Chapter 1: Friends in Need

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Dec 3, 2024 5:20 pm
"Agreed. A good course of action. In the meantime, we can have another ale!"

He motions to the barkeep for more and for his companions as well if they are so inclined.
Dec 3, 2024 7:48 pm
Tzal noticed Lauretta's signal and joined her back to listen to what she had to say. After hearing about Pyram, he stroked his beard with a thoughtful expression. "If I may share my advice, instead of confronting him and escalating it tonight, why don't we just follow on with his quest? He is obviously trying to lure us somewhere. We might just let him take us to his 'trap' and confront him then and there."
Dec 3, 2024 9:09 pm
"Not a bad idea, actually." Wolfram nods, thinking that might work and kill a few birds with one stone.
Dec 4, 2024 8:31 am
Gabalan fallowed Tzal to the bar and others. Again - not liking to be in the center of the group and attention - he just managed to add:
"I agree with Master Tzal... it would be the best to catch him red handed. Hopefully his so called 'trap' will be nearby the place he and whoever works with him keeps the captured people."

After some more thinking:
"But... maybe we should split up in two groups... one will pretend going on Pyram's 'expedition' with him. I bet he will be more audacious with smaller group going with him. And the other group will closely, but secretly fallow the first... in case his trap will be too good or surprising to avoid it. Do we have any means of maintaining contact between two groups in secret?" - Gabalan asked, apparently completely convinced of the validity of his proposal.
Dec 4, 2024 3:28 pm
"Do you think I hadn't thought of that, Indigo? The reason for urgency is in the fate of the missing folk. We don't know what's been done to them. They could be dying or facing unspeakable horror as of this very moment. What if they perish while we sleep? I, for one, won't be able to rest knowing that I could be doing something to help them and instead am allowing their deceiver to cozily rest his head in an inn. If their families knew we could do something right now, do you think they would be understanding in telling them to wait?"

A sudden flurry of impassioned, unrestrained thought poured forth from Lauretta. The idea that the missing folk could still live only to perish due to their inaction hung in her mind like an overcast preceding an ungodly storm. Meanwhile, the notion of allowing Pyram comfort despite knowing his involvement was an injustice that made her blood run hot. Images of grieving families sat in the deepest recesses of her mind, walled away to protect herself. She didn't fault the mages for suggesting this course of action. It was pragmatic. But heroism was the virtue she found needing to be extolled in this moment.

"No, we should brave the dark and the wicked. We have the potential to light the path for good in the world. Whatever your beliefs, we are all here because of our desire for some measure of greatness. This is our time to live up to that. If that is not why we are here, then is it to be common sellswords? I have had enough of that life. It isn't one that you will walk away from without regrets, trust me on that."
Dec 4, 2024 9:40 pm
"I am ready to leave right now," Wolfram says, picking at his nails with his dagger. "I am itching to find out what that no-good Pyram has been up to and time may very well be of the essence."
Dec 4, 2024 11:33 pm
Aazim listens to everyone's thoughts and recommendations, and once again finds himself disagreeing somewhat with Lauretta. With their recent sharp words still fresh on his mind, he tries to be tactful....

"I admire everyone's zeal, but the testimony of one tavern-worker is hardly incontrovertible evidence. She could have a grudge against this Pyram, and be eager to destroy him. Or she could simply be repeating a third-hand rumor, and have no idea what she's talking about. There are too many possibilities to list."

"I have no problem confronting this long as 'confront' doesn't mean 'torture.' For all we know, Pyram has been corrupted by dark forces, and isn't in control of himself. We should be leery, of course, but we should also hear him out, and not condemn him based on spurious claims."

He then motions to the Silver Coins Company.

"Gabalan mentioned splitting our group up, if we do decide to go on Pyram's expedition...but that group seems eager for action. Combined, we may accomplish much, and not have to separate our own forces...although the abilities and beliefs of this Silver Coins Company are unknown, and it may take some work to pry reliable information out of them."

"As I've said, I'd rather we keep to ourselves (for now, at least), but if the majority believe we can hammer out some sort of agreement with the Company, I would not stonewall that idea."
Last edited December 4, 2024 11:35 pm
Dec 5, 2024 11:15 am
Totes_McGee says:

"I admire everyone's zeal, but the testimony of one tavern-worker is hardly incontrovertible evidence. She could have a grudge against this Pyram, and be eager to destroy him. Or she could simply be repeating a third-hand rumor, and have no idea what she's talking about. There are too many possibilities to list."

