Chapter 1: Friends in Need

Nov 11, 2024 11:43 am
A walled compound, Traveler’s Rest, offers food and accommodations, goods and services, and much more to the weary traveler. It was established nearly one hundred years ago as one of a series of coaching inns forming a chain across the borderlands.

A 3-yard-high wall wraps around a cobbled courtyard and six buildings. A double gate, wide enough to permit the most elaborate carriage stands at the front, remaining open during the daylight hours, and closing at midnight. The tavern sees a great deal of customers from the locals working the neighboring farms, so the place stays busy year-round. Most days, one can find a carriage or two, a few covered wagons, and maybe a cart crowding the courtyard.

To the left of the entrance stands a barn, with hayloft, and attached stable. The Rest has a few cows that they keep for milking, pigs, and a great many chickens. The stable holds plenty of stalls for horses. To the right of the entrance stands the forge, tended by a skilled blacksmith and expert at shoeing horses, with a general store attached. The inn stands against the compound’s back wall. The tavern juts out to the front on the right side. One door offers access to the tavern and from inside the tavern guests can make their way to their rooms in the inn.
The six of you have journeyed far from your home town. Having recently joined together as a party of adventurers, the Traveler's Rest is a welcome sight after many days on the road. A pair of guards standing outside the gates welcome you, while stable hands come forward to tend to your mounts, if you have them. The guards direct you to the tavern, informing you that you can secure rooms from Marya Meel at the desk near the stairs.

The tavern has several tables with chairs, booths, and a bar running along the side. A small kitchen produces much of the food, but there’s always a pot filled with bubbling "brown" hanging in the hearth. It is still early afternoon, so the tavern is rather quiet at the moment. A tall, thin man in need of a shave drinks coffee at the bar, while a servant sweeps the tavern floor. Marya Meel stands behind the desk, a woman standing merely 5 feet tall with a matronly appearance. She smiles warmly as you enter the tavern.

"Welcome. Will you be needing rooms for the night? We've a dozen private rooms available, or there's space in the common room if you don't mind sharing space with other travelers."
Nov 11, 2024 3:30 pm
"No rooms for me, Madame." The steel giant looming slightly over the others shook his head, pulling back his cloak to reveal an armored helm in lieu of his face, with two sapphire crystals gleaming out from underneath. His real face was carved in the likeness of a snarling wolf, and R3N-L3 had learned that most people tended to run away shrieking when they saw one of the Weird Wizard's Clockworks roaming around in war-form. "I will be standing guard outside their rooms for the night." He didn't comment on whether or not someone would relieve him, which would not happen regardless, for he had not slept since he'd been awoken from dormancy. And until the tiny key between his shoulder blades stopped turning, he never would.
Nov 11, 2024 6:35 pm
Tzal smiled at Marya Meel, "Greetings Madam. It is a relief to finally reach Traveller's Rest. I would have loved to take a room, but I am rather out of coins for now. Tell me, if there is any work available in your settlement, maybe I can give a hand perhaps? But, pardon my enthusiasm and forwardness, I am Tzal Pointius, an apprentice of the arcane arts. Due to the perilous journey between each habitable settlement, we have all banded together to make the journey to here."
Last edited November 11, 2024 6:35 pm
Nov 11, 2024 10:22 pm
Aazim regards his companions intently, wondering just how he'd teamed up with such varied and eccentric beings. It was a vastly different experience from what he was used to. No Jann caste system, no family expecting him to follow a predetermined path....

But wasn't this what he wanted? To go on adventures and expand his horizons? Well, yes...but...sometimes he longed for a comfortable feather bed in a large bedroom, obedient servants, and food that didn't taste like broiled leather.

Tzal was haggling over their accommodations, so Aazim hangs back and lets him speak. Aazim was at best an average negotiator; better to let others handle those situations.

Instead, he turns to R3N-L3:

"While we have an idle moment, I was wondering if you could explain more about your...existence. As you know, I'm something of a philosopher. Perhaps just a neophyte now, but one day I hope to have a clear (or more clear) understanding of this world. A being such as yourself certainly creates a lot of----"

He stops himself. He was "othering" the "man," treating him like a science experiment, something to be poked and prodded. Omar Sandaleev wouldn't have behaved like this. He would've laughed and joked with R3N-L3, and the construct would've opened up organically. Well, organically in one meaning of the word....

Aazim lamely clears his throat and offers a thin smile.

"Well, I'm just eager to hear anything you have to say."
Last edited November 11, 2024 11:59 pm
Nov 12, 2024 12:53 am
"Hello, my dear woman," Wolfram says, turning on his natural charm which in this case was easy as the short rotund woman reminded him of his mother who he missed dearly but would never admit to such.

"I am a creature of the outdoors and enjoy the stars as my roof. A nice meal and a tankard of ale to wash down the road dust would be much appreciated."

Wolfram throws back his hood and regards his travelling companions with indifference, although he does feel a somewhat kindred spirit with Azar, who gives Wolfram the impression that he aspires to greater things, along with an enthusiastic spirit of adventure. The clockwork, well, truth be told he found him a little unnerving having never seen one before being the woods dweller he was. The Mage he could teach a thing or two about not needing to work.

In the meantime, he would love to kick off his boots and light a fire outside, but he prided himself on blending into any social situation as he would do now.
Nov 12, 2024 8:44 am
There is a hint of apprehension in Marya's featuers as R3N-L3 addresses her. A clockwork is a rare sight out here in the borderlands, but the innkeeper is doing an admirable job keeping her uncertainty in check. When Wolfram mentions a nice meal, her smile broadens. "Well, my husband Argyn is hard at work in the kitchen working on tonight's dinner. I'm certain you won't be disappointed!"

In response to Tzal's inquiry about work, Marya nods. "Well, I know a local goatherder named Galloping Gus has offered a reward to hunt down the critter that's been killing his goats. He should be by later tonight if you want to speak to him.

"Aside from that, there's been a rash of disappearances round these parts. Six people have gone missing over the course of the past few weeks. Argyn and I have been talking about hiring a ranger to look into the matter, but we haven't done so yet."
She quirks an eyebrow at you. "If you're interested, I reckon we could muster 5 sp for each of you if you can get to the bottom of what's happening."
Nov 12, 2024 9:26 am
Tzal's eyebrow twitched, an involuntary reflex that is getting very recurrent recently. He turned to Wolfram and nodded and then back again to Marya, "Missing persons, Madam? And that too, six already? That's a serious affair. But, luck is with you, because we have an expert of woodland realms with us. That would be this fine gentleman (pointing at Wolfram) here, Mr. Wolfram. So, worry not, we can look into this for you all. 5 sp is a generous offer, but we are weary from our travels. May I insist that you provide us with food and lodgings while we investigate this nefarious matter?"
Trying to get free food and rooms. Tell me if I need to roll anything.
Last edited November 12, 2024 5:17 pm
Nov 12, 2024 9:29 am
No need to roll.
Marya nods again. "Aye, that's fair enough. I'll cover your room and board while you're on the case."
Nov 12, 2024 1:09 pm
Gabalan joined the group of travelers just recently. Like week or two ago. At one moment the group was attacked by some lowly bandits, probably too drunk to value properly with who are they dealing with. But still there were many of them and some of them were quite good with their weapons.

So the group had to sweat a little to repel them. In the middle of the skirmish the group saw Gabalan emerging from the nearby forest and starting to help them fend off their attackers. He proved to be effective with a task, even though he looked to be quite old at first. At one moment - when one of the bigger bandits seamed to be getting some advantage over him in their sword duel (maybe because he seamed to be limping a little on one of his legs), he used a strange device, that produced a green light and made a burning hole in belly of the notorious attacker. Those who was able to look at him at that very moment noticed that he immediately hid the device under his robes once more checking who noticed his behavior... only to look around and notice the fight is over and the bandits flee taking wounded with them.

After the combat he introduced himself simply as "Gabalan" and simply asked with very strange accent:
"Are you perhaps heading to Traveler's Rest? Most beings on this route do. May I join you so I can travel faster, without using the forest as a countermeasure to ambushes?"

As they apparently agreed to his companionship, he wasn't very talkative since their first meeting, always seeming lost in thought. The only interest he showed in the rest of the group was towards Clockwork - R3N-L3. He seemed to watch him closely from afar when he had the chance, obviously interested in the way he had been created. However, he rarely spoke to him or anyone else during their journey. Although when he did, there was a sense of respect and good intentions, although they almost always seemed to be covered up by some heavy burden he apparently carried.

Somehow the group learned to accept him and even trust. Even though they knew very little about him and everybody felt that there is something... different about him.

I.e. his cloths that were looking - at first glance - as ordinary traveler robes... somehow seemed to get a little less dirty than they should during their travels. Or his short sword handle was from leather... but it was strange leather - as some very perceptive, noticed during their time together. Also, sometimes he didn't know about simple things... he should have known. As he would come from some really distant lands.

But he had a way of weaving his way out of any conversation that seemed to be headed in the direction of revealing more information about him.
Gabalan was standing a few steps behind big clockwork, ranger, "so called Jann" and apparently talkative mage. He was looking at the very few people gathered at this hour in the inn with great curiosity, as he would try to find someone - trying to hide his interest, although not very well.

Hearing that Tzal apparently managed to fix them a free meal and bed - his eyes widened a little, with hint of disbelieve and a little appreciation. But his mind was already fully focused at the task given to them. He asked a question, that had to flew over his companions backs and heads, towards the woman behind the desk, with calm, but very matter-of-fact voice:
"Six already? When the last person went missing? And who was reporting their disappearance?"
Last edited November 12, 2024 1:14 pm
Nov 12, 2024 1:53 pm
"The latest people that went missing were a pair of adventurers bound for Four Towers," Marya says. "They were staying here for a spell. I thought they'd still be here for a few more days, but one morning they didn't come down to breakfast. They'd given no indication that they'd be leaving, and they must have taken their room keys with them because we couldn't find them. I had the maids check their rooms, and they found some of the adventurers' personal effects, baggage, and some coin. It's like they planned on coming back, but it's been nearly a week now and still no sign of them."
Nov 12, 2024 5:11 pm
Lagging behind at the back of the group stood a burley, armored woman that they've all come to know as Lauretta Shoemaker. Tied around her hips was a white banner boldly bearing the streaking mark of the red comet, signifying her position of priesthood in the Church of the High One. While her surname might make one wonder about her talents as a cobbler, the truth they likely would have learned is that she has none. Her family's namesake was lost on her, but the sizeable axe she carried wasn't. It had clearly seen use long before the journey with this group, and it was likely to see more. On the face of this stoic soldier priest was a perpetual frown and broken veins on her nose, both of which were figurative and literal scars she had acquired in life. Still, her appearances weren't necessarily true to her demeanor.

"We will find them. One way or another. Did the six have anything in common? Such as staying in the same rooms or where they were from?"

While her gruffly voiced questions were directed at Marya, Lauretta was looking around the tavern for anything out of place. Her eyes lingered on the man drinking coffee, wondering why he'd desire the pick-me-up later in the afternoon.
Last edited November 12, 2024 5:12 pm
Nov 12, 2024 7:12 pm
After hearing about the disappearances, R3N-L3 quietly calculated the chances regarding it being a Wizard creation. More likely it was a pack of wild wolves or other desperate creatures looking to turn the lack of a human to a disadvantage. "I will be on sentry duty for the night. Conversation will not impede my opticals." He assured the Jann, before making a brief circuit up the stairs to check the rooms over, stairs creaking under the weight of so much moving metal. After confirming that nothing seemed out of place, he would take up a posting by the door while he waited for the others to finish conversing with the landlady, staring out into the night without a care for the chill breeze so far from the common room.
Nov 13, 2024 12:31 am
"That is most excellent news! I could eat a horse and drink a river."

And it was true. Wolfram was starving, but he became less charming and more serious once the story of the missing people was told and naturally he perked up considerably at the mention of coin and the need for a ranger.

"Indeed as Tzal says, I am very equipped to deal with the ways of the forest."

What Wolfram didn't mention was his confidence or lack thereof in a certain individual in their newfound group. Gabalan rubbed him the wrong way. He wasn't sure whether he'd be a hindrance or an asset. Either way he didn't trust him or like him. But he could turn on the charm with anyone if need be.

"Lauretta's question is a good one. And I'd add another one. Were they perhaps people of means?"

It did seem to him that the group left in a hurry, whether taken by force or not was yet to be ascertained.
Nov 13, 2024 8:21 am
The man drinking coffee feels Lauretta's gaze upon him. He turns and looks at her, smiling thinly and raising his mug. He is perhaps in his late twenties, tall and thin, his chin adorned with stubble.

Marya gives you a full rundown of the six missing people. Besides the two adventurers, two others were travelers: a bard and an itinerant priest of Lord Death. The last two missing people were locals: ruddy Jonn, a strapping, young lad who talked big and was a known boaster, and young
Philomena Stroup, a noted healer and herbalist. None of them were people of much means. The only thing they all had in common was that they visited the Traveler's Rest before their disappearance.
Nov 13, 2024 7:51 pm
Lauretta nodded in agreement with the inclusion of the forester's question. Wolfram seemed a simple, competent man in her eyes, which she preferred to complexity of mages and non-humans. Still, the help of anyone in virtuous missions earned her respect and appreciation. After listening to Marya's explanation, the priest let a sigh escape her nose as she looked back to the man and his coffee.

"Saints' blessings to you. I take it by your choice of drink that you work on a different nightly cycle than most. Seen anything out of the ordinary in the past few weeks?"

There was no expectation that any given passerby might know something, but the group would have to start somewhere. A small hope in her heart was that those missing might still live, and that they may be saved. The coin meant little to her by comparison.
Nov 13, 2024 10:14 pm
Aazim arches an eyebrow as R3N-L3 takes up a guarding position. The construct hadn't seemed bothered by his inquiries, but neither did it offer up any information. Perhaps he'd have to ask more pointed questions to get the interesting being talking.

For now, though, he focuses on the missing people, and addresses Marya:

"You say they left some personal effects? Can we examine them? They might yield clues. And what can you tell us about Four Towers?"
Nov 14, 2024 3:18 am
The priest was better than most he had met, most being very few as he avoided them like the plague. They had nothing to give him, and his beliefs did not coincide with those of the various orders of any priesthood he had come across. Lauretta though, was capable and formidable. He wasn't sure he would best her in a fight, so he had a healthy respect for her.

Now he was nodding along, paying attention to hers and Aazim's questions and asking a few of his own of Marya. he too wondered about the significance of the Four Towers, if any.

"If you consider the group that shall we say has been taken, look at who they are. There is a healer, a priest for spiritual needs, a bard for entertainment, a strong young man and woman who happen to be locals who would know the area, and travelers and adventurers used to the rigors of the road. I'd wager this team of men have been unwillingly participants in a systematic collection to be engaged in ... well in something requiring a useful balance of talents.
Nov 14, 2024 9:35 am
Marya agrees to let you look through the missing people's personal effects to see if you can glean anything. Four Towers is a city-state on the southern coast that takes its name from the four exceptionally tall and ancient towers that rise from its center. A settlement grew around the towers, with some structures thousands of years old.

When Lauretta addresses the man at the bar, he smiles at her. He has a pleasant smell about him, though the priest notes dirt under his fingernails. "I have seen some extraordinary sights, milady, but nothing related to the missing folk, I'm afraid. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Pyram Peek. I've come to the region to investigate some burial sites left by a vanished people in the Green Hills. Locals avoid the hills, as they’re said to be infested with giant spiders and other monsters. But I've made some interesting finds so far. I'd be happy to show them to you later tonight, if you're interested."
Nov 14, 2024 12:01 pm
Gabalan noticed right away that Wolfram was the last person who reluctantly agreed to let him join the group. He didn't blame him for that, but he didn't see the slightest need to try to gain his trust in any way. It was Wolfram's choice, and Gabalan had other things on his mind.

After listening to the answers to his companions' questions, Gabalan approached the bar with Marya behind of it a little, stepping slightly in front of Wolfram and added one more question of his own:

"Did anyone new appear in the area before these disappearances started happening, who may be still around to this day?"

From Lauretta's conversation with the young boy, he caught "Green Hills" - which made him decide to listen in on the rest of the conversation at the next opportunity.
Last edited November 14, 2024 12:03 pm
Nov 14, 2024 1:06 pm
"People come and go all the time," Marya says with a shrug. "There's nobody I can think anybody off the top of my head who has been here long enough to be implicated in all the disappearances."
Nov 14, 2024 3:52 pm
Looking this Pyram Peek up and down with skepticism, Lauretta crosses her arms and shifts her stance.

"You're a bit scrawny to be braving ancient burial grounds that normal folks avoid. What makes you so confident to be scraping around in that old dirt at night? Is there some treasure or legend pushing you on? Either way, it's damned foolish to do it alone."

In earnest, the priest believed it to be damned foolish to go disturbing ancient things at all, but sometimes one has to be a fool in order to learn. She certainly did. Still, her questions at this point were more for her own curiosity and suspicion than genuine interest in Pyram's quest. The problems that the locals suffered were far more important than furthering one man's personal gain.
Nov 14, 2024 4:34 pm
Wolfram's eyebrows arched in surprise at the tactless comment the priest made to Pyram Peek. Her boldness made him smile. And while Gabalan sent a message to him by almost cutting him off, he let it go. There were more urgent matters to attend to.

Approaching the bar, Wolfram asks Pyram Peek about the rumors. "Has anyone given a first-hand account of these giant spiders and monsters or are they simply old wives' tales? Oh, and please forgive me. I am Wolfram. Pleased to meet you. Are you looking for anything in particular in these old grave sites? Perhaps the vanishing people are in some way related to the missing six."
Nov 14, 2024 5:13 pm
Pyram smirks. "Well, actually, there is a lead on a particularly interesting treasure that I’m pursuing. It’s supposedly buried in an old tomb, and it could be the key to finding out exactly what happened to the indigenous people who once lived here. But, as you said, I’m a bit scrawny for that task. I’ve been lucky enough to avoid confrontation so far, but I could use some able-bodied people to protect me while I excavate the site. Would you and your companions be interested? I’ll pay you for your time, of course."
Nov 14, 2024 5:17 pm
Tzal left his village in search of his master, the Wizard Ahrimamane, who one day wandered into their establishment. A master of aquatic spells; he had been tutoring Tzal for reasons still unclear to him. He hoped that, the wizard perhaps wanted him to make an apprentice but his sudden disappearance was totally surprising. Becoming aware of the wonderous world of magic had fascinated Tzal and he couldn't let it go. He set out exploring and had tried to learn as much as he could about the arcane mysteries from old tomes that he could get his hands on during his travels to find out about the whereabouts of his master. Ahrimamane, once told him that he belonged to the Indigo line of wizardry and himself favoured blue clothes. This had inspired Tzal to stick to that shade, as he was wearing a deep blue cloak and a pointed hat of same colour. In his travels he mostly acted as a water trader, selling drinking water to the weary travellers until he met the group of unique people. A clockwork, a ranger, a warrior priestess, a jann and a mysterious man with weird devices. He didn't know what was happening or where this party will go or do next. But, it was interesting to meet new people. He constantly catalogued about his life in his journal as he continued to travel in hopes of getting any news about wizard Ahrimamane.

Now that he had ended up in Traveler's rest and heard the news of missing people, he felt like a purpose was suddenly in front of him. He was wary about whether the other members were going to agree to help but it seemed like they were quite interested. He almost felt that the group will finally go in their own separate ways, whenever they came to a settlement. But, luckily or unluckily that has not happened yet. After listening to everyone's pertinent question and respective answers, he stood up, "You all talk with Marya, while I go and check on the belongings of the two missing adventurers. Does anyone wish to accompany me?"
Nov 14, 2024 5:23 pm
"I will accompany you. Statistics from ancient and contemporary literature indicate severe upticks in unexpected death and injury when unknown threats are involved. Besides, the same statistics indicate an increased chance of meeting a Wizard creation along the way." R3N-L3 intoned, ignoring the talk about possible employment. He cared little for fiat, his primary mission being to end this cursed purpose that the Wizard had placed upon him.
Nov 14, 2024 6:36 pm
Lauretta sighed and unfolded her arms as the familiar situation unfolded itself. While mercenary work was something she was used to, it was a life she left behind to do the things that mattered to her. Becoming a priest took years, and it wasn't to roam the countryside as a common sellsword again. However, coin earned could be used virtuously.

"How much? You're looking at a group of well-armed, well-trained individuals. I was a mercenary in the Red Banners for years before priesthood. I question if you can afford us. Before you answer, I'm not making any promises. I don't speak for the rest of my band, but I'll let you know now that your job would be a tertiary concern to myself. Finding those missing folk and hunting down the goat-killer is more important to me."
Nov 14, 2024 10:13 pm
"I'll go with both of you."

Aazim would accompany Tzal and R3N-L3 to wherever the belongings are stored.

The jann smirks as he considers the comments of his companions. Certainly some strong personalities within this group...but he supposed that was normal. Adventuring wasn't for the timid.

Still, he worried that clashes were inevitable. No clear leader had emerged...not that one was truly needed. If the group was willing to discuss their options rationally, and then adhere to a vote if they couldn't arrive at a unanimous course of action, they should be fine.

But as his people were quick to point out, democracies were always built on shaky foundations. Of course, they proclaimed this to justify their caste system. Still, Aazim was learned enough to know it was something to ponder....
Nov 15, 2024 8:50 am
"I can pay each of you a gold piece if you're willing to assist me," Pyram tells you. "We will head out tomorrow morning at dawn."
Those of you inspecting the belongings of the missing people don't discover anything out of the ordinary about them. They seem to be nothing more than mundane possessions.
Nov 15, 2024 10:10 am
Tzal came back disappointed after going through the belongings. It didn't have anything out of ordinary so the question about what happened to them, remained a mystery. He asked Marya, "Do the locals, Jonn and Philomena have families here? Maybe we can ask the families about whether they know anything specific?"
Nov 15, 2024 1:40 pm
Lauretta nods her head and grunts, impressed by the amount of coin the man put on offer. Potentially six gold pieces is a lot of coinage to be carrying around, but she supposed a treasure hunter must have significant pay days.

"You're fortunate that you have an unassuming presence while carrying that much coin. Otherwise, you'd be an easy target for all sorts of ill-intentioned folk on the road. Go ahead and rest up tonight while we commit to our other investigations. It will be better to visit this tomb of yours while we have daylight anyway, rather than crawling around in the dark."

The priest extended a hand to shake on the deal with Pyram, making it official. Traveler's Rest was turning out to be quite fruitful in terms of employment.
Nov 15, 2024 3:33 pm
Two paying jobs! It was too good to be true.

He looks to Lauretta and asks, "Can we handle both jobs at once? They could take us in opposite directions depending on what we find out about the missing folks. We could ask about Jonn and Philomena's families as Tzal suggests and then see where we stand."
Nov 15, 2024 8:48 pm
Like Tzal, Aazim was disappointed that their examination uncovered nothing out of the ordinary. And when he returned to the others, he heard that Lauretta had committed them to an entirely different job. Just when he was wondering about strong personalities....

"As Wolfram noted, it might not be possible to do both jobs...unless the party is willing to split up. Regardless, my priority is to search for the missing; though I'm certainly interested in long-lost secrets, examining burial grounds doesn't seem to be a pressing matter."

He then addresses Pyram directly, while also glancing at Lauretta: "It seems you have a handshake agreement with Lauretta. However, she doesn't speak for me. If these tasks coincide, I'll be happy to help. If not, the missing come first, as I've noted."
Nov 16, 2024 6:15 am
The priest furrows her brow and glares at Aazim. She didn't like to repeat herself, but the unnecessary intervention served to be a sufficient annoyance. After clearing her throat, she speaks in a stern tone.

"The fact that I do not speak for you and the fact that his request is a tertiary objective has already been explained to the man. I know how to handle business, so I advise you to trust in my skills in the future before interjecting. Likewise, you can expect me to respect your areas of knowledge as well. With that out of the way, I will restate that it is possible we cannot do both, and that our primary objective is locating the missing folk. They may still live, and we are currently their only hope. Fortunately, the ancient treasure that Pyram desires isn't going anywhere. As such, we can return to him later if we end up too busy. Now, let's question the families and whoever may have seen them last."

Lauretta hoped the current incohesion of the group hadn't been offputting, but she wasn't about to let the others get the wrong idea of her. Any miscommunications or false perceptions would be important to correct early rather than be allowed to fester.
Let me know if I need to dial her bluntness back because it's actually giving me anxiety. 😅
Last edited November 16, 2024 6:46 am
Nov 16, 2024 2:06 pm
For me, I love personal tension in a game. It's only our PC's not us. 😊
Nov 16, 2024 5:04 pm
"Logic remains consistent that on average, existences decay more easily when they are flesh-based life-forms." R3N-L3 agreed in an uninterested tone. To him, he estimated chances of running into a Wizard creation were about the same either way, so it didn't matter to him which job they took first.
Nov 16, 2024 7:40 pm
Tzal eyed Aazim and Lauretta warily. He then spoke up, "Well, my esteemed acquaintances, we do not need any doubt about our intentions. We can speak up our minds and discuss this matter before we proceed. We all bring our special sets of skills to the table. I am sure we can, and definitely will succeed in the upcoming endeavours. As it is rightly pointed that missing persons are more important because there is a chance of them perishing before we find them, so we must make haste if they can be recovered. However, Mr. Pyram brings a very lucrative offer and we should see about that when time comes. We have come all the way to Traveller's Rest by watching each other's back, we can surely make it out accepting each others quirks."
Last edited November 16, 2024 7:41 pm
Nov 16, 2024 7:55 pm
"Looks like the consensus is, missing people first, ruins afterward. It makes sense after listening to all of you. Can you wait for us, Pyram? It would be worth your while, of course."

Wolfram was willing him to agree. The extra coin would be much appreciated by all, he was sure.
Nov 16, 2024 8:39 pm
Aazim considers Lauretta's words carefully, then responds, trying to keep his tone as neutral as possible.

"Tertiary objective or not, you still shook on a deal with Pyram. I don't know who you consulted before doing this, but you certainly didn't consult me."

"I don't know how you can claim not to speak for the group...but then commit us to a mission. Or perhaps your handshake deal was only a casual gesture, not meant to be taken as binding. If so, then I misread the situation; I am, after all, a foreigner, and used to different customs."

The more he spoke, the more he felt his anger rising. He was about to ask the priest if she followed the god of arrogance and delusion, but that would almost certainly lead to a physical confrontation, and perhaps the dissolution of the group.

But then he remembers one of Omar's favorite quotes: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

After clearing his throat, he again speaks in a neutral tone.

"In any case, it seems we're all in agreement: the missing come first. So let's put our collective skills to use and find them."
I'm fine with tension, as long as we have each other's backs when it counts!
Nov 17, 2024 10:33 pm
With another sudden sigh released from her nose, Lauretta took mental note of the concern of her other companions, such as Tzal. Although still irritated, she leaned into a more diplomatic approach.

"The handshake was not a commitment of the entire group to his mission, but to solidify the deal that any of us willing to accept it would earn themselves a gold piece. As a personal tertiary objective, it would also mean that I was not going to sway any of you into doing his mission over the missing folk. In essence, it was a very soft agreement that also wouldn't commit any of us to anything. But yes, let's get to questioning folk."

