Class 1-A

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Nov 6, 2024 4:46 am
Up next with introductions was Luna. She meekly stood up and bowed as she politely introduced herself.

"It’s nice to meet everyone. My name is Luna. Um, just Luna, since I grew up in foster care… I’ve come here to be able to help people in a similar situation to mine someday. Um, for a fun fact, I have been working part time as a shrine maiden for a few years."

After sitting back down, Luna caught her breath as she wasn’t used to talking in front of so many people before. In her nervousness, she ended up speaking formally while introducing herself.
Nov 6, 2024 5:50 am
"while personally not the path i choose to walk i can respect someone who dedicates themselves to the faithcthey believe in, i look forward seeing how your faith compares to mine"
Nov 6, 2024 3:52 pm
While these special young girls introduced, so did the rest of the class. Taking not of the other students who sat close to them, the group heard of:

Aika, with her long light green hair and athletic body: "Hello, I'm Aika Fujimura! I'm into martial arts, and I'm Banami's best friend! And also Matsui Aono's lover! Whoever comes near then with evil intentions, should prepare to be clobbered by me!" She says, with a smile on her face.

There was also Genji Sakamoto, a tall and quiet guy, with long white hair and grey, misty eyes, he sounded and looked dreamy and mysterious, Finally, there was Chie Sato, who actively clapped at Ibuki's demonstration, not seeming to get bored of it, "Oh my, your recitation was very good, miss Doji." She have medium length auburn hair that curls around her face, with bright eyes.
As everyone introduced themselves, Kurumu looked at her attendance list, preoccupated, "Oh no... There appears to have a missing student. How awful!" But just as she said that, the door suddenly busts open!

And then, a girl comes flying, just to fall flat on her face, her long wavy hair covering all of her body. in front of everyone. "I-I'm here... Sorry for being late..." She says in a meek tone. As she raises to her feet, it was clear that her long wavy hair ended at her navel, what was then that covered the rest of her body? A big, fluffy tail! Which promptly starts swinging as everyone's attention is drawn to her, and on her head, an equally fluffy pair of fox ears! Her hair and fur where a very exotic color of pinky-peach, or peachy-pink, resembling the dawning sky of a humid day, or the cream on a peach tart.

"Oh, sweetie, you're not supposed to reveal your monster traits..." Kurumu says, warmly, to which, the new girl get's very embarrassed, her ears hanging low, "S-sorry, I'm not very good at this..." She chuckles; her tail swinging even swifter, spreading a sweet perfume through the whole room, in fact, it was such a sweet delicacy of a smell, that anyone with a sweet-tooth would be mouthwatering, It was a musky and harmonious mix of vanilla, cinnamon, apple and fruit flowers, like, of course, peach.

"Well, you're lucky I don't care about that, specially when one looks so cute with them!" Kurumu says laughing, patting her head, "Well, please introduce yourself, then you can sit there, in front of miss Hime." She gives Sumeryu a not-discreet-at-all wink.

"I'm Katsuya Momochichi! Nice to meet you all!! " She walks promptly to the place pointed to her, smiling all the way. As she approaches it, she asks, Sumeryu, in a gentle tone: "Excuse me, miss: I hope you don't mind me sitting in here. If my tail starts bothering you, don't hesitate on yanking it away..."
Seat arrangement:
Genji Sakamoto Aika Fujimura Katsuya Tsukishiro
Konomi Watanabe Luna Sumeryu Himeji
Kanako Uehara Chie Saito Ibuki Doji
Nov 7, 2024 12:55 am
Sumeryu observes each new introduction calmly, even though she feels inner turmoil. She has a strong desire to abscond with at least three of the girls in the room, Kurumu, Konomi, and now Luna and Katsuya. There are really starting to be a lot of princess candidates, which is great.

Luna's introduction is timid and formal, and the girl herself is adorable. Sumeryu is going to need a break in a panic room to scream about how many cute girls are around and start commissioning fanart and costumes.

Katsuya is somehow even cuter than Luna, but Luna's shyness is so much more charming! Sumeryu can't choose just one. She'll have to add both of then to her hoard.

Katsuya sits in front of her and Sumeryu sits ramrod straight. The newcomer is so cute. And smells like pastries.

"That's fine, Momochichi-san. I hope we have a good year together."

Once more, Sumeryu appears effortlessly calm and confident while just barely maintaining her composure.
Nov 7, 2024 4:47 am
'Hmm the monsters here are rather adept at acting human... or perhaps this how they simply are and I'm the only monster here who's nature is destruction' As Ibuki contemplates darkly the color of her desk starts to turn darker as well before she shakes herself put of it reminding herself that envy a great evil
Last edited November 7, 2024 4:48 am
Nov 7, 2024 6:26 pm
Eventually Konomi gets to introduce herself. She stand up, a bit reluctantly after what happened earlier.

"Uhm... nice to meet you all. I am Konomi Watanabe, but you can all call me Konomi if you want to." She stammers for a bit before continuing. "I don't think I have any interesting hobbies or anything. I guess I might want to join the culinary club. Making and eating tasty food sounds like fun. Anyhow, let's all get along this year."

She sits down again with a sigh of relief.
Nov 7, 2024 11:49 pm
The giant girl has to get a second or third glance at Konomi. She is way too cute not to want to treasure. Passionate but also easily embarrassed. Sumeryu is going to need to rent a house instead of a dorm room at this rate. Too many princesses to collect!

Think about the class instead!

Oh no, the teacher is also a princess candidate!

Are there dragon-sized panic rooms?
Nov 8, 2024 12:25 am
After a second glance at Sumeryu, hearing her remarks, Katsuya's eyes widen, the dragon can feel her shiver as she gasps. "Gah!! Y-You're huge!! Woa!! Uh... Ah..." As she's about to conclude, her cheeks blushing, she's interrupted by Teacher Kurono, who seems oblivious to the little interaction.

"Well then class, seems like our time's up! Welp, those wonderful introductions of my bright pupils certainly makes time pass quickly! Phew... I can't wait for our next class together!!"

"Aww.." Katsuya whimpers, her ears hanging low on her head. Turning back to Sumeryu, she says, "Well, I... Have something to do... I-I hope we see eachother later, huge and gorgeous miss..." She dashes away, waving at Sumeryu and everyone else, though the dragon girl could see a glimpse of sadness on her face.
Alright, let's close this scene guys (you can add any final remarks.)

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