"Now... to think about it... she also may be involved in the missing of those people herself... and trying to turn the blame somewhere else..." - Gabalan interjects a remark into the discussion.
Dec 5, 2024 3:03 pm
Tzal listened to the new information that was given. He turned to Aazim and said, "I don't like joining with another company of adventurers and then splitting coins once we get paid for this. I have some idea about you all, as we were travelling together for sometime, but them? You just met them now; how would you trust them? They can be bandit mercenaries posing as a group of adventurers. I say we solve this case ourselves. As for Pyram and Candace, one is hired help for this inn and another is a traveler? I don't think Pyram is a resident of Traveler's Rest, however, Candace is probably not a new recruit. I am not ruling out the chance that Candace is the culprit but Pyram seems to be a likely suspect. I agree with Master Gabalan, that we should split into two groups if we are going to tackle his request. I just don't want him to know that we think he is the culprit of all the missing."
Dec 5, 2024 4:32 pm
"Cynical lot, aren't you? If you're so quick to cast aspersions on a woman's testimony, then why don't you question her yourselves? She's quite literally right behind us. And it's not like her testimony doesn't make sense. The man said he was digging about in a tomb for weeks by himself, as you can see by the dirt under his nails. Yet he's also carrying enough coin to pay us each a gold piece? Put those smart heads you got to work and connect the dots."

Attempts to keep her patience with the group were trying, but Lauretta was managing. The lessons learned during time in the Church were making more sense as she had to practice them. Leading people to virtue was like leading a horse to water. She never imagined it was going to be easy, but the amount of resistance faced today was unexpected. Aazim in particular was starting rake her nerves, as her eyes were locked on him.

"And you. I don't know why you're casually tossing around words like 'torture', but I think you would do best to keep those assumptions to yourself. I said what I said and I didn't mean nothing else. As for that other group, we've got more pressing matters than trying to arrange some kind of team up. Besides, there's no shortage of help the people of Traveler's Rest are in need of."
Last edited December 5, 2024 4:32 pm
Dec 5, 2024 8:49 pm
With raised eyebrows as if to say, see? Listen to the woman, he nods approvingly at Lauretta's take on the matters at hand. He found himself agreeing with Lauretta often, but she seemed to be the one with the most sense apart from his charming self.

"I say we don't split, go now before the missing are dead, and leave the Company out of it."
Dec 5, 2024 9:55 pm
It seemed like a diplomatic stance wouldn't work on Lauretta; one had to match her strength and stubbornness. So after clearing his throat, Aazim attempts to do just that.

"Perhaps your short-term memory is poor, but you were the one who shook on an agreement with Pyram...and then seemed angry when I questioned you. And yet now, only a few hours later, you do a complete about-face, believing Pyram is a villain based on one person's testimony, and call us cynical and sexist for being cautious."

"What did you say earlier? You know how to handle business? I doubt that very much. You're impulsive and self-absorbed, desperate something important, it seems. Be a hero? Salve old wounds? Noble goals, for sure, but ones you won't accomplish, if you alienate everyone around you."

"As for casually tossing out 'torture,' there was nothing casual about it. The sudden intense focus on Pyram concerned me, so I wanted to make sure we wouldn't immediately assault him if he uttered one wrong word. If you seriously believe your intensity regarding this matter doesn't warrant concern, you're delusional."

"So, Lauretta the Stubborn: what's your response? Will you continue to blow this way and that, and expect us to follow you, no matter what impulse catches your fancy? Or maybe my words cut a little too deep this time, and you want to shut me up? If so, you're welcome to try...but I won't be easily silenced."
Dec 6, 2024 4:11 pm
"Mental processors may be overheating." R3N-L3 suddenly loomed out of the darkness, managing to be remarkably unobtrusive for a suit of mobile armor. Seating himself on a stool that creaked in protest under his weight, the automata raised one arm. With a whisper of cold steel, a sword blade protruded out from his arm, which he began to set a cutting edge to with a worn whetstone. In time with the smooth, calculated strokes, R3N-L3 spoke.