The priest looked to the servant who was cleaning when the group came in. Staff of the inn would be good to question since this was the only place they all had in common.

"Did you see any of the missing on the days before they disappeared?"
Nov 18, 2024 11:31 am
The servant seems surprised when Lauretta addresses him. He quickly shakes his head. "No, ma'am. I merely clean up during the day shift here. You maybe want to talk to Candace, the bartender, when she gets in later tonight. She's got a pretty good memory and an eye for detail, ma'am." He clears his throat and shifts uncomfortably before going back to his work.
Nov 18, 2024 6:03 pm
Wolfram notices the servant's skittishness. "He knows something, Lauretta. I'd bet a coin on it. Should we press it with him or wait for Candace?"

He then turns to the others and declares, "But time is passing if we do nothing until then."
Nov 18, 2024 8:58 pm
The discussion -- more like argument -- with Lauretta had dissipated, and Aazim had calmed down...though he'd keep a close eye on the priest. He didn't leave the stratified society of his homeland just to have some near-stranger make decisions for him.

"I think the man's just nervous, Wolfram...but we can interrogate him further, of course. It wouldn't take long."

"However, I also agree that sand is running through the hourglass. We could question everyone in Traveler's Rest, and learn nothing of import. Meanwhile, the missing could be suffering horribly. We know at least two of them were heading towards Four Towers. Should we head in that direction and see what turns up? Wolfram, you're at home in the wilderness, correct? That's at least one of our party who might be able to find signs of these people on the road."
Nov 18, 2024 9:56 pm
"True. Let's be off then. I do have extensive experience in the woods. But I still think he knows something. There were more than nerves going on there. I could be wrong of course, but animals are the same, whether they are in the forest or in the city."

Wolfram chuckles at his statement.

"People taken under duress, generally leave signs whether they intend to or not. It's better if the intend too though. Maybe we will get lucky."
Nov 18, 2024 10:35 pm
I also like interactions between PCs very much, even when they become quite tense. Of course hoping that everyone remembers that what my PC do is not what I would be doing in such situations. But seeing your interesting RPs: it seems we have an experienced players here that all know that already. Besides it looks we will have a really interesting game here:)
Gabalan was listening to all the exchanges between his companions in silence. If not even with slight disregard.
"Strong personalities. Good. If we will only be able to come to some agreement". - he thought.

But the part from Pyram Peek about indigenous people and their extinction certainly caught his attention.
"Could it be a trigger I was supposed to look for?" he wondered in his mind.

He made a pretty firm decision that he couldn't let Pyram go to those ruins without his supervision. But at the same time, he felt that the lives of the lost people could end if they focused on something else now.

Joining Lauretta next to Pyrm, Gabalan began:
"Mr. Pyram. You've probably heard about people disappearing in this area recently. Those of us who will officially, voluntarily and with full awareness agree to this " - Gabalan glanced at Azar with a slightly mocking smile - "will definitely join your expedition. And there will be at least two of us." - Gabalan nodded knowingly in Lauretta's direction.

"However, I recommend that first - before we set off - you wait and let us investigate the case of the missing people first. You wouldn't want to join their ranks, would you?" - he asked with a slight emphasis in his voice, although his face seemed quite indifferent.

Then he turned back to Wolram and Azar, continuing in his dispassionate tone, more similar to a poorly prepared lecture read from a note than a speech:
"Master Wolfram and Master Azar. I fully understand your desire to act immediately. But - I - would first like to make sure of the right direction of our search. In accordance with Master Tzal's suggestion - let's find out more about those who come from here: Jonn and Philomena. Maybe their families will tell us in which direction they went? Could this be also Four Towers? Or maybe we should really split up for a while? Some of us will gather additional information in the area, and the other will start searching in the field? But how will we find each other then? Maybe if you find some traces, you will come back for us?" - he finished, hanging his voice like a teacher waiting for an obvious answer.

Gabalan wanted to look for the missing, but he also wanted to make sure Pyramus won't escape. This approach seemed to solve both problems.
Last edited November 18, 2024 10:39 pm
Nov 19, 2024 11:28 am
Pyram nods to Gabalan. "I understand. I'm staying here at the Rest, so when you're ready to depart, you'll know where to find me."

The man finishes his coffee. He gets up, nods to you, then goes up to his room on the inn's second floor.

Jonn's and Philomena's families live on the outskirts of the town, but Mayra tells you she will send some of her servants to fetch them so you can talk to them later tonight.
Nov 20, 2024 6:59 am
Tzal listened to the discourse of opinions and then spoke up, "It seems that we have a fairly planned out set of actions. We can wait here for Jonn's and Phliomena's family to arrive and speak with us in the matter of their missing member. It seems that our rummaging through the adventurers belongings yielded nothing of import. In this current scenario, we don't have anything to do other than wait for them or Candace to arrive when we can ply for further information. So, in that case, what do we do currently other than to rest up and take some meals? Or we can set out to check on Pyram's ancient burial grounds? What say you all?"

He then turned to the servant and asked, "So, my good man, what's your name?"
What is the current time?
Last edited November 20, 2024 7:00 am
Nov 20, 2024 8:25 am
It's late afternoon. The dinner rush at the inn will begin in an hour or two.
"My name's Bertram, sir," the servant says, keeping his eyes lowered respectfully.
Nov 20, 2024 12:27 pm
Tzal stroked his beard, "How long have you been working here, Bertram? Do you have a house in Traveler's Rest?"
Nov 20, 2024 12:43 pm
"A few years now. I've a small home nearby. It's not much to speak of," Bertram replies humbly.
Nov 20, 2024 2:45 pm
Lauretta listened to the group intently before watching their potential employer take his leave. After giving Gabalan a knowing nod of agreement, she considered their options for pursuing leads on the missing six. After a few moments of thought, her fist raised to her face and pressed against her nose, relieving some pressure with a sudden crack. The poor thing had been busted too many times.

"Right, so I'd say our best leads are to ask around. You could go searching along the road if you want, but it would be a long-shot. We only know of two of them that were heading to Four Towers, and it doesn't add up. With a lot of their things and coin left here, it doesn't make sense for them to hit the road. Gabalan is right to suggest we narrow our search. However they've gone missing, I'd stake my axe that it's tied to Traveler's Rest. We should be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary for the folk here. My suggestion, if you want to go looking for clues, is to stay within this locale."

The priest pulled up a stool at the bar and had a seat. This is where her stakeout would be.

"Let me know whenever you're done with your work, Bertram. I don't want to distract you while you're supposed to be busy in front of your boss. Once Candace shows up, I'll order you a drink as thanks for cooperating. If you can think of anyone else who might know something, send them my way, would ya?"
Last edited November 20, 2024 2:46 pm
Nov 20, 2024 4:04 pm
Wolfram is getting antsy especially when he realizes he might have been wrong about the servant. He doesn't like waiting around wasting time. "Who knows when Candace will actually arrive and whether the families of Philomena and Jonn will talk to us."

"I am going to find Pyram and find out how far away these ruins are. If it's a day's travel or less I will go with him. Anyone wanting to come with me is welcome. I will still be available to search for the missing for I will be back by the time you have gathered what information you deem is enough to begin the search. If the ruins are too far, I will remain here."
Last edited November 20, 2024 4:04 pm
Nov 20, 2024 5:00 pm
Confused, Lauretta scratches at the back of her head. While waiting wasn't optimal, there wasn't much else in the way of leads. If nothing else, she respected the work ethic.

"You shouldn't tread into dangerous territory without appropriate backup. Lady Marya, what time does Candace's shift start?"
Nov 20, 2024 5:23 pm
"Why that's true, Lauretta, which is why I was hoping you and the others wouldn't stand around scratching your arses while waiting for people that may or may not show up."

There was a teasing sparkle in Wolfram's eyes as he delivered his reply. He was a devilish rogue after all.
Nov 20, 2024 5:24 pm
Pyram tells Wolfram that the ruins are about five miles away. It wouldn't take too long to get there, but dangerous creatures roam the Green Hills after dark, so it might be better to wait till morning. However, he's willing to depart now if you insist.

Mayra tells Lauretta that Candace begins her shift in two hours.
Nov 20, 2024 10:10 pm
"Wolfram, it seems we agree: action is better than inaction."

Ironic, because Aazim has often been accused of being a bookworm and theorist, rather than an intrepid adventurer. But his time here was already changing him....

"But I believe it's too late to effectively explore these ruins, especially if the rest of the party wants to wait here. And I still want to focus on the missing first, rather than the Green Hills...unless there's a connection, which I don't think anyone has suggested."

"I will accompany you, Wolfram, but perhaps we can compromise on our destination. We can head down the road for a bit, towards Four Towers, but then return around the time these people show up. If we find clues, all to the good. If not, we'll still have surveyed the surrounding area, which will surely aid us in our future travels. What do you say?"
Nov 21, 2024 9:23 am
"So it looks to me like a plan." - surprisingly Gabalan agreed with Azar - "You two will have something to put your hands into. While we will try to gather some more information in the inn and around of it. If our investigation will not bear any fruit, we all go to the ruins tomorrow at dawn. Does it sound reasonable to all of you?" - Gabalan looked around one this companions faces.

"Besides... if we will tell the families of Philomena and Jonn that we are looking for them, I don't think their family members will have any problems with helping us or at least telling about what could happen to them. And if they will... that will be a good lead by itself." - irritated by the slight manipulation that Wolfram tried to play on the group, Gabalan couldn't resist sticking a delicate pin into Wofram's ego...
Last edited November 21, 2024 9:24 am
Nov 21, 2024 3:28 pm
With a slow turn of her head to look at Wolfram, Lauretta raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes with an expression that could only be read as "listen here, you little shit". Though, it wasn't genuine annoyance so much as playing into the kind of banter she had come to expect. While the two hadn't known each other long, there was a sense of nostalgia from the interaction. During the years of training she spent in the church of the High One, there weren't too many folk who maintained that raucous sense of humor. Going to war wasn't something she missed, but sitting around the bonfire with other mercenaries was. Those moments of reprieve were what kept her going for so long.

"We'll see how far I get with my arse scratching while you go look around at an empty road with the jann. I've had enough of empty roads. If we can't garner any new leads tonight, then there won't be much else to do except join Pyram in the morning, as Gabalan said."
Nov 21, 2024 10:26 pm
Almost out of nowhere, R3N-L3 loomed back into the inn, after having done a cursory look out into the darkness. Although he partook in no food or drink, perhaps the innkeepers would find their barrel of lantern oil a bit lighter than before. "You will be partaking in an inactive state now? I will remain here for the night, in case of intrusion. Or, if you prefer, in the room." R3N-L3 added as an afterthought, although most people didn't really feel secure sleeping with an ominous sculpture of living armor looming over all and sundry.
Nov 22, 2024 2:15 am
"Alright Aazim. We can stretch our legs and look around. Wait 'til tomorrow to explore the ruins properly unless we receive some news that will alter that course."

He smiled genuinely at Lauretta, for she was a fun one when the occasion called for it. "Scratch away. I'll be sorry to miss it. In any case, you'll be in good hands with the clockwork on guard."
Nov 22, 2024 11:40 am
Aazim and Wolfram head out along the road to Four Towers. They keep their eyes peeled for any clues as to what might have happened to the missing people, but unfortunately, they do not find anything to help in the investigation. By the time they return to the Traveler's Rest, the sun has set and the tavern has come alive.

Indeed, the place seems to be quite busy tonight. In addition to Pyram Peek and the families of Philomena and Jonn, there are ten local folks, a traveling knight with his young squire, members of a caravan, a minstrel, and a band of adventurers who call themselves the Silver Coins Company. The minstrel strums his lute and performs on a small stage as servers bustle about, delivering food and drinks to the clientele. Several of the locals engage in games of darts, cards, and dice. A pretty woman who must be Candace tends the bar.
Nov 22, 2024 6:23 pm
Tzal approached the Philomena's family and put up a kind smile, "May I sit with you? Greetings, my name is Tzal 'Indigo' Pointius. We are travellers currently residing here. I came to the knowledge of your missing family member. We want to look into this matter and aid in any way possible. Can you share anything about who got missing and how? Any details can really help us."
Nov 22, 2024 9:11 pm
Not having left the bar much since Aazim and Wolfram left, Lauretta's attention is first caught on Candace as she comes to start her shift. So much activity in this wayside inn was unexpected, but it also meant that the group could easily spread out and tackle different leads at once. However, the odds that there wasn't at least one person who prioritized the gambling table were slim. After waiting for an opportune moment when the bartender wasn't inundated with orders, the priest would address her.

"Saints' blessings, miss. I'm guessing you're the Candace that Bertram mentioned since you're tending the bar. Said you've got a good memory and an observant eye. Good qualities to have. Would you happen to have noticed anything out of the ordinary here at the Traveler's Rest these past few weeks?"

As she asks the question, she slides forward a copper piece on the bartop.
Last edited November 26, 2024 1:00 pm
Nov 22, 2024 10:16 pm
Aazim and Wolfram's trek was uneventful, but Aazim didn't consider it a waste of time. He'd gotten to know his companion slightly better, and it was certainly more interesting than sitting around waiting. Sure, some ale or wine would help the minutes pass, but Aazim wasn't much of a drinker; he preferred to keep his faculties sharp.

His companions are already questioning people, so Aazim walks over to the adventurers who call themselves the Silver Coins Company.

"Well met, travelers. I'm Aazim Azar, a jann who arrived in these lands not so long ago. Right now, my companions and I are investigating some missing people. They left Traveler's Rest recently, leaving behind some possessions here, but never returned. We're also probably going to help someone examine some ruins in the Green Hills, but there are supposedly monsters stalking that area. If you have any information relating to any of this, I'd be much obliged if you'd share it."
Nov 22, 2024 10:49 pm
Feeling much better for having taken a stroll, Wolfram spies a sea of possibilities in the tavern now that the hour is later. He nudges Aazim and nods toward the band of adventurers.

"They have been out and about and might be worth talking to. Might be a bit of fun too once we have a good deal of ale in our bellies. What do you think, my friend? Some of our group have already started nosing about," he adds, nodding in Tzal's direction. But then he notices the pretty lady tending the bar. "Orrrr we can talk to who surely must be Candace, tending the bar. I like that idea better!"

When Aazim heads over to the band of travelers, Wolfram sees the pretty lady who surely must be Candace tending the bar and makes a beeline straight to her, turning on the charm.

"You must be the pretty Candace. I am Wolfram and very pleased to meet you. I wonder if I could trouble you for a moment of your time and of course I will have a drink. Give yourself one as well, on me." He hoped she caught the double entendre.
Last edited November 22, 2024 10:59 pm
Nov 22, 2024 10:50 pm
Ack, looks like cross-posted with Totes_McGee. I'll edit above.
Last edited November 22, 2024 10:59 pm
Nov 23, 2024 8:29 am
Gabalan joins Tzal and missing people families, after hearing what Tzal said he only says standing above him:
"Greetings, good people. We are here to help. I assure you. Don't leave out any detail"
Then - awkwardly - he sits at last place at the table, little behind Tzal, but close enough to hear all conversation. Certainly leaving Tzal at their front, and trying to be the less rememberable he can.
Nov 26, 2024 12:20 pm
Gabalan and Tzal

Philomena's parents are soft-spoken individuals, obviously still upset by their daughter's disappearance. They tell you that Philomena is a kind-hearted woman who is very passionate about helping others. They don't know much about the circumstances of how she went missing. All they can really tell you is that she came here to the Traveler's Rest one night several days ago but never came back home. Nobody they have spoken to saw her leave the inn. All of their efforts to locate Philomena have come of short, and they beg you to do your best to find her.
Lauretta and Wolfram

Candace eyes the two of you as you approach. She gives Lauretta a nod and swiftly takes the coin from the counter. When Wolfram tries to charm her, she gives him a withering stare. "I'm not interested in any nonsense, mate. I'm here to do my job and that's all. I'll get you your drink, but you'll have to look elsewhere if you're looking to 'whet your whistle,' if you catch my meaning."

She turns back to Lauretta. "Out of the ordinary? You must mean the people that've gone missing lately. Well, I'll tell you what I told Marya, even though she didn't believe me. I've noticed one thing that's linked all the disappeared together. And that one thing is him." Candace subtly gestures across the common room to where Pyram Peek sits. "That man's hiding something, mark my words. I don't trust him."

The Silver Coins Company look up as you approach. Their leader, a short, slender young woman with her hair cut to stubble, invites you to sit at the table with them. "Well met, indeed, Aazim. I am Mikka, archer extraordinaire! Allow me to introduce my companions." She goes around the table introducing them in turn: Pwyll, a shifty young man who is the company's burglar; Sash, a tall muscular woman who is a priest of the High One; Pyre, a mysterious masked mage clothed in red from head to toe; and Brutus, an ugly and pudgy warrior.

"We've only just arrived here ourselves. We were hoping to find work ourselves, but it sounds like you might have already cornered the market for adventurers!" Mikka chuckles.
Nov 26, 2024 1:36 pm
The ranger's approach to the bar wasn't unwelcome, but his attempt at flirting caused Lauretta's eyes to roll into the back of her head. Typical man. A part of her was grateful that she didn't receive that type of attention much any more. Even when she was younger, it never felt like there was room in her life for that sort of thing. It never stopped them from trying though. Her age, stature, scarring, and priesthood would be what eventually drove it away.

The priest hung on the bartender's every word as the accusation was laid out. Candace's subtle gesture was followed by a slight glance over Lauretta's shoulder, aimed at Pyram. She shifts in her stool as her typical frown deepens. Wolfram's theorizing from a few hours ago came to the forefront of her mind. A swift elbow juts him in the ribs as she whispers.

"Weren't you suggesting the missing folk were useful in varied ways? Strong, knowledgeable, or skilled in other arts? If he's been here for as long as folk have been going missing, just how many has he asked to keep him company in those hills?"

The last question haunted her as she asked it. Of course the coin was too good to be true. Anger started to well deep in her gut as she considered how many may have received the same bargain.
Nov 26, 2024 1:47 pm
Tzal acknowledged Gabalan with a polite nod as he listened to Philomena's parents. After the brief conversation, he assured the crestfallen parents that he and his companions will do whatever they can to the best of their abilities in order to solve this missing persons case. He then joined Gabalan at his table and said, "Master Gabalan, I believe you heard what Philomena's parents said? They claimed that she was last present in this very inn. My theory is that someone here must have taken her out. We should inspect the residents of the inn carefully. Maybe our suspect is still lingering here at this very moment. Can you think of any possible candidate?"
Nov 26, 2024 7:42 pm
"She told me. Hmph." Wolfram, says to Lauretta. He is of course used to rebuffs and compared to some, Candace's was mild. But he quits the act and looks on with great interest as Candace talks about Pyram.

"I was Lauretta, indeed I was. There seemed to be a pattern," he says as an aside to Lauretta. Turning back to Candace he says, "That is interesting, Candace. You've made the link. Well done. Now please tell us why you don't trust the man. What in particular has he done or is it women's intuition?" Wolfram adds hastily, "Which I admire greatly and hold in high esteem!"

Wolfram wonders if Pyram is somehow kidnapping and using these able-bodied folks to dig around in the ruins.
Last edited November 26, 2024 7:49 pm
Nov 26, 2024 10:14 pm
Aazim also chuckles at Mikka's words, and sits down with the group.

"Cornering the market? I doubt that. Our group is recently-formed, and we're still in the process of...finding our equilibrium."

Many would say that admitting weakness was folly; after all, this Company may not want rival adventurers around, and would take steps to dissolve or destroy Aazim's group if they found an opening.

Let them try. It would be a good test of strength and wits. Of course, Aazim could be overthinking, as usual, and the Company could simply be friendly and helpful.

"Since you've only just arrived, and don't seem to know much about the situation here, I'll toss a different query your way: how do you all work together efficiently? Your group seems varied, much like mine. Any pointers that will help us maintain harmonious working relationships?"
Nov 29, 2024 10:51 am
Hearing with caution what Tzal was saying, Gabalan started to slowly nod with his head:
"I must say I agree with your theory, Master Tzal. Someone from here must be involved. Although I don't have anyone particular in mind... yet. Although... the reward Prym offered us... was quite generous for such remote localization we are currently at..." - Gabalan looked in the direction "the old ruins fan" have left the main room.

"But something else also attracted my attention. They said: that nobody saw Philomena leave the inn. It would be truly wicked if all the missing ones would never leave this place..." - Gabalan looked at the ground, wondering how big the basement of this inn could be.

"But... probably she left the inn at the time almost no one was able to see her." - Gabalan added to lift the grim mood, the thought of keeping the missing in the inn brought onto him.
"Like at the dawn - when everyone still sleep... and it's good time to depart on some expedition... in example... for nearby ruins..." - he winked to Tzal.
Investigators together, again, Stalker? :) But it looks that this time you are the Holmes and I'm the Watson... ;)

For other players: we play in other game where my PC is investigator by class... and behaviour:) And it turned out, our characters work together quite often.
Nov 29, 2024 11:34 am
Yup, nice to meet here again @Pedrop! We do tend to become very inquisitive investigators whenever we are together.
Dec 2, 2024 11:43 am
Lauretta and Wolfram

Candace reaches for an empty mug and wipes it with a rag as she eyes Pyram across the common room. "I've talked to him a bit, asked him questions about his background. He's slipped up a few times, contradicting himself. So, he's a liar, for starters. Plus, everybody who's gone missing so far has spoken to him first. It seems like he's targeting adventuring types. I've never seen again anyone who agrees to work with him. Tread carefully around him. He's dangerous."

Mikka laughs. "Working together comes naturally when you're facing down a pack of fire-breathing dragons! Yeah, dragons! They were menacing a village about a week's walk from here. We banded together and drove them away! Course, outside of fighting for our lives, we have our little issues. But we all put them aside when it comes time to fight for glory!"

Pwyll smirks while Brutus laughs boisterously and downs his ale. Sash, though, scowls at Mikka's bravado, and Pyre's expression remains unseen behind their mask.
Dec 2, 2024 7:14 pm
Lauretta leaned back in her stool and stared off broodingly in a random direction. There was no longer room for doubt in her mind that the deceitful man had manipulated at least six people into something foreboding. How to handle the situation and whether any of the people still lived weighed heavily on her mind.

"I cannot and will not lay my head on a pillow knowing that he is doing the same when he knows what happened to the missing. They could even still be living out there while he sleeps."

The priest's tone was grave as she looked back to Wolfram. Indignation was carved into the lines of her face.
Last edited December 2, 2024 7:18 pm
Dec 2, 2024 8:54 pm
"Let us go get him then and beat it out of him if need be!"

Wolfram was no stranger to extracting information from people but usually it was in the form of blackmail. He had a dagger. He was sure he could get Pyram to talk.
Last edited December 2, 2024 8:54 pm
Dec 2, 2024 9:45 pm
How powerful are dragons in this system? D&D level of danger, maybe?
Dec 2, 2024 9:51 pm
Yes, they are very powerful. It's likely that Mikka may be embellishing her story a bit. :D
Dec 2, 2024 10:11 pm
Not just one dragon, but a pack of them? To say Aazim was dubious would be an understatement. Still, he tries to maintain a cheerful, engaging expression.

"You all must be powerful indeed, to thwart such creatures...and without serious injuries, it would appear. Would you want to travel together? With your group nearby, my group would have little to fear!"

"However, I'm not the leader. I must discuss this with my companions. Why don't you do the same, and we'll reconvene in a few minutes?"

Smiling, he leaves the table and joins Lauretta and Wolfram. Judging from their expressions, they've been having an intense conversation.

"Mikka, the woman from that adventuring group, claims they recently drove off a pack of dragons. They're either immensely powerful, or liars and schemers...and I'm betting on the latter. Then again, Mikka might simply be a harmless braggart. Her companions did have mixed reactions to her tale."

"I mentioned the idea of traveling together, but gave no firm commitment; I mainly said it to boost Mikka's already-impressive ego. I'd actually rather not travel with them yet, until we learn more about them. And even if they are charlatans, they may still prove useful."

"What have you two learned?"
Dec 3, 2024 2:17 pm
There was some peace of mind afforded by Wolfram's immediate agreement. Lauretta knew this wasn't the safest course of action for the group, but it was the most just. She wasn't sure just how many in their group held a similar mindset. Turning to look for the others, she locked eyes with the jann who was heading towards them. The priest slid another copper piece towards Candace in gratitude for her help before waving to the rest of her group to come join them by the bar.

"Pack of dragons... Right. Fools or liars, more like. In earnest, I've got no room for thought about them at the moment. Wolfram and I were given a tip that the person connected to all of the missing folk is in the inn with us right now. Before I go tossin' out a name, remember that we need to have some subtlety. It's a very strong lead, and I'm hoping we can save some lives tonight."

Lauretta was hunched forward as she conspired with the two of them. It was difficult to not stare at Pyram while she waited for everyone to regroup, but she managed.

"So, everyone who has gone missing these past weeks all agreed to work with Pyram Peek 'fore disappearing. He also doesn't have a straight story about his background. Wolfram theorized earlier that all of the folk who went missing were good adventurous types. That makes sense considering his penchant for exploring places of ill repute. I say we wait 'til this crowd thins out and confront him as a group."
Last edited December 3, 2024 2:19 pm
Dec 3, 2024 5:20 pm
"Agreed. A good course of action. In the meantime, we can have another ale!"

He motions to the barkeep for more and for his companions as well if they are so inclined.
Dec 3, 2024 7:48 pm
Tzal noticed Lauretta's signal and joined her back to listen to what she had to say. After hearing about Pyram, he stroked his beard with a thoughtful expression. "If I may share my advice, instead of confronting him and escalating it tonight, why don't we just follow on with his quest? He is obviously trying to lure us somewhere. We might just let him take us to his 'trap' and confront him then and there."
Dec 3, 2024 9:09 pm
"Not a bad idea, actually." Wolfram nods, thinking that might work and kill a few birds with one stone.
Dec 4, 2024 8:31 am
Gabalan fallowed Tzal to the bar and others. Again - not liking to be in the center of the group and attention - he just managed to add:
"I agree with Master Tzal... it would be the best to catch him red handed. Hopefully his so called 'trap' will be nearby the place he and whoever works with him keeps the captured people."

After some more thinking:
"But... maybe we should split up in two groups... one will pretend going on Pyram's 'expedition' with him. I bet he will be more audacious with smaller group going with him. And the other group will closely, but secretly fallow the first... in case his trap will be too good or surprising to avoid it. Do we have any means of maintaining contact between two groups in secret?" - Gabalan asked, apparently completely convinced of the validity of his proposal.
Dec 4, 2024 3:28 pm
"Do you think I hadn't thought of that, Indigo? The reason for urgency is in the fate of the missing folk. We don't know what's been done to them. They could be dying or facing unspeakable horror as of this very moment. What if they perish while we sleep? I, for one, won't be able to rest knowing that I could be doing something to help them and instead am allowing their deceiver to cozily rest his head in an inn. If their families knew we could do something right now, do you think they would be understanding in telling them to wait?"

