As the students entered the auditorium, they were greeted by the sight of tall, arched windows lining the walls, through which rich beams of sunlight spilled, making the marble floor shine. The room was vast, with multiple downward steps of hardwood sculpted seat rolls, arranged in a semi-circle around a stage at the front. Above the stage hung a large, intricately woven banner displaying the emblem of Yokai Academy: A silver crescent moon and hexagram with a golden dragon to their left and a red phoenix to their right, over a field of purpure.
In the front rows, a few upperclassmen and teachers had already taken their seats. The atmosphere felt different here—more focused, almost expectant—as if they were waiting for the new students to make their mark.
As the last few stragglers found their seats, the lights in the auditorium dimmed, drawing everyone's attention toward the stage. The low murmur of the crowd gradually faded to a hush as a figure stepped up to the podium.
At the stage, there were a long table at the side, where multiple adult figures sat down, and at the center, a somewhat familiar figure... Or at least her voice: a tall (for a Japanese woman, that is) and svelte woman, at 5'5'', with long dark brown hair: long straight bangs that covered all of her forehead, and long sidelocks that reached her chest. She dressed very unusually, with a long dark purple dress and a tattered orange cape around her shoulders.
The woman showed her colleagues and the students a warm smile: "Welcome, welcome all! In this auspicious day, we celebrate the start of a new school year!" She says, waving at the crowd. "Without further ado, let's go to the introductions!!" Despite looking like a mature woman, she sounded very energetic, with a cheerful high voice.
"Starting by the school's staff..." She stops for a second, for dramatical effect, "That would be me-" She points at herself and waves, "Ruby Tojo! Currently, the academy's master of ceremonies!"
After that, everything goes quite for a moment. "Well, that would be it... Now to the teachers!" She turns to the long table at the corner and points at it, calling them in, "Please, come one on a time."
The first to come in, whose amazing beauty leaved more than half of the hall in awe, was woman of average high, with long light-blue hair that cascaded past her shoulders in waves, and slightly unequal curved parted bangs, that covered framed her face nicely; her big eyes were light purple. She dressed in a short frilly strapless dress the color of wine, under a leather coat-jacket, which framed a significant amount of the reason for the awe she caused: her veeery well endowed bosom.
"Oh my, what a pleasant crowd we have here today! I'm delighted." She says, waving around, "You'll be graced by me being your wonderful Home Economics, and class 1-A homeroom teacher: Kurumu Kurono! I know you're all very happy by those news!" She smiles around, "Those of you fortunate enough to be 1-A students, that is... For those who don't, I sympathise, and feel your pain, really... I know it must be hard - and boring - for you guys on... the other class. But do not give up! Even if your homeroom te-" She couldn't finish her sentence, because she suddenly froze in place, literally: she was covered in a big lump of ice!
"Enough clucking, hag: or this crap's gonna go forever." The next person in the line came on the center stage, visibly looking very discomforted by it: she was a bit taller than Kurumu, but skinnier, on the other hand, and well, less endowed (but not lacking either!) than her. She had purple hair that was tied in a loose and messy bun, while very long spiky bangs covered the sides of her head and bent outward. She had sapphire blue eyes. She wore a lavander off-shoulder sweater, slightly oversized, with one shoulder slipping lower than the other, and which covered her hips, below that, she wore dark leggings, and then grey cloth ankle boots. She had a choker on her neck with a snowflake pendant, and also had a lollypop in her mouth...
Anyway... I'm Mizore Shirayuki, I'm your... hmm, what was it again? She looked at Ruby, with an interrogative gaze. "Uh... Language teacher, or whatever... And homeroom to the guys at 1-B; yeah, that's it."
Suddenly, the ice lump around Kurumu started shaking frenetically, and then: pwoosh! It exploded in a blast of water that soaked everyone close to the stage! "Fufufu!!" She howled, "Nice try, but I'm so hot I can't be frozen!!" Her cheering was cut short when she realized who was the culprit.
"You crazy bitch! I could've died!!" "No one would've minded that..." "Alright! You're so dead!!"
And with that, Kurumu's nails grew long as swords, and a pair of leathery wings sprouted out of her back, and a tail came out below her dress him. In response, Mizore's arms turned into big ice claws; and both were in a fighting instance!
"Oh boy... Here we go again..." Ruby said, just as she noticed a group of students approaching, carrying a girl.