Chapter 1: Friends in Need

Nov 11, 2024 11:43 am
A walled compound, Traveler’s Rest, offers food and accommodations, goods and services, and much more to the weary traveler. It was established nearly one hundred years ago as one of a series of coaching inns forming a chain across the borderlands.

A 3-yard-high wall wraps around a cobbled courtyard and six buildings. A double gate, wide enough to permit the most elaborate carriage stands at the front, remaining open during the daylight hours, and closing at midnight. The tavern sees a great deal of customers from the locals working the neighboring farms, so the place stays busy year-round. Most days, one can find a carriage or two, a few covered wagons, and maybe a cart crowding the courtyard.

To the left of the entrance stands a barn, with hayloft, and attached stable. The Rest has a few cows that they keep for milking, pigs, and a great many chickens. The stable holds plenty of stalls for horses. To the right of the entrance stands the forge, tended by a skilled blacksmith and expert at shoeing horses, with a general store attached. The inn stands against the compound’s back wall. The tavern juts out to the front on the right side. One door offers access to the tavern and from inside the tavern guests can make their way to their rooms in the inn.
The six of you have journeyed far from your home town. Having recently joined together as a party of adventurers, the Traveler's Rest is a welcome sight after many days on the road. A pair of guards standing outside the gates welcome you, while stable hands come forward to tend to your mounts, if you have them. The guards direct you to the tavern, informing you that you can secure rooms from Marya Meel at the desk near the stairs.

The tavern has several tables with chairs, booths, and a bar running along the side. A small kitchen produces much of the food, but there’s always a pot filled with bubbling "brown" hanging in the hearth. It is still early afternoon, so the tavern is rather quiet at the moment. A tall, thin man in need of a shave drinks coffee at the bar, while a servant sweeps the tavern floor. Marya Meel stands behind the desk, a woman standing merely 5 feet tall with a matronly appearance. She smiles warmly as you enter the tavern.

"Welcome. Will you be needing rooms for the night? We've a dozen private rooms available, or there's space in the common room if you don't mind sharing space with other travelers."
Nov 11, 2024 3:30 pm
"No rooms for me, Madame." The steel giant looming slightly over the others shook his head, pulling back his cloak to reveal an armored helm in lieu of his face, with two sapphire crystals gleaming out from underneath. His real face was carved in the likeness of a snarling wolf, and R3N-L3 had learned that most people tended to run away shrieking when they saw one of the Weird Wizard's Clockworks roaming around in war-form. "I will be standing guard outside their rooms for the night." He didn't comment on whether or not someone would relieve him, which would not happen regardless, for he had not slept since he'd been awoken from dormancy. And until the tiny key between his shoulder blades stopped turning, he never would.
Nov 11, 2024 6:35 pm
Tzal smiled at Marya Meel, "Greetings Madam. It is a relief to finally reach Traveller's Rest. I would have loved to take a room, but I am rather out of coins for now. Tell me, if there is any work available in your settlement, maybe I can give a hand perhaps? But, pardon my enthusiasm and forwardness, I am Tzal Pointius, an apprentice of the arcane arts. Due to the perilous journey between each habitable settlement, we have all banded together to make the journey to here."
Last edited November 11, 2024 6:35 pm
Nov 11, 2024 10:22 pm
Aazim regards his companions intently, wondering just how he'd teamed up with such varied and eccentric beings. It was a vastly different experience from what he was used to. No Jann caste system, no family expecting him to follow a predetermined path....

But wasn't this what he wanted? To go on adventures and expand his horizons? Well, yes...but...sometimes he longed for a comfortable feather bed in a large bedroom, obedient servants, and food that didn't taste like broiled leather.

Tzal was haggling over their accommodations, so Aazim hangs back and lets him speak. Aazim was at best an average negotiator; better to let others handle those situations.

Instead, he turns to R3N-L3:

"While we have an idle moment, I was wondering if you could explain more about your...existence. As you know, I'm something of a philosopher. Perhaps just a neophyte now, but one day I hope to have a clear (or more clear) understanding of this world. A being such as yourself certainly creates a lot of----"

He stops himself. He was "othering" the "man," treating him like a science experiment, something to be poked and prodded. Omar Sandaleev wouldn't have behaved like this. He would've laughed and joked with R3N-L3, and the construct would've opened up organically. Well, organically in one meaning of the word....