A sudden flurry of impassioned, unrestrained thought poured forth from Lauretta. The idea that the missing folk could still live only to perish due to their inaction hung in her mind like an overcast preceding an ungodly storm. Meanwhile, the notion of allowing Pyram comfort despite knowing his involvement was an injustice that made her blood run hot. Images of grieving families sat in the deepest recesses of her mind, walled away to protect herself. She didn't fault the mages for suggesting this course of action. It was pragmatic. But heroism was the virtue she found needing to be extolled in this moment.

"No, we should brave the dark and the wicked. We have the potential to light the path for good in the world. Whatever your beliefs, we are all here because of our desire for some measure of greatness. This is our time to live up to that. If that is not why we are here, then is it to be common sellswords? I have had enough of that life. It isn't one that you will walk away from without regrets, trust me on that."
Dec 4, 2024 9:40 pm
"I am ready to leave right now," Wolfram says, picking at his nails with his dagger. "I am itching to find out what that no-good Pyram has been up to and time may very well be of the essence."
Dec 4, 2024 11:33 pm
Aazim listens to everyone's thoughts and recommendations, and once again finds himself disagreeing somewhat with Lauretta. With their recent sharp words still fresh on his mind, he tries to be tactful....

"I admire everyone's zeal, but the testimony of one tavern-worker is hardly incontrovertible evidence. She could have a grudge against this Pyram, and be eager to destroy him. Or she could simply be repeating a third-hand rumor, and have no idea what she's talking about. There are too many possibilities to list."

"I have no problem confronting this long as 'confront' doesn't mean 'torture.' For all we know, Pyram has been corrupted by dark forces, and isn't in control of himself. We should be leery, of course, but we should also hear him out, and not condemn him based on spurious claims."

He then motions to the Silver Coins Company.

"Gabalan mentioned splitting our group up, if we do decide to go on Pyram's expedition...but that group seems eager for action. Combined, we may accomplish much, and not have to separate our own forces...although the abilities and beliefs of this Silver Coins Company are unknown, and it may take some work to pry reliable information out of them."

"As I've said, I'd rather we keep to ourselves (for now, at least), but if the majority believe we can hammer out some sort of agreement with the Company, I would not stonewall that idea."
Last edited December 4, 2024 11:35 pm
Dec 5, 2024 11:15 am
Totes_McGee says:

"I admire everyone's zeal, but the testimony of one tavern-worker is hardly incontrovertible evidence. She could have a grudge against this Pyram, and be eager to destroy him. Or she could simply be repeating a third-hand rumor, and have no idea what she's talking about. There are too many possibilities to list."

"Now... to think about it... she also may be involved in the missing of those people herself... and trying to turn the blame somewhere else..." - Gabalan interjects a remark into the discussion.
Dec 5, 2024 3:03 pm
Tzal listened to the new information that was given. He turned to Aazim and said, "I don't like joining with another company of adventurers and then splitting coins once we get paid for this. I have some idea about you all, as we were travelling together for sometime, but them? You just met them now; how would you trust them? They can be bandit mercenaries posing as a group of adventurers. I say we solve this case ourselves. As for Pyram and Candace, one is hired help for this inn and another is a traveler? I don't think Pyram is a resident of Traveler's Rest, however, Candace is probably not a new recruit. I am not ruling out the chance that Candace is the culprit but Pyram seems to be a likely suspect. I agree with Master Gabalan, that we should split into two groups if we are going to tackle his request. I just don't want him to know that we think he is the culprit of all the missing."
Dec 5, 2024 4:32 pm
"Cynical lot, aren't you? If you're so quick to cast aspersions on a woman's testimony, then why don't you question her yourselves? She's quite literally right behind us. And it's not like her testimony doesn't make sense. The man said he was digging about in a tomb for weeks by himself, as you can see by the dirt under his nails. Yet he's also carrying enough coin to pay us each a gold piece? Put those smart heads you got to work and connect the dots."

Attempts to keep her patience with the group were trying, but Lauretta was managing. The lessons learned during time in the Church were making more sense as she had to practice them. Leading people to virtue was like leading a horse to water. She never imagined it was going to be easy, but the amount of resistance faced today was unexpected. Aazim in particular was starting rake her nerves, as her eyes were locked on him.

"And you. I don't know why you're casually tossing around words like 'torture', but I think you would do best to keep those assumptions to yourself. I said what I said and I didn't mean nothing else. As for that other group, we've got more pressing matters than trying to arrange some kind of team up. Besides, there's no shortage of help the people of Traveler's Rest are in need of."
Last edited December 5, 2024 4:32 pm
Dec 5, 2024 8:49 pm
With raised eyebrows as if to say, see? Listen to the woman, he nods approvingly at Lauretta's take on the matters at hand. He found himself agreeing with Lauretta often, but she seemed to be the one with the most sense apart from his charming self.

"I say we don't split, go now before the missing are dead, and leave the Company out of it."
Dec 5, 2024 9:55 pm
It seemed like a diplomatic stance wouldn't work on Lauretta; one had to match her strength and stubbornness. So after clearing his throat, Aazim attempts to do just that.

"Perhaps your short-term memory is poor, but you were the one who shook on an agreement with Pyram...and then seemed angry when I questioned you. And yet now, only a few hours later, you do a complete about-face, believing Pyram is a villain based on one person's testimony, and call us cynical and sexist for being cautious."

"What did you say earlier? You know how to handle business? I doubt that very much. You're impulsive and self-absorbed, desperate something important, it seems. Be a hero? Salve old wounds? Noble goals, for sure, but ones you won't accomplish, if you alienate everyone around you."

"As for casually tossing out 'torture,' there was nothing casual about it. The sudden intense focus on Pyram concerned me, so I wanted to make sure we wouldn't immediately assault him if he uttered one wrong word. If you seriously believe your intensity regarding this matter doesn't warrant concern, you're delusional."

"So, Lauretta the Stubborn: what's your response? Will you continue to blow this way and that, and expect us to follow you, no matter what impulse catches your fancy? Or maybe my words cut a little too deep this time, and you want to shut me up? If so, you're welcome to try...but I won't be easily silenced."
Dec 6, 2024 4:11 pm
"Mental processors may be overheating." R3N-L3 suddenly loomed out of the darkness, managing to be remarkably unobtrusive for a suit of mobile armor. Seating himself on a stool that creaked in protest under his weight, the automata raised one arm. With a whisper of cold steel, a sword blade protruded out from his arm, which he began to set a cutting edge to with a worn whetstone. In time with the smooth, calculated strokes, R3N-L3 spoke.

"You are alive, and still have emotions to inflame and speak by. I do not, so allow me to offer the observation of the deceased." Amber eyes flickered into crimson life as he stared silently towards Lauretta.

"Woman of faith. Woman of steel, and heart of flesh. Unstable combination, for steel cuts steel, and flesh much more easily. When flesh grips steel, flesh must be careful to remember the power it holds. Your ways are noble. I am not a noble creation, I am a slave to the Wizard's last command. Others may not be noble either. Religion is soothing, like circuitry it runs in a simple and straightforward path. But it is not for all, and your ideals should not be held to all. When rage flows hot, metal melts and purpose turns to slag."

Abruptly, his helm twisted with a screech of metal to gaze upon Azim. "Man, bound by curiosity. Curiosity, self-preservation, pragmatism. A product of a new world, or perhaps an old world. It matters not. Your argument is reason, your argument is driven by necessity. It will clash, now and again, with hers, for your goals are opposite. It matters not, until it hampers efficiency. Think more plainly whether it is better to hold one's tongue rather than offending a fiery comrade and causing passions to inflame."

Holding up his blade to the light, R3N-L3 closed his fist, causing the in-built sword to retract. Picking up his shield, he rose to his feet. "If the variable known as Pyram is possessed by a Wizard creation, I must ascertain its function, and if necessary, destroy it. Thus, I will be going with Pyram. Money can always be remade. Lives cannot. If we go with Pyram, that is one noble cause pursued, no matter the result, even if we find mounds of broken bodies only." R3N-L3 was looking towards Lauretta again.

"Thus, I would expect our next contract to have more material gains, even if a noble option is to present itself again. You of the living need to eat, and I require parts to maintain my existence. Such is my suggestion. Agree or disagree, but do not bicker. It is unproductive."
Last edited December 6, 2024 4:11 pm
Dec 6, 2024 5:26 pm
Already offended by the insinuation that she would jump to torturing a man, the immediate barb about her memory caused Lauretta's jaw to clench. To her, there was no logic to be found in Aazim's tirade. Instead, all that flew across the divide between the two were a barrage of insults and character attacks. Her blood boiled, eager to resolve this the way she would have as a soldier. The image of grabbing the pompous jann by the hair and crushing his nose with her fist clouded her mind. However, the priest had as much willpower as she did strength. While battering down her violent impulses, she wondered if this was the true challenge of living a virtuous life in service to the High One.

As she opened her mouth to form a response, the clockwork stepped forward and seated himself with the group. The unexpected interruption threw her off-guard. It made her all the more eager to listen to what he had to say. It was unfortunate then, that the things he said to her were things that she already knew. The power of flesh gripping steel was something that haunted her still after years of war. Instead of calming her, Lauretta crumbled. It wasn't her rage that was discussed in the tents of hospitallers. It was her guilt. The ideals of living a good life and leading others to do the same were what she learned to strive for instead. Without that, what did she have? The crestfallen soldier turned back around to face the bar, placing her last two copper pieces upon it.

"Ale, please. And don't worry about the coin, metal man. Marya already agreed to pay us to find the missing folk."
Last edited December 6, 2024 6:17 pm
Dec 6, 2024 10:10 pm
A light touch on Lauretta's shoulder is Wolfram's way of letting her know the best course is to leave it alone and not get so worked up. He leans in and in a very low voice offers his encouragement.

I'll back you all the way. You are in the right, to my way of thinking."
Dec 7, 2024 5:09 am
Tzal was wondering whether he had just seen the fuse of the powder keg light up, but the timely intervention of R3N-L3 had somehow put it out. Why does everyone have to quarrel when complementing each other will waste less time and solve the problem more effectively? He took out his spectacles and cleaned them with his indigo robe and then spoke out, "I guess then we are splitting into two groups? One is going with Pyram now, and the other is moving closely behind? And we are moving out now since we don't want to waste time, in case the missing people are in danger. So, once you finish your ale and have some food, I say we proceed with the plan then? I believe we have discussed this matter enough, and now its time to implement it into action. Who is going with Pyram and who is following from behind? I believe, Lauretta, you are going to talk with Pyram now? Who is accompanying her?"
Last edited December 7, 2024 5:12 am
Dec 7, 2024 10:39 pm
Lauretta seemed to be deeply affected by the conversation, but Aazim couldn't tell if his words or the construct's stung her more. He didn't care one way or the other; she was no longer heaping scorn on her supposed allies, and Aazim welcomed the reprieve.

R3N-L3's words about him only caused the jann to nod. Aazim was well aware that he was more introspective and philosophical than many adventurers. Still, the jann was hardly some emotionless, ascetic monk. It was simply that Lauretta burned so white-hot that he may as well be a glacier.

To R3N-L3: "Hold my tongue, so as not to inflame Lauretta? Then I might as well never speak again, because anyone who remotely disagrees with her is treated as a simpering fool who's aiding and abetting villainy."

"And our goals aren't opposite. I also desire to thwart evil and corruption. But I'm not so desperate to be a hero that I condemn others based on the flimsiest evidence. If that's how we operate, we're just hypocritical vigilantes, constantly fighting to fill the voids within us, instead of working to truly make these borderlands a better place."

To everyone: "Tzal speaks true: action is needed. But it's still not clear to me that we have a plan. A vote, perhaps? I'm flexible: we can confront Pyram now, but I would suggest we lure him outside beforehand; if he becomes aggressive, I wouldn't want these innocent tavern-goers caught in the crossfire. But if he insists on speaking inside, well, we'll do the best we can."

"I also have no problem following Pyram to the Green Hills, either now or tomorrow...but splitting into two groups? If Pyram is the culprit, he's surely clever, and will wonder why we're doing so. What explanation can we give him that he won't immediately see through?"

The jann has a sudden flash of insight, and smiles.

"Or perhaps we could fake a schism. With the tensions already present, and with the displays we've already put on, it wouldn't be hard to act out. If Pyram thought this group was legitimately sundered, and at each other's throats, it's highly likely his guard will be down."

"But I know some will consider this plan being clever for the sake of being clever, and a waste of time, so I won't champion it relentlessly. Like my talk with the Silver Coins Company, I'm simply throwing it out there as an option. Do with it what you will."
Last edited December 7, 2024 10:40 pm
Dec 9, 2024 2:49 pm
After a sip of the ale she ordered, Lauretta simply stared down at it in disgust. She hadn't touched the stuff since training in the Church, but life on the road perhaps meant simple pleasures could return. Instead, it only made her unhappy with herself. Shame that she had ordered so much then. A glance was thrown Wolfram's way.

"I appreciate that. You're welcome to drink as much as you want. The same goes to the rest of you."

The priest stood up, scowling as she took another bitter swig from her tankard. Inspired by the jann's bright idea, she stepped back up to Aazim, staring him in the eye.

"I didn't condemn no one to anything. That's what the confrontation was supposed to be for. And caution was why I suggested we wait 'til the tavern clears out before confronting him, just in case he panicked and attacked us. I never said we should go execute him for his crimes or anything like that, yet you assumed I was willing to go torture him. You've assumed my intentions every step of the way, including earlier today when I tried to sort out work. You protest and urge caution so much, only to throw caution to the wind when it comes to making assumptions about other people."

After one more long swig from her tankard, Lauretta raised her voice loudly so that the argument was impossible for anyone in the inn to not notice.

"The only thing alienating here is you constantly assuming I'm a delusional, stubborn, impulsive fool. That's fine. You can go ahead, and I'll assume you're an egotistical child who is desperate to prove how much wiser he is than everyone else. Meanwhile, I'll go do the job myself."

Without wasting another beat, the tankard of ale was raised and poured atop the jann's head. Before walking towards Pyram Peek, she whispered to Aazim.

"Schism faked, arsehole."
Last edited December 9, 2024 3:07 pm
Dec 9, 2024 3:26 pm
Wolfram's expression is a mix of astonishment and glee as he quickly rises from his chair and follows Lauretta toward Pyram Peek.
Dec 9, 2024 3:44 pm
Tilting his head to the side, R3N-L3 pondered how he was supposed to fake taking a side in the schism. Finally, he intoned in his usual emotionless voice, "I am dissatisfied with the performance of organics?" Before rising and walking to the kitchen to siphon a bit more vegetable oil. If his acting didn't fool anyone, at least nobody was sure if he could lie to begin with, so perhaps he was really speaking his honest opinion.
Dec 9, 2024 8:21 pm
Aazim was as shocked as everyone else to find himself doused with ale. He quickly wipes it from his eyes, expecting an attack to follow.

However, Lauretta then whispers about faking a schism, and walks away. Aazim feels a smirk forming, almost against his will; he had mentioned this plan, and Lauretta initiated it...though she probably would've tossed ale on him anyway, regardless of any plans.

Glancing around at the crowd, he knows everyone expects retaliation. So he concentrates, and his Elemental Affinity begins to come alive, specifically Fire Affinity. Small flames dance around him, and his eyes glow red-orange.

Loudly: "A typical response, stubborn one. You know you can never win an argument using reason and logic, so you resort to intimidation, contempt, and cheap shots like this. Does this religion of yours condone such actions? If so, it's a poor religion indeed...but a fitting one for gutter trash such as yourself."

He draws his dagger and advances, his fire sparking across the blade...but then he powers down his ability before it truly manifests.

"Ah, you're not worth it. You're more like an ill-trained dog than a person. Beating you in physical combat would accomplish nothing; you wouldn't learn anything, and would still snap and snarl at those who try to befriend you. So I'll take my leave of you...and of this group, should they wish to stay and tolerate your sociopathic nature."

He leaves the tavern, using a sleeve to try and dry himself off. How would the rest of the group react to this? This situation was more real than acting; Aazim had to make a great effort not to attack Lauretta. Would his teammates understand what had occurred, or would they consider him the cowardly egghead, someone easily pushed around, "acting" or not? If the latter, he'd be better off traveling with others....
Dec 10, 2024 12:28 am
At first Gabalan was a little confused about what have just happened... looking from Lauretta to Aazim and back again. But within few splits of second he understood that it must be the act, that is aimed at making their divide believable to everyone.
"Cleaver. But I'm not an actor. We better divide in half... to have most strength on each subgroup." Gabalan - thought to himself, while Aazim was preparing to leave the inn.

Gabalan rises his hand in gesture of stoping Aazim from leaving the tavern and just - not so loudly to not bring too much attention on himself (contrary to what he should be doing in this situation) - says:
"Aazim... wait... you still owe me..." - to only realize that the words have hit the already closed door and he wasn't able to invent a better reason for him fallowing Aazim.

Then he just awkwardly stands up from his seat and fallows Aazim outside.

Finding the Jann nearby, he approaches him and just says:
"You are a good actor... at one moment I thought you were going to really start throwing fires or daggers at Lauretta." - Gabalan exclaimed with a deeper, but still not very emotional nod of his head that was meant to express appreciation.

Than with the same lack of grace as always, Gabalan immediately changed the subject going straight to the point:
"So do you have any idea where we should hide and wait for the group number 1 departure? Do we have any means of communicating with them through the distance? Like... with magic or little messengers? I mean... my magic won't help with this. I hope they will at least leave a proper traces for us, so we will be able to follow them easily."

Gabalan looks around for good spot they could use to hide, so that they will be able to see Lauretta's group departing. Like second floor in the barn.. or maybe some of them have a room with the window showing the main square in front of the inn? And they could sneak back in?
Last edited December 10, 2024 12:28 am
Dec 10, 2024 6:22 pm
What happened in the blink of an eye clearly shocked Tzal. He wasn't expecting such an outburst. He never wanted to take on the role of a leader commanding everyone. He forever believed that people should be amicable to each other. Such immature discord among so many adults clearly disgusted him. He then considered the possibility that it was all an act, but still it was pushed too far. He stood at his table, shaking his head and annoyingly looking at Lauretta. After a moment later, he sighed and turned to R3N-L3, "I think you should go with Gabalan and Aazim. I will go with Lauretta and Wolfram, trying to bring sense into this pompous, ill-tempered woman."

He stood up and nodded to R3N-L3 and proceeded to meet with Lauretta and Pyram.
Last edited December 10, 2024 6:23 pm
Dec 10, 2024 11:46 pm
Nodding back in affirmation, R3N-L3 headed over to Gabalan and Azim, unperturbed as usual by the turmoil happening around him, even if he did seem to recognize it.
Dec 11, 2024 1:00 am
To Gabalan: "It was more real than acting. I had to restrain myself from retaliating with more than words. This woman...I dislike her more with every passing minute. I fear that if we don't knock her down a peg or two, she's going to lead this group to catastrophe."

"I'm eager to see how they'll handle Pyram, now that Lauretta has discarded the 'dead weight.' I suspect she'll foul everything up, and then blame everyone but herself, but she may surprise me."

"As for our plans now that we're split...I have no clue. When I mentioned this plan, I expected we'd discuss it thoroughly before committing...but of course, that was too cautious for our ornery priest, and I felt I had to play along with her ale-dousing. Like you, my magic won't help with long-distance communication."

To R3N-L3: "What do you think, R3? Should we hide around here and see what happens? Or do you have some other good ideas germinating?"
Dec 11, 2024 2:12 pm
The words of the jann didn't seem to carry any impact on Lauretta as she walked away. Even while glowing with blazing fury and approaching her with dagger in hand, she refused to turn back to Aazim. It was some combination of emotional detachment and the fact that these barbs felt more petty than the one's from earlier. She had said her piece and was done with the conversation. There were more important things to do than try to decipher why one jann must assume the worst in her.

"Pyram. Half my group have agreed to help you with your tomb scouring, and we've changed our minds about wanting to rest through the night first. That agreeable to you?"

The priest didn't bother sitting down. An itch to get some air would've been there even if she didn't suspect Pyram had lured folk to some awful fate.
Dec 11, 2024 3:42 pm
Wolfram lays on that insidious sweet smile he can muster at will as he drills Pyram with narrowed eyes.

"Well? We are ready to leave now."
Last edited December 11, 2024 3:42 pm
Dec 12, 2024 11:38 am
"All of this won't matter... with enough amount of time passing." - Gabalan commented Aazim remarks about Lauretta, with some 'looking into distance' expression on his face. Then continued: "I'm also not a fan of her emotional approach, but get your act together. Probably we have still some possibility of saving people lives. Or at least saving them from something worse than death." - Gabalan looked straight into Aazim eyes, what was very uncommon for him. The Jann had an impression that Gabalan's left eye flashed with a weak yellowish light for a brief split of second, but he quickly assumed that it must have been some kind of reflection of light in Gabalan eye, caused by someone touching the curtain in the inn and letting some light out. As they still weren't too far from the entrance.

Pedrop sent a note to Dmbrainiac
Gabalan also looked at R3N-L3 for new ideas, still visibly fascinated by so-different technology or magic that had to be running this metal body and... mind?
As player I think we will be able to plan more, when the GM will answer what's more there around us. As asked in my previous post. But not rush with it on my side, as I'm also flooded with work and duties IRL.
Dec 12, 2024 6:07 pm
"Splitting one's forces against an unknown enemy is never optimal." R3N-L3 intoned after a second of computation, glancing over at Lauretta with a shrug. "However, there are advantages to allowing them their way. It is noted that organics operate closer to optimal efficiency when pursuing something they feel themselves in line with. Thus, while this is a risk, it may pay off in greater unity once the priest's purpose is sated."

"In the interim, however, we know there exist beasts nearby. They are unlikely to be sapient, as sapience usually dictates greater planning and cohesion, although sapience is capable of significant deviation as well. It is the highest risk-reward opportunity we can pursue. Sitting here is of no purpose, as the only advantage to splitting forces is that of multiple objective achievements simultaneously. While I am capable
of optimal night-time operation, you two are not, I believe. I would propose the setting of traps during the night, carried out solely by this unit. In the dawn, we will see if we have caught any traces of the more bestial enemy.......And whether or not they are a Wizard creation."
Although there was no discernable emotion in R3N-L3's words, his tone seemed to rise ever-so-slightly on that last sentence.
Dec 16, 2024 1:31 pm
Almost everybody inside the tavern looks surprised by the sudden schism that apparently breaks out within your group. Candace, who was close enough to overhear most of your conversation, smirks to herself but doesn't say anything. When Lauretta, Woflram, and Tzal march up to Pyram Peek and inform him that they wish to depart immediately, he shrugs. "Alright, if that is your desire. Let me get my things and we can depart."

Outside the Traveler's Rest, Aazim, Gabalan, and R3N-L3 take cover in the barn, peeking out to keep an eye on the inn. Just a few minutes later, Pyram and the other half of the party emerges, the scholar leading the way out towards the distant hills. He doesn't seem to notice the trio hiding in the barn.
Let me know how long you want to wait before following after them.
Dec 16, 2024 5:00 pm
When Pyram left to get his things, Tzal turned to Lauretta and shook his head in dismay. "That was totally unnecessary. You are a capable person given the holy duty to lead by your order. It is not right for the champion of the High One to lose your temper like that. I don't know if that was entirely an act, but I could sense some personal cord being struck and immature gratification achieved in either of you. I am not familiar with Jann culture, but I have heard they are not originally from Borderlands. You are representing your order, which last I know is trying their best to act in good will and help mitigate the catastrophe that is happening in the Old County. Nobody here judges your capability, but at least you could have taken a mature stance. Come on, I know you could have done that. Instead, you threw your temper in the wind, showed your dominion, and abolished the sembelence of any civility. I know that Aazim is confused, fickle, and temperamental, so he needed firm guidance rather than instigation. A task you were initially doing fine until you just gave into your anger. Uff....I don't know what to say anymore. I guess you will handle things better next time. That is if there is one."
Last edited December 16, 2024 5:28 pm
Dec 16, 2024 5:29 pm
Wolfram, dancing from foot to foot with impatience, felt their group spent more time gabbing and not coming to a decision or taking any concrete action more than any other group he had ever been associated with. He was hoping this wasn't going to be a mistake.

"Yes, Pyram, we want to leave immediately," the rogue said firmly.
Dec 16, 2024 6:23 pm
Being impervious to most mundane conditions such as cold, poison, or the need to breathe, R3N-L3 would wait patiently, only a faint ticking to be heard from his otherwise immobile form. After waiting a good half hour for them to get quite far, R3N-L3 abruptly rose from the haystack he was sheltering from, scaring off a barnyard cat that hissed balefully at him before racing off. "Now, I believe, we follow."
Dec 16, 2024 9:37 pm

While the jann certainly loved a good discussion, even he was weary of the endless arguing (and strange behavior) of his teammates. He and Wolfram had stretched their legs earlier, but accomplished little; it felt good to be on the move now, with at least a semblance of a plan.

He wished he could've washed up before departing, as the ale makes him smell like a drunkard. Looking ahead down the path, he wonders how the other group is faring. He doesn't really care about Lauretta's fate, but Tzal and Wolfram hadn't done anything to directly antagonize him...although Wolfram seemed to enjoy Lauretta's aggressive nature.

Humming a tune he'd learned at the Arcanum Collegium, he wonders what Omar would say about his situation. Probably something like: "Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." But repeating such quotes to oneself was always easier than actually living by them....
Dec 16, 2024 11:05 pm
Gabalan nodes with his head eagerly in agreement to R3N-L3 decision to depart at that moment, as he would like to say:
"It's about time!" - but says nothing and just follows.
Dec 17, 2024 1:33 pm
Aazim, Gabalan, and R3N-L3

The three of you wait in the barn to give the others more of a head start. After about fifteen minutes, though, you notice the five members of the Silver Coins Company leaving the tavern. Mikka glances around Traveler's Rest, then gestures in the direction that Pyram and the others went. "That way. Stay close and stay quiet," she tells her companions. They set off on the trail of the rest of your party!
Dec 17, 2024 5:16 pm
Pyram's lack of hesitation for their suggestion was welcome, but his nonchalance was slightly concerning to Lauretta. Was he so confident in his plans that he was willing to accept whoever would come and at any time? Either that or he wasn't the dastardly manipulator she believed him to be. Time would tell. While wasting no time in getting the group on the trail, she addressed the mage's rant.

"You won't find any disagreement here. I know and accept that my part in that last spat was a failure of myself. It was a moment of weakness that was childish. My actions will require atonement, which I intend to subject myself to. While I intend to apologize proper for the ale, my words weren't untrue. The jann has shown me nothing but disrespect and mistrust since we got here. In earnest, I'm unsure how to deal with him. Learning is going to be a challenge of its own. I'm used to working within organizations with a hierarchy. There was always a chain of command. Differences in rank resolved many conflicts, but those that weren't usually were resolved with violence or separation. This group is something far more loose that would be torn apart by those methods. Regardless of whether we dislike each other, there needs to be a mutual respect. I'm not sure how to establish that when faced with these attacks. Trust that I have no intention of giving up."

Finishing her speech, the priest would operate in silence as they set out with Pyram. It wasn't until some time later while they were on the path to the Green Hills that she would question him.

