"Mental processors may be overheating." R3N-L3 suddenly loomed out of the darkness, managing to be remarkably unobtrusive for a suit of mobile armor. Seating himself on a stool that creaked in protest under his weight, the automata raised one arm. With a whisper of cold steel, a sword blade protruded out from his arm, which he began to set a cutting edge to with a worn whetstone. In time with the smooth, calculated strokes, R3N-L3 spoke.
"You are alive, and still have emotions to inflame and speak by. I do not, so allow me to offer the observation of the deceased." Amber eyes flickered into crimson life as he stared silently towards Lauretta.
"Woman of faith. Woman of steel, and heart of flesh. Unstable combination, for steel cuts steel, and flesh much more easily. When flesh grips steel, flesh must be careful to remember the power it holds. Your ways are noble. I am not a noble creation, I am a slave to the Wizard's last command. Others may not be noble either. Religion is soothing, like circuitry it runs in a simple and straightforward path. But it is not for all, and your ideals should not be held to all. When rage flows hot, metal melts and purpose turns to slag."
Abruptly, his helm twisted with a screech of metal to gaze upon Azim.
"Man, bound by curiosity. Curiosity, self-preservation, pragmatism. A product of a new world, or perhaps an old world. It matters not. Your argument is reason, your argument is driven by necessity. It will clash, now and again, with hers, for your goals are opposite. It matters not, until it hampers efficiency. Think more plainly whether it is better to hold one's tongue rather than offending a fiery comrade and causing passions to inflame."
Holding up his blade to the light, R3N-L3 closed his fist, causing the in-built sword to retract. Picking up his shield, he rose to his feet.
"If the variable known as Pyram is possessed by a Wizard creation, I must ascertain its function, and if necessary, destroy it. Thus, I will be going with Pyram. Money can always be remade. Lives cannot. If we go with Pyram, that is one noble cause pursued, no matter the result, even if we find mounds of broken bodies only." R3N-L3 was looking towards Lauretta again.
"Thus, I would expect our next contract to have more material gains, even if a noble option is to present itself again. You of the living need to eat, and I require parts to maintain my existence. Such is my suggestion. Agree or disagree, but do not bicker. It is unproductive."
Last edited December 6, 2024 4:11 pm