oopsylon says:
"Oh? Whose office?" Benji asks ...
Honestly? I do not know.
It feels like we need a new Faction, none of the ones we know fit. They need to be active in London in order to be relevant to the story at large, but also have some claim to Arundel.
If anyone has any suggestions as to who it might be fun to encounter here, I am all ears. Else, if we would prefer to not introduce a new Faction I have some ideas about a few of the known ones who could work (though being out here is tricky). Feel free to suggest known Factions if you would prefer them.
So far it feels most like it should be
Power, and that is what I suggested when talking about
Studying a Place of Power earlier, but we can change that if there are better ideas.
There are also members of
Mortalis at this gathering, I don't think we are being taken to them, but maybe
Emma sees someone she whose attention she can draw to her plight and who might help? She can try bring them into the scene if needed later. Maybe we see her spot them as we enter, but we can just as easily flashback to her noticing them when they are needed? Either way, we can roll
Put a Name to a Face when they become relevant and see how easy it would be to get them onside.