"So, how many of these excursions have you done so far? And what makes you so sure that this one will be the big one that warrants hiring some guards for a hefty price?"
Apologies for the delayed reply. My wife was in the hospital for surgery over the weekend, so I was still exhausted come Monday.
Last edited December 17, 2024 5:18 pm
Dec 17, 2024 5:58 pm
Wishing your wife a speedy recovery, @TheForsakenEvil.
Wolfram rolls his eyes wondering if the spats will ever end.

"Here's an idea. Let's let bygone be bygones and start with a fresh clean slate and be the team I know we can be, eh?"

While the rogue doesn't necessarily believe in his pep talk nor that request is even possible to fulfill, he'd like to see them devoting all their energies to the task at hand. These arguments were a diversion that could cost someone their life. He didn't trust Pyram at all and had a sneaking suspicion that they would need all their faculties to fight what was coming up next.
Dec 18, 2024 11:12 am
Lauretta, Tzal, and Wolfram

"I've explored a handful of ruins over the past several months," Pyram says to Lauretta. "Most of them have turned out to be empty of anything of value, but I already discovered some old coins and a rusty helmet that belonged to the people who once lived in the hills. I'm sure there are more artifacts to find deeper into this site! We'll see together soon enough."

You are about an hour away from Traveler's Rest when you spot, a few hundred yards away, a group of five people walking towards you. These travelers are moving at a slow pace, but seem to shift their direction to meet you. However, when they start to get closer, a terrible stench wafts towards you. The smell of rotting flesh...
The five people are about 100 yards away still.
Dec 18, 2024 2:08 pm
Tzal was satisfied with Lauretta's reply and he nodded both to her and Wolfram agreeing to end the chaotic arguments. He followed Pyram with others to their intended destination, wondering what kind of trap he was trying to spring on them. He pointedly listened to what Pyram was saying, as any information or misinformation would indicate something. When he noticed the group coming in their direction, he was alarmed. "Looks like we have company! What's that stench?"
Dec 18, 2024 3:33 pm
Wolfram's eyes drill into Pyrem's as he answers Lauretta's questions. He'd like to make him nervous with his stare, while also noting any tells that might suggest the man is less than honest.

"What about value, Pyrem, as Lauretta enquired? Artifacts can merely be old and worthless. What makes you think there are items of value to be found? As you just said yourself, most of what you have found has been of no value. There would have to be indications of worth before hiring guards and wasting our time on a wild goose-chase."

His grilling of Pyrem would have to wait as trouble looked to be brewing up ahead.

"Looks like we have company." Wolfram unhitches his bow but doesn't nock an arrow just yet ... at least until the stink pervades his nostrils. "We might want to find cover until we figure out exactly what we are dealing with. Friends of yours, Pyrem?"
Dec 18, 2024 3:44 pm
As soon as she can make out the figures up ahead, Lauretta narrows her eyes. While she would welcome helping out some lost travelers in need, the more likely reality was that anyone or anything roaming the darkness was a fiend. As soon as the familiar stench of the dead struck her, her axe was in her hand.

"Never been around corpses, mage? You won't forget it. Prepare for a fight."
Dec 18, 2024 10:26 pm
Where's the second group? I assume we followed behind as stealthily as possible, but can we see the others, or are we still catching up?
Dec 18, 2024 10:30 pm
We’re on two slightly divergent timelines right now. I’m waiting to see what the second group wants to do when they see the Silver Coins Company emerge and start to follow the first group. That happens after 15 minutes. The first group is currently at an hour after leaving the tavern. I just wanted to give both groups something to do. Depending on what the second group does, they might happen to be close to the first during this encounter. :)
Dec 18, 2024 10:41 pm
Aazim watches the Silver Coins Company depart, then speaks softly to his companions once the Company is out of sight.

"Curious...I wonder what they're planning. I spoke with Mikka, who may be that group's leader. If not, she's certainly the most boisterous. She claimed they'd successfully fended off a pack of dragons recently. Unlikely, I think; we'd probably have heard about such powerful adventurers during our travels."

"But are they in league with Pyram, or do they have their own agenda? Regardless, we should follow them now, making sure they don't get too much of a head start. If we tarry here, the first group will be outnumbered, should the Company have malicious intent."
Last edited December 18, 2024 10:44 pm
Dec 18, 2024 11:06 pm
"If they continue after we have left the town, that means they are not hunting beasts. They are hunting Lauretta and possibly Pyram. Innocent or not, they will most likely be enemies. We will shadow them, and once they draw steel, attack if necessary."
Dec 19, 2024 9:16 am
Aazim, R3N-L3, and Gabalan

You follow the Silver Coins Company at a safe distance. It quickly becomes clear that they are following the trail of your other companions, though their motives for doing so remain unclear. Fortunately, they don't notice the three of you shadowing them.
Lauretta, Tzal, and Wolfram

Pyram looks nervous as the people draw near. "I'm no warrior .This is why I hired you. To do the fighting." He steps back to give you more room to maneuver.

As the five people get within 50 yards, you can now clearly see their undead nature. They are walking corpses, putrid flesh rotting off their bones, milky eyes wide and unblinking. They groan as they shuffle and stumble towards you!
You have plenty of warning, and the undead are very slow, so I'll let the three of you decide how close you want to let the creatures get to you before attacking them. I'll also allow you all to go first in the first round of combat without having to take the initiative.
Dec 19, 2024 5:01 pm
"The shambling dead would be best dispatched at a distance. If either of you have a spare bow or such, I could use it well."

Lauretta tries to get a lay of the land, looking for high ground or other useful geographical features.
Totally didn't think to buy a ranged weapon in character creation, haha.
Last edited December 19, 2024 5:11 pm
Dec 19, 2024 5:14 pm
Tzal went behind the ranger and the priest trying to take cover and get a good view of the shambling undead. "My spells are not potent at that range. I can however cast them once they get closer." He snapped his fingers and held a globule of fluid on his palm, which started to thicken and boil, sending fumes up. When the first undead came closer to the range, he tossed the globule at it.
My spell has a range of 5 yards, so I will wait for the first one to come within range and then throw the globule. Corrosive globule is an int roll against agility. At the end of each round, the target takes 1d6 damage (luck ends) and if its a crit then 2d6 damage.
Last edited December 19, 2024 5:16 pm


Intellect - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

damage roll - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Dec 19, 2024 6:15 pm
"I am sorry, Lauretta, I only have one bow, but if you can throw, I do have a dagger you can borrow."

Wolfram will hand Lauretta his dagger if she wants it, wait until the undead are within bow range, and shoot. He carefully nocks his arrow and waits.
I'm going to use Trickery for the extra damage and boon.
[ +- ] Trickery


Agility 12, 1 boon, 1d6 extra damage from Trickery if hits - (1d20+2, 1d6, 1d6)

1d20+2 : (7) + 2 = 9

1d6 : (6) = 6

1d6 : (4) = 4

Arrow Damage - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Dec 25, 2024 11:24 am
As the zombies draw within close range, Wolfram tosses Lauretta his dagger and then opens fire, shooting the lead foe in the chest. Tzal hurls a globule of acid that eats away at its rotting flesh. The zombie takes two more staggering steps forward before collapsing and lying still, its body still melting. The other four foes groan and continue their slow but inexorable advance.
End of the round. At the start of the next round, the zombies will act first, unless anybody wants to use their reaction to take the initiative.
Dec 27, 2024 11:28 pm
Not taking the initiative.
Dec 28, 2024 6:10 am
As the dead came closer, Tzal materialized another glob of fuming acid and threw it towards one of the walking corpses.
Taking initiative to attack with acid. I guess this is a crit too?
Last edited December 28, 2024 6:11 am


Intellect - (1d20+3)

(18) + 3 = 21

damage roll - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jan 3, 2025 11:00 am
Hi! I think I'm back:) WIll try to get to know what is happening and acta accordingly. It looks like my sub-group is still behind the Silver Coins Company.
"Yes, let's fallow and observe them. They may by with Pyrm... or they may be so stupid to believe in his gold coins and now wanting to separate him from them..." - Gabalan commented, staying low and following his companions in pursuit of strange company of persons.
Jan 6, 2025 1:31 pm
Tzal blasts another zombie with acid. The four walking corpses lumber up into melee range, but their slow speed means they are unable to attack yet.
@Windyridge,@TheForsakenEvil , you may both act. Then it will be the end of the round, so anybody who wants to take the initiative for round 3 may do so and act again before the zombies get another chance to act.
Jan 6, 2025 3:50 pm
Wolfram grabs his bow in both hands as a bludgeon, swings in a wide arc, trying to whack the nearest zombie in the head.


Strength Attack (1) - Attack - (1d20-1)

(3) - 1 = 2

Strength Attack (1) - Damage - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jan 6, 2025 8:37 pm
"Get to the back, Wolfram!"

The soldier priest moves to intercept the undead, trying to ensure she is the vanguard. While her legs carry her forward, her arms reel back with her axe in preparation for an underhand swing.

"By the High One's glory, I vanquish you!"
Action to attack (18), Reaction for Prayer. Rolled 19 damage. Making Luck Roll to see if Prayer returns at the end of the round (6, failure).
[ +- ] Prayer (Magical)

Bellowing her prayer, the head of Lauretta's axe glinted with red light during its upward swing towards the jaw of the nearest zombie. Eager to see this battle ended quickly, she wasted no time in taking advantage of her position on the front line. Her grip tightened on her weapon as she gritted her teeth and swung it again from overhead.
Reaction to take the initiative in the new round. Action to attack (14). Rolled 16 damage. Making Luck roll for Prayer in advance (11, success).
Last edited January 6, 2025 8:50 pm


Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+2d6h1)

(9) + (36) + 3 = 18

Prayer Used (Luck Ends) - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(3655) = 19

Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+1d6)

(8) + (3) + 3 = 14

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(5236) = 16

Prayer Used (Luck Ends) - (1d20)

(11) = 11

Jan 7, 2025 5:23 am
Watching the zombies close in alarmed Tzal as he formed another fuming globule of acid in his palm, throwing it towards another of the undead.
Taking initiative to go before the zombie.


Intellect - (1d20+3)

(15) + 3 = 18

damage roll - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jan 7, 2025 9:04 am
Wolfram swings his bow wildly but is unable to land a solid hit. Lauretta hews down one of the zombies that dares to get too close to her. The one Tzal struck with acid groans as its flesh bubbles and boils.
Round 3 begins.
Lauretta swings on the already injured zombie, cutting it down. Tzal blasts one of the two remaining foes with acid.

The zombies lunge for Lauretta, but are unable to get their hands on her as the priest holds them back.
Wolfram may act this round, then anybody who wishes to take the initiative for round 4 may also act.


Lingering Acid Damage - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Luck to End, Divine Doom (Zombies make luck rolls with 1 bane) - (d20-d6)

(10) - (6) = 4

Hands vs Lauretta Defense 15 - (d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Hands vs Lauretta Defense 15 - (d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Jan 7, 2025 5:30 pm
Again Wolfram swings at the creature this time trying to be more focused in his attempt.


Strength Attack - (1d20-1)

(13) - 1 = 12

Damage if success - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Boon for Trickery - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Extra d6 from boon if attack Succeeds - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 7, 2025 7:26 pm
Don't forget that using your bow as an improvised weapon will impose a bane on your attack with it. Assuming you used Trickery to offset the bane the first time you attacked with it, that post would've been the correct outcome.
Peeling her axe from the skull of one of the undead, Lauretta's sneered in disgust. There was no pleasure to be found in cleaving into these poor facsimiles of life, but it had to be done. Just before she was able to fully dislodge her weapon from it, the remaining two flung themselves upon her. Relying on her mail and blocking them with her arm, she secured enough time to rip the axe free and reel it towards one of her attackers.


Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+1d6)

(14) + (1) + 3 = 18

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(5644) = 19

Jan 7, 2025 7:38 pm
TheForsakenEvil says:
Don't forget that using your bow as an improvised weapon will impose a bane on your attack with it. Assuming you used Trickery to offset the bane the first time you attacked with it, that post would've been the correct outcome.
Good point, but I wonder if that follows when the bow is being used as a two-handed melee weapon?
Jan 7, 2025 7:51 pm
Windyridge says:
TheForsakenEvil says:
Don't forget that using your bow as an improvised weapon will impose a bane on your attack with it. Assuming you used Trickery to offset the bane the first time you attacked with it, that post would've been the correct outcome.
Good point, but I wonder if that follows when the bow is being used as a two-handed melee weapon?
It works the same. An improvised weapon being two-handed doesn't remove the bane from it, but merely forces you to use both of your hands to actually make attacks with it. Also sorry I never got an opportunity to use Wolfram's dagger haha. Would much rather him have had that now in hindsight. No bane and no risk of breaking your bow.
Jan 7, 2025 8:25 pm
Hindsight, haha. So yeah, the boon and bane would cancel then. And my rolls before that were wrong too but I failed so badly it didn't matter. Lol.
Jan 8, 2025 3:50 pm
As the zombies fell from the attacks of his fellow companions, Tzal threw another globule of bubbling fuming acid towards the remaining one.


Corrosive globule - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Jan 9, 2025 9:29 am
Lauretta cuts down another zombie, while Wolfram smacks the last foe with his bow. Tzal's acid globule narrowly misses, whizzing just past the undead's head. The zombie groans and lunges at Wolfram, bashing him with its heavy fists!
6 damage to Wolfram. It's a new round. Anybody who wants to take the initiative may act first now!


Hands vs Wolfram - (d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Damage - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Jan 9, 2025 9:35 am
Fallowing Jann and Clockwork at first, at some point Gabalan made a few faster steps in order to overtake them a little. Then he stop and strains his eyes wishing to judge what is the infamous Company doing in front of them, are they still following the other part of his company? What formation do they keep? Do they look like reading for an attack? And how close they may be to the Prym and his companions? - he wondered.


Intellect - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Jan 9, 2025 5:11 pm
"I said get back, damn it!"

Lauretta kicked the corpse away to aid her in quickly removing her axe from it. With hopefully only one more vicious swing, she hoped to put an end to this pack of horrors and prevent any further harm to her allies.
Taking the initiative as a reaction. Action to attack with axe (17). Brutal trait on the Axe allows for 1s on damage to be rerolled once. Total damage is 20 (6+6+6+2).
Last edited January 9, 2025 5:13 pm


Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+1d6)

(10) + (4) + 3 = 17

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(2161) = 10

Axe - Brutal Reroll - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Axe - Total Damage - (2+6+6+6)

() + 20 = 20

Jan 9, 2025 7:36 pm
With a mighty swing, Lauretta brutally decapitates the last zombie! Its headless body collapses to the ground.

Having spent the battle cringing behind you, Pyram now breathes a sigh of relief. "Phew! Nicely done."
Gabalan can see that the Silver Coins Company continues to follow the trail of your companions. Mikka leads the way, with Brutus and Pwyll behind her, and Sash and Pyre in the rearguard position. They seem relaxed for now, still oblivious to your presence, but their weapons are close at hand. Unless your allies have stopped for any significant rests, you still should be about 15 minutes behind them.
Jan 9, 2025 8:25 pm
"Nicely done, Lauretta, and no thanks to you!" Wolfram says to Pyram with a sneer. The rogue examines his bow for damage, then turns to Lauretta. "Not a bad as a bludgeon, eh? It works in a pinch, sometimes. I probably should have kept the dagger, but it all worked out in the end."

Wolfram's admiration for the priest was growing with every battle.
Jan 10, 2025 5:04 am
Tzal looked at the fallen zombie bodies and tried to gauge how old they were and whether there was any similarity between them and the missing persons. He then thanked Lauretta and Wolfram for their aid and turned to Pyram, saying, "You know this place. Are undead common in these areas, or is it something new?"
Rolling Intellect to find out information on the zombies.


Intellect - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Jan 10, 2025 11:21 am
Pyram nods. "Yes, I've seen similar creatures roaming the hills at night. Thus far, I had been lucky enough to avoid any direct confrontations with them."

The zombies wear tattered clothes that suggest they may have once been part of an acting troupe. Based on their state of decomposition, Tzal deduces that they most likely have been dead for several months, if not longer.
Jan 11, 2025 3:17 am
Silently and stolidly, R3N-L3 kept pace with the Silver Coins Company along with his companions, although the automaton did seem to be slowly closing the distance as he moved, aiming to make sure that they would be able to get the jump on the Silver Coins Company, should they turn out to be duplicitous.
Jan 11, 2025 3:34 am
Wolfram thinks that Pyram has been remarkably lucky to not be attacked at night and by one of the creatures. Too lucky perhaps, and this just adds to Wolfram's distrust of the man.
Last edited January 11, 2025 3:35 am
Jan 11, 2025 12:27 pm
Gabalan walks with R3N-L3 side by side, trying to focus more on the suspicious Silver Coins Company then deciphering how the automaton technology could work.
"Take it easy Ren-lee, we don't want to drop on them too soon. Their behavior - if we manage to observe them while they don't know about it - may provide us with many valuable informations."
Jan 11, 2025 1:10 pm
Tzal listened to what Pyram had to say and then nodded. "So, with these undead dispatched, should we proceed to this tomb of yours? I want to get done with your artifact searching as soon as possible."
Jan 12, 2025 11:32 pm
Shaking some of the extra bits of gore off the head of her axe, Lauretta throws Wolfram his dagger with her other hand.

"Aye, the dagger would've been better in your hands. Can't say I've ever thought to use a bow like that, but it is good to have as an emergency. My initial thought was we find some high ground and dispatch them from a relatively safe position. I was hoping we could avoid that beating you took. Let me take the brunt of it next time while you put those arrows to good use, aye? Also, just give us a moment, Indigo. The least we could do for this lot is give them a quick pyre."

After cleaning off her axehead, the priest quickly pulled the corpses into a pile, trying to be swift rather than clean. As soon as they were close enough, she sprinkled some oil from flask onto their clothes. A prayer uttered from her lips as she started the blaze with her tinderbox.
Last edited January 12, 2025 11:35 pm
Jan 12, 2025 11:45 pm
Wolfram sheaths his dagger, hitches his bow and nods at Lauretta and offers a smile. "You first next time. Got it. I've never used my bow that way, but you do what you have to do with what you have."

The rogue helps drag the corpses into the pyre.
Jan 13, 2025 1:36 pm
Pyram waits patiently while you light the pyre. When it is done, he gestures towards the hills. "It is not much farther now. Let's keep moving."
Those following behind see the light of a fire burning from not too far away. The Silver Coins Company see it, too, and they hustle forward. When you arrive, you can see them standing around a flaming pyre. After examining the pyre for a few minutes, the Silver Coins Company pick up the trail again and continue on, and you follow behind them. Five bodies burn within the pyre. Fortunately, a closer look reveals the bodies aren't those of your companions or Pyram!
After another thirty minutes or so, Pyram leads the first group to the entrance to tomb he's hired you to help explore. The entrance appears about 40 yards up the steep slope of a hill, being nothing more than a rectangular hole framed in stone blocks. Pedestals stand on either side of the entrance, but the statues they once held lay in pieces down the slope and at the bottom, all but lost in the undergrowth.

"Here we are. Best to be prepared before we enter," Pyram says.
Jan 13, 2025 3:15 pm
He tells me to be prepared. Hah!

Wolfram draws his dagger. He doubts there will be any use for a bow in confined spaces unless the tomb is spacious enough for a bow shot. He'll determine that when they get inside.

"You first, Lauretta," he says, waggling his eyebrows with a smile.
Jan 13, 2025 4:18 pm
As the Silver Coins Company moved on, R3N-L3 paused for a moment to poke through the remains of the pyre with his blade, confirming that the remains of Lauretta, Wolfram, and Pyram were not amongst them. After making sure, he would continue to shadow the Silver Coins Company.
Jan 13, 2025 7:24 pm
"I'll certainly lead the charge."

Lauretta steps in front of the group and begins climbing the hill, but stops after about five yards. Turning to face the others, she rests her axe on her shoulder and glares at Pyram. Far from the inn, in the dead of night, and surrounded by three competent adventurers, there was no doubt in her mind that this was the best spot to put the pressure on him. Any further and they risked falling into whatever traps may await.

"Ruddy John. Philomena Stroup. A bard. A priest. Two other adventurers. These souls never returned to Traveler's Rest with you. Did you offer them your supposed gold too? Confess the truth, unabridged. Our friends aren't too far behind."

The priest watched with careful attention to the liar's countenance as she recounted his likely victims. Was there even a shred of guilt to be seen?
Last edited January 13, 2025 8:45 pm
Jan 13, 2025 9:30 pm
Like R3N-L3, Aazim examines the pyre. It seems clear what occurred: their allies had won a battle, then decided to burn the corpses of their foes. Aazim ponders the pragmatism of this. Building a fire draws attention, but if these corpses had been powered by evil design, it was probably best to reduce them to ash.

He's eager to hear the story of this fight...and to learn the Silver Coins Company's agenda. As long as they keep pace with the Company, they should have them in a pincer movement whenever they catch up to the others. And since the Company has seen half the party demonstrate their martial prowess, perhaps they'll quail if they have to deal with the full party.
Jan 14, 2025 5:30 am
Tzal eyed the hill slope and the entrance of the tomb, trying to understand the history of the construction. He then heard Lauretta's pertinent question and turned to watch Pyram's reaction.
Jan 14, 2025 8:59 am
"The truth? I... I am not certain what you mean," Pyram says, eyes darting between Lauretta's face and her axe. "Yes, I spoke to others about my archaeological pursuits, but I did no harm to them. I assure you, whatever happened to those people, it wasn't me."
As they reach the hills, the Silver Coins Company quickens their pace. Those of you tailing them see them ready their weapons as they start to close the distance to Pyram and the rest of your party...
Jan 14, 2025 10:56 am
Gabalan seeing what is happening hisses with - surprising to everyone - leadership in his voice:
"Now... stay calm. I'm sure Lauretta's stubbornness" - he winked to Aazim - "can handle their first wave... there will be nothing better than catching them completely off guard, while attacking at their back." - realizing what he just said, he adds: "They don't seem very honorable, so it won't be a stain on our honor to feed them the same medicine."
I think my aim here is to make an "ambush" on them, so they will lost one turn because of this. At least I understand the rules this way.
Jan 14, 2025 5:57 pm
"Unabridged, I said! We already know you spoke with them all on the nights they never returned. You, a man who solitarily scurries around in tombs in the night while undead lurk the hills. You, a man who claims to have no way to defend himself, but seeks treasure in dangerous places with nary a scratch upon him. You, a man who offers gold to folk he just met with no way of verifying their reputation. You, a man who then walks off into the night with those folk who could easily leave him for dead and take his coin if he didn't actually have a way to protect himself. No more lies, half-truths, or omissions. We did not come here for your gold. We came here for you and the folks who've gone missing in your wake."

Lauretta steps closer to him with each addition to her interrogation. Her fingers thump along the haft of her axe as she takes notice of his eyes darting between the two. It drops down to rest in both of her hands as she stares into Pyram's eyes.

"You've nothing to fear from me if you've done nothing wrong. I'm a godly woman. I cannot say the same for my companions. Confess, make things right, and I promise you will not be treated unjustly."
Last edited January 14, 2025 6:35 pm
Jan 14, 2025 6:12 pm
There was nothing much Wolfram could have added to that, Lauretta having deftly delivered the fear of fire from hell itself with her speech. He nods and glares at Pyram, while occasionally cleaning his nails with his dagger. He is itching to have a go at him.
Jan 14, 2025 6:45 pm
Tzal nodded to everything Lauretta said. "Mr. Pyram, she is a champion of her cause. Bringing justice from the High One is her specialty. If I were you, I would simply confess."
Last edited January 14, 2025 6:46 pm
Jan 15, 2025 1:47 pm
Pyram sighs heavily and lowers his gaze to the floor. It looks like he's about to say something, when suddenly a commotion from behind you gets your attention. The five members of the Silver Coins Company have arrived on the scene. Mikka has her bow out and an arrow nocked. Beside her, Brutus is armed with a sword and shield and Pwyll grips a dagger. Flames dance at the tip of Pyre's staff, while Sash grips her mace, though the scowl on her face is aimed not at you but her own companions.

"Stop right there!" Mikka calls. "We're staking our claim on this tomb, and whatever treasures lie within. Keep your hands where we can see them and back away, and nobody has to get hurt!"
Jan 15, 2025 3:44 pm
Tzal was waiting for Pyram to talk but the sudden commotion and declaration surprised him as he turned towards the spokeswoman. "Why do you seem so familiar? Why would we give our claim over when we have come here first? There are lives at stake here and you are worried about the treasure?"
Jan 15, 2025 7:43 pm
While no words left the liar's lips, his body language had told her everything she needed to know. Or perhaps, it just told her what she wanted to hear. Either way, Lauretta set a firm hand on Pyram's shoulder, guiding him to step behind her. Whatever he had done, she was confident he would be made penitent. Unfortunately, that made these greedy strays all the more frustrating. Words whispered over her shoulder to the man.

"You will be safe as long as you stay with me. You are now in my charge."

Eyeing the brigands and listening to the exchange between them and Indigo, the priest wondered where her allies were. Did her spat with Aazim go so far as to have them abandon them? Were they ambushed by this Silver Coins Company sometime before now? Too slow? Lost in the night? Too many questions. Anything could've happened, but she couldn't trust that they were coming. At the same time, daring to ask these mercenaries might spoil their surprise if it were not ruined already.

"Nobody has to get hurt? I heard you lot were slayers of dragons, not brigands who resort to threatening innocents! As our mage said, our purpose here was to save people in danger! We aren't walking away from them!"
Last edited January 15, 2025 7:44 pm
Jan 15, 2025 8:38 pm
Although the Automata had rarely shown any signs of emotion, his companions might swear they heard a faintly irritated hiss of steam emanating from his helm at the Silver Coin's ultimatum at the other members of their company. Sheathing his blade, R3N-L3 took his time creeping sedately up upon Pyre, the mage of their company.
Jan 15, 2025 8:43 pm
"You best put your hands where we can see them. We can both do it and have a friendly chat. What do you say?" Wolfram's dagger already in hand was hanging idly by his side in a non-threatening gesture, for now.
Jan 15, 2025 10:15 pm
Aazim shakes his head at Mikka's words. Staking a claim? If that was their goal, they should've taken time off from "dragon-slaying" and gotten here first. They seemed like common thugs, and needed to be dealt with appropriately.

Still, he hangs back, waiting to see what happens. He agrees with Gabalan's plan: wait for battle to unfold, then pounce.