"You are alive, and still have emotions to inflame and speak by. I do not, so allow me to offer the observation of the deceased." Amber eyes flickered into crimson life as he stared silently towards Lauretta.

"Woman of faith. Woman of steel, and heart of flesh. Unstable combination, for steel cuts steel, and flesh much more easily. When flesh grips steel, flesh must be careful to remember the power it holds. Your ways are noble. I am not a noble creation, I am a slave to the Wizard's last command. Others may not be noble either. Religion is soothing, like circuitry it runs in a simple and straightforward path. But it is not for all, and your ideals should not be held to all. When rage flows hot, metal melts and purpose turns to slag."

Abruptly, his helm twisted with a screech of metal to gaze upon Azim. "Man, bound by curiosity. Curiosity, self-preservation, pragmatism. A product of a new world, or perhaps an old world. It matters not. Your argument is reason, your argument is driven by necessity. It will clash, now and again, with hers, for your goals are opposite. It matters not, until it hampers efficiency. Think more plainly whether it is better to hold one's tongue rather than offending a fiery comrade and causing passions to inflame."

Holding up his blade to the light, R3N-L3 closed his fist, causing the in-built sword to retract. Picking up his shield, he rose to his feet. "If the variable known as Pyram is possessed by a Wizard creation, I must ascertain its function, and if necessary, destroy it. Thus, I will be going with Pyram. Money can always be remade. Lives cannot. If we go with Pyram, that is one noble cause pursued, no matter the result, even if we find mounds of broken bodies only." R3N-L3 was looking towards Lauretta again.

"Thus, I would expect our next contract to have more material gains, even if a noble option is to present itself again. You of the living need to eat, and I require parts to maintain my existence. Such is my suggestion. Agree or disagree, but do not bicker. It is unproductive."
Last edited December 6, 2024 4:11 pm
Dec 6, 2024 5:26 pm
Already offended by the insinuation that she would jump to torturing a man, the immediate barb about her memory caused Lauretta's jaw to clench. To her, there was no logic to be found in Aazim's tirade. Instead, all that flew across the divide between the two were a barrage of insults and character attacks. Her blood boiled, eager to resolve this the way she would have as a soldier. The image of grabbing the pompous jann by the hair and crushing his nose with her fist clouded her mind. However, the priest had as much willpower as she did strength. While battering down her violent impulses, she wondered if this was the true challenge of living a virtuous life in service to the High One.

As she opened her mouth to form a response, the clockwork stepped forward and seated himself with the group. The unexpected interruption threw her off-guard. It made her all the more eager to listen to what he had to say. It was unfortunate then, that the things he said to her were things that she already knew. The power of flesh gripping steel was something that haunted her still after years of war. Instead of calming her, Lauretta crumbled. It wasn't her rage that was discussed in the tents of hospitallers. It was her guilt. The ideals of living a good life and leading others to do the same were what she learned to strive for instead. Without that, what did she have? The crestfallen soldier turned back around to face the bar, placing her last two copper pieces upon it.

"Ale, please. And don't worry about the coin, metal man. Marya already agreed to pay us to find the missing folk."
Last edited December 6, 2024 6:17 pm
Dec 6, 2024 10:10 pm
A light touch on Lauretta's shoulder is Wolfram's way of letting her know the best course is to leave it alone and not get so worked up. He leans in and in a very low voice offers his encouragement.

I'll back you all the way. You are in the right, to my way of thinking."
Dec 7, 2024 5:09 am
Tzal was wondering whether he had just seen the fuse of the powder keg light up, but the timely intervention of R3N-L3 had somehow put it out. Why does everyone have to quarrel when complementing each other will waste less time and solve the problem more effectively? He took out his spectacles and cleaned them with his indigo robe and then spoke out, "I guess then we are splitting into two groups? One is going with Pyram now, and the other is moving closely behind? And we are moving out now since we don't want to waste time, in case the missing people are in danger. So, once you finish your ale and have some food, I say we proceed with the plan then? I believe we have discussed this matter enough, and now its time to implement it into action. Who is going with Pyram and who is following from behind? I believe, Lauretta, you are going to talk with Pyram now? Who is accompanying her?"
Last edited December 7, 2024 5:12 am
Dec 7, 2024 10:39 pm
Lauretta seemed to be deeply affected by the conversation, but Aazim couldn't tell if his words or the construct's stung her more. He didn't care one way or the other; she was no longer heaping scorn on her supposed allies, and Aazim welcomed the reprieve.

