Class 1-A

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Nov 1, 2024 6:40 pm
The students of Class 1-A file into their classroom for the first time, finding it bright and spacious, with large arched windows along one wall that fill the room with soft daylight. The desks are arranged in neat rows, each one with a small, enchanted gemstone embedded in the corner, faintly glowing in different colors. It seems each desk’s color is unique, shifting to match the student’s aura as they sit down—a little piece of personalized magic to start their year.

The walls are decorated with colorful banners displaying inspirational quotes in flowing script, along with a few framed photos of the academy’s various events: the school festival, the end-of-year competition, even a few blurry shots of the elusive abandoned dormitory. It’s a welcoming, lively atmosphere, designed to make the students feel at home.

Standing at the front of the room is Kurumu Kurono, Class 1-A’s homeroom teacher. Her deep blue hair falls in waves over her shoulders, and her eyes sparkle with warmth as she greets each student with a warm smile and words. Kurumu’s posture is relaxed yet confident, one hand on her hip as she surveys her students with a proud smile, clearly thrilled to meet her new class.

When everyone’s settled in, she clears her throat and gives them a wide, encouraging grin.
"Welcome to Class 1-A, everyone!" Kurumu says, her voice carrying a lively, inviting tone. "I’m Kurumu Kurono, your homeroom teacher. I’ll be guiding you throughout your years here at Yokai Academy—and trust me, we’re going to have an amazing time. We’ve got a fantastic group here, and I can already tell this class is going to put the competition in ruins! Fufufu!!"

Kurumu’s eyes widen as they set on Sumeryu, the dragon girl who towers over most of the class, her charm and confidence rivaling Kurumu’s own. "Himeji!!! I knew you would be mine!! Er- I mean, My student!" She shamelessly gives her a tight hug in front of the whole class, even though hugging Sumeryu is highly impractical, and can lead to chocking if care is not taken. After letting her go to her place, she continues her discourse... Kurumu winks in Sumeryu’s direction. "And some of us," Kurumu adds with a small laugh, "are already bringing a lot of... presence to Class 1-A." She lets the implication linger.

As the all the class are seated, Kurumu approaches Konomi on her place, and leans forward with an exaggerated, admiring look. "Well, aren't you just the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen! You’re the kind of good luck charm Class 1-A needs, don’t you think?" She winks, and a few classmates chuckle. Kurumu continues, speaking to Konomi in a playful yet genuinely warm tone, "Just being around you, I feel like our class’s luck is already on the rise. If you need anything, you just let me know, okay?" She says, patting her head.

As she's returning to her post, she crosses eyes with Luna, and promptly stops again, in admiration, "No way!! We've been truly blessed!! My class is filled to the bring with the cutest and pretties girls!!" She approaches her table and suggests to her, resting her hand on Luna's shoulder: "Hey! You should sit there next to those gems!" She says, pointing at Sumeryu nd Konomi, "Oh!! How you'll three shine in there!! Hehe... I can almost see the jealous face of a certain someone, if she saw my wonderful class!!"
"Now, I’ll be honest with you all," Kurumu continues, stepping forward with a conspiratorial grin. "Our rival class, Class 1-B, thinks they’re the ‘cool’ kids. They’ve got Mizore Shirayuki as their homeroom teacher, and if you haven’t noticed, she’s… well, let’s just say she’s got an ‘icy’ personality. They’re already talking big about how they’re going to outshine us this year, but I think we all know who’s really going to be on top." She gives an exaggerated wink, her playful jab at Class 1-B lighthearted but energizing, inviting the class to share in the rivalry.

Kurumu then claps her hands together. "Alright, I’d like everyone to take a moment to introduce yourselves—name, what brings you here to Yokai Academy, and one fun fact about yourself. But make it interesting! I want to know what makes each of you unique."

As the students begin their introductions, Kurumu listens intently, offering little nods and occasional encouraging smiles. She comments on each student’s fact, sometimes laughing, sometimes asking a quick follow-up question.

