Chapter 1: The Shadow Moot

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Oct 18, 2016 8:59 pm
"Mainly you missed Nulgha trying to commit suicide by pissing off the Principal. Gord answers. "Kept needling him until he stripped her of her Guild rank and sent the bully boys after her." Gord shakes his head again. "But if finding the Maestro is what you're after, Messandier is the one to talk to.
Oct 18, 2016 9:44 pm
Zachary raises an eyebrow at the news of Nuhlga then nods at the mention of Messiander. Turning, he scans the room for Messiander, but when he doesn't see her, he turns back to Gord and Marlent. "Might you be able to tell me where Capo Messiander is? She didn't leave already, did she?"
Oct 19, 2016 1:45 am
We don't have to RP through it, but you can know anything that has transpired in this IC thread, as well as the info in the IC Knowledge thread, Shark. Also, if you have any questions about the gameworld that you would like to know, or think your PC should, feel free to ask.
Marlent points Zachary to what he knows is the door to the Maestro's drawing room. "She just followed the Principal into his Hall quarters. I doubt she's even bothered him yet, he left in quite the huff..."
Oct 19, 2016 9:24 pm
Zachary gives a hard smile and nods in thanks before walking over to the door. He grabs the handle as if he's going to yank it open and then thinks better of it, and knock on the door.
I'm kind of getting the feel for the thieves guild already. And it feels like we're not supposed to like this guy who's in charge for now. XD
Oct 20, 2016 2:13 am
You're standing there for several moments before the door swings in, Capo Sharyn Messandier is standing on the other side. She clears her throat with a sharp, suppressed cough and says with a Sunndi accent, "Thief... Redhill? The Principal I think is not seeing anyone..." Beyond her you can see that most surfaces of the drawing room are covered in papers.
Oct 20, 2016 2:29 am
Gord turns back to Marlent. "Do you think it a coincidence that the Maestro disappears in the River Quarter followed by Capo Porton challenging the Principal? His tone suggests that certainly doesn't.
Oct 20, 2016 3:16 am
Marlent's brow furrows, "I think that's quite the leap, Brother. Porton made no show of interest in the position himself... Everyone knows he and the Principal have a past. Saloman sent good friends of his - members of his original Family - to the Stone Tower when they were all young men... now they are all old men, if they haven't died in there, they will be even older when they ever see the light of day again. Capo Porton has been a loyal agent to the Maestro for more than a decade.", she shakes her head, "I don't see it. Someone out there saw or heard something - the Docks never sleep, and Capo Messandier will find them and find out what they know. And may the gods help the fool if they are a Guild member and they committed this treachery."
Oct 20, 2016 3:36 pm
Gord is silent for a moment as if mulling that over. "Perhaps you are right at that, Capo. I still don't like coincidences though." Gord looks about the room. "Have you seen Capo Furzere this evening? I had wanted a word about helping me fill an order. After all this though, I wonder if the business is worth it."
Last edited October 20, 2016 3:36 pm
Oct 20, 2016 5:21 pm
She scans the few people left in the room quickly, "He was here for the meeting, I doubt he's gone far. I don't think he was making the trip back to the Garden until morning. Perhaps the commons room?"
Oct 20, 2016 5:36 pm
"Thanks, Capo. Be sure to look me up if I can help in the Berg. Gord nods to Marlent and goes off to the commons room in search of Furzere.
Oct 20, 2016 9:26 pm
emsquared says:
You're standing there for several moments before the door swings in, Capo Sharyn Messandier is standing on the other side. She clears her throat with a sharp, suppressed cough and says with a Sunndi accent, "Thief... Redhill? The Principal I think is not seeing anyone..." Beyond her you can see that most surfaces of the drawing room are covered in papers.
Zachary smiles mirthlessly. "Good, as I'm not here to see him. I wish to speak with you, if you can spare the time. I heard the Maestro went missing. I want to help find him." He crosses his arms over his chest and slides his foot over to the door to hold it open so she cannot shut it in his face.
