5:03 am
Finally able to breathe unimpeded again, Hanami took a few deep breaths and realigned her crooked witch hat. "Damn chicken nugget... Get my name right." She muttered, her cheeks still slightly flushed. What in the hell had she just gotten herself into? Now she couldn't even look forward to a peaceful lunch. As she hurried out of the auditorium to check the board, a horrifying thought occurred to her. Oh no, are we going to be in the same class??

Thankfully for her, they weren't. But her class had no shortage of strange characters, as she would soon find out.
That ends Hanami's bit here. Thank you
Nov 5, 2024 5:31 am
Awesome bit, congrats!

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