As Kurumu turns to the chalkboard to jot down a few reminders, she adds casually, "Oh, and don’t worry too much about Class 1-B. I’ve heard they’re planning a little team-building exercise of their own, but knowing Mizore, it’ll probably be more like a napping exercise." The class erupts in laughter
Nov 1, 2024 7:26 pm
Konomi pays little attention to the teachers antics. Instead she focuses on Sumeryu. Staring at her the entire time. Eventually she jumps up from her desk, interrupting some random students introduction.

She points at Sumeryu and shouts: "Enough! Who are you?! What is the meaning of this?! Explain yourself if you value your fortune!" Her voice is filled with menace and anger, but judging by her face she seems on the verge of tears.
Last edited November 1, 2024 7:27 pm
Nov 1, 2024 11:37 pm
Luna, who had the fortunate (or unfortunate?) luck to be seated between the two girls, was startled at the sudden outburst. She looked at Konomi, then Sumeryu, then back to Konomi, and then back to Sumeryu again in a comical manner. But seeing the mix of emotions on Konomi's face, she couldn't help but be concerned as she awaited Sumeryu's response.
Nov 2, 2024 1:37 am
The perfectly gorgeous, athletic redhead is precisely on time, and she sits in the back. If she didn't, she would block the view of the entire row behind her. When she enters, Kurumu grabs her in a hug. The teacher is short, only five feet high, so the top of her head is level with Sumeryu's chest. Thus, when Kurumu engages in an impromptu cuddle session, she has her whole head in Sumeryu's breasts.

The much larger girl awkwardly hugs Kurumu back. An observer might think that she was maintaining decorum and preserving modesty, though in actual fact she was freaking out at being grabbed by somebody so cute. And having even more cute people around.

"Of course I am in the first class," she replies to the blue haired woman's gushing.

From her seat, she blushes when Kurumu winks at her. The desk is extra large, custom made, clearly purpose built for the giant girl.

When Konomi yells at her, Sumeryu maintains a straight posture and puts her hands on the desk in front of herself. She is slightly upset and doing her best to not show it. A super cute girl is mad at her for no reason! It's a disaster!

Her voice is calm, rich, and resonant."I don't know what you're talking about. What is the 'this" I'm supposed to explain?"
Last edited November 2, 2024 1:39 am
Nov 2, 2024 1:55 am
Kanako sat at her desk with a slouch. It was all she could do not to slam her face against the desk repeatedly.

Of course. Of course, she'd be assigned to 1A to spend the rest of her days in homeroom with an extroverted succubus for a teacher. Going to this school was supposed to give her a break from people like her family, although at least the bluenette seemed a bit less... overbearingly dominant. For now.

She could only sigh and thank her lucky stars for her back-row placement.
Nov 2, 2024 2:08 am
Ibuki who quietly took the seat next in front of sumeryu will turn and whisper to the tall girl.

"the little one thought you were a 'sensei' not a student perhaps that's her confusion?"

As ibuki settles down her desk's colour shifts to a mix of brilliant gold and sinister purple as both colours appear to be fighting each other for territory... Ibuki tries not to think about what this implies
Nov 2, 2024 6:01 am
"Ah, I see," Sumeryu replied to Ibuki. Her desk had shifted to bright red and shining gold, as brilliant and beautiful as its occupant. Also equally upscaled compared to the rest of the environment.

"I am a sensei, but I am not a teacher at this school."

She turns in her seat and bows from the waits towards Konomi. "Sorry if the misunderstanding upset you."

Sumeryu seems entirely genuine. There is no mockery, manipulation, or even subtlety. She means it with complete conviction.
Nov 2, 2024 8:08 am
"Oh..." Konomi replies with a flat and deflated tone. She stares at Sumeryu for a few long seconds. "Yes that was indeed a misunderstanding. You could have said something though." She eventually adds in the same flat tone.

