Gathering at the Commencement Ceremony

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Oct 30, 2024 4:09 pm
And with that, the group rushed inside, but alas! It had already started!
As the students entered the auditorium, they were greeted by the sight of tall, arched windows lining the walls, through which rich beams of sunlight spilled, making the marble floor shine. The room was vast, with multiple downward steps of hardwood sculpted seat rolls, arranged in a semi-circle around a stage at the front. Above the stage hung a large, intricately woven banner displaying the emblem of Yokai Academy: A silver crescent moon and hexagram with a golden dragon to their left and a red phoenix to their right, over a field of purpure.

In the front rows, a few upperclassmen and teachers had already taken their seats. The atmosphere felt different here—more focused, almost expectant—as if they were waiting for the new students to make their mark.

As the last few stragglers found their seats, the lights in the auditorium dimmed, drawing everyone's attention toward the stage. The low murmur of the crowd gradually faded to a hush as a figure stepped up to the podium.
At the stage, there were a long table at the side, where multiple adult figures sat down, and at the center, a somewhat familiar figure... Or at least her voice: a tall (for a Japanese woman, that is) and svelte woman, at 5'5'', with long dark brown hair: long straight bangs that covered all of her forehead, and long sidelocks that reached her chest. She dressed very unusually, with a long dark purple dress and a tattered orange cape around her shoulders.

The woman showed her colleagues and the students a warm smile: "Welcome, welcome all! In this auspicious day, we celebrate the start of a new school year!" She says, waving at the crowd. "Without further ado, let's go to the introductions!!" Despite looking like a mature woman, she sounded very energetic, with a cheerful high voice.

"Starting by the school's staff..." She stops for a second, for dramatical effect, "That would be me-" She points at herself and waves, "Ruby Tojo! Currently, the academy's master of ceremonies!"

After that, everything goes quite for a moment. "Well, that would be it... Now to the teachers!" She turns to the long table at the corner and points at it, calling them in, "Please, come one on a time."

The first to come in, whose amazing beauty leaved more than half of the hall in awe, was woman of average high, with long light-blue hair that cascaded past her shoulders in waves, and slightly unequal curved parted bangs, that covered framed her face nicely; her big eyes were light purple. She dressed in a short frilly strapless dress the color of wine, under a leather coat-jacket, which framed a significant amount of the reason for the awe she caused: her veeery well endowed bosom.

"Oh my, what a pleasant crowd we have here today! I'm delighted." She says, waving around, "You'll be graced by me being your wonderful Home Economics, and class 1-A homeroom teacher: Kurumu Kurono! I know you're all very happy by those news!" She smiles around, "Those of you fortunate enough to be 1-A students, that is... For those who don't, I sympathise, and feel your pain, really... I know it must be hard - and boring - for you guys on... the other class. But do not give up! Even if your homeroom te-" She couldn't finish her sentence, because she suddenly froze in place, literally: she was covered in a big lump of ice!

"Enough clucking, hag: or this crap's gonna go forever." The next person in the line came on the center stage, visibly looking very discomforted by it: she was a bit taller than Kurumu, but skinnier, on the other hand, and well, less endowed (but not lacking either!) than her. She had purple hair that was tied in a loose and messy bun, while very long spiky bangs covered the sides of her head and bent outward. She had sapphire blue eyes. She wore a lavander off-shoulder sweater, slightly oversized, with one shoulder slipping lower than the other, and which covered her hips, below that, she wore dark leggings, and then grey cloth ankle boots. She had a choker on her neck with a snowflake pendant, and also had a lollypop in her mouth...
Anyway... I'm Mizore Shirayuki, I'm your... hmm, what was it again? She looked at Ruby, with an interrogative gaze. "Uh... Language teacher, or whatever... And homeroom to the guys at 1-B; yeah, that's it."

Suddenly, the ice lump around Kurumu started shaking frenetically, and then: pwoosh! It exploded in a blast of water that soaked everyone close to the stage! "Fufufu!!" She howled, "Nice try, but I'm so hot I can't be frozen!!" Her cheering was cut short when she realized who was the culprit.

"You crazy bitch! I could've died!!" "No one would've minded that..." "Alright! You're so dead!!"

