Gathering at the Commencement Ceremony

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Oct 31, 2024 10:57 am
Realising that the telekinetic trick has failed, Lín Jìng kept going through the motions at before, concentrating on the idea of being the wallflower she usually is, and trying to project it outwards as a sort of aura, hoping that Aono won't pay attention to her.
I decided to go the youkai way, and rely on supernatural abilities instead. Psychic (page 59-60), Psychic 1 + Iron Will 3 = base 4 dice, but -2 for 'implanting an idea or enocuraging an action', for a net 2 dice against Aono's Will. The idea/action is of course that this wallflower probably isn't doing anything unusual / isn't worth the attention / &c. A Jedi Mind Trick of sorts.

Sorry that this made the game-system handling trickier. I'm assuming that if the psychic trick fails, then Lín Jìng will auto-fail the mundane deception.


Not the one you're looking for - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Oct 31, 2024 1:43 pm
As Matsui continued to scrutinise the crowd, he soon became aware of an external influence trying to influence his perception. His keen senses perceiving the deceiving flow of Youkai that seemed to shield Lín Jìng.

Just as he prepared to stand up and initiate a conversation, three female students, also seemingly fresh off the bus, bombard him. He feels hands and maybe even a tail? Grasping his arms and torso. Another sensually stroking his navy blue hair. Luckily, the ordeal only lasts a short moment before he can fight his way free. But not before one of the assailants could make off with his tie, laughing and giggling with her friends about her new "prize."

Matsui lets out a sound akin to a growl, grasping at the empty space his signature tie previously occupied. He lingers only momentarily before chasing after the trio.
Success with complication: Stolen tie
Oct 31, 2024 1:57 pm
Upon seeing the student staring right at her, Lín Jìng, in a split second, managed to freeze, blush, and raise a hand as if beginning some sort of mudra, only to sigh in relief upon seeing him run off after another student.
Oct 31, 2024 3:07 pm
Yes, rolling strong is the correct thing to restrain the teachers.

The fighting was coming at its climax, the two teachers, betwixt the ruined stage, are setting up for a definitive attack each. Though, as they are about to dash forward:

Adela comes up the stage from the left, closing in on Mizore and grabbing her arm, not paying much attention for the chilly cold. Promptly then, she throws her own teacher away! Between her and the other teacher. For a moment, after landing, on her feat, of course, confusion strikes her face.

Hmm... What you think you're doing? Out of the way! Seeing Adela not flinching, she adds: "Huh; you got an attitude, doing something like that..." She smirks sardonically behind her lollypop, seeing her rival was also impeded. "throughout my whole career, no one ever dared that."

She lifts her dark visage, revealing her glimmering, determined eyes at Adela, then, very dramatically, raises her arm towards her, until finally giving her a (totally cool) thumbs up! After that, she walks away, adding: "Just don't pay heed to us, girl. Me and her are long-time rivals, going in at each other is a good stress relieve." She makes sure to say that quietly enough so that just Adela heards it, and certainly not the other teacher.
meanwhile, Kurumu's attack is cut short when Sumeryu comes behind and grabs her! Instinctively she retracts her nails, to avoid hurting her. Again, a moment of confusion fills her, until she finally registers the situation, Mizore seems to get out of her mind instantly "W-what?!". After quick study of her 'captor's' visage, her face turns into a warm smile, and the stiffness she maintained until now was all gone.

"Woa!! So cute!! You where worried and came to aid this awesome teacher (though I didn't need any)!! How adorable!!" Her arms alternate from being bent over her body, her hands united by crossed fingers, to giving her a warm (and suffocating, for a normal girl, that is) hug. And feeling her 'assets', just like she makes the girl feel hers, she adds, startled "Gah! You're a fine lady miss!! No wonder you are on my class!! A worthy pupil of mine, no doubts about that!"