Or perhaps their compatriots would handle the matter peacefully, and the Company would scamper off like vermin and "abandon their claim." But knowing Lauretta (and Wolfram, to an extent), that wasn't the likeliest he concentrates on the magic swirling within him, ready to do his part.
Jan 16, 2025 9:03 am
Gabalan aloso tenses and puts one of the well rounded stone in his sling - ready to act at the best moment... if needed.
Jan 17, 2025 1:43 pm
The Silver Coins Company tenses up, especially when R3N-L3, Aazim, and Gabalan approach from behind them. Pyre shouts a warning from behind their mask, and the other adventurers look warily back and forth between both halves of your party. "There may be more of you than us, but you'll soon see it was a mistake to threaten us," Mikka snarls. "Attack!"
Anybody who wants to act first may use their reaction to take the initiative!
Jan 17, 2025 4:05 pm
Stupid. After seeing what she believed was remorse in Pyram, Lauretta held out a little bit of hope that people would be better than this. They had no reason to attack other than pure greed. Still, the idea of spilling unnecessary blood sickened her. The first to swing would not be her. Maybe she was still clinging on to hope too tightly, but her axe stayed still as she maintained a defensive stance in waiting.
Not taking the initiative.
Jan 17, 2025 5:38 pm
Wolfram shakes his head, sheaths his dagger and unhitches his bow, drawing an arrow but not nocking it just yet, sensing Lauretta's desire to avoid bloodshed if at all possible.
Not taking the initiative.
Jan 17, 2025 7:18 pm
Tzal will wait for the party to make the first move.
Jan 17, 2025 8:34 pm
At Mikka's words, R3N-L3 simply tilted his head to the side. "My purpose is not to cull organics. However, if you would pose a threat to myself, I would be forced to eliminate you. And I do not take prisoners. My protocols dictate the severing of the head for humanoid lifeforms. Death is not instant, although it is remarkably quick. In the few moments between being healthy and mortally wounded, I believe the pain is immense." Raising his arm towards Mikka, R3N-L3's blade slid out with a pnuematic hiss.

"Proposal. To minimize loss of life, single combat is suggested. Your companions do not seem willing to fight to the death. The party of the deceased will yield their claim to the tomb and the entity known as Pyram. I promise to give as quick a death as I can to whomever faces me."
Jan 17, 2025 10:13 pm
To R3N-L3: "Single combat to the death? I think you should reconsider, R3N-L3. If this was guaranteed to be an honorable combat, perhaps your proposal would have merit...but these are scoundrels, and would likely cheat without remorse. Or they could use the combat as a distraction, and assault us when our guards are down."

To the Company: "Enough posturing. You're no dragon-slayers, and I doubt you can overcome our entire party. And the construct has declared it takes no prisoners. Perhaps we can dissuade it from slaughtering you all...perhaps not. Leave now, without attempting any trickery, and live another day...and be thankful we're not amoral or bloodthirsty, as you all seem to be. And decide swiftly: we have pressing business."
Not taking initiative.
Jan 18, 2025 3:47 am
"I am the most likely to survive any such treachery." R3N-L3 replied calmly. "Automata are rare, and the Wizard created very few true war-forms. I am difficult to exterminate, although not impossible. More difficult than organic lifeforms."
Jan 20, 2025 7:34 am
Not taking initiative.
Jan 21, 2025 1:42 pm
"I'm through with words!" Mikka shouts. She fires on the advancing R3N-L3, her arrow lodging into the clockwork's midsection. Pwyll hurls a dagger that clanks off R3N-L3's armored body. Sash raises her shield in a defensive stance as she stands next to Pyre, who hurls a missile of flame from their staff. The missile sails off into the distance before dissipating. Brutus roars a challenge as he rushes up to attack R3N-L3 with his sword, but the clockwork is able to parry.
Barring any reactions, R3N-L3 is hit once for 9 damage. Everybody may now take their actions!


Mikka Bow - (d20+2+d6)

(13) + (6) + 2 = 21

Pwyll Dagger - (d20+2+d6)

(10) + (2) + 2 = 14

Pyre Flame Missile vs Agility - (d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Brutus Sword - (d20+2+d6)

(3) + (4) + 2 = 9

Bow Damage - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Jan 21, 2025 4:07 pm
"Do you see now? Normally, they may have been inclined to target you, but instead they attack me. I am the most expendable individual in the regard of a soul, and the hardest to kill." R3N-L3 said to the others of his party, as most of the attacks he simply parried or took on his armored frame with economy of force. Then, just as he was talking, an arrow sprouted from the base of R3N-L3's neck, causing sparks to fly. The Automata regarded the arrow poking out of the gap between helm and chest plate for a couple seconds, before yanking it out. The metal rippled and shifted underneath his armor, leaving only a small scar.

"Negotiations have broken down. Regrettably, all of you but Sasha are now slated for termination." R3N-L3 intoned with a hint of regret, before moving to strike at Brutus.
Activating Combat Recovery as a reaction to heal 4. Until the start of his next turn, attacks against R3N-L3 get 1 bane.
Then he's just going to bonk Brutus normally.


Attack with Arm-Blade - (1d20+5+1d6)

(16) + (6) + 5 = 27

Jan 21, 2025 4:09 pm
Damn xD, that's a nice roll. I think that's a crit success, but R3N-L3 has no talents for it, so it's up to the GM whether that does anything.


Damage roll - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Jan 21, 2025 6:33 pm
It is with gritted teeth and anger that Lauretta watches as the group before her commit to their assault. Her hopes that they were bluffing were annihilated the moment an arrow sunk itself into the clockwork. If it had been anyone else, that may have been a lethal shot. If it weren't for the adrenaline, she would probably be wondering if his 'life' could even be compared to that of the others. R3N-L3 certainly didn't do anything to dissuade the idea that he was no more than an unfeeling machine with single-minded aims.

"By the High One, lay down your fucking arms!"

Her shout sounded guttural and savage, not like what one might expect of a priest. Still, it was the shout of a priest regardless. Her instinct was to slam the head of her axe into the nearest opposition, but it was the standards to which she upheld herself that stopped her. Even if this group struck first, Lauretta was committed to not taking life unless she had to. If that meant she was throwing herself upon a sword, then so be it.

The axe raised over her head and the ground thudded beneath the charge. Seizing the opportunity against the distracted Brutus, the axe aimed directly for his weapon.
Moving to engage. Action to Attack. Reaction for Prayer. Called Shot on Brutus' Sword, +2 banes, countering my 2 boons. However, Brutus is within reach of an ally, so he is considered surrounded. +1 boon. On a hit, the damage is dealt directly to Brutus' weapon. Rules for Object health are on page 29 of Secrets. Didn't expect them to be in the GM book.
Last edited January 21, 2025 6:49 pm


Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+1d6)

(13) + (2) + 3 = 18

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(2126) = 11

Prayer Used (Luck Ends) - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Axe - Brutal Reroll - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Axe - Total Damage - (2+5+2+6)

() + 15 = 15

Jan 21, 2025 7:11 pm
Tzal hoped that things would be settled normally with some veiled threats, but it seemed that they were determined to attack. As soon as the flames and arrows started to fly, he opened his palm, and water coalesced and started to boil over it. He flung the boiling ball of water towards the group.
Using boiling water to target the group. The spell has an area of 5 spaces. So, I guess it targets some of the party members. I wish to include Pyre in the spell. Also, the space becomes moderately obscured.

@Lcythas What is your weapon trait?
Last edited January 21, 2025 7:12 pm


damage roll - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jan 21, 2025 8:26 pm
Aazim should've known these buffoons would choose poorly. He rushes forward, yelling out a battle cry in his native tongue to confuse his opponents.

He has no desire to stand in the back lines and sling spells from safety, at least not for this fight. He taps into his innate magic, calling upon the earth to protect him. Dirt and stone rise up to encase him in a tough shell; his blue skin is almost completely covered in the magical armor, and he now looks almost as tough as R3N-L3.

He then whispers a few words, and black tendrils slither from his hands, wrapping around Mikka, Pwyll, and Pyre.

"Can you feel fear gnawing at your minds? Can you feel your hopes and dreams withering? You are doomed; give up and accept your fates."
Using Earth Affinity at start of turn. Defense increased by 3, Health by 5. Then casting Dreadful Presence on Mikka, Pwyll, and Pyre. If possible, moving within 5 yards of all of them, so they take 1d6 damage at the end of their turns.
Last edited January 21, 2025 8:27 pm
Jan 21, 2025 9:06 pm
Arrow nocked, Wolfram draws back the string and lets an arrow loose directly at Pwyll. The insolence of them all. They deserve to meet their maker.



Agility Attack (12) - Attack - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Agility Attack - Damage - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Boon Trickery - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jan 21, 2025 10:27 pm
Since the group is under moderate obscurement from Boiling Water, any attacks against them will have a bane.
Jan 21, 2025 10:39 pm
Cancelled out the boon then.
Jan 22, 2025 2:23 am
Weapon trait? It's just a sword that's attached to R3N-L3's arm, built into him.
Jan 22, 2025 3:02 am
As a part of being a clockwork, you can choose to have a weapon trait for your sword. I think the traits are disarming, piercing, nimble, slashing and something else. I have to check. These traits give other properties to the weapon.
Jan 22, 2025 5:04 pm
The sword is slashing, so I do get an extra d6 on the damage, rolling below.


Crit success damage - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jan 23, 2025 1:43 pm
Brutus roars in pain as R3N-L3 slices into his side with his armblade. Lauretta comes up beside the soldier and swings her axe directly at his sword, causing the blade to shatter into broken fragments!

Wolfram fires an arrow into Pwyll's leg, causing him to yelp in agony! Tzal hurls a steaming ball of boiling water into the midst of the melee, causing it to explode in a blast of steam! Mikka is caught off-guard, screaming as the water burns her and weakens her. Aazim approaches the rival group, instilling a thrill of fear in the minds of Mikka, Pwyll, and Pyre.

End of round.

Mikka and Pwyll quickly overcome their fear, but Pyre remains vulnerable.
@Pedrop may still act in the first round, which will occur before the end of round effects. Anybody who wishes to take the initiative may do so now and act before the enemies in the second round!


Agility vs Boiling Water (Mikka, Pwyll, Sash, Pyre, Brutus) - (d20+2+d6, d20+2+d6, d20-1+d6, d20+d6, d20+d6)

d20+2+d6 : (1) + (5) + 2 = 8

d20+2+d6 : (14) + (3) + 2 = 19

d20-1+d6 : (14) + (5) - 1 = 18

d20+d6 : (20) + (5) = 25

d20+d6 : (12) + (2) = 14

Extra Damage to Mikka - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Luck Ends Dreadful Presence - (d20, d20, d20)

d20 : (18) = 18

d20 : (10) = 10

d20 : (9) = 9

Jan 23, 2025 2:28 pm
With Brutus having been effectively disarmed, R3N-L3 suddenly turned his gaze towards the mage, before charging towards her abruptly, abandoning his earlier opponent. His mental register listed magic as the second-most pertinent threat to his existence, for he had been forged by magic, and by the arcane arts he could be unmade.


Attack with Blade - (1d20+4+1d6)

(17) + (6) + 4 = 27

Damage should the attack land - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Jan 23, 2025 2:30 pm
R3N-L3 has no chill whatsoever xD. 14 damage to Pyre, taking that higher combination.
Last edited January 23, 2025 2:30 pm


Extra damage tacked onto the first roll - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Second damage roll, taking higher - (3d6)

(662) = 14

Jan 23, 2025 2:41 pm
First/previous round:
Gabalan makes few steady steps towards the group, while starting to spin his sling only to release the stone at Pwyll... that hits him with the full force in the middle of stomach. Then he jogs towards his enemies trying to be in reach of Pwyll while taking out his Short Sword.
So Distance attack and move towards Pwyla. I will write my next turn in the moment.

I don't know if changing weapons use up actipon or reaction if any?

Last edited January 23, 2025 2:52 pm


Agility Attack (1) - Sling Attack - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Sling - Damage - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 23, 2025 3:02 pm
2nd round: Taking initiative. Rolling for melee attack - first - but using Agility since Short Sword is Nimble.... RP coming next.

I believe it is a Critical Success! :D So due to Short Sword Pricing: the Pwyll is Weakened until the end of my next turn.

PIERCING: When you attack with this weapon and get a critical success, the target becomes weakened until the end of your next turn
With a surprising precision and grace for a person that looks "not so young" Gabalan strikes his short sword almost exactly in the same point as the stone released from his swing has hit Pwyll mere seconds ago.
"All of this is unnecessary. We only waste time." - he says almost to Pwyll ear, but others close to them could hear that too.

Leaving a visible hole in his armor and the red mark of blood gathering there, just after he took out the blade out of Pwyll belly.
Health: 12 / 12 Damage: 0 Injured: No
Status Effect Rounds Remaining
Pwyll is Weakened until the end of my next turn. 1

Last edited January 23, 2025 3:18 pm


Short Sword Attack - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Short Sword Damage - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 23, 2025 4:43 pm
Remember that all attacks against the opposing party have a bane from obscurement until the end of Tzal's next turn. Or until they move out of the steam, as their attacks will also have a bane.
Last edited January 23, 2025 6:55 pm
Jan 23, 2025 7:27 pm
Tzal squinted his eyes to get a better look at the combatants through the misty steam as he flung an acid globule towards Brutus.


Corrosive globule - (1d20+3-1d6)

(19) - (5) + 3 = 17

damage roll - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 23, 2025 8:09 pm
Corrosive Globule and any other spell targeting an NPC's attribute wouldn't be affected by obscurement. Obscurement only gives banes to "attacks", which in this system is defined as using a weapon or unarmed strike. So Tzal's roll would actually be a 22.
Jan 23, 2025 10:05 pm
Pyre takes 1d6 damage from Dreadful Presence, yes?

Edit: NVM. It's at the end of THEIR turn.
Last edited January 23, 2025 10:12 pm
Jan 23, 2025 10:13 pm
If I’m reading it correctly, the dreadful presence damage happens after the target has acted. Since they already acted this round, they roll luck at the end of the turn to end the effect before they would potentially take damage from acting on round 2. I may be mistaken, though.
Jan 23, 2025 10:28 pm
[ +- ] Dreadful Presence
It doesn't say they have to act, it says "ends its turn." So they could technically do nothing on their turn (perhaps because they're afflicted by another status effect) and still take damage. Unless that's what you mean?

And it simply says "luck ends," so I'm not sure WHEN they roll that. But you all know this system better.
Jan 23, 2025 11:14 pm
Round 1 began with all of our party refraining from taking the initiative, so the Silver Coins took their turns first. Afterwards, Aazim took his turn and cast Dreadful Presence, inflicting them with vulnerable (luck ends). Since they already took and ended their turns that round, they were not set to take any damage from the effect.
All "luck ends" effects are rolled at the end of the round, so the Silver Coins made their luck rolls to end vulnerable at the end of round 1. Since two of them succeeded, the one who is still vulnerable will take 1d6 of damage as long as they are close enough to Aazim when they end their turn in round 2. Afterwards, they will be able to make their next luck roll at the end of round 2. Alternatively, they can choose to use their action to "Overcome", allowing them to make a luck roll on their turn.
Due to the way "luck ends" effects work, the most effective way to use them is to apply them as close to the beginning of a round as possible. Otherwise, you can end up in scenarios like this one where the enemies can remove the effect before suffering from it.
Hope that all made sense, even if it was wordy.
Jan 24, 2025 6:37 am
Well, then that's potentially a critical success. Regarding the dreadful presence, I think @TheForsakenEvil is absolutely right. Here the catch is, if the enemy tries to overcome the effect with an overcome action, its losing the action to do it. If it chooses to take an action, then it will take the damage and wait for the luck end to happen at the end of the round.


Corrosive globule (end of the round damage) - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Jan 24, 2025 11:38 am
Last Round

Gabalan's sling bullet bashes Pwyll in the chest, cracking ribs. The mage moves closer as the rival rogue reels.
This Round

Gabalan follows up by thrusting his sword into Pwyll's belly! Pwyll's eyes widen as blood pours from the vicious wound, then he slumps to the ground!

Tzal splatters Brutus with a globule of corrosive acid. As the soldier howls in agony, R3N-L3 disengages, moving to attack Pyre. Sash steps in front of the masked mage, covering her ally. She tries to raise her shield to defend against the clockwork's blade, but R3N-L3 slip past her defense and drives his sword into the priestess' chest! Sash groans and falls to a knee from the brutal wound, but she grits her teeth and remains conscious.
Sash uses her reaction to Cover Ally, redirecting the attack from Pyre to herself. Since she used the Defend action last round, she attempts a luck roll to turn the successful hit to a failure. Unfortunately for her, the luck roll failed, so she takes the damage.

Lauretta is not taking the initiative. If either @Windyridge or @Totes_McGee wish to do so, they may act now before the enemy team.
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Sash Defend, Luck Roll to Negate Hit - (d20)

(7) = 7

Jan 24, 2025 12:05 pm
I never considered the possibility of combining Defend and Cover Ally. That's so clever.
Jan 24, 2025 5:45 pm
Wolfram will wait.
Jan 24, 2025 8:37 pm
Aazim will also wait.
Jan 24, 2025 9:05 pm
Pyre quickly backs away from R3N-L3 and Aazim, exiting the steam cloud and getting out of range of the janni’s dreadful presence. They raise their staff defensively as they gather their magical power. Sash keeps her shield up but drops her mace and shows her empty hand. "I’ve no desire to throw my life away for a mercenary’s agenda. I yield."

"Coward! Traitor!" Mika yells. She takes aim at Gabalan and fires an arrow at him, seeking vengeance for Pwyll. Meanwhile, the weaponless Brutus roars with fury and tries to wrest Lauretta’s axe out of her hands!
8 damage to Gabalan. Lauretta must make an Agility challenge roll. On a failure, she drops her weapon and Brutus will use his reaction to catch it.

@Windyridge,@TheForsakenEvil,@Totes_McGee may all act now before the end of the round.


Bow vs Gabalan, Concealment - (d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Damage - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Disarm vs Lauretta, Concealment - (d20+2-d6)

(17) - (1) + 2 = 18

Jan 24, 2025 9:38 pm
Discord among the ranks? Time to exploit the situation....

To Sash: "You're not yielding yet. You can still help us with your former allies...and perhaps earn some goodwill, if you don't resist my spell. Let rage wash over you, and strike them down!"

The spell he casts is chaotic, and there's a possibility Sash could still attack them, if her will can overcome his mental prowess. But the reward is just as high as the risk. Should Aazim be able to maintain control of her, she could deal immense damage to their enemies.
Casting Incandescent Rage on Sash. Range is 10 yards, so moving near her if necessary.


Intellect roll - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Jan 24, 2025 11:30 pm
@Dmbrainiac Obscurement from the steam ended after Tzal's turn in which he threw the acid ball. So Mikka and Brutus wouldn't have had a bane from that. However, unarmed strikes are considered improvised weapons, giving Brutus a bane that accounts for the 1 that was rolled. The rules for disarm also give an additional two banes when attempted with an improvised weapon. In total, Brutus would have 3 banes on his roll to disarm Lauretta.
To be honest, I find the rules for disarming to be very harsh in SotWW, which is why I had Lauretta go for a called shot instead. For the sake of expediency since I'm not sure if you'll see this before Monday, I'll go ahead and roll the banes for Brutus to see if he still would have hit. If he does and she fails her Agility roll, I'll go ahead and make his catch roll to see if he catches her weapon as well (catching requiring a roll is also horrible imo). I can tell his Agility from the Boiling Water roll, fortunately. If this is overstepping, please let me know. Just thought it'd be efficient :)
Edit Brutus got a 17 on his d20, with a +2 to get to 19. Subtracting the 5 means his result is 14, so he would've missed her defense of 15.
Last edited January 24, 2025 11:34 pm


Brutus' 2 Additional Banes - (2d6h1)

(52) = 5

Jan 25, 2025 12:28 am
Okay, thanks, this is just my second combat with this system! So Brutus fails to disarm.
Jan 27, 2025 3:38 am
Glad to be of help! I just get anxious because of the commonly referenced trope of the rules nerd being... unpleasant. My downfall in PbP as a game format is not being able to read tone from text, therefore leaving me to overthink everything, haha.
Lauretta steeled herself as the wounded warrior in front of her let out his battle cry. It seemed to her that she was fighting a mad man with no regard for the danger of the situation he was in. What pushes an unarmed man in a losing battle to charge the woman with enough strength to shatter his sword? Some supposed treasure? Bloodlust? Or maybe it's just fate conspiring to have men incessantly test her patience? The answer to that question was unable to be found with any certainty while he was going for her axe. Fortunately, there was ample time to ensure his attempt to knock it from her grasp was redirected to her mail.

"Surrender already, damn it!"

Despite Brutus' best efforts, the priest was able to keep him at bay while maintaining a grasp on all that was occurring on this chaotic battlefield. One surrender was hopeful, but the sight of another lying in his own blood was not. Nor were the archer's relentless arrows.

"Just stop that damned archer!"

In the meantime, this fool in front of her was her focus. Rather than plant her axe firmly in his skull, Lauretta gripped it tightly in her offhand as she moved to grapple the man.
Last edited January 27, 2025 2:23 pm


Strength vs. Brutus' Agility - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Prayer Used (Luck Ends) - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Jan 27, 2025 1:54 pm
Wolfram obliges as he attempts to shoot an arrow at the archer.


Agility - (1d20+2, 2d6)

1d20+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

2d6 : (56) = 11

Jan 27, 2025 1:57 pm
Dismissing Sasha without warning, R3N-L3 turned to charge at Mikkla instead, mental algorithms raising her back up to being the largest threat after two successful hits.


Attack with Blade - (1d20+4+1d6)

(6) + (1) + 4 = 11

Damage roll - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Jan 27, 2025 8:37 pm
Mikka dodges Wolfram’s arrow, while Sash resists Aazim’s spell. Brutus pushes Lauretta away when she tries to grab him, but then he groans as the acid coating him eats away at flesh and muscle. Brutus crumples to the ground, the acrid stench of burnt skin surrounding him.
End of round 2. Anybody who wants to take the initiative may act now for the top of round 3.


Lingering Acid Damage - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Jan 28, 2025 3:39 am
Now having arrived in front of Mikkla, R3N-L3 raised his blade high, aiming to plunge it into the archer without ceremony or hesitation.


Attack with Blade - (1d20+4+1d6)

(10) + (3) + 4 = 17

Damage should the attack land - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Jan 28, 2025 10:11 am
"Uhrr...!" - Gabalan growled, more in anger than pain... though the pain must have been significant. He grabbed his left side, where the arrow had grazed him. He curled in on himself, trying to control himself... or so the other thought. At the same time, he put his left hand into the right sleeve of his long robe, as if to reach his elbow...
Not taking the initiative

Health: 12 / 12 Damage: 8 Reaction used: No Injured: Yes
Status Effect Rounds Remaining
Pwyll is Weakened until the end of my next turn. 1
Last edited January 28, 2025 10:14 am
Jan 28, 2025 1:49 pm
Not taking the initiative.
Jan 28, 2025 5:07 pm
Wolfram attempts his shot again, nocking another arrow, as he hopes for a clean killing shot, unlike the last one.
Trickery not used in round 2, so is available again. Don't think there are any boons in force now.


Agility - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Boon for Trickery - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Damage + Extra d6 damage for Trickery - (2d6, 1d6)

2d6 : (36) = 9

1d6 : (4) = 4

Jan 28, 2025 5:20 pm
Tzal pointed at Mikka and lobbed another ball of acidic globule.
Taking initiative.


Intellect - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

damage roll - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jan 28, 2025 5:49 pm
@Windyridge Based on your OOC note, I just wanted to make sure you're aware that you can use Trickery every round. The wait time is "until the start of your next turn". Considering you take a turn every round, that means you can use it at least once per round. So for example, you used it this round, but the moment you take your turn next round you'll have access to it again.
Jan 29, 2025 2:11 am
Not taking initiative.
Jan 29, 2025 3:02 am
TheForsakenEvil says:
@Windyridge Based on your OOC note, I just wanted to make sure you're aware that you can use Trickery every round. The wait time is "until the start of your next turn". Considering you take a turn every round, that means you can use it at least once per round. So for example, you used it this round, but the moment you take your turn next round you'll have access to it again.
Ooh I misread. Thank you!
Jan 29, 2025 9:08 am
Mikka dodges R3N-L3's swing, but Wolfram's arrow catches her in the chest. Her eyes widen and she slumps to the ground, her bow falling from nerveless fingers. Indigo switches his target to Pyre, striking the masked mage with a sizzling ball of acid. Pyre hisses in pain, then falls to their knees and raises their hands as well. "I yield," they say.

In the aftermath of the fight, you look around for Pyram Peek but he is nowhere to be seen. He must have ducked into the tomb entrance while you were distracted by the combat...
Jan 29, 2025 1:07 pm
As soon as Mikka drops, Lauretta wastes no time in checking on the fallen, beginning with Pwyll. Her head pressed against his chest, listening for breath. His warm blood clung to her cheek, but she did not appear phased. Her fingers pressed against his wrist, hoping to feel the thrum of life. The fact that they turned to blades didn't matter so much to her as giving them the opportunity to make up for it.

Not so much hope stayed for Brutus. The acid that clung to the battlemad warrior likely still burned through to the bone where he lay. Despite caring to save lives, something rubbed her particularly wrong about the notion that Mikka would survive where others might not. Her greed clearly pushed for this battle. If only they had listened to their priest...

"Damned fools."
Last edited January 29, 2025 1:08 pm
Jan 29, 2025 1:31 pm
Both Pwyll and Mikka are still alive and can be stabilized, if you so choose. However, nothing can be done for Brutus. As expected, the clinging acid did its grisly job all too well.
Jan 29, 2025 2:02 pm
Finding signs of life among the bodies, the priest immediately got to work stabilizing them. Her hands coated with crimson as she pressed into Pwyll's gut to stop the bleeding.

"Come back and do some good with your life, you bastard."

She'd do what she could for Pwyll and Mikka both.
Jan 29, 2025 2:10 pm
The automaton, stained with the blood of the Silver Coins Company, marched over to Mikkla, originally positioning his sword for a quick thrust through her heart before pausing as Lauretta tried to administer aid. His head tilted slightly to the side at her peculiar actions. "Member Lauretta. Do note that this organic incited the conflict and was the most fervent in her cause, one opposing ours. Therefore, the removal of a ringleader is necessary. Her life has no value to this party, only risk."
Jan 29, 2025 4:49 pm
Tzal looked around the carnage, checking on everyone, trying to gauge if anyone from their party was badly wounded. He remembered seeing Gabalan being attacked and receiving injury. When he listened to R3N-L3's comment, he came close to them and said, "I understand your caution, R3N-L3, but right now she is no threat to us. Beside, we will take her back to the town so that she can face justice. We have already neutralized everyone, and killing them outright would be morally beneath us. Also, Lauretta has a duty to her order, and she must fulfill it. On a serious note though, I wonder where Pyram Peek ran away. He must have used the opportunity to escape. I hope he has gone inside the tomb, because he is our only link to the missing people of the town."
Jan 29, 2025 6:03 pm
"The man is a coward as I had always suspected. We can corner him in the tomb and question him yet again."

Wolfram approaches the priest and asks her if he can assist in anyway despite him not sharing her sentiments at saving the injured. He'd just assume slit their throats than let them live.
Jan 29, 2025 10:52 pm
Aazim watches Lauretta work, a perplexed expression on his face. For someone who acted like an uncompromising engine of vengeance, she could then do an about-face and worry over her former enemies. He thought it was strange and contradictory...and maddening. Because in his opinion, she was showing villains more respect and concern than she'd ever shown him. He half expects her to jump up and scream at him for some perceived slight, and then immediately return to agonizing over Mikka's condition.