And with that, Kurumu's nails grew long as swords, and a pair of leathery wings sprouted out of her back, and a tail came out below her dress him. In response, Mizore's arms turned into big ice claws; and both were in a fighting instance!
"Oh boy... Here we go again..." Ruby said, just as she noticed a group of students approaching, carrying a girl.
Oct 30, 2024 4:42 pm
"Greetings Ms Tojo My name is Ibuki and I happened to come across one of our peers that has overexerted themselves, could you kindly inform us if the nurse is in at this moment and direct us to the infirmary?"
Oct 30, 2024 4:53 pm
Ibuki is pointedly ignoring the anime scuffle in the background
Oct 30, 2024 5:46 pm
The towering girl has already come to view and treat Ibuki implicitly as a comrade, developing a tacit understanding that they're working together on a shared objective.

Sumeryu glances behind herself occasionally. She sees Lin Jing following her, and Sumeryu smiles pleasantly and raises her hand in acknowledgements and greeting.

"Dr. Matsuyama it is then," she told Hanami, with a charming smile.

Why, impressionable hearts would be set all aflutter by that perfect smile.
The bench seats are a blessing for the giant Sumeryu. She sits with enough self control to avoiding straining anything with her weight; given her height and athleticism, she weighs much, much more than the average girl her age. And is, perhaps, the only girl in the world who is unbothered by being so much heavier than average.

She was both easily visible above and could see over the crowd. She drew just as much attention for her assets as the blue-haired teacher did. She would have drawn more, if not for the literal spotlight on the latter.

The immaturity of the teachers was both amusing and reassuring to Sumeryu, who finds it right and proper that weaker monsters, no matter their experience, should be childish.

"Just as Ibuki says," the giant confirms to Ruby.
Oct 30, 2024 5:52 pm
Lín Jìng, upon seeing Himeji turn, freezes in place, bows silently, then rushes off to her place in the crowd.
Oct 30, 2024 6:07 pm
Matsui made his way towards his seat, feeling the gaze of several female admirers amidst the throng of students. Both new and returning. He secretly prayed it was simply due to his good looks, and not because of his identity.

Pulling on the knot of, his already loose, tie. Matsui eventually finds an almost empty row, and lowers himself into the seat. Admiring the spectacle taking place on stage, and hoping it’ll steal the gazes that still lingered on his visage.
Oct 30, 2024 6:15 pm
After wandering through the crowd, Lín Jìng too picks the mostly-empty bench, albeit at the opposite end, and watches the ceremony, albeit occasionally glancing at Matsui Aono.
Oct 30, 2024 6:53 pm
With her attention taken by another matter, Ruby feels relieved, that she won't have to take responsibility for what is currently happening at the stage: the battle was fierce! And a good amount of the stage was already destroyed.

Ruby turns and looks at Ibuki with an indecipherable smile, seeming amused, "Oh, greetings! You must see Ibuki Doji..." "Hmm... You're looking for the nurse, eh? Ok, wait a moment. She then walk towards the curtains, whispering to herself (and forgetting that her voice was being amplified) "Phew, I was in such a hurry that I couldn't take off this silly scarecrow costume; but now I have a good reason too!"

After vanishing behind the curtains, mere 30 seconds pass when she reappears from behind them: Ruby now was wearing a nurse uniform! It looked very costumey though, a short light-pink dress under an equally short white apron (tied with a cute knot on her back!), white pantyhose and a tall white cap, with a red cross on it.

"Hi!! Somebody needed a nurse?"
Oct 30, 2024 6:55 pm
Ibuki flinches abit at her full name but will still put down Hanami and hold the tengu girl steady so Ruby can examine her
Oct 30, 2024 7:34 pm
Hanami brushed the dust off her skirt after she was set back on her feet. While she was appalled that two teachers were violently attacking each other, she too didn't focus on it too much. She scoffed at Ruby, not believing she was really the nurse due to how costume-y that uniform looked. The idea that the woman could just switch to 'nurse mode' was ridiculous to her. "Oh please. Miss, you can't just dress up as a nurse, we need someone who knows what they're doing. Now where's the real one?"
Oct 30, 2024 8:30 pm
Sumeryu folds her arms imperiosuly and grins, self-satisfied that Hanami has already internalized her wisdom. The crow girl is in good hands.
Oct 30, 2024 8:44 pm
Adela would find herself seated in between Lin Jing and Matsui on the quiet bench...that was until she noticed the teachers getting into a fight and sigh. What kind of school did her papa send her to? She was used to fights of course...but not from the teachers. This was not looking too good.