She gives a little side-glance at the other teacher, ensuring she is far away "Of course, my class all of the pretties, hottest and cutest girls! While hers got only the second grade, lame ones, isn't that right..." She then enjoys a bit more hugging of her new favorite pupil.
Meanwhile, Hanami and Ibuki are with Ruby and the crow girl. "Fufufu!" She laughs, "Please miss, I have years of experience! The academy never bothered hiring a real nurse because of my superb skills! Fufufu!!" She poses for that laugh. "Now, now. You girls should learn to respect an uniforms authority..." She says that with an elevated visage and a finger pointed up, lecturing the girls If I'm dressed as the welcoming scarecrow, I am the welcoming scarecrow, if I'm dressed as a police officer, I am a police officer (with arresting power, teehee), and when I'm dressed as the nurse, I'm the nurse! Got it?

"Now, hand me over that girl, and she'll be up and runnin' in no time!!"
Oct 31, 2024 3:38 pm
"So if you were to dress as the Buddha would you achieve enlightenment?" Ibuki will ask as she hand over the tengu
Oct 31, 2024 5:24 pm
Kanako was already half-checked out after seeing the school opening ceremony devolve into a brawl before her very eyes. The succubus teacher especially... really ticked her off. She had tried ignoring that witch girl's taunts earlier, but this Succubus teacher was bringing back memories of home... less than fond memories... and was quickly wearing down her patience.

She pulls out her phone, choosing to distract herself by shitposting.

"Damn normies... and their titty monsters..."
Oct 31, 2024 5:45 pm
"Tch..." Hanami still didn't believe Ruby, but it'd be clear soon enough whether her 'superb skills' had any basis in reality. "Fine then. If you can actually help the girl, then by all means. You'd better take good care of her, though." She grumbled. What kind of academy doesn't have a dedicated nurse? What sort of place is this?

As she groused mentally, she realized that Sumeryu wasn't standing at their side anymore. She wasn't sure how she lost track of such a giant, but it didn't take her long to notice Sumeryu and Adela breaking up the situation between the two teachers. She was glad that fiasco came to an end, but couldn't quite tear her gaze off Sumeryu and Kurumu and how 'close' they were getting. Her heart was just about ready to leap out of her chest. Crap... Why am I jealous? And why am I not sure who I'm jealous of? Wait, why do I feel something warm-?

Blood was trickling out of her nose. Blushing profusely, she looked away from the offending sight and started rooting around in her bag for some tissues, or really, anything that could stop the flow. "Shit, come on..."


Tissues (Gear - Dimensional Pocket) - (6d6)

(236615) = 23

Oct 31, 2024 6:22 pm
Matsui was already on edge, hunger twisting in his gut as he chased the three monster girls across the auditorium. He was tired, annoyed, and could barely remember the last time he’d fed. His senses were heightened, making every movement, every scent sharper, more tempting than usual. As he sprinted after his stolen tie, he caught a scent that froze him in his tracks, something distinct that cut through the noise and clamor around him.

Blood. And not just any blood—it was uniquely rich, an intoxicating scent that pulled him in, sharper than any other he’d come across. He swallowed, his instincts flaring as he scanned the room, trying to keep his hunger at bay. His eyes landed on her: Hanami, blushing furiously and fumbling through her bag, a faint streak of blood trickling down from her nose. She looked lost in her own frustration, muttering something under her breath as she searched for a tissue.

"Tch…,"Matsui muttered, clenching his fists as he fought back the instinct to feed. Trying to keep his expression neutral, he walked over to her, pulled out his handkerchief, pressing it gently against her nose.

"Here,"he said, his voice tight as he dabbed away the blood, careful not to let his hands tremble. The scent was so close, overwhelming, and he had to concentrate just to keep his fangs from showing. "You really need to watch yourself. Don’t you know you’re a walking hazard?"
Would this warrant a willpower roll?
Last edited October 31, 2024 6:37 pm
Oct 31, 2024 6:34 pm
Ibuki will turn around and notice hanami bleeding thanks to the commotion. "Oh are you ok? What happened? Do you need to see the nurse as well?" she will also take note of matsui adding. "Surely she cannot be blamed for having a nosebleed, it might be a condition"
Oct 31, 2024 6:36 pm
Matsui regards the little girl out the corner of his eye, dismissing her with a glance.