Aazim lamely clears his throat and offers a thin smile.

"Well, I'm just eager to hear anything you have to say."
Last edited November 11, 2024 11:59 pm
Nov 12, 2024 12:53 am
"Hello, my dear woman," Wolfram says, turning on his natural charm which in this case was easy as the short rotund woman reminded him of his mother who he missed dearly but would never admit to such.

"I am a creature of the outdoors and enjoy the stars as my roof. A nice meal and a tankard of ale to wash down the road dust would be much appreciated."

Wolfram throws back his hood and regards his travelling companions with indifference, although he does feel a somewhat kindred spirit with Azar, who gives Wolfram the impression that he aspires to greater things, along with an enthusiastic spirit of adventure. The clockwork, well, truth be told he found him a little unnerving having never seen one before being the woods dweller he was. The Mage he could teach a thing or two about not needing to work.

In the meantime, he would love to kick off his boots and light a fire outside, but he prided himself on blending into any social situation as he would do now.
Nov 12, 2024 8:44 am
There is a hint of apprehension in Marya's featuers as R3N-L3 addresses her. A clockwork is a rare sight out here in the borderlands, but the innkeeper is doing an admirable job keeping her uncertainty in check. When Wolfram mentions a nice meal, her smile broadens. "Well, my husband Argyn is hard at work in the kitchen working on tonight's dinner. I'm certain you won't be disappointed!"

In response to Tzal's inquiry about work, Marya nods. "Well, I know a local goatherder named Galloping Gus has offered a reward to hunt down the critter that's been killing his goats. He should be by later tonight if you want to speak to him.

"Aside from that, there's been a rash of disappearances round these parts. Six people have gone missing over the course of the past few weeks. Argyn and I have been talking about hiring a ranger to look into the matter, but we haven't done so yet."
She quirks an eyebrow at you. "If you're interested, I reckon we could muster 5 sp for each of you if you can get to the bottom of what's happening."
Nov 12, 2024 9:26 am
Tzal's eyebrow twitched, an involuntary reflex that is getting very recurrent recently. He turned to Wolfram and nodded and then back again to Marya, "Missing persons, Madam? And that too, six already? That's a serious affair. But, luck is with you, because we have an expert of woodland realms with us. That would be this fine gentleman (pointing at Wolfram) here, Mr. Wolfram. So, worry not, we can look into this for you all. 5 sp is a generous offer, but we are weary from our travels. May I insist that you provide us with food and lodgings while we investigate this nefarious matter?"
Trying to get free food and rooms. Tell me if I need to roll anything.
Last edited November 12, 2024 5:17 pm
Nov 12, 2024 9:29 am
No need to roll.
Marya nods again. "Aye, that's fair enough. I'll cover your room and board while you're on the case."
Nov 12, 2024 1:09 pm
Gabalan joined the group of travelers just recently. Like week or two ago. At one moment the group was attacked by some lowly bandits, probably too drunk to value properly with who are they dealing with. But still there were many of them and some of them were quite good with their weapons.

So the group had to sweat a little to repel them. In the middle of the skirmish the group saw Gabalan emerging from the nearby forest and starting to help them fend off their attackers. He proved to be effective with a task, even though he looked to be quite old at first. At one moment - when one of the bigger bandits seamed to be getting some advantage over him in their sword duel (maybe because he seamed to be limping a little on one of his legs), he used a strange device, that produced a green light and made a burning hole in belly of the notorious attacker. Those who was able to look at him at that very moment noticed that he immediately hid the device under his robes once more checking who noticed his behavior... only to look around and notice the fight is over and the bandits flee taking wounded with them.

After the combat he introduced himself simply as "Gabalan" and simply asked with very strange accent:
"Are you perhaps heading to Traveler's Rest? Most beings on this route do. May I join you so I can travel faster, without using the forest as a countermeasure to ambushes?"

As they apparently agreed to his companionship, he wasn't very talkative since their first meeting, always seeming lost in thought. The only interest he showed in the rest of the group was towards Clockwork - R3N-L3. He seemed to watch him closely from afar when he had the chance, obviously interested in the way he had been created. However, he rarely spoke to him or anyone else during their journey. Although when he did, there was a sense of respect and good intentions, although they almost always seemed to be covered up by some heavy burden he apparently carried.