Like R3N-L3 and Wolfram, he cares little for the fates of these brigands. He'll instead focus on Gabalan and R3N-L3, and assist them in any way he can. And as for Pyram, they can track him once they've recovered and organized themselves again.
Jan 30, 2025 4:23 am
Without looking up, Lauretta gently pushes R3N-L3's weapon out of the way and continues with ensuring their attackers wouldn't bleed out in the dirt. Then she takes Wolfram up on his offer of assistance, guiding him to create some basic field dressing for the wounded.

"The world ain't always black and white like you see it is, metal-man. She may have stood against us and harmed our mission, but that doesn't mean we have to be killers too. I think she's a right awful woman for what she did, but people can change. Today's enemy might be tomorrow's ally. But even if she doesn't learn from her mistakes and do some good to make up for what she's done, we can take solace in knowing we tried to do better than they did. If everyone thought to make purely pragmatic decisions based on value and risk, R3N-L3, then the world would've drowned in blood a long time ago."

Her explanation was as earnest as she could make it. She knew some might call it foolish or self-righteous, but it was all she could cling to without letting the fog of war cloud her vision again. The question was: which of her companions would say such a thing? R3N-L3 and Aazim certainly. The jann's stare didn't go beyond her notice. Neither did his disturbing magic and manipulation during the battle. Those displays created many more questions in the priest's thoughts about him.

Meanwhile, Wolfram continued to be a reliable and respectable sort in her eyes. If there was someone she was to go to first with a problem, it'd be him. Indigo was also rising in her perspective, seeming to have a good moral character despite seeming a more pragmatic man earlier on. Gabalan... still a complete enigma. The man seemed to constantly keep his cards close to his chest.

"I don't think we'll have time to take this lot to face justice, Indigo. Our concerns with this tomb and hunting down Pyram are far more pressing. I say we leave them in the care of that fellow priest of the High One while we get back to work."
Jan 30, 2025 9:17 am
Sash gives Lauretta a nod. "As you say, sister. To tell the truth, I only took up with the Silver Coins in the hopes of doing some good and earning enough to purchase a suit of armor worth wearing. But I had come to dislike everybody else in this company, and I was planning on leaving after our next job. Mikka's plan to follow and ambush you lot never sat right with me. I would be happy to watch them for you while you go after Pyram."

Pyre says nothing, merely kneeling on the ground with their arms in front of them, face hidden by the leering demon mask they wear.

Lauretta is able to stabilize both Mikka and Pwyll. They'll live, though they no doubt will be in a lot of pain for quite some time.
Jan 30, 2025 1:30 pm
Seeing that the others had engaged the remaining foes in battle, Gabalan abandoned whatever he had been doing—or preparing—at the last moment. Slowly, he pulled his right hand out of the left sleeve of his robe and straightened up. Yet, midway through the motion, a grimace of pain flickered across his face, and he wavered slightly on his feet. It was as if his body had only just remembered that he had been favoring one leg—an affliction completely ignored in the heat of combat.

Noticing Tzal’s concerned glance, he merely waved it off and, in a hoarse voice, muttered, "Oh, don't mind me… I have my own ways of dealing with this. Just need a little time…"

Hearing the exchange that had sparked R3N-L3’s reaction, he let out a dry chuckle before commenting, "Perfectly logical, Ren-Lee. But unnecessary. Besides, who’s to say that Lauretta’s mercy—or even the brush with death they’ve just experienced—won’t spark some shift in their minds? Who knows… perhaps their great-grandchildren, properly raised, will be the saviors of the Republic one day?" He exhaled sharply and added, "Now… give me a moment… I need a bit of solitude… ugh."

Limping more than usual, Gabalan turned and hobbled off toward the nearby thicket.

Many of those who had heard him suddenly realized they had no idea what "the Republic" was. Some had never even heard the word before. The confusion in their eyes was evident as they watched him go, but by now, Gabalan was long accustomed to such looks.
[ +- ] Psychomancy: PSYCHIC HEALING | C: | T: You | D: Instant
But as... Gabalan will be doing it behind the nearby bushes - I won't narrate how it looks... :)
Edit: just enough and some more:)
Health: 12 / 12 Damage: 0 Reaction used: No Injured: No
Status Effect Rounds Remaining

Last edited January 30, 2025 1:35 pm


Healing 3d6 damage - (3d6)

(414) = 9

Jan 30, 2025 1:37 pm
Republic, green laser weapon, and psychic powers... guys I think Gabalan is a jedi.
Last edited January 30, 2025 1:39 pm
Jan 30, 2025 1:43 pm
Not this "Republic", not exactly a blaster, not that far away... and your PC for now knows nothing about his so called "psychic powers"! ;-P
But... you read some hints properly:) But Jedi is too obvious... to be true... ;D
Last edited January 30, 2025 1:50 pm
Jan 30, 2025 2:56 pm
Damn! Gabalan is a dimension-hopping chronomancer who got stuck in the Borderlands.
Tzal nodded at Lauretta but gave a skeptical look at Sash. He then turned towards the tomb entrance and said, "Come everyone, we need to find Pyram and the missing persons. I hope they are safe somewhere."
Jan 30, 2025 3:23 pm
"I'll just get my hands on Pyram and let him know what I think of him."

Wolfram was pleased that he was able to help Lauretta minister to the injured despite his indifference to the wounded. He learned a few useful things and that was always welcome. But now he was ready to find Pyram and hopefully find the missing people.
Jan 30, 2025 9:06 pm
Again, the obsession with Pyram doesn't sit well with Aazim...though he doesn't know exactly what happened before his group arrived and faced the Company. Perhaps the "villain" had revealed his foul intentions beyond all doubt. Perhaps not....

The jann shrugs, and steps into the tomb. They'd find out the truth eventually. There was little point in more heated discussion, when all anyone had was conjecture.

If the tomb is dark, he'll light a torch to illuminate the way. And he won't stray too far ahead, instead waiting until everyone is ready to tackle the next challenge.
Jan 31, 2025 2:00 am
After a second of eerie silence, where R3N-L3 studied the captives, he shrugged once, briefly. "Note, member Lauretta, that leaving those
who might strike back at us would be deemed a sign of weakness by many. Thus, should a second occasion arise, I will not be stopping for another dose of mercy. And regretfully, I would need to make an example out of them to carry around in case others get the wrong idea."
R3N-L3 said with a light shrug, sheathing his blade and examining his scratches as if he'd merely commented on the chill of the local environment.

Whatever R3N-L3 had in mind for the remnants of the Silver Coins Company should they ever come back as enemies, it didn't sound very pretty. Moving over to the prisoners, he efficiently searched through their possessions for anything of value, tallying up what he found in symmetrically placed bundles in a strange, hexagonal formation.
Last edited January 31, 2025 2:00 am
Jan 31, 2025 4:32 am
Lauretta smiled at Sash, feeling her to be a kindred spirit after listening to her explanation.

"That story sounds like a mighty familiar one. I appreciate your willingness to aid us. Hopefully you can afford that armor you seek soon. In the mean time, may the High One shield you in its stead."

Turning away from the fellow priest, she watched Gabalan with much confusion as he made his odd remarks before stepping away. A part of her wondered if he wasn't actually keeping things close to his chest, but is actually just an... eccentric. One can be skilled and touched in the head, perhaps. No desire resided in her to poke at it for now though. The clockwork's menacing response on the other hand...

"I don't know what the Weird Wizard made you think, but leaving one's back exposed isn't a sign of weakness to anyone I know. It's a sign of someone being bold, whether through confidence, foolishness, or underlying cleverness. It's something to be wary of. Only those who underestimate others see it as something to take advantage of. To prove my point, they saw fit to ambush us because we had our backs turned at this tomb, but we knew exactly what we were doing. And regardless of the occasion, I hope you have the discipline in you to refrain from taking lives or making examples without consideration of what those you travel with have to say."

The priest said her piece rather matter-of-fact before following after Aazim. She wondered when they would need to talk again. Good chance it blows up into a fight, she figured. But this tomb could be dangerous, and the hostile air needed to be cleared succinctly.

"I want you to know I've got your back in there, come what may. Regardless of our contempt for one another, I'm not the type to let such things get in the way. And sorry about the ale. It was a petty act made by an angry woman. If you want to fight about it all more, save it for when we're back to civilization."
Last edited January 31, 2025 1:08 pm
Jan 31, 2025 10:40 am
Aazim's torch illuminates the entry chamber to the tomb. A 5-yard-wide, 10-yard-deep antechamber extends beyond the entrance. A single, 3-yard-wide column rises from the floor up to the ceiling 5 yards overhead. Webs crisscross the chamber and a myriad of tiny spiders creeps through the darkness.

Inspecting the column reveals carved writing on the surface in an unfamiliar language.

Three steep staircases descend from this chamber: one to the left (west), one to the right (east), and one on the other side of the column (north). Webbing chokes each, though some tearing shows passage at some point. The west stairs descend some 10 yards before the webs become too thick to progress easily. The east stairs descend 10 yards to a dark room, while the north stairs descend further, past what the torch can illuminate.
Jan 31, 2025 1:33 pm
Tzal came to stand next to Aazim as he observed the passageways. "Well, I don't think he went this way. (pointing to the west stair) We should check on the other two. He couldn't have gone far." He then turned to the writings on the wall and scratched his chin, "Strange language, it seems. I haven't seen this one before."
I have Arcane and Alchemical. Is this some other language then?
Jan 31, 2025 1:34 pm
Yes, it is a language that none of you have encountered before.
Jan 31, 2025 10:43 pm
Whatever effect Lauretta's speech had on R3N-L3 was difficult to tell, as the automaton had very little in the way of physical tells. He remained at the front of the party with his shield upraised, but upon entrance into the tomb properly, R3N-L3 abruptly set his shield down, before bowing low at the waist towards the shadows in a perfectly held posture. After nearly half a minute of stillness, he raised himself back upright with a faint grinding of internal gears, reaching into his pack to pull out a surprisingly well-preserved bundle of cookies. He rifled through them critically, before picking out the largest and holding it up to the torchlight for any signs of imperfection. After seeing none, he nodded once to himself, placing it directly in front of the pillar.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he slipped his shield back on and headed towards the eastern stairs, inspecting them for any signs of traps, and what the room beyond might hold.
Jan 31, 2025 10:45 pm
Aazim stares at Lauretta for a long while, as the torch flickers and sends shadows dancing. He wasn't quite ready to forgive and forget (Omar would surely chastise him), but he also didn't want to completely undercut her apology. How to handle this?

He finally says: "I also have your back. And please excuse my stubbornness. But I come from a highly stratified society, where freedom is largely an illusion. As such, I value that notion, and chafe when someone (no matter how strong-willed or well-intentioned) tries to choose my path for me. I'm also something of a...I believe the word is 'bookworm.' Reasoning things out, and not letting surging emotions blind me, is how I usually handle things...though perhaps it would do me good to 'cut loose' more often."

"I hope that helps you understand me better."

He then inspects the column, but it's no language he's familiar with.

"I agree that we should skip the west stair for now. It seems likely that he went this way [points down the north stairs], but I think we should quickly check out that room [points to the east stairs] before advancing. Who knows? There may be some hiding spot, or it may contain a surprise we need to deal with sooner rather than later. Some of us can examine the room, while some of us can stay here, watching to see if Pyram tries to slip past us."

He steps closer to the east stairs, illuminating all he can. But he won't go further without the consent and aid of at least some of the party.

"What do you all think?"
Jan 31, 2025 10:48 pm
Posted the same time as R3N-L3. Aazim will follow, a bit peeved that the construct is so willful. 😎
Jan 31, 2025 11:53 pm
R3N-L3 saw Aazim speaking in the future, bowed to accept his orders, and gave Future Aazim a cookie
Jan 31, 2025 11:54 pm
Although for horror movie plot purposes, R3N-L3 is not going down the stairs into the dark room. He's just going to the base of the stairs to see if the torchlight casts far enough in to give them a peek.
Feb 1, 2025 12:20 am
"I wonder if our friendly dungeon delver, Pyram knows what the writings say," Wolfram posits as he surveys the area.

"Yes, I say we go down the stairs toward the dark room first."
Last edited February 1, 2025 12:23 am
Feb 3, 2025 8:59 am
You descend the stairs to the east, your torchlight illuminating the room beyond once you reach the bottom. The web-filled room is 10 yards wide and 10 yards deep with cracked and pitted walls. Webs carpet the floor, covering five lumps.

Movement catches your attention as four giant spiders crawl forth from large cavities in the walls and ceilings. The enormous, human-sized arachnids clack their mandibles as they advance!
Anybody who wishes to take the initiative may do so now and act first!
Feb 3, 2025 2:15 pm
Taking the initiative, R3N-L3 was about to put his torch to the webbing when the Clockwork abruptly halted, noticing the lumps on the ground. Shrugging and drawing his sword instead, he charged the nearest spider without any indication of hesitation.


Attack with Blade - (1d20+4+1d6)

(16) + (1) + 4 = 21

Damage should the attack land - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Feb 3, 2025 2:16 pm
If that is a critical success, damage is 11 total.
Last edited February 3, 2025 2:16 pm


Added for Slashing - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Damage reroll, taking higher - (3d6)

(155) = 11

Feb 3, 2025 6:59 pm
Lauretta experienced some difficulty in paying close attention to what Aazim had to say, but her earnest effort was given. A cobweb fell into her hair, the musty smell of the tomb filled her nostrils, and the clockwork seemed to be acting incredibly strangely in the background. Tzal and Wolfram ruminating on the text on the pillar barely registered to her. Satisfied that the jann reciprocated the need to look out for one another, she simply gave an affirmative nod. His background gave her something to chew on for later.

So he considers himself a free thinker and fiercely refuses expectations placed on him. I remember those days, hoping to carve a path of my own in the world.

The memory was a somber reminder of the family she had left behind. Watching the others agree to explore the eastern stairwell first, she followed.
Encroaching upon the webbed ground, a sense of unease crawled upon the priest. Seeing R3N-L3 about to haphazardly light the mess ablaze, she opened her mouth to warn him otherwise, but the swarming arachnid terrors caused her jaw to quickly clamp itself shut. Never in her life had such creatures cursed her vision. She had met all manner of man and woman across from her on the battlefield, but massive spiders? Revolting. Stamping towards the one R3N-L3 had plunged his weapon into, at least her axe could swing without any remorse.
Taking the initiative and attacking.
Last edited February 3, 2025 7:01 pm


Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+1d6)

(18) + (1) + 3 = 22

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(3344) = 14

Feb 3, 2025 7:15 pm
Tzal climbed down the stairs on the eastern side as his eye fell on the web-covered lumps. It was a strange thing, but as far as spiders go, they do keep their food covered in webs, right? Before he could ponder more, his fellow companions started to move into position as he noticed the human-sized spiders moving towards them. He was disgusted to see such large creatures and pointed his staff towards one as he sent another fuming corrosive acid towards it.


Intellect roll (corrosive globule) - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

damage roll - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Feb 4, 2025 3:54 am
Wolfram notices the lumps but knows attending to the immediate threat was now needed. Wishing he had an axe, he pulled an arrow from his quiver and used it as a short spear, both clearing away some web and attacking the nearest spider as he stood beside Lauretta.
Taking initiative and presuming arrow damage used like this would be the same as dagger damage.


Arrow Attack and Damage - (1d20-1, 1d6)

1d20-1 : (8) - 1 = 7

1d6 : (6) = 6

Trickery Boon - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Boon damage - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Feb 4, 2025 11:39 am
After returning from the nearby woods and what-ever Gabalan was doing there, he quickly entered the tomb to join his - still new - companions. Looking carefully at the remains of their earlier enemies and what are they doing while passing them.

Seeing that they already are descending to eastern stairs and room, he fallowed them. Hearing the first loud splash of flesh cut by R3N-L3 he already knew that it's time to take out his short sword once again.
In this situation it's only thematic for Gabalan to NOT take the initiative:)
Feb 4, 2025 6:06 pm
Using an arrow as a melee weapon would likely count as attacking with an improvised weapon. Improvised weapons deal 1d6 damage and have a bane to their attack roll. Fortunately, since Wolfram's engaging in melee with Lauretta and R3N-L3, there is likely a surrounded spider, giving Wolfram a boon. So your damage and attack roll are correct! Although I hope it's not under the assumption that Lauretta didn't give Wolfram his dagger back. I thought I wrote that she returned it, haha.
Feb 4, 2025 8:33 pm
You did, she has it. Heh.
Feb 4, 2025 9:00 pm
Page 8
TheForsakenEvil says:
Shaking some of the extra bits of gore off the head of her axe, Lauretta throws Wolfram his dagger with her other hand.
Feb 5, 2025 1:47 am
Taking initiative.
Enormous spiders? Well, at least they didn't need to bandy words about, as they'd done with the Silver Coins Company. These foul creatures needed to destroyed...and their victims saved, if those webbed bundles were indeed captured prey.

The jann concentrates, again calling upon his innate magical ability. Blue flames envelop him, though they don't harm him; he now looks like some strange demon out of an alternate hell.

The flames do, however, harm others, as his quarterstaff attack now burns as well as bludgeons! He jumps in with the others, targeting a spider that's surrounded.
Using Fire Affinity. Is my Elemental Affinity unlimited use? If not, just subtract the damage.


Quarterstaff Attack - Strength - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

Quarterstaff Damage - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Extra Damage - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Boon - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Feb 5, 2025 2:51 am
Elemental Affinity doesn't have any limited number of uses, you're good! You can basically always have it active as long as you're not confused, controlled, stunned, or unconscious. Switching affinity, activating it, or deactivating is simply done at the start of your turn freely.
Also, your roll was a 20+. As long as it beats the spider's defense by 5+, then it's a critical success. With Fire Affinity, you can then force any target within 5 yards to make an Agility challenge roll and take 1d6 damage on a failure.
Last edited February 5, 2025 2:54 am
Feb 5, 2025 3:11 am
Ah yes, critical success! Target the same poor spider, if it ain't dead.

I think its life is...


...hanging by a thread.
Feb 5, 2025 8:40 am
R3N-L3 and Lauretta move into the room together, slicing and chopping the first spider and taking it down. Tzal splatters a second spider with acid, then Wolfram moves up and stabs it with an arrow before Aazim limns his staff in flames and brings it down hard on the giant arachnid, finishing it off!

The two remaining spiders move to attack! One bites at Lauretta while the other one sinks its fangs into Aazim! Virulent venom courses through the victims' veins!
2 damage to Lauretta, 3 damage to Aazim. Both must make a Strength roll with 1 bane. On a failure, they become poisoned (luck ends). If the target’s Health drops to 10 or less while poisoned, it ends the poisoned affliction and becomes unconscious instead.

@Pedrop, Gabalan may now act before the end of the round!


Agility - (d20+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Extra Fire Damage - (d6)

(5) = 5

Fangs vs Lauretta, Aazim - (d20+2+d6, d20+2+d6)

d20+2+d6 : (9) + (6) + 2 = 17

d20+2+d6 : (4) + (6) + 2 = 12

Damage - (d6, d6)

d6 : (2) = 2

d6 : (3) = 3

Feb 5, 2025 12:10 pm
Damn, that's potent poison! Good thing we managed to kill two of them quickly.
The piercing bite sends Lauretta jolting back in shock, but the wound was merely a shallow one. Stinging venom oozed from her leg. Her fear of poison was stronger than the effect it had on her.
Last edited February 5, 2025 1:32 pm


Strength Roll with 1 Bane (Poison) - (1d20+3-1d6)

(19) - (3) + 3 = 19

Feb 5, 2025 10:27 pm
Aazim snarls curse words in his native tongue as the poison courses through him. But he's still on his feet, if a bit nauseous.
Last edited February 5, 2025 10:32 pm


Strength, minus bane - (1d20+1-1d6)

(8) - (1) + 1 = 8

Feb 6, 2025 12:17 am
Poison really sucks. You'll lose 1d6 of your Health score at the end of the round (not damage) and have to make a luck roll to see if it goes away. On top of that, all your attribute rolls will have a bane while you have it.
Feb 6, 2025 3:04 am
Yep, hoped they'd try to bite the one member who doesn't care about poison. R3N-L3 will be holding his free for next round to guard if need be.
Feb 6, 2025 8:36 am
I don't think Gabalan's action will change things much before the end of the round, so I'll keep things moving. When he posts, he can take his actions for the first round and the second as well if he chooses to take initiative.

End of the Round: Aazim loses 1d6 Health and can make a luck roll to try to end the poison, unless he drops to 10 or less Health, in which case he falls unconscious and loses the poisoned affliction. Every 8 hours, the target can make a Will roll. On a success, it ends the unconscious affliction. Time spent unconscious in this way does not count as resting.

Anybody who wants to take initiative for round 2 may do so now!
Feb 6, 2025 10:35 am
First round.
Seeing that his companions are already bitten by disgusting, big spiders Gabalan proceeds forward to the nearest one and tries to stab it with his short sword.
Rolling... EDIT: Critical! :) So:
[ +- ] Weakened
Making another perfectly aimed stab, just in the center of creature's abdomen.
"Juuust... like that. Die." - he hisses while the blade sinks into the monster's body.

To surprise of his companions he looks very invigorated and there are no signs of his recent injuries... like they would simply disappear.
Round 2 in the moment.

Health: 12 / 12 Damage: 0 Reaction used: No Injured: No
Status Effect Rounds Remaining
Spider #1 weakened until the end of your next turn 1
Last edited February 6, 2025 11:13 am


Short Sword(Nimble, Piercing) (1) - Attack - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Short Sword(Nimble, Piercing) (1) - Damage - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Feb 6, 2025 11:00 am
Round 2, taking initiative.
But when he pulls out the blade, to strike again immediately with the corner of his eye, he sees the nasty wound that Aazim got from the spider attack. The sight makes him instantly realize that, this time the wounds could be much harder to heal and their ranks could dwindle fast with every scar and injection of deadly poison. He feels that matters became serious now...

And then something strange - to observers - happens. The short sword literally flies from his right hand and tires to stab into the nasty spider from under of it!
Rolling... EDIT: I will presume it was a success! :D
Pedrop sent a note to Dmbrainiac
Making another deep wound, penetrating the spider's body badly from the different angle. Then the sword immediately darts back to Gabalan's hand and - as he would be moved by the sword momentum itself - almost his whole body immediately jumps back 2 yards, to be out of the spiders reach.
Using Retreat to get back from the spider and not trigger Free Attack.
[ +- ] Retreat

Health: 12 / 12 Damage: 0 Reaction used: Yes Injured: No
Status Effect Rounds Remaining
Spider #1 weakened until the end of your next turn 0
Last edited February 6, 2025 11:11 am


Short Sword(Nimble, Piercing) (1) - Attack - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Short Sword(Nimble, Piercing) (1) - Damage - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Feb 6, 2025 3:01 pm
An internal scream was still sounding off in her head. Instinctive revulsion to the skittering things was amplified by their size and now the piercing wounds in her flesh. The mixture of anger and disgust worked alongside her muscle memory to send Lauretta's axe careening towards the creature. It would be better for the world that they were dead.
Taking the initiative and attacking.


Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+1d6)

(5) + (6) + 3 = 14

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(1141) = 7

Axe - Brutal Reroll - (3d6)

(612) = 9

Axe - Total Damage - (4+6+1+2)

() + 13 = 13

Feb 6, 2025 4:58 pm
Mindful of his compatriots poisoned wounds, Wolfram knows he needs to act fast. Since his last unorthodox attack worked splendidly, he repeats the attack with his arrow again on the spider attacking Aazim.
Taking initiative.
I am hoping for a surrounded spider again as another arrow stab fits the fiction better than grabbing the dagger. 😊
Edit: OMG. Haha what a roll.
Last edited February 6, 2025 4:59 pm


Arrow melee attack/Damage - (1d20-1, 1d6)

1d20-1 : (1) - 1 = 0

1d6 : (5) = 5

Trickery Boon - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Boon extra damage - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Feb 6, 2025 5:06 pm
Good thing you had that boon, haha! The arrow would've outright broke in Wolfram's hand otherwise.
Feb 6, 2025 5:09 pm
TheForsakenEvil says:
Good thing you had that boon, haha! The arrow would've outright broke in Wolfram's hand otherwise.
Last edited February 6, 2025 5:10 pm
Feb 6, 2025 5:37 pm
With two of the spiders dispatched, Tzal targeted the one Gabalan was currently engaged to. He formed another of the fuming globule and lobbed it towards the spider.
@Windyridge I think @TheForsakenEvil is mentioning the critical failure rule. Also, the jinx is complete now.
Last edited February 6, 2025 5:39 pm


Intellect roll (corrosive globule) - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Feb 6, 2025 7:53 pm
Guess I roll my own damage?


Luck - (1d20)

(9) = 9

End-of-round poison damage - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Feb 6, 2025 7:55 pm
So I'm unconscious, but no longer poisoned!

Silver linings!
Feb 6, 2025 8:16 pm
R3N-L3 is holding his action for a possible bodyguarding manuever
Feb 7, 2025 11:27 am
Gabalan and Lauretta team up to take down another spider, leaving just one remaining. Unfortunately, neither Wolfram nor Tzal are able to hit it. The final arachnid snaps at Wolfram!
Barring intervention from R3N-L3, Wolfram takes 3 damage and must make a Strength challenge roll with 1 bane or become poisoned. If R3N-L3 takes the hit instead, the poison won't affect him as it only affects creatures of flesh and blood.

@Lcythas may act now.


Fangs vs Wolfram - (d20+2+d6)

(20) + (5) + 2 = 27

Damage - (d6)

(3) = 3

Feb 7, 2025 6:53 pm
"Ack!" A bite lands and sinks into his skin. The idea of being poisoned weighs heavily on the wounded man.


Strength - (1d20-1)

(12) - 1 = 11

Bane - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Feb 7, 2025 7:08 pm
When the last arachnid snapped at Wolfram, R3N-L3 plunged into the path of the attack, the fangs sinking into the automaton's neck. However, the venom didn't seem to be absorbed, merely trickling off harmlessly. Undaunted, R3N-L3 plunged his blade towards the sole remaining spider, ignoring his new wound.
R3N-L3 will elect to take Wolfram's hit, 3 damage taken.
Last edited February 7, 2025 7:08 pm


Attack with Blade - (1d20+4+1d6)

(1) + (4) + 4 = 9

Damage should the attack land - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Feb 7, 2025 7:30 pm
R3N-L3's blade scrapes harmlessly against the stone floor as the spider sidesteps.
Round 3 begins. Anybody who wishes to take the initiative may act now.
Feb 7, 2025 7:57 pm
With just one left for these bigger spiders, Tzal pointed with his staff at the last one, hoping he wouldn't miss again.
Taking initiative and using corrosive globule. Will 10 hit for agility?
Last edited February 7, 2025 7:58 pm


Intellect roll (corrosive globule) - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Feb 8, 2025 2:38 am
Wolfram thanks the automaton and feels strange saying it, but now he focuses on the remaining spider.

"Time to change tactics!"

Wolfram unsheathes his dagger and lunges forward, hoping to sink it deeply into the spider's carapace.