"That’s not what I mean. You wouldn’t get it, but I’m sure she does." He sticks Hanami with a pointed look. Still combating the urge to let his fangs emerge and sink into her jugular.
Last edited October 31, 2024 6:37 pm
Oct 31, 2024 6:47 pm
Sumeryu is standing on stage, the prettiest girl around for a very very long way, holding her beautiful teacher in her arms. She had intended to break up the fight and chide the women who were supposed to be examples of maturity, but she has somehow managed, by instinct, to instead come off as romantically gallant.

Her cheeks flush bright red but she tries to keep control of embarrassment, shaking her head vigorously to clear her thoughts.

She seems as unconcerned with the blue-haired woman's immodest behavior as she is with said lady's claws, though inwardly she's having a bit of a panic.

"S-Sensei!" Sumeryu blurts. "Isn't fighting with another teacher before commencement is over a bit much?"

She puts down the blue-haired woman after the latter squeezes her a fourth time, desperately trying not to squeeze back. The older woman was much smaller, looked far younger than she was, and was acting terrifically cute.

The redhead giant cleared her throat. "Ahem. Yes. Right. I belong in the first class, it's true. Now, shouldn't commencement go on?"

She gestures to the empty part of the stage and steps to the side, though her sheer height and amazing good looks make it impossible to forget she is there.
Last edited October 31, 2024 11:50 pm
Oct 31, 2024 7:04 pm
Adela stared at Mizore with a blank expression. Truly there was no poker face like hers. All that she did was tilt her head a little bit, inside though she was terrified that she might have made an enemy of her homeroom teacher immdeately. From the way she threadened her with that hand of hers. Adela even took a step back at the dramatic raising of said hand but would inwardly breathe a sigh of relief at the thumbs up.

All these emotions did not register on her face at all. "Very well. Just...'go at' your rival later. The other students are watching right now. Just get on with the ceremony." The golem was blunt and straight to the point. She also just wanted to get off the stage so people stopped staring at when Sumeryu moved to the empty part of the stage, she would follow her.

"Good job out there Ms Giant." She says to the dragon girl. Adela, herself, was pretty tall for a girl at around six foot, but Sumeryu was much bigger. "My name is Adela by the way. It's nice to meet you."
Oct 31, 2024 7:34 pm


Resisting addictive blood - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Oct 31, 2024 7:50 pm
Despite her grumblings, Hanami and Ibuki delivers the girl to Ruby, who answers to the latter's question, "Fufufu... I'm already enlightened! Either way, I'm lacking a Buddha costume, now that I think about it..." She says, pondering to herself, almost forgetting about her patient, for the girls dismay. "Oh right! This girl needs help!" She eyes here quickly, her face turns displeased, "uff... She's just overexerted... Bo-ring..." She picks a wand form her back pocket and swings it at her, whispering an incantation: a puff of glitter dust falls from the wand and showers the girl, after a minute, she wakes up.

"Hmm... What?! She looks around, trying to comprehend her situation. But then, her eyes fall on Hanami: "You!!! You cheating harridan!!!" She jumps to her feet, showing her claws at Hanami!

"Oh my, I shouldn't have pumped her with so much energy." Says Ruby, in a mixture of excitement and surprise.
"Hmm? Ceremony??" Both teachers say to their pupils, at once. As they look at the stage, they see it completely destroyed, Giant Ice shards growing out of the crashed and sliced flor. The remaining teachers, sitting on the corner, still on the dark, don't seem to pay any heed to it.

"Sheesh, I better close this ceremony before any more mishaps!! Says Ruby, running at the center stage, dodging holes and ice spikes alike. As she reaches it, she stops and, before saying anything, looks at her clothes: a strike of realization fills her, and she says: "Oh.. Just a moment, please."