Somehow the group learned to accept him and even trust. Even though they knew very little about him and everybody felt that there is something... different about him.

I.e. his cloths that were looking - at first glance - as ordinary traveler robes... somehow seemed to get a little less dirty than they should during their travels. Or his short sword handle was from leather... but it was strange leather - as some very perceptive, noticed during their time together. Also, sometimes he didn't know about simple things... he should have known. As he would come from some really distant lands.

But he had a way of weaving his way out of any conversation that seemed to be headed in the direction of revealing more information about him.
Gabalan was standing a few steps behind big clockwork, ranger, "so called Jann" and apparently talkative mage. He was looking at the very few people gathered at this hour in the inn with great curiosity, as he would try to find someone - trying to hide his interest, although not very well.

Hearing that Tzal apparently managed to fix them a free meal and bed - his eyes widened a little, with hint of disbelieve and a little appreciation. But his mind was already fully focused at the task given to them. He asked a question, that had to flew over his companions backs and heads, towards the woman behind the desk, with calm, but very matter-of-fact voice:
"Six already? When the last person went missing? And who was reporting their disappearance?"
Last edited November 12, 2024 1:14 pm
Nov 12, 2024 1:53 pm
"The latest people that went missing were a pair of adventurers bound for Four Towers," Marya says. "They were staying here for a spell. I thought they'd still be here for a few more days, but one morning they didn't come down to breakfast. They'd given no indication that they'd be leaving, and they must have taken their room keys with them because we couldn't find them. I had the maids check their rooms, and they found some of the adventurers' personal effects, baggage, and some coin. It's like they planned on coming back, but it's been nearly a week now and still no sign of them."
Nov 12, 2024 5:11 pm
Lagging behind at the back of the group stood a burley, armored woman that they've all come to know as Lauretta Shoemaker. Tied around her hips was a white banner boldly bearing the streaking mark of the red comet, signifying her position of priesthood in the Church of the High One. While her surname might make one wonder about her talents as a cobbler, the truth they likely would have learned is that she has none. Her family's namesake was lost on her, but the sizeable axe she carried wasn't. It had clearly seen use long before the journey with this group, and it was likely to see more. On the face of this stoic soldier priest was a perpetual frown and broken veins on her nose, both of which were figurative and literal scars she had acquired in life. Still, her appearances weren't necessarily true to her demeanor.

"We will find them. One way or another. Did the six have anything in common? Such as staying in the same rooms or where they were from?"

While her gruffly voiced questions were directed at Marya, Lauretta was looking around the tavern for anything out of place. Her eyes lingered on the man drinking coffee, wondering why he'd desire the pick-me-up later in the afternoon.
Last edited November 12, 2024 5:12 pm
Nov 12, 2024 7:12 pm
After hearing about the disappearances, R3N-L3 quietly calculated the chances regarding it being a Wizard creation. More likely it was a pack of wild wolves or other desperate creatures looking to turn the lack of a human to a disadvantage. "I will be on sentry duty for the night. Conversation will not impede my opticals." He assured the Jann, before making a brief circuit up the stairs to check the rooms over, stairs creaking under the weight of so much moving metal. After confirming that nothing seemed out of place, he would take up a posting by the door while he waited for the others to finish conversing with the landlady, staring out into the night without a care for the chill breeze so far from the common room.
Nov 13, 2024 12:31 am
"That is most excellent news! I could eat a horse and drink a river."

And it was true. Wolfram was starving, but he became less charming and more serious once the story of the missing people was told and naturally he perked up considerably at the mention of coin and the need for a ranger.

"Indeed as Tzal says, I am very equipped to deal with the ways of the forest."

What Wolfram didn't mention was his confidence or lack thereof in a certain individual in their newfound group. Gabalan rubbed him the wrong way. He wasn't sure whether he'd be a hindrance or an asset. Either way he didn't trust him or like him. But he could turn on the charm with anyone if need be.

"Lauretta's question is a good one. And I'd add another one. Were they perhaps people of means?"

