Class 1-B

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Nov 8, 2024 1:03 am
"Oh well... I didn't had a tumultuous first class like that for a looong time." She comes next to Hanami's desk, bending over it, her hands over the table, "You did well uncovering my... Secrets..." She blushes at that, "I hope our relations improves, no hard feelings, right? You got good potential."

"Miss Beran is right, let us stop with these pesky catfights, shall we? I mean, if there were enough complains, I could even get in trouble this time... Then again, maybe not." She concludes, dryly. "You guys are dismissed." She says, leaving the room promptly.
Nov 8, 2024 9:31 am
The hapless Mizore obsessively stalked the witch girl through the forest. Little did she know, the witch knew about her the entire time and was simply pretending to be unaware until the time was right. Suddenly, the witch's trap activated. Magic vines sprouted up from the ground and wrapped around Mizore rather suggestively. The evil witch, who was simply Hanami in stereotypical, all-black witch's garb, appeared before her newest catch, grinning wickedly as she pondered on how to punish her first- At that moment, the fantasy Lin Jing managed to glimpse was abruptly cut short as Hanami hurriedly closed off her mind.
Hanami's golden eyes went wide and her cheeks reddened. There was no doubt about it, the unwanted presence in her mind had seen the spicy little scenario that originated from her baser urges. Before she could start thinking up a dozen ways to track them down and silence them, she was treated to the view of Mizore bending over her desk, which was not helping matters. Trying to calm her rapidly beating heart, she looked off to the side. "H-Hmph... I admit, you've got potential as well. If you can be a half-decent teacher, we might be able to get along..." Her flustered state took the edge off her otherwise haughty remark.

She scoffed at the idea that their dispute was an inconsequential 'catfight'. It felt important to her, at least. "No promises," she muttered under her breath. However, she didn't expect the teacher to leave so quickly. "Wait! What about Japanese... class...?" She asked, but Mizore was already gone.

She wasn't pleased to be abandoned so suddenly, but her body was still near-freezing and she needed to get moving so the warmth could reach her extremities again, so she got up from her chair and headed for the door.
Nov 9, 2024 10:10 pm
The golem shook her head. She really needed a some time alone now. Though seeing Hanami getting into shocking Mizore was a little hot, that would would remain for a bit longer in Adela's unknown mind. Still when dismissed, she would move over to to her own desk and pick up her things, then she just headed out of the door.
Nov 13, 2024 6:31 am
Does Lin Jing have any thoughts or reactions to the image she gleaned? I'm assuming this scene is pretty much wrapped up besides for that
Nov 13, 2024 6:35 am
Oh, about that. I actually didn't intend this to come off as prying into the specific visuals in Hanami's mind, but rather as trying to nudge Hanami's thoughts in that direction by Lín Jìng trying to imagine some sort of (very vague, probably even non-visual) inversion scenario. I may have not conveyed that clearly though.

But if Hanami is paying attention and can spot such reactions, then she can notice that Lín Jìng is amused in a triscksterish way (but also slightly surprised in a disappointing way; the reason is likely much harder to deduce, but it actually has to do with previously observed Matsuyama-Aona dynamics).
Nov 13, 2024 7:07 am
Ah, sorry for misunderstanding. If you told me, I would've edited my message to properly reflect your intent. I can still do so if you'd like, but I think it works out as is.

So Lin sorta shipped Hanami and Matsui? And here I thought she wanted Matsui for herself, considering how fixated she is on his tie lol
Nov 13, 2024 7:20 am
Probably no point retconning anything no, so I let it go without comment.

Lín Jìng isn't so much shipping anyone specific as amusing herself by Matsuyama's condition, and the way the condition caused a tense scene with Aono. But this time it didn't work as intended, but the result was still amusing.

Also, I'm trying to keep the mental intrusions limited against PCs, that's why I mentioned the opportunity to push away that sort of stuff. I know some players treat mental powers differently than other powers and react more negatively on meta levels to their use.

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