Seeing that the others had engaged the remaining foes in battle, Gabalan abandoned whatever he had been doing—or preparing—at the last moment. Slowly, he pulled his right hand out of the left sleeve of his robe and straightened up. Yet, midway through the motion, a grimace of pain flickered across his face, and he wavered slightly on his feet. It was as if his body had only just remembered that he had been favoring one leg—an affliction completely ignored in the heat of combat.
Noticing Tzal’s concerned glance, he merely waved it off and, in a hoarse voice, muttered,
"Oh, don't mind me… I have my own ways of dealing with this. Just need a little time…"
Hearing the exchange that had sparked R3N-L3’s reaction, he let out a dry chuckle before commenting,
"Perfectly logical, Ren-Lee. But unnecessary. Besides, who’s to say that Lauretta’s mercy—or even the brush with death they’ve just experienced—won’t spark some shift in their minds? Who knows… perhaps their great-grandchildren, properly raised, will be the saviors of the Republic one day?" He exhaled sharply and added,
"Now… give me a moment… I need a bit of solitude… ugh."
Limping more than usual, Gabalan turned and hobbled off toward the nearby thicket.
Many of those who had heard him suddenly realized they had no idea what "the Republic" was. Some had never even heard the word before. The confusion in their eyes was evident as they watched him go, but by now, Gabalan was long accustomed to such looks.
[ +- ] Psychomancy: PSYCHIC HEALING | C: | T: You | D: Instant
You demonstrated the triumph of intellect over body by either healing 3d6 damage or regaining 1d6 Health.
But as... Gabalan will be doing it behind the nearby bushes - I won't narrate how it looks... :)
Edit: just enough and some more:)
Health: 12 / 12 | Damage: 0 | Reaction used: No | Injured: No |
Status Effect | Rounds Remaining
- |
Last edited January 30, 2025 1:35 pm