Nov 11, 2024 11:43 am
A walled compound, Traveler’s Rest, offers food and accommodations, goods and services, and much more to the weary traveler. It was established nearly one hundred years ago as one of a series of coaching inns forming a chain across the borderlands.
A 3-yard-high wall wraps around a cobbled courtyard and six buildings. A double gate, wide enough to permit the most elaborate carriage stands at the front, remaining open during the daylight hours, and closing at midnight. The tavern sees a great deal of customers from the locals working the neighboring farms, so the place stays busy year-round. Most days, one can find a carriage or two, a few covered wagons, and maybe a cart crowding the courtyard.
To the left of the entrance stands a barn, with hayloft, and attached stable. The Rest has a few cows that they keep for milking, pigs, and a great many chickens. The stable holds plenty of stalls for horses. To the right of the entrance stands the forge, tended by a skilled blacksmith and expert at shoeing horses, with a general store attached. The inn stands against the compound’s back wall. The tavern juts out to the front on the right side. One door offers access to the tavern and from inside the tavern guests can make their way to their rooms in the inn.
The six of you have journeyed far from your home town. Having recently joined together as a party of adventurers, the Traveler's Rest is a welcome sight after many days on the road. A pair of guards standing outside the gates welcome you, while stable hands come forward to tend to your mounts, if you have them. The guards direct you to the tavern, informing you that you can secure rooms from Marya Meel at the desk near the stairs.
The tavern has several tables with chairs, booths, and a bar running along the side. A small kitchen produces much of the food, but there’s always a pot filled with bubbling "brown" hanging in the hearth. It is still early afternoon, so the tavern is rather quiet at the moment. A tall, thin man in need of a shave drinks coffee at the bar, while a servant sweeps the tavern floor. Marya Meel stands behind the desk, a woman standing merely 5 feet tall with a matronly appearance. She smiles warmly as you enter the tavern.
"Welcome. Will you be needing rooms for the night? We've a dozen private rooms available, or there's space in the common room if you don't mind sharing space with other travelers."
A 3-yard-high wall wraps around a cobbled courtyard and six buildings. A double gate, wide enough to permit the most elaborate carriage stands at the front, remaining open during the daylight hours, and closing at midnight. The tavern sees a great deal of customers from the locals working the neighboring farms, so the place stays busy year-round. Most days, one can find a carriage or two, a few covered wagons, and maybe a cart crowding the courtyard.
To the left of the entrance stands a barn, with hayloft, and attached stable. The Rest has a few cows that they keep for milking, pigs, and a great many chickens. The stable holds plenty of stalls for horses. To the right of the entrance stands the forge, tended by a skilled blacksmith and expert at shoeing horses, with a general store attached. The inn stands against the compound’s back wall. The tavern juts out to the front on the right side. One door offers access to the tavern and from inside the tavern guests can make their way to their rooms in the inn.
The six of you have journeyed far from your home town. Having recently joined together as a party of adventurers, the Traveler's Rest is a welcome sight after many days on the road. A pair of guards standing outside the gates welcome you, while stable hands come forward to tend to your mounts, if you have them. The guards direct you to the tavern, informing you that you can secure rooms from Marya Meel at the desk near the stairs.
The tavern has several tables with chairs, booths, and a bar running along the side. A small kitchen produces much of the food, but there’s always a pot filled with bubbling "brown" hanging in the hearth. It is still early afternoon, so the tavern is rather quiet at the moment. A tall, thin man in need of a shave drinks coffee at the bar, while a servant sweeps the tavern floor. Marya Meel stands behind the desk, a woman standing merely 5 feet tall with a matronly appearance. She smiles warmly as you enter the tavern.
"Welcome. Will you be needing rooms for the night? We've a dozen private rooms available, or there's space in the common room if you don't mind sharing space with other travelers."