Chapter 1: Friends in Need

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Jan 7, 2025 7:26 pm
Don't forget that using your bow as an improvised weapon will impose a bane on your attack with it. Assuming you used Trickery to offset the bane the first time you attacked with it, that post would've been the correct outcome.
Peeling her axe from the skull of one of the undead, Lauretta's sneered in disgust. There was no pleasure to be found in cleaving into these poor facsimiles of life, but it had to be done. Just before she was able to fully dislodge her weapon from it, the remaining two flung themselves upon her. Relying on her mail and blocking them with her arm, she secured enough time to rip the axe free and reel it towards one of her attackers.


Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+1d6)

(14) + (1) + 3 = 18

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(5644) = 19

Jan 7, 2025 7:38 pm
TheForsakenEvil says:
Don't forget that using your bow as an improvised weapon will impose a bane on your attack with it. Assuming you used Trickery to offset the bane the first time you attacked with it, that post would've been the correct outcome.
Good point, but I wonder if that follows when the bow is being used as a two-handed melee weapon?
Jan 7, 2025 7:51 pm
Windyridge says:
TheForsakenEvil says:
Don't forget that using your bow as an improvised weapon will impose a bane on your attack with it. Assuming you used Trickery to offset the bane the first time you attacked with it, that post would've been the correct outcome.
Good point, but I wonder if that follows when the bow is being used as a two-handed melee weapon?
It works the same. An improvised weapon being two-handed doesn't remove the bane from it, but merely forces you to use both of your hands to actually make attacks with it. Also sorry I never got an opportunity to use Wolfram's dagger haha. Would much rather him have had that now in hindsight. No bane and no risk of breaking your bow.
Jan 7, 2025 8:25 pm
Hindsight, haha. So yeah, the boon and bane would cancel then. And my rolls before that were wrong too but I failed so badly it didn't matter. Lol.
Jan 8, 2025 3:50 pm
As the zombies fell from the attacks of his fellow companions, Tzal threw another globule of bubbling fuming acid towards the remaining one.


Corrosive globule - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Jan 9, 2025 9:29 am
Lauretta cuts down another zombie, while Wolfram smacks the last foe with his bow. Tzal's acid globule narrowly misses, whizzing just past the undead's head. The zombie groans and lunges at Wolfram, bashing him with its heavy fists!
6 damage to Wolfram. It's a new round. Anybody who wants to take the initiative may act first now!


Hands vs Wolfram - (d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Damage - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Jan 9, 2025 9:35 am
Fallowing Jann and Clockwork at first, at some point Gabalan made a few faster steps in order to overtake them a little. Then he stop and strains his eyes wishing to judge what is the infamous Company doing in front of them, are they still following the other part of his company? What formation do they keep? Do they look like reading for an attack? And how close they may be to the Prym and his companions? - he wondered.


Intellect - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Jan 9, 2025 5:11 pm
"I said get back, damn it!"

Lauretta kicked the corpse away to aid her in quickly removing her axe from it. With hopefully only one more vicious swing, she hoped to put an end to this pack of horrors and prevent any further harm to her allies.
Taking the initiative as a reaction. Action to attack with axe (17). Brutal trait on the Axe allows for 1s on damage to be rerolled once. Total damage is 20 (6+6+6+2).
Last edited January 9, 2025 5:13 pm


Axe - Attack - (1d20+3+1d6)

(10) + (4) + 3 = 17

Axe - Damage - (4d6)

(2161) = 10

Axe - Brutal Reroll - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Axe - Total Damage - (2+6+6+6)

() + 20 = 20

Jan 9, 2025 7:36 pm
With a mighty swing, Lauretta brutally decapitates the last zombie! Its headless body collapses to the ground.

Having spent the battle cringing behind you, Pyram now breathes a sigh of relief. "Phew! Nicely done."
Gabalan can see that the Silver Coins Company continues to follow the trail of your companions. Mikka leads the way, with Brutus and Pwyll behind her, and Sash and Pyre in the rearguard position. They seem relaxed for now, still oblivious to your presence, but their weapons are close at hand. Unless your allies have stopped for any significant rests, you still should be about 15 minutes behind them.
Jan 9, 2025 8:25 pm
"Nicely done, Lauretta, and no thanks to you!" Wolfram says to Pyram with a sneer. The rogue examines his bow for damage, then turns to Lauretta. "Not a bad as a bludgeon, eh? It works in a pinch, sometimes. I probably should have kept the dagger, but it all worked out in the end."