Oct 21, 2016 1:55 am
As Gord steps into the commons, the fine, early Yragnian-period paintings that adorn the drab grey masonry of the walls creates an odd contrast. And it doesn't take him long to spot Furzere for a similar reason, he dresses in tight but very fine, ornate livery where most thieves prefer sturdy and functional garb. He sits at a table talking amicably among a handful of other thieves, there are drinks in wood and pewter cups in front of them. The Capo looks to Gord and smiles a welcoming grin as he sees the Fence's gaze settle on himself.
As Zachary's foot meets the door Messandier smirks ever-so-slightly, her words are gently twisted by her broad accent, "I see. Well, at this time we have little to take action on. The Principal and myself we review the Maestros ledgers and recent words. The Capos they bring us more. The Quarter Boys already they bring me persons of interest. It has been not even two days. In truth we do not even know there to be foul play." She shrugs, drawing her hand along a scar on her jawline to her chin thinking. She starts to turn away but pauses, "Well ... there is perhaps one thing." She steps away from the door and sweeps an arm toward a chair inside.
Oct 21, 2016 2:18 am
emsquared sent a note to Shark_Bone
Oct 21, 2016 1:19 pm
Gord nods to him and the others in greeting and drops into a free chair at their table. "Evening Capo. Are we drinking to anything tonight or just drinking?" If there is a free goblet and an open bottle, Gord helps himself to a drink.
Oct 21, 2016 4:50 pm
You would have to get a cup from a table a short distance away that is furnished with such things, and pour your drink from a tapped cask. But it is for all in the Guild to use.
"We are alive, we are free, must there be another reason?" His eyes follow you lazily as you get a drink. You think he must have already been deep into his cup at the time of the meeting, as inebriation is already beginning to show in his face. "Good on the Fences for their vocal observance of the Old Alliance on this evening of ... strife." He raises his cup slightly to you, and the others at the table - of whom all but one are Royal Green - follow suit.
Oct 21, 2016 6:39 pm
Gord lifts his glass in acknowledgment and takes a deep drink from his goblet. "We all hang together or we hang separately eh?" Good chuckles. "Besides the Alliance is good for business and that's only going to get harder with the war on." Gord takes another drink. "I had been planning to go in on a venture to break through the blockade around our dwarven neighbors. But the plan was Nulgha's." Gord knocks back the rest of his goblet. "So that's scuppered."
Oct 21, 2016 7:19 pm
The Capo raises his eyebrows, "Indeed? Hm, aye, the Mistress Porter wasted no time in making her feelings about the Principal's new role known. It has been a good long while since I've seen or heard of a Member getting chased out of a Moot by the Enforcers. ... Well, onto the next one, hm?" he raises his glass again, drains it, and a thief goes to refill the Capos and his own.
Oct 22, 2016 5:15 am
Shark_Bone sent a note to emsquared


Beginner's Luck Elf-wise - (4d6)

(1364) = 14

Oct 22, 2016 2:16 pm
Gord nods. "That's kind of why I'm here. Got a customer looking for some high quality pipeweed. Something impressive to those with taste. Thought you might point me in the right direction of what I should be looking for and who I might liberate some from."
Oct 22, 2016 5:10 pm
Furzere tilts his head as his eyes flash with renewed interest, "I see. Well, with the war and it's blockades on land and sea, I don't know that anything interesting has come along in some time... However, I do know of at least one or two Lords or well-to-do merchants in the Garden with discerning tastes for the smoke..." He twists his mustache as he eyes you appraisingly.
At this point I feel like it's prudent to establish that the Capos/gangs are fairly territorial, and to some degree competitive, as much as the Writ allows.

Maybe we should take a moment in the OOC thread to establish what Capo/District everyone operates out of (if not already established)? Which Gord fences and has his shop in the Slums, yes?
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