Dagger Attack/Damage - (1d20-1, 1d6)

1d20-1 : (14) - 1 = 13

1d6 : (3) = 3

Trickery Boon - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Trickery Damage - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Feb 8, 2025 2:25 pm
@Windyridge I believe you can use your Agility for attacking with your dagger. It's the Nimble trait.
The sound of a body collapsing next to her garners a sideward glance from Lauretta. Flames that had wreathed Aazim's body now dissipated harmlessly into the air as embers. Losing a comrade was always a shocking thing. Her expression hardened as her rage and revulsion detached themselves, leaving only the focus of trained discipline. All that was left was to cleave this last creature in two.
Factoring in a second boon from surrounded thanks to Wolfram and R3N-L3.


Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+2d6h1)

(14) + (64) + 3 = 23

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(6321) = 12

Axe - Brutal Reroll - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Axe - Total Damage - (6+3+2+3)

() + 14 = 14

Feb 8, 2025 8:03 pm
TheForsakenEvil says:
@Windyridge I believe you can use your Agility for attacking with your dagger. It's the Nimble trait.
Of course, and I forgot. <sigh>
Last edited February 8, 2025 8:03 pm
Feb 9, 2025 3:21 pm
R3N-L3 and Tzal both miss the spider, but Wolfram and Lauretta score solid hits, slaying the giant bug!

If you take the time to examine the strange lumps in this room, you find each is a broken and dismantled humanoid made from metal, odd-looking, with limbs that end in tool appendages.
The poison is supposed to render Aasimar unconscious for 8 hours, but I’ll say you can wake up with with 10 minutes of medical attention thanks to Tzal’s alchemical prowess. That way he won’t have to miss the rest of the adventure.
Feb 9, 2025 4:25 pm
Tzal looked around, checking the opened lumps of webs. It was strange to find metallic humanoid forms within, and he turned towards Gabalan and R3N-L3. "Do these look like constructs to you? Why would these spiders want to get the constructs here? They can't obviously feed on them?"

He then checked Aazim after applying some detoxicant that he carried with him to stave off the action of the spider venom. He needed to perfect it. It was so close, but it was not done yet. Too many reactions caused it's humor to breakdown, leaving nothing usable. However, it seemed he was better and breathing, which meant it was not an emergency situation.

He then turned around to Lauretta and Wolfram and said, "I have a hard time believing that Pyram is alive with all these venomous spiders making nest here. We must hurry. Since we have already explored this area, let's go on to the other exit.
Feb 9, 2025 7:28 pm
"I'd have to agree unless he made some kind of deal with these spiders. I put nothing past the devious fool. Let's go and find him or what's left of him."
Feb 9, 2025 9:50 pm
The poison is supposed to render Aasimar unconscious for 8 hours
OOC: that my secret origin?! 🤣
Last edited February 9, 2025 9:51 pm
Feb 10, 2025 12:13 am
Lol, no, that's my tablet auto correcting after years of online Pathfinder games. 😄
Feb 10, 2025 4:21 pm
A breathy snort of air rushed from the priest's nose. The arachnid's skeleton gave a repulsive crunch as the axe was pulled through it. After wiping innards from the head, Lauretta rushed over to Aazim. Working with Tzal, she would make an effort to bandage his wounds.

"The poison... is he dying from it? The only poison I have experience with is the kind used in war, not this."

Her eyes wandered over to the investigations of the others while she watched over the jann.

"I was certain it'd be human bones we found in that mess. They remind me of R3N-L3 instead. Maybe it wasn't a matter of feeding. Maybe they were sent here by the Weird Wizard at some point in the past... As for Pyram, he's lured multiple groups here on multiple occasions as far as we know. No sign of them either. Something is off here, but I know not what."
Feb 10, 2025 5:19 pm
Tzal shook his head at Lauretta's question, "No, I think he just lost consciousness, but he will be alright. Chances are, we can wake him up after a few minutes. But the poison can signal the preying strategy of these spiders. They attack to knockout their prey with their venom and then take them back in the nest to store them for later consumption."
Feb 10, 2025 9:23 pm
At first Gabalan was visibly worried seeing Aazim falling on the floor, but when he saw Tzal and his skillful hands taking care about him and - to his little surprise - Lauretta assisting him with great concentration and dedication, he decided he couldn't do anything better for him. Now they have to wait. But he estimated that his blue skinned companion should be strong enough to overcome the poison.

That allowed him to fully immerse with investigating the strange lumps its surprising content and the whole spider's lair.
Gabalan will spend the 10 minutes or so - they will wait for Aazim to wake up - on careful investigation of robotic bodies and the whole spiders lair. Even another 10 minutes it that would provide any chances of discovering something more. Rolling just in case.
Last edited February 10, 2025 9:24 pm


Intellect - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Feb 10, 2025 9:28 pm
"Pyram is in league with those spiders or their masters," Wolfram says to Lauretta. To Tzal he adds, "Ugh. What a horrible way to end your days."
Feb 10, 2025 9:41 pm
Aazim lets out a groan as he regains consciousness. His head throbs, and his body feels sluggish and hot.

He tries to open his eyes, but even the dim light of the room is too much; it stabs into his brain like daggers.

After a minute or so, though, he feels slightly better; Tzal's detoxicant is speeding his recovery. He finally opens his eyes fully and gets a bleary look at his surroundings.

The battle was over? He must've been out for more than just a couple of minutes. And what were these new constructs? Like Ren, but apparently made for a purpose other than battle....

He looks up at Tzal and Lauretta, who are both ministering to him. Tzal didn't surprise him, but Lauretta? Well, she had said she'd have his back, and she was already proving it. He feels a bit guilty about his earlier feelings, when he was irritated that she was so concerned with the Silver Coins Company's health and well-being....

"Damnable...creatures. That poison...its potency is extraordinary."

He reaches up with a quivering hand and gives both of their arms a squeeze.

"Thank you for...your efforts. I can already feel the effects...lessening. Perhaps I should've used my...earthen armor, instead of running into the fray with my fire."

"So...what did I miss? Does anyone know exactly what...[racking cough]...those humanoids are?"
Feb 11, 2025 3:29 pm
Lauretta scowled, thinking on what Wolfram said. That would make sense as to why he was able to continue returning with people here, but then what was Pyram about to say outside? To her, it still looked like an expression of defeat and remorse. Was I wrong? Her thoughts didn't linger on it. Instead, Tzal's explanation about the spiders filled her hope that some of the victims lured here might live. Hopefully they're still 'stored for later consumption'. The jann's squeeze of her arm tore her attention away.

"Aha, you're awake! Good work, Indigo! He's the one deserving of thanks. Knows his stuff."

The priest stood, offering a steady arm to get him to his feet. It wasn't lost on her that Aazim thanked her. Few things bring people together better than fighting and falling side-by-side. I can still make a difference with this lad.

"Normally beasts are driven away by fire, but those aren't normal beasts. Stone probably would've been better. But anyway, ya haven't missed much. Just clockwork-looking things by what I can see."
Feb 12, 2025 9:55 am
Once you are ready, you head back to the central chamber and proceed down the stairs to the north. These stairs descend 20 yards to another web-choked room. The room is about 10 yards wide and 10 yards deep. Six cocooned bodies hang from the ceiling, while desiccated remains of animals and people appear all over the floor. Four curtains of webbing reach the 5 yards from ceiling to floor conceal the room's far reaches.

It is from behind one of these curtains that a horrid monstrosity emerges. Its humanoid form is bent and crooked, with rubbery gray skin from which sprout tufts of black hair and horns, spurs, and nodules. The creature has a pair of spinnerets on the underside of its sagging belly and a set of eight red eyes arranged haphazardly across its face. It hisses and emits a series of clicks and pops as it begins to lurch towards you, its claws twitching, its fangs glistening with greenish venom!
Anybody who wants to take the initiative may act first! The creature is 8 yards away. The floor in this room is challenging terrain due to all of the bodies.
Feb 12, 2025 12:06 pm
Tzal was awestruck watching the monstrosity descend slowly towards his party. What was this creature!? He had never seen or heard of such a twisted spider-like creature. Was this a mutated hybrid of spider and human? The mere scene was revolting. It was too much, and his instinct warned that this creature would devastate his friends if it ever came close with its venom and webs.

Pointing up his staff, he murmered an incantation drawing an arcane symbol in the air as water started to flow from the tip into the symbol, creating a bubble that unfurled into a flying jellyfish entirely made up of water. He sent it streaking towards the creature, hoping it would connect with the monstrosity.
Damn! I was just going to roll sanity from muscle memory. But then I remembered this Weird Wizard and not Demon Lord. Btw, flying jellyfish target the agility stat. I hope it hits. I am rolling damage.
Last edited February 12, 2025 12:15 pm


Will (Flying Jellyfish) - (1d20+3)

(15) + 3 = 18

damage roll - (5d6)

(15623) = 17

Feb 12, 2025 3:02 pm
Descending into the vile den of webs, Lauretta's frown evolves into a rather unpleasant scowl. The odds of facing more overgrown spiders was looking quite likely. If it weren't for this being a rescue mission, she would have eagerly suggested lighting the place ablaze.

As the chamber opened up from the stairs, her heart sank. The six hanging cocoons made it all too obvious what the fate of Pyram's victims were. There would be no saving any of them. All this rushing was truly for naught.

The approach of the horrid abomination that had done this made the priest's knuckles go white with the axe in her grasp. It wasn't so much revulsion gripping her axe this time as it was righteous indignation.

"Fiend! The High One will watch as you die today! Unleash your magical fury, Tzal!"
Using my reaction for Prayer to give Tzal a boon on his attack roll in hopes of a crit... And it was a 1. My luck might have turned bad, haha.
Last edited February 12, 2025 3:06 pm


Boon for Flying Jellyfish - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Feb 12, 2025 10:10 pm
Still wobbly on his feet, Aazim has to resist the urge to retreat upon seeing the monstrosity. Even at full strength, it would be a fearsome foe.

But his allies had engaged, and he had to help him...though not by running headlong into the fray, like before. Instead he again covers himself with earthen armor, and remains in the back lines, positioning himself so the creature (hopefully) can't reach him without moving through the heavy hitters.

He raises a hand, and a shimmering wave of magic drifts towards Gabalan. The mysterious man will have a boost for this next action he tries.
Using Earth Affinity, then Help action for Gabalan.
Feb 12, 2025 10:33 pm
Wolfram stared transfixed at the cocoons.

Could they still be saved?

He was just thinking about cutting one down when the monstrosity made itself known. Quickly sliding an arrow onto the shaft of his bow, he let it fly, aiming for the heart of the monstrosity, if indeed it even had one.
Last edited February 12, 2025 10:34 pm


Agility - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Damage + boon damage if hits - (2d6, 1d6)

2d6 : (64) = 10

1d6 : (1) = 1

Boon from trickery - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Feb 13, 2025 1:18 am
R3N-L3's holding init for possible bodyguarding actions
Feb 14, 2025 11:26 am
I'll have Gabalan not take initiative this round.
Wolfram's arrow gets caught in the webs instead of hitting the creature. However, Tzal's jellyfish (?!?) slams into strikes the thing in the chest, leaving deep wounds as it lashes out with its tentacles before vanishing in a burst of bubbles!

As Aazim bolsters Gabalan, the spider-monster skitters along the webbed walls, moving in a series of furtive lurches. It reaches the front rank of the party, where it assaults R3N-L3 with its fangs and claws!
Barring any possible reactions, R3N-L3 takes 12 damage from its fangs and 5 damage from its claws (17 total). @Pedrop,@TheForsakenEvil,@Lcythas: Gabalan, Lauretta, and R3N-L3 may each act now.

At the start of Lauretta's turn, the creature will use a reaction to spray webs at her. Lauertta makes an Agility roll with 1 bane. On a failure, the target becomes held (luck ends) or until it overcomes the affliction with a success on a Strength roll.

Held: Your Speed drops to 0 and you cannot benefit from increases to your Speed until this affliction ends. In addition, creatures rolling against your Agility get an automatic success.
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Fangs - (d20+2+d6)

(16) + (3) + 2 = 21

Claws - (d20+2+d6, d20+2+d6)

d20+2+d6 : (1) + (4) + 2 = 7

d20+2+d6 : (8) + (6) + 2 = 16

Damage (Fangs, Claws) - (4d6, d6)

4d6 : (2226) = 12

d6 : (5) = 5

Feb 14, 2025 6:09 pm
I hope R3N-L3 is still standing. Or else, we have lost our first tank. Others will fall like sticks!
Feb 14, 2025 7:53 pm
I think he'll still be standing. Fighters have the most health, but he is also a clockwork. Clockworks have complications with healing damage, so they have a significant health bonus to compensate. Also, he can use his reaction to apply a bane to one of those attacks via Dodge. That said, Lauretta would absolutely be down and out from 17 damage, haha. Not only that, but that actually looked like a low damage roll. This thing is scary.

Trying to discern the best method of engaging the freakish monstrosity on this disadvantageous battleground, Lauretta waits for it to make the first move. Its inhuman skittering forward was exactly what she was hoping for. The assault on R3N-L3, however, was less than ideal. Before she could retaliate, a swath of webbing spewed at her from the creature. "Gah!" Although the lumbering priest was not the most agile, there was only one enemy to keep track of this time. The spray mostly missed her, only making a mess on her armor.

"Blessed are the weapons of those who stand against corruption! Slay this fiend, comrades!"

The roaring bellow was no boast, but a blessing in earnest. A golden, misty glow fell upon her, spreading out amidst the air. Every remnant of fear within her mind went silent under this emboldening aura. The head of her axe shone dimly, as did the weapons of others around her. Snarling, she moved to flank the creature with her clockwork ally.
Action for Battle Blessing. All attacks (which are done with weapons) receive a boon. Moving into melee.
[ +- ] Tradition Talent: Battle Blessing (Magical)
Last edited February 14, 2025 8:24 pm


Agility Roll with 1 bane - Web Spray - (1d20-1-1d6)

(18) - (3) - 1 = 14

Prayer Used (Luck Ends) - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Feb 14, 2025 10:30 pm
R3N-L3 will be spending his reaction to dodge the claws, which will make them miss. But he's taking that bite because I don't count on him rolling a nat 6 on the bane XD. He'll also be popping Grind the Gears for an extra action. He is now Injured, so he's very slow.
The clockwork shuddered in place for a few seconds as the creature's fangs bit into his helm, one of the sapphire lights blinking briefly out. But he managed to rally, stepping back just enough to avoid the flensing claws before raising his sword high, aiming for the head. "Anomalous construct located. Wizard origins plausible. Kill-target confirmed." He intoned in a juddering tone, before striking twice like lightning.


First Blade Attack - (1d20+4+2d6kh1)

(1) + (44) + 5 = 14

Second Blade Attack - (1d20+4+2d6kh1)

(5) + (56) + 5 = 21

Luck Roll - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Feb 14, 2025 10:31 pm
Wellllll shit xD. That's a 10 and a 15 after modifiers, and R3N-L3 will be stunned next turn unless someone turns his gear.
Feb 17, 2025 8:32 am
The spider-creature twists and writhes, narrowly dodging R3N-L3's attacks. The clockwork's gears seize up and grind to a halt!

End of the Round

As Lauretta closes with the monster, it tugs on a strand of webbing, causing a loop of the sticky stuff to come down from the ceiling and try to snag her!
Lauretta makes an Agility roll. On a failure, a loop of web drops down on the enemy and yanks it from its feet to leave it hanging 1d6 yards in the air. The enemy becomes held until the web takes 5 damage or more from fire or an edged weapon. Until this effect ends, the target is subject to suffocation.

@Pedrop Gabalan may still take his action for round 1, and anybody who wishes to take the initiative in round 2 may do so and act now!


Attercop Lair Luck Roll - (d20)

(18) = 18

Squirt Webs Recharge Luck Roll - (d20)

(6) = 6

Lair Effect - (d6)

(4) = 4

Feb 17, 2025 1:10 pm
Oh. Shit. Rolling! ...And somehow my luck continues!
The noose of webbing slides down suddenly towards the priest's head. Just before it passes over her, she shields herself by raising her arm horizontally overhead. Without anything in its snare, the loop jerks harmlessly back up.

After the good fortune of noticing the noose in time, Lauretta grasps her axe with both hands to rear back for a decisive strike! As she does so, the eight-pointed star pendant that hangs from her neck begins to shine. The axe's head lights up with holy magic, sending streaks golden power cutting through the air as it swings.
Taking the initiative. Attacking with Axe. Expending my Holy Symbol charge for Holy Smite! (Assuming success)
[ +- ] Holy Symbol (Magical)
Last edited February 17, 2025 7:59 pm


Agility Roll - (1d20-1)

(12) - 1 = 11

Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+2d6h1)

(8) + (61) + 3 = 17

Axe - Damage - (3d6)

(265) = 13

Axe w/ Holy Smite - Damage - (7d6)

(3216523) = 22

Axe - Brutal Reroll - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Axe - Total Damage - (3+2+5+6+5+2+3)

() + 26 = 26

Prayer Used (Luck Ends) - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Feb 17, 2025 3:21 pm
The horrific hybrid of the humaniod spider was a dangerous opponent indeed. It's vicious attacks and crafty movement were almost impossible to sense. Already, it had attacked R3N-L3 and done some serious problems that they will have to look into. Apparently he was not moving. The tides of the battle were shifting against them, and who knows how long it could fight? Tzal took out a glass vial and looked at it's dark black, inky viscous fluid. He never wanted to use it, but now there was no other option. Such poisonous things should not be carried lightly. Aiming at the creature, he threw the vial with all his might.
Taking initiative. Using black bile poison, which reduces the health of the creature by 8. Also, the creature is poisoned (luck ends).

Creature makes attribute rolls with 1 bane, everyone gains 1 boon against the creature. Also, end of the round, creature loses 1d6 health.
Last edited February 17, 2025 3:33 pm


Intellect (Black bile poison) - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

damage roll - (3d6)

(512) = 8

Feb 17, 2025 4:07 pm
Takin initiative and Tzal's boon.
Wolfram nocks another arrow and releases the string.

Let this arrow fly true!


Boon fromTzal - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Boon from Trickery - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Agility Arow Attack/Damage - (1d20+2, 2d6)

1d20+2 : (10) + 2 = 12

2d6 : (33) = 6

Boon extra damage if hits - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Feb 17, 2025 9:59 pm
Aazim is surprised to see the usually indomitable R3N-L3 seize up. He rushes towards the construct and starts fiddling with whatever gears and mechanisms he can reach.

"Come on,'re needed in this fight more than me...."
Dunno if I need to roll for this....
Feb 18, 2025 1:08 am
Abruptly shuddering back to life after Aazim turned an ornate gilded key hidden under his armor, R3N-L3 turned his head 360 degrees back to examine his companion. "Extremis protocols ineffective. Fifty-three seconds before the power capacitators recharge. Default protocols assumed." He said, before charging back into the fray...Well, charging. His movements were creaky and erratic, but his propensity for ignoring the simple matter of death remained undiminished.


Attack with Blade - (1d20+4+1d6)

(12) + (5) + 4 = 21

Damage should the attack land - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Feb 18, 2025 1:08 am
11 damage if it was a crit, otherwise just the 8!
Last edited February 18, 2025 1:09 am


Added for Slashing - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Damage reroll, taking higher - (3d6)

(142) = 7

Feb 18, 2025 1:55 am
Don't think it matters cuz you rolled a 5, but R3N-L3 would have 3 boons to attack rather than 1. An additional 1 from Surrounded and another from Battle Blessing. Wolfram also would've got another boon from Battle Blessing if he was within range.
Feb 18, 2025 1:00 pm
Extra attack rolling...Well, I did get a 6, so that is actually an attack roll of 22! If they have 17 or less armor, think I did crit
Last edited February 18, 2025 1:01 pm


Extra boons - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Feb 20, 2025 1:27 pm
Pending Gabalan's actions


Pistol, Help, Battle Blessing - (d20+1+3d6h1)

(14) + (532) + 1 = 20

Damage - (3d6)

(433) = 10

Telekinesis Attack, Battle Blessing - (d20+1+d6)

(12) + (2) + 1 = 15

Feb 20, 2025 1:41 pm
Last round:
Gabalan pulls out a fancy-looking pistol from his belt. He fires, the bullet striking the spider-thing in the chest!
This round:
Gabalan uses his telekinesis to hurl his sword at the monster, but it narrowly misses. Lauretta calls on the High One as she smites the creature, her axe cleaving a deep furrow into its body! Black blood and ichor spill forth from its chest, but it remains on its feet. Tzal flings black bile at the thing, sapping its vitality, then Wolfram sinks an arrow into its side. Barely standing, the thing rears back to attack, but Aazim winds R3N-L3's key and the clockwork lunges forward to drive his sword into its belly! The spider-thing shudders on the end of the clockwork's blade as the thing finally crumples to the floor, lying still.

Just when you think things are over, though, you hear Pyram Peek's voice shout out. "No! Look what you've done!" The man steps out from behind one of the thick curtains of webbing that had been concealing his presence. "I had a very beneficial arrangement with that creature. I'd bring it victims to feast on, and I would get the bodies to help refine my necromantic magic. Now, I suppose I'll have to kill you myself to get your bodies for my research!"

Pyram casts a spell, and pale, rotting hands and skeletal claws reach up from the ground to grasp at you!
Each creature on the ground makes an Agility roll with 1 boon. On a failure, the creature becomes held and frightened (luck ends both). A creature can overcome these afflictions with a success on a Strength roll. If the creature is held already, it takes 1d6 damage and falls prone.

This is the end of round 2, so you can roll for any effects you may need to that happen at round's end. Anybody who wishes to take the initiative for round 3 may do so now and act!
Feb 20, 2025 1:54 pm
Tzal almost forgot about Pyram but his explanation and ill intent made him so angry that his face twisted in disgust, "You are a vile person that I knew from the beginning! I never expected you to be so much worse." He tried to jump out of the rotting hands that came out to grab him.

Pointing his staff at Pyram, he conjured a jellyfish and sent it flying towards him. Tzal also tapped his amulet which glowed and his staff lit up with several runes.
Taking initiative. Using magic implement to gain a boon. I guess with 15, I can beat his agility. Damn! I might have just killed Pyram!
Last edited February 20, 2025 2:01 pm


Agility roll with a boon - (1d20+1d6)

(20) + (4) = 24

Will (Flying Jellyfish) - (1d20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

boon for Jellyfish - (1d6)

(5) = 5

damage roll - (5d6)

(56556) = 27

Feb 20, 2025 2:14 pm
Lol, he's tough, but you hit him pretty hard!
Feb 20, 2025 3:03 pm
Damn, that's a wild roll from Tzal! Also impressed we managed to kill that spider creature so quickly! Good job, team! Also, don't forget that you will be immune to the frightening effect of Pyram's spell thanks to Battle Blessing.
Staring down with furious eyes at the fallen spider-monster, Lauretta spits on the ground. It may have been strong, but the numbers were in their favor. This team was starting to look significantly more cohesive and competent as they stood over its corpse. Still, its death was only a small satisfaction in the face of the loss of life that hung above them. Before she could think to say a word, Pyram's voice echoed in her ears. As rage brewed in her belly, the hands of the dead sprung from the ground to grasp her. Fortunately, the dead were even slower than she was.

"You fucking bastard! I gave you a chance out there! May the High One have mercy on you because I fucking won't!"
How far away is Pyram? I imagine the challenging terrain will make it difficult to reach him. Not taking the initiative either way.
Last edited February 20, 2025 3:26 pm


Agility Roll w/ Boon - (1d20-1+1d6)

(12) + (5) - 1 = 16

Feb 20, 2025 3:23 pm
"I knew it all along, that you were a vile man, you scum!"

Wolfram can't avoid the rotting hands that grasp him and pull him hard to the ground.

"Hah! Your spells don't scare me. In fact, they don't even work, you traitorous toad!"

Wolfram lines up a shot with his bow and lets his arrow fly
Last edited February 20, 2025 6:02 pm


Agility with Boon - (1d20, 1d6)

1d20 : (12) = 12

1d6 : (6) = 6

Strength - (1d20-1, 1d6)

1d20-1 : (6) - 1 = 5

1d6 : (4) = 4

Agility, Bow Attack/Damage - (1d20+2, 2d6)

1d20+2 : (12) + 2 = 14

2d6 : (32) = 5

Trickery boon - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Tricker Damage - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Feb 20, 2025 3:35 pm
Pyram is 8 yards away. @Windyridge you succeeded at the Agility roll so you aren’t grabbed by the hands.

Also note that anybody who fails the roll has a chance to roll luck at the end of round 2 to end the effect before round 3 begins.
Feb 20, 2025 3:38 pm
Oh ok, can I retcon my RP? And then attack?
Last edited February 20, 2025 3:39 pm
Feb 20, 2025 3:48 pm
Yes you may.
Feb 20, 2025 6:03 pm
Dmbrainiac says:
Yes you may.
Edited in attack etc.
Feb 20, 2025 6:41 pm
The clockwork tried his best to dodge the grasping hands with his still shuddering framework...But as one might expect, he wasn't the nimblest construct even if he wasn't injured, soon disappearing underneath a swarm of grasping desiccated limbs. However, the mound of limbs shuddered, creaking for a second, before bursting apart in a shower of bone shrapnel and rotting flesh as the automaton stormed out, trailing half a dozen tattered limbs that had failed to hold him down. Unfortunately, his movements were slow, gears sparking and grinding against artificial muscle fibers that refused to move far as he advanced onto Pyram.
R3N-L3's only got 2 speed while Injured, which I'm assuming isn't enough to get to grips with him just yet.
Last edited February 20, 2025 6:47 pm


Agility Save - (1d20+1d6)

(5) + (1) = 6

Strength Roll to try and break free - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Luck to see if the effects end before R3 - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Feb 20, 2025 6:47 pm
Aazim is stunned by Pyram's admission. Brazenly admitting such horrific deeds, and then getting angry because they'd ruined his "arrangement"? This was truly a madman, tainted by delusions of grandeur.

"To think, I gave you the benefit of the doubt! But the bigger fool is you, Pyram. By declaring your villainy instead of skulking out unseen, you've sealed your fate!"

First though, Aazim has to dodge the necromantic magic trying to ensnare him!
Not taking initiative.


Agility + Boon - (1d20+1d6)

(3) + (2) = 5

Feb 24, 2025 11:47 am
Still no word from Pedrop so I'll bot Gabalan again.
Gabalan avoids the grasping hands. He moves out of their reach before telekinetically hurling his sword at Pyram. It misses, but Wolfram lands a good hit with his arrow, then Tzal fires off another octopus that batters the evil mage and leaves him reeling! R3N-L3 slowly begins to clomp forward at the mage.

Doubled over in pain, Pyram glares at Tzal with fire in his eyes. He intones the words of a powerful necromancy spell. He shakes his hands, and from them falls a profusion of flesh-eating insects that flow forward to envelop the mage! Meanwhile, the grasping hands claw at those still within their reach.
Tzal is targeted by eaters of the dead. The spell last for 1 minute, but it ends early if the target takes 10 damage or more from cold, fire, or lightning. The target becomes blinded (luck ends). If the target is blinded in this way at the end of the round, it makes a Strength roll. On a failure, it takes 6d6 damage and becomes weakened until the end of the next round. If the target becomes incapacitated, it disappears along with everything it was wearing and carrying that was not made of bone or metal.