Wolfram's admiration for the priest was growing with every battle.
Jan 10, 2025 5:04 am
Tzal looked at the fallen zombie bodies and tried to gauge how old they were and whether there was any similarity between them and the missing persons. He then thanked Lauretta and Wolfram for their aid and turned to Pyram, saying, "You know this place. Are undead common in these areas, or is it something new?"
Rolling Intellect to find out information on the zombies.


Intellect - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Jan 10, 2025 11:21 am
Pyram nods. "Yes, I've seen similar creatures roaming the hills at night. Thus far, I had been lucky enough to avoid any direct confrontations with them."

The zombies wear tattered clothes that suggest they may have once been part of an acting troupe. Based on their state of decomposition, Tzal deduces that they most likely have been dead for several months, if not longer.
Jan 11, 2025 3:17 am
Silently and stolidly, R3N-L3 kept pace with the Silver Coins Company along with his companions, although the automaton did seem to be slowly closing the distance as he moved, aiming to make sure that they would be able to get the jump on the Silver Coins Company, should they turn out to be duplicitous.
Jan 11, 2025 3:34 am
Wolfram thinks that Pyram has been remarkably lucky to not be attacked at night and by one of the creatures. Too lucky perhaps, and this just adds to Wolfram's distrust of the man.
Last edited January 11, 2025 3:35 am
Jan 11, 2025 12:27 pm
Gabalan walks with R3N-L3 side by side, trying to focus more on the suspicious Silver Coins Company then deciphering how the automaton technology could work.
"Take it easy Ren-lee, we don't want to drop on them too soon. Their behavior - if we manage to observe them while they don't know about it - may provide us with many valuable informations."
Jan 11, 2025 1:10 pm
Tzal listened to what Pyram had to say and then nodded. "So, with these undead dispatched, should we proceed to this tomb of yours? I want to get done with your artifact searching as soon as possible."
Jan 12, 2025 11:32 pm
Shaking some of the extra bits of gore off the head of her axe, Lauretta throws Wolfram his dagger with her other hand.

"Aye, the dagger would've been better in your hands. Can't say I've ever thought to use a bow like that, but it is good to have as an emergency. My initial thought was we find some high ground and dispatch them from a relatively safe position. I was hoping we could avoid that beating you took. Let me take the brunt of it next time while you put those arrows to good use, aye? Also, just give us a moment, Indigo. The least we could do for this lot is give them a quick pyre."

After cleaning off her axehead, the priest quickly pulled the corpses into a pile, trying to be swift rather than clean. As soon as they were close enough, she sprinkled some oil from flask onto their clothes. A prayer uttered from her lips as she started the blaze with her tinderbox.
Last edited January 12, 2025 11:35 pm
Jan 12, 2025 11:45 pm
Wolfram sheaths his dagger, hitches his bow and nods at Lauretta and offers a smile. "You first next time. Got it. I've never used my bow that way, but you do what you have to do with what you have."

The rogue helps drag the corpses into the pyre.
Jan 13, 2025 1:36 pm
Pyram waits patiently while you light the pyre. When it is done, he gestures towards the hills. "It is not much farther now. Let's keep moving."
Those following behind see the light of a fire burning from not too far away. The Silver Coins Company see it, too, and they hustle forward. When you arrive, you can see them standing around a flaming pyre. After examining the pyre for a few minutes, the Silver Coins Company pick up the trail again and continue on, and you follow behind them. Five bodies burn within the pyre. Fortunately, a closer look reveals the bodies aren't those of your companions or Pyram!
After another thirty minutes or so, Pyram leads the first group to the entrance to tomb he's hired you to help explore. The entrance appears about 40 yards up the steep slope of a hill, being nothing more than a rectangular hole framed in stone blocks. Pedestals stand on either side of the entrance, but the statues they once held lay in pieces down the slope and at the bottom, all but lost in the undergrowth.

"Here we are. Best to be prepared before we enter," Pyram says.
Jan 13, 2025 3:15 pm
He tells me to be prepared. Hah!

Wolfram draws his dagger. He doubts there will be any use for a bow in confined spaces unless the tomb is spacious enough for a bow shot. He'll determine that when they get inside.

"You first, Lauretta," he says, waggling his eyebrows with a smile.
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