R3N-L3's words about him only caused the jann to nod. Aazim was well aware that he was more introspective and philosophical than many adventurers. Still, the jann was hardly some emotionless, ascetic monk. It was simply that Lauretta burned so white-hot that he may as well be a glacier.

To R3N-L3: "Hold my tongue, so as not to inflame Lauretta? Then I might as well never speak again, because anyone who remotely disagrees with her is treated as a simpering fool who's aiding and abetting villainy."

"And our goals aren't opposite. I also desire to thwart evil and corruption. But I'm not so desperate to be a hero that I condemn others based on the flimsiest evidence. If that's how we operate, we're just hypocritical vigilantes, constantly fighting to fill the voids within us, instead of working to truly make these borderlands a better place."

To everyone: "Tzal speaks true: action is needed. But it's still not clear to me that we have a plan. A vote, perhaps? I'm flexible: we can confront Pyram now, but I would suggest we lure him outside beforehand; if he becomes aggressive, I wouldn't want these innocent tavern-goers caught in the crossfire. But if he insists on speaking inside, well, we'll do the best we can."

"I also have no problem following Pyram to the Green Hills, either now or tomorrow...but splitting into two groups? If Pyram is the culprit, he's surely clever, and will wonder why we're doing so. What explanation can we give him that he won't immediately see through?"

The jann has a sudden flash of insight, and smiles.

"Or perhaps we could fake a schism. With the tensions already present, and with the displays we've already put on, it wouldn't be hard to act out. If Pyram thought this group was legitimately sundered, and at each other's throats, it's highly likely his guard will be down."

"But I know some will consider this plan being clever for the sake of being clever, and a waste of time, so I won't champion it relentlessly. Like my talk with the Silver Coins Company, I'm simply throwing it out there as an option. Do with it what you will."
Last edited December 7, 2024 10:40 pm
Dec 9, 2024 2:49 pm
After a sip of the ale she ordered, Lauretta simply stared down at it in disgust. She hadn't touched the stuff since training in the Church, but life on the road perhaps meant simple pleasures could return. Instead, it only made her unhappy with herself. Shame that she had ordered so much then. A glance was thrown Wolfram's way.

"I appreciate that. You're welcome to drink as much as you want. The same goes to the rest of you."

The priest stood up, scowling as she took another bitter swig from her tankard. Inspired by the jann's bright idea, she stepped back up to Aazim, staring him in the eye.

"I didn't condemn no one to anything. That's what the confrontation was supposed to be for. And caution was why I suggested we wait 'til the tavern clears out before confronting him, just in case he panicked and attacked us. I never said we should go execute him for his crimes or anything like that, yet you assumed I was willing to go torture him. You've assumed my intentions every step of the way, including earlier today when I tried to sort out work. You protest and urge caution so much, only to throw caution to the wind when it comes to making assumptions about other people."

After one more long swig from her tankard, Lauretta raised her voice loudly so that the argument was impossible for anyone in the inn to not notice.

"The only thing alienating here is you constantly assuming I'm a delusional, stubborn, impulsive fool. That's fine. You can go ahead, and I'll assume you're an egotistical child who is desperate to prove how much wiser he is than everyone else. Meanwhile, I'll go do the job myself."

Without wasting another beat, the tankard of ale was raised and poured atop the jann's head. Before walking towards Pyram Peek, she whispered to Aazim.

"Schism faked, arsehole."
Last edited December 9, 2024 3:07 pm
Dec 9, 2024 3:26 pm
Wolfram's expression is a mix of astonishment and glee as he quickly rises from his chair and follows Lauretta toward Pyram Peek.
Dec 9, 2024 3:44 pm
Tilting his head to the side, R3N-L3 pondered how he was supposed to fake taking a side in the schism. Finally, he intoned in his usual emotionless voice, "I am dissatisfied with the performance of organics?" Before rising and walking to the kitchen to siphon a bit more vegetable oil. If his acting didn't fool anyone, at least nobody was sure if he could lie to begin with, so perhaps he was really speaking his honest opinion.
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