I have run the first adventure of the starter set here, and to be honest I don't highly recommend it - for neither the LM or the players does it represent the system very well. My players all were left with feelings about the intro that were largely, I feel, a result of them not seeing how the game would truly play out in a normal game.
One big thing is in the way the starter box adventures present challenges. In the normal game, the LM presents situations, the players respond by deciding how to handle those challenges and choosing a skill to roll, if appropriate. The LM then adjudicates whether the skill is appropriate for what they want to achieve and maybe offers alternatives. In the starter box adventures, it guides the LM to call for certain skill checks and provides no direction for what to do if the players don't have those skills or alternatives, nor does it make it clear the LM is to use these as guidelines for handling the situation.
Just, if you choose to run it, be aware of things like this - I would highly recommend NOT calling for specific rolls and instead give players the latitude to make these decisions themselves from the beginning, so as to accurately reflect the game system.
I could elaborate on other aspects that fell flat, but it might get into spoilers of the intro adventure. If anyone is to run the intro, feel free to reach out to me directly :)
Last edited November 25, 2024 5:14 am