What a brilliant day for an adventure!
Parish hops up the mountain trail last despite this largely being his idea. After all, his courtly manners would not allow him to hoist the brimming picnic basket, the fastidious albeit weighty tacklebox (marked with a sticker saying "1066 Ye Ole Pike Fishing Championship"), the golfing bag of rods or cooler full of ice upon his companions. This was their first time to engage in this most noble and ancient of sports and he would be turned to a toad before allowing this experience to be anything but glorious.
Which, of course, was going to be difficult given that Niviana was full of existential dread and Ichor was thoroughly unamused. But he had great hope in Amelie's ability to assist him in bringing out the best in this experience.
With a stifled grunt, Parish dropped everything on the shore and dabbed sweat from below his lure-encrusted hat. He smiled mightily despite this, knowing that a sportsman, like a knight, will achieve the best results when properly equipped.
Ah! My dear Viv! It is a pleasure upon pleasures to see you have decided to join us above the lake this day--I see you have gotten into the spirit of things! Are you prepared to engage in a most exciting and fruitful competition? He croaks a joyous guffaw as he pulls a bamboo rod from his bag with a flourish.
And my most wonderful friends Amelie and Ichor, I have ensured that we are all well equipped for this fine venture be it as sportsmen or amateurs--for is it not for the love of the thing either way?
He selects a lure from his hat and ties it with a practiced hand...er flipper? A thing of bright yellow feathers and gleaming gold, the lure looks more made to attract the eye of a dragon than a fish. The sparkle reflects in his lake-deep eyes, just as he knows it shall catch the sun in the depths and attract the prize that awaits below.
Come my friends! The depths shall not give up their prize if we simply stand about. Have at thee! And with a overhead spin, Parish's line flies into the water with a ploop.
Adding The Sword-in-the-Stone Fish to the lake, what appears to be a swordfish but its sharp note instead ends in a blunt anvil-like growth, 3 Points(If that sounds right?)
Also don't know if I've got a bingo or a whoopsie to go with this?
And if I didn't make it clear, fishing is a sport for Parish
Last edited November 8, 2024 9:25 pm