Gathering at the Commencement Ceremony

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Nov 2, 2024 2:34 am
tacokarp says:
"Intriguing, it is nice to meet you Adela. Say what do you know about the teachings of Buddha? Forgive my curiosity if this question is personal but as a construct do you yet still have worldly desires?"
"Teachings of the Buddha? As in the practice of Buddhism? I do not know much about that no. Also yes I do get earthly desires, just like I have likes and dislikes."
Nov 2, 2024 2:49 am
"Oh perhaps i can teach you more about the Buddha and in turn i could learn some of these likes and dislikes of yours... Alas it shall have to be at another time as it appears it is time for our first classes. It was nice meeting you Adela it is not often i find others who can listen to a full one of my lectures"
Nov 2, 2024 4:04 am
Adela simply nods her head. "Ok. See you sometime." She moves her hand up and gives Ibuki a headpat, it was..awkward to say the least.

Then she would leave the room with her things to put them away in her dorm before classes.
Nov 2, 2024 4:49 am
"No, don't leave me with her...!" In sync with Aika, Hanami weakly reached out to Matsui's retreating back, but it was no use. Of course. She was going to have to get herself out of this.

"I said Hanami. Stop it! What are you, an attention-starved puppy?" She grumbled, hating how she didn't dislike this as much as she wanted to. "Look. Keep this up and we'll be late to class," she explained. Besides the unlikely witch-bird duo, only a few other students were still in the auditorium. The rest had already headed off to their respective classes.

"Let me go and we can eat lunch together later. Alright? I'll have some more candy for you, too." She bargained.
Nov 2, 2024 5:46 am
The awkward headpat in front of her is also adorable, and it's nearly too much for Sumeryu to handle.

"Yeah, we should head to our first classes. Good work today, both of you."

She bowed and left. Inwardly, she felt like she had to get out of the auditorium before she exploded. Outwardly, she was majestic, charismatic, and compelling, leaving because it was the natural course of things and staying exactly as long as she should have.
Nov 4, 2024 11:29 pm
As Hanami finishes her proposition, she eyes Aika's visage in expectancy. In fact, a good moment passes with her expressionless, her jaw drops, her eyes gleam profoundly, reflecting Hanami's. "R-r-really?!!" Her face then glisters with cheer, "Woaa!!! Awesome!! I can't wait!! Hey, hey... Do you have any other kinds of candies?!! Hey, hey... Can I sit besides you?!! Hey, hey, Banami! I'll be waiting for you, I'll pick a great place for us, just you wait!!"

And with that, she drops the poor captive and dashes away, out of view.
Nov 5, 2024 5:03 am
Finally able to breathe unimpeded again, Hanami took a few deep breaths and realigned her crooked witch hat. "Damn chicken nugget... Get my name right." She muttered, her cheeks still slightly flushed. What in the hell had she just gotten herself into? Now she couldn't even look forward to a peaceful lunch. As she hurried out of the auditorium to check the board, a horrifying thought occurred to her. Oh no, are we going to be in the same class??

Thankfully for her, they weren't. But her class had no shortage of strange characters, as she would soon find out.
That ends Hanami's bit here. Thank you
Nov 5, 2024 5:31 am
Awesome bit, congrats!

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