She sits back down and slumps on her desk. "Can we please all pretend that did not just happen?" She asks in a meek voice as her face blushes in embarrassment.
Nov 2, 2024 8:22 am
"Do not fret little one, it was an easy misunderstanding to make considering the circumstances. Though I muse recommend that onstead of forgetting we would be better served learning from this experience"
Last edited November 2, 2024 8:22 am
Nov 2, 2024 10:06 am
"No fair.... not wearing the uniform..." She grumbles to herself. "Stupid bullies.... it's all their fault.... now I will never forgive them..."
Nov 2, 2024 7:02 pm
"It's okay, we all make mistakes sometimes," said Luna, relieved that it was a simple misunderstanding. She wouldn't know what to do if they started fighting, especially with her in the middle.
Nov 2, 2024 7:29 pm
"I do apologise on the behalf of my acquaintances if we concerned you miss, you see those two ran into each other earlier today on the way to the ceremony and it we had little time for proper introduction resulting In the situation that occurred. You two should apologise as well considering we turned her table into a no mans land in our little verbal spat"
Nov 3, 2024 1:36 am
Sumeryu can't control herself. Konomi's adoreableness is far too much for her to handle. She gives in immediately, instead of trying to argue a point. She is definitely blushing.

"The uniform doesn't fit me. We can forget it. Would a hug help?" She seems a little bit awkward saying it, but even that is endearingly earnest.

To Ibuki, the giant girl answers, "Oh yes. That is a good idea."

And then she turns to bow her head to Luna. "My apologies for making your desk uncomfortable."
Last edited November 3, 2024 4:01 pm
Nov 3, 2024 7:02 pm
"No, just forget it, just forget about it." She looks at Kurumu with pleading eyes, hoping she can bring an end to the awkward scene. "I am just causing trouble for everyone aren't I? I'm sorry...."
Nov 3, 2024 9:34 pm
The urge to hug Konomi is nearly unbearable.

"A little, but you've also made the day more interesting," answered Sumeryu, with a carefully controlled, calm, collected expression and tone.

She has used a few words to say that Konomi is fine just the way she is and that Sumeryu likes having Konomi around.

Without looking like she's about to start hyperventilating over Konomi's adorableness. Nor did it appear that the statuesque stunner was trying to be that mature and charming. She just was that way, naturally.
Last edited November 3, 2024 10:27 pm
Nov 5, 2024 3:59 am
"Now that our misunderstandings have been settled! I shall proceed with my introduction. Greetings my name is Ibuki and I have come here seeking ... 'to change what I am' I suppose would be the best way to put it"

She pauses for awhile

"As for fun facts about myself hmm. Oh how about this! I can recite the Avatamsaka Sutra from memory allow me to demonstrate!"
Ibuki proceeds to begin rapidly chanting through the most grandiose and comprehensive of Sutra in a way that can only be described as 'hypnotically dull' until someone stops her


1600 page Sutra recollection - (6d6)

(525222) = 18

Nov 5, 2024 8:30 am
Konomi listens without any complaints. Anything that draws attention away from her is welcome right now and this is certainly going to do the trick.
Nov 5, 2024 8:22 pm
After Ibuki's recitation of the longest sutra gets boring instead of passionate, Sumeryu ritualistically intones,

"Namu Amida Bu. Om Mani Padme Hum."

She had meant to just be polite. It was the most common phrase in Japanese Buddhism. She wasn't even a Buddhist. Yet, she said it at exactly the right time to both indicate she had been listening and that the recitation by Ibuki was complete and meritorious.

When Ibuki finishes, Sumeryu stands, with nearly military precision and bearing. It would seem ridiculous from someone with less gravitas.

She bows.

"My name is Himeji Sumeryu. I wish to learn and improve myself as a dragon and a person. I enjoy baking."

And she sat back down. With body language, beauty, and unconscious charisma, she has made a truly awe-inspiring introduction out of what was, in fact, just directly stating facts.
Last edited November 5, 2024 10:10 pm
Nov 5, 2024 9:05 pm
Kanako stands up, staring ahead at nothing in particular, her expression probably comparable to a guilty woman making her final statements. Honestly, she was still kind of reeling at the impromptu Buddhist recital.

"...uh, I'm Uehara Kanako. Nice to meet you and stuff."

Now, think, think! What's something you can say that's reasonably interesting but says absolutely nothing about you? Think, Uehara!

"I won a race this morning."

She sits down without fanfare.
Nov 6, 2024 1:57 am
Ibuki thinks to herself "how many people were racing today?"
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