Anybody still inside the grave grasp area (those who didn't take the initiative, so Lauretta and Aazim) must attempt another Agility roll with 1 boon. On a failure, the creature becomes held and frightened (luck ends both). A creature can overcome these afflictions with a success on a Strength roll. If the creature is held already, it takes 1d6 damage and falls prone.

@TheForsakenEvil,@Totes_McGee you both may act now before the end of the round!
[ +- ] Enemy Status


Agility vs Grave Grasp - (d20+1+d6)

(19) + (3) + 1 = 23

Telkinetic Attack, Battle Blessing - (d20+2+d6)

(5) + (4) + 2 = 11

Feb 24, 2025 2:33 pm
Pyram's pain encourages the soldier priest, urging her to move forward as much as she can. Sadism wasn't tearing her feet free from the wrathful dead, but the need for justice. At one point, she believed she saw remorse in the foul necromancer. But the revelation of the depths of his heart's darkness made it clear to her that he was more monster than man.

After only making slight progress, the necromantic chant reached her ears. Preparing for the worst, Lauretta steeled herself. The flooding tide of gnashing mandibles spurred her skin to crawl and hairs to stand. Unable to do anything to stop them, she watched in horror as they swarmed her friend in indigo robes.

"Brush them away from your exposed skin, quickly!"
Welp, that's horrible. Very unlikely the squishy mage will be surviving 6d6. It's save or die. Lauretta is using the Help action to give Tzal a boon on his next attribute roll. Additionally, she will also use her reaction for Prayer to give him a second boon.
Last edited February 24, 2025 2:58 pm


Agility Roll w/ 1 Boon - (1d20-1+1d6)

(11) + (6) - 1 = 16

Prayer Used (Luck Ends) - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Feb 24, 2025 9:44 pm
Seeing Tzal's plight, Aazim sends a wave of magical energy his way, hoping that it'll help him resist this monstrous swarm!
I'll also help Tzal. Boon overkill!
Last edited February 24, 2025 9:50 pm


Agility + Boon - (1d20+1d6)

(14) + (6) = 20

Feb 24, 2025 10:02 pm
It’s the end of the round now. @Stalker05, Indigo must attempt a Strength roll with three boons. On a failure, you take 6d6 damage. Then you may roll luck to end the blindness. Anybody who is grabbed may roll luck to end that effect.

Afterwards, it’s a new round, and anybody who wishes to take the initiative may act!
Feb 24, 2025 10:08 pm
Lauretta is giving 2 boons, one with help action and one with Prayer. That would make 3 boons with Aazim's added help action.
Feb 24, 2025 10:13 pm
My mistake, I’ve edited my previous post.
Feb 24, 2025 10:23 pm
Since R3N-L3's really slow, could he try throwing his sword at the man, or using his stowed spear for throwing?
Feb 24, 2025 10:39 pm
Ill let you throw the spear, sure.
Feb 25, 2025 5:54 am
Tzal's eyes went wide as the blasphemous spell targeted him. As numerous crawling critters rushed him and started to crawl his robes, he yelped, "No! No! Get away! Get away! Ahhh! I can't see anything!"
This is one nasty spell! Phew! I thought I was just going to die there! Thanks for all the boon, everyone! I got 11, so I think, I made it? And I am blinded!
Last edited February 25, 2025 5:58 am


Strength challenge roll - (1d20-1+3d6)

(6) + (613) - 1 = 15

luck roll - (1d20)

(5) = 5

Feb 25, 2025 7:48 am
Yes, you succeeded at the roll but are blinded, which means you'll need to make another Strength roll at the end of this round to avoid taking damage. However, you could use your action this round to Overcome, allowing you to make an immediate luck roll to try to end the blindness.
Feb 25, 2025 8:25 am
Tzal wobbled and thrashed around, screaming confusingly. Somehow, in the middle of these confused screams, he opened his eyes and stopped wobbling but continued to jerk himself to throw away all the critters.
Hey, you are right! SoWW has overcome action. Damn! Made it. Okay, so I am not blinded, but does this end the spell? I guess not.
Last edited February 25, 2025 8:30 am


Overcome (Luck roll) - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Feb 25, 2025 8:38 am
The spell doesn't technically end for 1 minute, but once you're no longer blinded, you don't have to worry about taking damage anymore. So bugs are crawling around you for a bit but you're not in danger from them. :)
Feb 25, 2025 1:33 pm
With the danger to Tzal's life subsiding, Lauretta threw her gaze back at the foul caster. Gritting her teeth, she leapt over the corpses and directly up to her foe, staring him in the face.

"Beg, and I'll make penance quick."
Taking the initiative. Action to Run, tripling speed. Getting into melee range with Pyram. Battle Blessing still goes out to 5 yards, so whoever can at least get that close gets the bonus. Also gonna go ahead and make my end of round luck roll for Prayer in advance.
Last edited February 25, 2025 4:40 pm


Prayer Used (Luck Ends) - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Feb 25, 2025 4:07 pm
Forgot that run triples speed, so even with his speed of 2, R3N-L3 can actually get to grips with Pyram! Shame though, only got a 13 total
With juddering steps, R3N-L3 plowed through the corpses, lunging towards Pyram with blade drawn and readied at the necromancer's heart.
Last edited February 25, 2025 4:07 pm


Attack with Blade - (1d20+4+2d6)

(7) + (22) + 4 = 15

Feb 25, 2025 4:21 pm
A few important things: Run is an action, so R3N-L3 wouldn't have his action to attack Pyram. Also, the Slowed affliction prevents the character from benefitting from any increases to their Speed, meaning Run wouldn't work. Lastly, the floor is considered challenging terrain thanks to the corpses, so even with a tripled speed of 6, R3N-L3 would only get 3 yards. 💀
Last edited February 25, 2025 4:45 pm
Feb 25, 2025 7:32 pm
Wolfram isn't taking initiative this time.
Feb 27, 2025 7:58 am
We'll say R3N-L3 throws his spear instead of attacking in melee. Botting Gabalan again.
Gabalan hurls his sword again with telekinesis, grazing Pyram. R3N-L3 moves closer and throws his spear which sails past the mage. Lauretta gets right up in Pyram's face as Tzal overcomes the insects plaguing him.

Pyram steps a yard away from Lauretta before casting another spell. Hands, feet, scraps of skin, and other body parts infused with dark magic fly from his hands, knocking Lauretta down and pinning her to the floor!
Lauretta takes 4 damage, falls prone, and is held (luck ends). A target can overcome the affliction with a success on a Strength roll. Each time the target gets a failure to end the affliction, the target takes 2d6 damage.

@Windyridge,@TheForsakenEvil, Wolfram and Aazim may act now!


Gabalan Telekinesis - (d20+2+d6)

(12) + (6) + 2 = 20

Damage - (d6+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Pieces and Parts vs Lauretta Agility - (d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Damage - (d6)

(4) = 4

Feb 27, 2025 12:55 pm
I think that's actually @Totes_McGee who controls Aazim. :P But I'll go ahead and have Lauretta make her luck roll for that icky spell.


Held (Luck Ends) - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Feb 27, 2025 1:22 pm
Yes, sorry, my sleep-deprived brain is struggling today.
Feb 27, 2025 3:18 pm
Ah, no, R3N-L3 used his action to run LAST turn, that's why he's within reach of normal movement now.
Feb 27, 2025 3:28 pm
Problem with that is that Run doesn't do anything for Slowed characters. But it's all good, the spear throw works.
Feb 27, 2025 5:22 pm
With Lauretta prone on the ground, Wolfram felt the pressure of making his attack count, especially against a wielder of dark magic. Glad that Pyram had stepped back leaving a clear shot for his bow, Wolfram aimed for a killing shot, hoping his arrow would fly true.


Agility Attack (1) - Attack - (1d20+2, 1d6)

1d20+2 : (6) + 2 = 8

1d6 : (5) = 5

Trickery boon - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Trickery Damage - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Feb 27, 2025 10:25 pm
So Lauretta is no longer held, but is she still afflicted? If so, I'll be helper dude again.
Feb 27, 2025 11:56 pm
Lauretta's only affliction was Held which ends at end of round with her successful luck roll. So help won't be necessary for that. But you can still help if you'd like. Gives a boon to next attribute roll.
Feb 28, 2025 12:42 am
Still not willing to get within striking distance of the demented necromancer, Aazim instead decides to quickly examine his surroundings. With bodies and debris scattered about, surely there's something that can help them? Maybe one of those cocoons actually has a living being inside, someone who can join the fight!
I think the Find action is the best option for this. Or the catch-all Do Something Else.
Feb 28, 2025 8:49 am
Wolfram fires on Pyram, his arrow whizzing past the necromancer. Aazim looks around him, and he spots something glinting amid the webs. Clearing some of them away reveals a delicate crystal orb attached to a silver chain...

Pyram sneers as he prepares to unleash more magical mayhem!
End of the round! Anybody who wishes to take the initiative for the next round may do so now.


Secret Roll

Feb 28, 2025 3:03 pm
Apparently being prone means I can't take reactions, so I can't take the initiative. Lauretta will be going after Pyram.
Ready to chop the damned arms off of the ruinous mage, Lauretta prepared to swing. Before she could follow through, the spell was cast. Sinister power emanated from the wave of undead gore as it struck her like a tidal wave. Instead of a scream, the only remaining wind left in her lungs escaped with a pathetic wheeze.

Her body writhed, trying desperately to break free before she could even catch her breath. The disgust for the spiders was entirely unmatched by this. By luck or fate, her arm came free from the grasp of a severed hand. She ripped herself loose, but only to look up and find herself at the mercy of whatever Pyram was about to unleash.
Last edited February 28, 2025 4:58 pm
Feb 28, 2025 4:44 pm
Amidst the terror of being overrun by numerous insects, Tzal pointed his staff and gathered enough water to send another jellyfish towards Pyram determined to bring him down.
Taking initiative and using the last casting of flying jellyfish. No idea, if it hits, but rolling damage in case, if it's a success.
Last edited February 28, 2025 4:44 pm


Will (Flying Jellyfish) - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

damage roll - (5d6)

(11615) = 14

Feb 28, 2025 5:00 pm
R3N-L3 will be holding initiative to see if he needs to soak the next attack. Would he likely become an object from that? Yes. But he can't really reach Pyram in time, short of THROWING HIS SWORD xP, so he'll trust that someone winds him back up to life once he gets incapacitated.
Feb 28, 2025 9:03 pm
Not taking initiative.
Mar 1, 2025 12:25 am
Nor does Wolfram take initiative.
Mar 3, 2025 11:50 am
Gabalan narrowly misses with his telekinetically hurled sword. Tzal hits Pyram with another magical jellyfish, leaving the necromancer battered and bloodied! Coughing and groaning, the vile mage returns the favor, flinging a magical bolt that slams into Tzal!
8 damage to Tzal unless somebody Covers him and takes the hit. Everybody who hasn't acted may do so!


Gabalan Telekinesis - (d20+2+d6)

(12) + (1) + 2 = 15

Mage Bolt - (d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Damage - (3d6)

(233) = 8

Mar 3, 2025 3:31 pm
While assessing my options, I found a rule for challenging terrain that we missed. Running (meaning the Run action) across challenging terrain causes the character to make an Agility roll potentially with 1 or more banes. Failure results in falling prone and losing movement for the rest of the turn. A little late to retcon the situation now, but good to remember for the future.
Laying there momentarily at Pyram's mercy, all Lauretta could think was the image of her skull viscerally exploding as a mass of arcane energy collided with her head. Instead, she saw streaming blasts of water and magical power go back and forth overhead. Gritting her teeth and firmly grasping a webbed corpse in front of her, she dragged herself toward Pyram more like an animal than a soldier. Hastily crawling on the ground amongst the dead while covered in gore briefly blurred past and present. How much was different between that life and this one right now?

Inch after inch, she crawled. Finally close enough, her hands wrapped around her axe's haft and her entire body rolled over, swinging the weapon upwards at the necromancer.
Assuming challenging terrain and crawling stack, Lauretta uses 3 yards of movement to close the 1 yard gap between herself and Pyram.
Last edited March 3, 2025 6:21 pm


Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+2d6h1)

(9) + (35) + 3 = 17

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(4561) = 16

Axe - Brutal Reroll - (4+5+6+1d6)

(6) + 15 = 21

Mar 3, 2025 4:45 pm
Lauretta's axe slices through Pyram Peek's belly! He wails in agony as a torrent of blood and intestines spills forth from the gory wound, drenching the priestess with foul effluvium. Pyram stares down at his sundered middle in disbelief before his eyes roll back and he crumples to the web-choked floor!
Mar 3, 2025 5:27 pm
Meanwhile, a clatter of metal and a ground-shaking impact reverberated throughout the cave. R3N-L3 had lunged forward to intercept the blast of dark magic, but the eldritch lance sparked and sputtered as it tore into the robot's inner mechanisms, causing him to freeze up into an unmoving statue of twisted steel, before falling forward as if paralyzed.
R3N-L3 will be taking the hit for Tzal and becoming incapacitated. Luckily, that just means he freezes up and becomes an object until someone turns his key to revive him, he doesn't lose Health.
Mar 3, 2025 5:31 pm
Tzal closed his eyes and braced for the bolt of arcane energy from the necromancer. However, it didn't hit; instead, he heard the clattering sound of the inner mechanism of R3N-L3. When he opened his eyes, he saw the stark, unanimated figure of R3N-L3. Tzal understood that R3N-L3 had intercepted the energy and saved him from the attack. He immediately felt grateful, but then he remembered that R3N-L3 must have stopped because his inner mechanism stopped working. Searching for the key, he turned it and activated R3N-L3 again. In the meantime, he noticed Lauretta disemboweling Pyram with her axe. Standing beside R3N-L3, he wondered whether the battle was finally over.
Last edited March 3, 2025 7:06 pm
Mar 3, 2025 8:51 pm
Without skipping a beat, Lauretta hauled herself to her feet using her axe as leverage. It became apparent that the fight was over after she wiped the hot, sticky mess from her eyes. Amidst the sea of crimson that was her face, the white sclera of her eyes stood out like fire as they danced frantically around the room. It took a few moments of watching Tzal wind the key of their fallen clockwork companion for the tight grip on her axe to loosen. She stood stoically as she took note of the blood and viscera staining her priestly garments. Will things ever change?

"All alive. Good. Let's get those bodies down."
Mar 3, 2025 9:35 pm
Already weakened from their previous fight, Aazim didn't feel he'd contributed much during the brutal showdown with Pyram. Still, they'd prevailed...though the Jann didn't feel like celebrating. Perhaps if they'd been able to save these poor captured souls....

With nobody in desperate need of help, Aazim decides to study the strange orb he'd found. Was it important? If so, why had Pyram and his monster ally overlooked it?
Assume Intellect roll for this.


Intellect - (1d20+0)

(19) = 19

Mar 3, 2025 11:38 pm
A few shudders ran through the clockwork's frame, before he abruptly shot back up to his feet, inspecting the hideous wounds across his chassis dispassionately. Dozens of intricately carved gears ran underneath his armor, keeping the war machine mobile. Many of them had splintered and shattered under the claws of the beast and other dangers, but enough seemed to be spinning so that he was still able to function.

"This unit's combat capability has been partially compromised." He stated, moving across the cavern in slow, creaking movements. "Approximately six hours of maintenance will be needed to return full capability. But it is good that the mage did not suffer damage. Trauma tends to have peculiar lasting effects on organics due to the pain incurred." He moved over to the creature, making sure it was dead with one more well-placed thrust before moving around to check what was in the cocoons.
Mar 4, 2025 1:22 am
Wolfram approaches Lauretta, his face lined in concern.

"All you alright, other than your clothes needing a bit of a bath? That was very well done. It seems you have put that foul fiend to rest forever. I knew he was an evil thing right from the start."

Glancing at the others then, he realized they all made it, and the clockwork would be alright too.
Last edited March 4, 2025 1:24 am
Mar 4, 2025 10:36 am
On Pyram's body, you find an Inscription of the Animate Corpse spell from the Necromancy tradition, along with a 2 gp, 12 sp, and 36 cp. It takes more than an hour to uncover all of the bodies here. Many of them can still be recognized as those who went missing from Travelers' Rest. Sifting through the mess reveals 15 sp a sword, a quiver of four arrows, and an Elixir of Healing contained in a small glass bottle.

Aazim inspects the oddity he has discovered. It will take a bit of study and experimentation to fully identify it.
A character can identify an oddity’s properties after 1 hour of study. Once you are able to, you will learn that the orb grants the owner the Climber trait.

Climber: The creature climbs 1 yard for each yard of movement it expends; it can climb across ceilings and overhangs; it grants no boons on rolls to attack it due to climbing; and it rolls to climb with 1 boon.
Mar 4, 2025 3:33 pm
Wait, so we didn't find any survivor! Damn!
Mar 4, 2025 3:44 pm
Tzal worked with everyone in uncovering and gathering all the remains of the dead along with their possessions. He walked around inspecting the room and wondering whether anymore surprises would come to prey on them. After all the inspection was done, he approached Lauretta, "I think we will have to take the remains of the kidnapped people of Traveller's Rest back and give them a proper burial there. The rest, I think we should burry somewhere outside the tomb. Then again, we will have to deal with the bandit group we subdued earlier."
Mar 4, 2025 7:20 pm
Lauretta simply studies her companions and the corpses while catching her breath. It was hard to not feel demoralized by the dead, but she tried her hardest to find some solace in the annihilation of what claimed them. Mostly, she just felt tired. The ringing in her ears drowned out Wolfram somewhat, but she was able to piece his words together with the worried expression on his face.

"I'm plenty fine, don't worry. Just some bruising beneath all this blood thanks to that bastard necromancer. I'd say there's probably more cause for concern with Renly over there."

She kept her tough face on for the others. The aftermath of battle was just as crucial for guidance as what came before. Nodding in agreement with Tzal, she raised her voice some so that they could all hear.

"Aye, we'll take back the dead. It's the least we can do after putting an end to the evil that dwelled here. That may have seemed a hard task, but harder still is granting closure to the families of the lost. However, it is just. As was our victory. Tired and beaten we are, the killers of these men and women will not be harming anyone else thanks to us. It is the people that Pyram and these creatures would have hurt that we should bear in mind on our return. That is the good we've done today."

Hopefully that will reach them. I never was a leader.

"As for the rest of the dead, I suggest a funeral pyre. This haunted tomb bore a necromancer's research. Undead roam the land around it. It is not a proper resting place. Peace will be found in the flames. Speaking of, we should destroy Pyram's blasphemous scroll."
Mar 4, 2025 7:41 pm
"My internal systems are significantly compromised. The symptoms are mainly a lack of rigidity and modular movement range, resulting in greatly reduced speed." R3N-L3 voiced. He looked down at the bodies for a long moment when Lauretta suggested taking them back. It was difficult to tell how much Lauretta's rousing speech affected him, if it did at all, but R3N-L3 did begin bundling bodies together, hauling the largest bundle without too much effort, although a couple sparks flew out of the gaping wound in his chest.
Mar 4, 2025 9:37 pm
"Yes! The scroll should be destroyed. How best to do it? Flames also?" Wolfram asked.

It was true they had put an end to the kidnappings and had come out of it alive. It was a relief that it was all over.
Mar 5, 2025 4:47 pm
Watching the hulking automaton get started with moving the dead, Lauretta wondered whether he was doing so because he actually believed it was the right thing to do or just to ensure cohesion in the group. Either way, his behavior since meeting one another demonstrated fluidity and capacity for critical thinking to her. She was determined not to treat him like the soulless machine that he appeared to be. Even if a great deal of what he said about his function sounded like nonsense.

"Thank you for helping out, Renly. Hopefully we can get you fixed up soon. As for the scroll, burning it also sounds good, but not on the same pyre as the dead. I'd rather keep the two separate. Since there was also loose coin found, perhaps we pool it with the reward we expect from the innkeeper before trying to split it evenly? Might be easier that way. I don't care about any of these other things strewn about the place."

With the last of her thoughts voiced, she started helping R3N-L3 carry the bodies to the entrance of the tomb. Passing by the other stairwell the group didn't descend, a part of her wondered if they were leaving the job unfinished.
Mar 5, 2025 7:55 pm
Tzal eyed the scroll for a minute when it was decided that it would be burned. His mind was interested to know how such an abhorent spell functioned. Was it his inquisitiveness to know how it functioned or was it something else? He finally pushed down those thoughts and turned to helping others carry the dead. Necromany was bad enough; surely there were other more esoteric schools of magic that he could learn in the future.
Mar 5, 2025 7:59 pm
Wolfram followed Tzal's eyes and, as if reading his mind, slowly shook his head no, don't even think about it, in an almost threatening gesture.

He then helped with moving the dead.
Mar 5, 2025 9:22 pm
Like Tzal, Aazim didn't want to burn the scroll just yet. He didn't necessarily want to learn necromancy itself, but by examining the scroll, they could learn how to counteract such foul magic in the future.

But rather than argue, the Jann helps move the bodies outside; he has other plans. Once there's a lull in the work, and the entire group is together, he clears his throat and addresses everyone:

"This group's cohesion has improved remarkably in a short amount of time, and if we stuck together, we could probably accomplish much. Unfortunately, our paths will no longer coincide, as I've decided to leave."

"My reasons? To put it simply, to heal mentally and physically. These battles have taken a toll, as has all the recent drama. As you all know, I'm not from this land, and not used to such...intense adventuring. Perhaps I'm not cut out for it after all. Or perhaps I need to fortify my mind and body before attempting more dangerous missions...."

He bows to each member of the party, then places the strange orb he found on the ground, for anyone to pick up.

"I hope we meet again. Fare well!"

Aazim then re-casts his Earth Affinity to protect himself, and heads off down the nearest path. To where, who can say...?
Mar 6, 2025 11:45 am
After burning the bodies and performing last rites, you return to the Traveler's Rest to report the fate of the missing people, and that their killers have been brought to justice. The families of the locals who were killed are understandably upset but grateful to learn about what happened. Marya Meel gives you the promised reward of 5 silver pieces each, as well as free room and board as thanks.

Mikka and Pwyll of the Silver Coins Company are sent off in the next caravan to the nearest city to face punishment for attacking you. Sash and Pyre bid you a somewhat friendly farewell. The pair might be of service to you should your paths cross in the future.
Everybody may level up to level 2! Sash and Pyre are now professional connnections.
[ +- ] Connections
Mar 7, 2025 4:13 pm
Rolling for life event! ...And that was a very stereotypical result for a priest lol.
Aazim's farewell caught Lauretta off-guard. The camaraderie that was building between the group had her convinced that they would be sticking together after this mess of an adventure. At the same time, she couldn't blame him at all for leaving. It was intense, as he said. If her blood and gut-covered visage was anything to go by, this life wasn't for the feint of heart. After all, there was frequently a war inside about the wisdom of wandering as an adventurer over settling down at a temple somewhere. If she hadn't been a soldier so many years, then she probably would've decided to leave as well.

Finally making it back to Traveler's Rest, Lauretta was quick to offer condolences and help with funerary practices once it was appropriate. Sash and Pyre would receive a friendly send-off as well once it was time for them to take their leave. With the free room and board, Lauretta spent the time and money to have her priest uniform cleaned up the best it could. Her arsenal was also expanded by the purchase of a bow. Precision and dexterity were never her talents, but it was important to have a ranged weapon when the situation called for it. Besides, her training in the priesthood of the High One taught her how to channel god's will in the ways of combat.

All that had occurred before and during the fight in that miserable tomb had left Lauretta doubting her capabilities as a priest somewhat. Particularly, the fighting with Aazim. I should have been more patient with him. She blamed herself somewhat for his leaving. The encounter with the Silver Coins certainly wasn't inspiring either. It seems the path the High One is setting me on isn't any easy one. But I guess I should've expected as much with the one I've led so far.

To reaffirm her resolve and atone for what she saw as failures, Lauretta locked herself in her room for two days without food, water, or sleep. In the wake of this, her strength of will was as fierce as it was before. Her time thereafter was spent helping the people of Traveler's Rest, especially those faithful in the High One. While she was no carpenter that could construct a shrine, she did consecrate some water for the folk and herself. Before continuing on with her adventuring company, she penned a request of joining to the Holy Order of Templars.
Last edited March 7, 2025 8:43 pm


Table - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Event - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Mar 7, 2025 11:47 pm
R3N-L3 hadn't seemed surprised to see Aazim go, but then again, he hadn't yet shown any significant emotion to anything, including his own near-demise. Later on in the private confines of his room, which he accepted this time, he spent the time betwixt twilight and sunrise adding on reinforcement to his armor and replacing, repairing, refining his inner workings until they whirred as swiftly and as smoothly as they had ever since he'd left the Wizard's prison.

Then, he decided that he needed yet further reinforcement if he was to continue being able to persecute Wizard creations. When R3N-L3 finally left the confines of his room, he had somehow shrunk in stature by a couple inches, but his chassis was now impossibly dense and interlinked in peculiar, yet fascinating patterns.
Mar 9, 2025 5:48 pm
Tzal immersed himself in studies after the quest for the missing persons was over. He spent most of his time gathering whatever tomes he could get regarding alchemy and physiology. Sometimes, when it was necessary, he provided fresh drinking water to everyone at Travelers Rest. Sometimes he taught children in Travelers Rest, trying to aid the people in whatever way he could. As time passed, he started to visit some local farmers and ask curious requests that no sane man would ask. One day, he tried to buy a swine, the next day a chicken, and someday a diseased cow that was going to the slaughterhouse. Late in the night, in a secluded barn, he started experimenting on these cattle, injecting them weird concoctions that would often cause them either to scream or to fall down only to wake up next morning. The farmers stayed away, not complaining because he brought those cattle, and they were bad batch either way. A month later, all the animals survived, and it seemed that they were cured of all ailments. Smiling to himself, Tzal returned and wrote an elaborate letter, sending it to the closest city. Hoping that his request would be answered, he waited for the seller to arrive.
So, I am guessing we are going to split the gold 4 ways. In that case, everyone gets 1 gold 7 silver 6 copper? Tzal will spend the downtime selling water and teaching children in Travelers Rest. Let's see how the luck roll goes. So, I get 14 silver. That means Tzal has 2 gold, 11 silver, 6 copper. Spending 2 gold 2 silver to buy an Alchemist Kit and Healer's kit. So the remaining amount is 9 Silver 6 copper.
Last edited March 9, 2025 6:06 pm


Working (luck roll) - (1d20)

(18) = 18

Earned money - (5d6)

(24242) = 14

Mar 9, 2025 6:57 pm
Wolfram would never openly acknowledge it, but when the grieving children lamented the loss of their loved ones, their sorrow struck a deep and unexpected chord within him. Was he beginning to understand empathy? It appeared so.

In his time in the village, he found a man to teach him unarmed fighting. Too many times, he had come up short when all he had was a dagger at close quarters, and even then, he had often thrown it so that nothing was available to him but his fists and legs. With practice, he found that he was becoming adept at this new technique. As a token of thanks, he went into the woods and brought back a fine buck with tall antlers. He gited both the antlers and the meat to the village. This was also uncharacteristic of him, for he had been a man that cared only for himself, alone in the woods keeping his own company.

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