With that, she dashes behind the curtains, then another minute passes. Finally, she comes out with the clothes she were using before. Positioning herself, she greets everyone of the confused and scandalized eyes with a smile. "Well, well. It was an honor to have you all! This ceremony is close! You guys can all go to your classes now! Outside there will be a board listing which one everyone will attend."
I decided everyone to have a last chance to pick their classes for 1. now that they better now their colleagues and teachers and 2 to have everyone's assigned class in one organized place.

Oct 31, 2024 8:19 pm
She was too distracted by her predicament to notice Matsui's approach. Just as she managed to grab hold of something useful in her doctor bag, her need for something absorbent was filled by his handkerchief. Her hand pausing within her bag, she looked up at him and was immediately unsettled. He was a little handsome, she noted, but she could tell he was trying to hold himself back for some reason. That on its own wasn't enough to tell, but his words confirmed her suspicion. Wait, is this guy a...? Behind her scarf, her bite scars started to itch.

She didn't respond immediately, but his glare snapped her out of it. The shock and mild fear on her face vanished, but her blush stubbornly refused to fade entirely. "Oh, uh... I am aware. It's not like I'm trying to bleed all over the place. It's just..." She found what Ibuki said was the perfect excuse. "...A condition. Like she said. It happens when I get- I mean, it happens randomly! Thank you for the handkerchief, but I've got it from here." She said hurriedly, finally pulling out what she'd found in her bag: An entire box of tissues. When'd I put this in here? It was absolutely what she needed, but she couldn't help but feel more embarrassed now. Still, she pulled two tissues from the box and held them to her nose.

She was almost glad when the tengu girl woke up and yelled in her direction. It was just the distraction she needed. Her eye twitched and she snapped back at the tengu girl. "If you get to use your wind, why shouldn't I use my magic, you damn chicken nugget!?"
Last edited October 31, 2024 8:50 pm
Nov 1, 2024 12:19 am
It was over fast, and she was the star of the show. Or one of them, at least. Her expression was stern, which was her neutral expression. And yet the tone of her voice was self-assured and satisfied. For, after all, a magnificent dragon should be the star of the show at monster school.

She smiles at Adela and inclines her head a few inches, demonstrating respect.

"Likewise, it's great to meet you, Adela, and you did well. Thank you for your help. My name is Himeji Sumeryu. I am a dragon."

It wouldn't do for Adela to think she was merely a giant.
Nov 1, 2024 1:07 am
Adela stared up at Sumeryu and tilted her head for a moment. The other looked gorgeous! No wonder she was getting so much attention, aside from her height, the golem blushed ever so slightly but it
faded quickly.

"No. I should thank you. Oh…we are doing full names? That’s what you do in Japan right? Alright. My name is Adela Beran. I’m a golem." Adela’s robotic movements made her seem inhuman, even by monster standards of course she wasn’t really flesh and bone but clay and magic.
Nov 1, 2024 3:20 am
"Ch-ch-ch-chicken nugget?!!" The Tengu girl seemed extremely offended by that, she gasped with words to reply, until: "That's way too mean!! You scummy bully!! How dare you call me that!!!" She takes flight, raising high over Hanami: "Take that back!! Apologize, or you're dead!"
Nov 1, 2024 3:27 am
Ibuki can't help but overhear the Adela and Sumeryu satisfying her curiosity of her what monsters her fellow students could be."A dragon huh,with how she was looking at konomi earlier I would have guessed she was a Hachishakusama"

"A golem, does that make her a genuine artificial intelligence? I suppose if there is monster that is closest to enlightenment it would be her, im a bit jealous. I guess that means my training is still insufficient"
Nov 1, 2024 5:49 am
Adela's shy blush was charming to Sumeryu. It's cute, after all. Her greatest weakness!

"That is the custom here. I can refer to you as Adela, if you want, or Beran-san or Beran-chan."

So many cute people! It's all getting to be a little much for Sumeryu. How long can her composure last?!
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