It did seem to him that the group left in a hurry, whether taken by force or not was yet to be ascertained.
Nov 13, 2024 8:21 am
The man drinking coffee feels Lauretta's gaze upon him. He turns and looks at her, smiling thinly and raising his mug. He is perhaps in his late twenties, tall and thin, his chin adorned with stubble.

Marya gives you a full rundown of the six missing people. Besides the two adventurers, two others were travelers: a bard and an itinerant priest of Lord Death. The last two missing people were locals: ruddy Jonn, a strapping, young lad who talked big and was a known boaster, and young
Philomena Stroup, a noted healer and herbalist. None of them were people of much means. The only thing they all had in common was that they visited the Traveler's Rest before their disappearance.
Nov 13, 2024 7:51 pm
Lauretta nodded in agreement with the inclusion of the forester's question. Wolfram seemed a simple, competent man in her eyes, which she preferred to complexity of mages and non-humans. Still, the help of anyone in virtuous missions earned her respect and appreciation. After listening to Marya's explanation, the priest let a sigh escape her nose as she looked back to the man and his coffee.

"Saints' blessings to you. I take it by your choice of drink that you work on a different nightly cycle than most. Seen anything out of the ordinary in the past few weeks?"

There was no expectation that any given passerby might know something, but the group would have to start somewhere. A small hope in her heart was that those missing might still live, and that they may be saved. The coin meant little to her by comparison.
Nov 13, 2024 10:14 pm
Aazim arches an eyebrow as R3N-L3 takes up a guarding position. The construct hadn't seemed bothered by his inquiries, but neither did it offer up any information. Perhaps he'd have to ask more pointed questions to get the interesting being talking.

For now, though, he focuses on the missing people, and addresses Marya:

"You say they left some personal effects? Can we examine them? They might yield clues. And what can you tell us about Four Towers?"
Nov 14, 2024 3:18 am
The priest was better than most he had met, most being very few as he avoided them like the plague. They had nothing to give him, and his beliefs did not coincide with those of the various orders of any priesthood he had come across. Lauretta though, was capable and formidable. He wasn't sure he would best her in a fight, so he had a healthy respect for her.

Now he was nodding along, paying attention to hers and Aazim's questions and asking a few of his own of Marya. he too wondered about the significance of the Four Towers, if any.

"If you consider the group that shall we say has been taken, look at who they are. There is a healer, a priest for spiritual needs, a bard for entertainment, a strong young man and woman who happen to be locals who would know the area, and travelers and adventurers used to the rigors of the road. I'd wager this team of men have been unwillingly participants in a systematic collection to be engaged in ... well in something requiring a useful balance of talents.
Nov 14, 2024 9:35 am
Marya agrees to let you look through the missing people's personal effects to see if you can glean anything. Four Towers is a city-state on the southern coast that takes its name from the four exceptionally tall and ancient towers that rise from its center. A settlement grew around the towers, with some structures thousands of years old.

When Lauretta addresses the man at the bar, he smiles at her. He has a pleasant smell about him, though the priest notes dirt under his fingernails. "I have seen some extraordinary sights, milady, but nothing related to the missing folk, I'm afraid. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Pyram Peek. I've come to the region to investigate some burial sites left by a vanished people in the Green Hills. Locals avoid the hills, as they’re said to be infested with giant spiders and other monsters. But I've made some interesting finds so far. I'd be happy to show them to you later tonight, if you're interested."
Nov 14, 2024 12:01 pm
Gabalan noticed right away that Wolfram was the last person who reluctantly agreed to let him join the group. He didn't blame him for that, but he didn't see the slightest need to try to gain his trust in any way. It was Wolfram's choice, and Gabalan had other things on his mind.

After listening to the answers to his companions' questions, Gabalan approached the bar with Marya behind of it a little, stepping slightly in front of Wolfram and added one more question of his own:

"Did anyone new appear in the area before these disappearances started happening, who may be still around to this day?"

From Lauretta's conversation with the young boy, he caught "Green Hills" - which made him decide to listen in on the rest of the conversation at the next opportunity.
Last edited November 14, 2024 12:03 pm
Nov 14, 2024 1:06 pm
"People come and go all the time," Marya says with a shrug. "There's nobody I can think anybody off the top of my head who has been here long enough to be implicated in all the disappearances."
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