She would glance over at the larger, taller then even her, Sumeryu and that group, looking thankful that the injured student was getting aid? Though she was confused about the nurse, that was beyond strange to her. Though all these emotions and feelings did not register on the Golem's face. So no one would know what she was thinking.

..however the fight was going for too long. Adela would simply get up, push past Matsui with a muttered "Excuse me." Then she lumbered right up on stage and in between Kurumu and Mizore. She was going to grip both, but noticed someone else moving, and so just took one Teacher, Mizore, by the arm then picked her up and tossed her to the opposite side of the stage from where she entered from! (Or at least that was the plan)
I'm just going to roll 'strong' here. Tell me if I need to roll something different.
Last edited October 30, 2024 9:13 pm


Throwing Teacher (Strong) - (6d6)

(156263) = 23

Oct 30, 2024 9:03 pm
Indeed, a certain 7-foot-tall redhead beauty marched up on stage, with confidence. She readily commanded the space and attention of the crowd, and she gave a nod of respect as she saw Adela going up with her. She changed her trajectory from straight up the middle to off to the side.

While Adela grabbed Mizore, Sumeryu put one hand on Kurumu's shoulder and swept her leg with her other hand, picking the teacher up in a princess carry.
Rolling Strong and buying 2 drama dice for a total pool of 2+4+2=8.


Sensei catfight - (8d6)

(31435542) = 27

Oct 31, 2024 1:47 am
Luna, who had arrived earlier and taken a seat, gazed upon the scene unfolding before her with shock and awe. The colorful personalities of the staff was one thing, and their stimulating, to say the least, outfits was another. Not to mention the cat fight unfolding before her eyes that even her fellow students were joining in on...!

O-ho-ho, I thought this would be a drab, stuck up school given its reputation, but it seems I was gladly mistaken. This place is sure to be nothing but fun! The other voice in Luna's head cackled as it seemed to be enjoying every moment so far.

I-Is this what high school is normally like for monsters...? For a pure soul like Luna, this kind of chaos was unprecedented for her. Wondering about the reactions of her fellow students, Luna glanced around the auditorium to look at them.
Oct 31, 2024 4:29 am
specktech says:
Wondering about the reactions of her fellow students, Luna glanced around the auditorium to look at them.
If Luna looks up at Ibuki she will see her reaction is of someone resigned to their fate, her neutral expression somehow still says 'I guess this is my life now'
Oct 31, 2024 9:21 am
As everyone's attention was more focused on the on-stage events, Lín Jìng quietly concentrated. Externally, she continued glancing alternatingly at Sumeryu and at Aono; internally, she focused on the mind-over-matter powers, reaching out with an invisible force to gently grasp Aono's already tie once he let go of it, and started very slowly pulling it down, until either it fell softly to the ground, or Aono noticed something (in which case she would cease interaction, but - importantly - continue the same pattern of alternating her gaze between the two smashers without change).
Subtle TK (will-based, no gestures, slow build-up) to try to covertly take off Aono's tie. Base 2 dice + 3 from Iron Will. Best dice in the outcome are 3+3 = 6.
Last edited October 31, 2024 12:36 pm


Subtle TK - covertly remove the tie - (5d6)

(31513) = 13

Oct 31, 2024 9:42 am


Noticing TK on tie - (4d6)

(6345) = 18

Oct 31, 2024 9:59 am
Result = 11

Matsui felt a slight tugging sensation coming from around his neck, looking down to realise his tie was suspiciously loose. The second he became aware of the manipulation, it ceased as quickly as it begun. Someone here really had the balls to mess with him? He was honestly shocked, and his interest was piqued.

Leaning back, and placing one arm over the back of his seat. Matsui attempts to locate the source of the disturbance, his deep blue eyes scanning the crowd, the slitted pupils signifying his authority to any students knowledgable enough to recognise their significance.
Perception to try and spot the culprit. Base 2 dice + 2 from perceptive for a total of 4 dice
Last edited October 31, 2024 10:03 am


Locate the culprit - (4d6)

(5433) = 15

Oct 31, 2024 10:03 am
What do you think should this be opposed with? I'm not entirely sure how the search attempt is supposed to work (in terms of what cues he's searching for).
Last edited October 31, 2024 10:07 am
Oct 31, 2024 10:06 am
Probably performer or something along the lines of trying to deceive others, since you’re trying to act natural and not guilty.

Matsui is just scanning the crowd for anyone who seems guilty. So avoiding eye contact, fidgeting, sweaty etc etc.
Last edited October 31, 2024 11:02 am
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