Chapter 1: The Shadow Moot

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Oct 5, 2016 3:35 am
Beneath the streets of the Free City of Greyhawk…

The hollow, watery sounds of a Cistern echo through the room, becoming one with the clamor of shuffling feet on stone, idle talk, and mugs being drained and plates scraped.

Principal Nicastro Saloman: "All right, ye lot! Order! I know, yer naught but vagabonds and scoundrels, but I know you know what Order is! So, ORDER! … … *casts his eyes from side to side as the din subsides* Yes. Fine, fine. Well, you all know why we’re here. The word travels quickly enough… Maestro Pavel has gone missing.

What may be news to you is he was not on any official Guild business at the time, and he is not believed to have been about any of his Council duties either, indeed he was at his leisure – or at least recently so – on the Docks. And in the span of maybe 30 minutes and less than 1 kilometer he went missing. Of course he has his enterprises like any of us, but he was to be on his way to Guild business so we don’t believe it was any of his private affairs either… With the War and the unrest in the City, we are looking at many avenues.

So yes, to get this official business out of the way; while he is absent, I will be acting and speaking in his stead as decreed by the Writ. You will bring your dues to me, you will bring your Guild issues to me, and that is how we move forward in what is undoubtedly his temporary absence.

Now, Capo Sharyn Messandier has volunteered to allocate some of the Quarter Boys – and gals, yes – to pursuing the Maestro's whereabouts more vigorously. If you have information that we should know, take it to her. She will be my hand in this for the foreseeable future.

With that I will open the floor up to questions, and new business."

Capo Repnel Porton: "You’re mad if you think Gallow Hall is going to bring you their Dues, Saloman!!"

At the Capo’s outburst, the clamor erupts with the renewed vigor of heated argument. It is several moments before there is a lull in the colliding voices. Nicastro is clearly biting his lip, staving off anger.
Oct 12, 2016 4:40 am
"The Writ, the Writ, the Writ," Nulgha says. She leans over and spits, then looks directly at the Principal. "You never did comprehend the nature of the Old Alliance, did you, Saloman?"

Nulgha turns her head toward Capo Messandier. "And you, Messandier. Think for once. Saloman does not command a quarter the respect Maestro Pavel does on his worst day. Worse, if the Maestro is a victim of the Docks, his named successor is of course marked verboten by the spirits. Hitch not your future to his," she says, raising an eyebrow and looking around the room at each in turn.
Oct 12, 2016 1:53 pm
"Shame your spirits didn't speak up before the Maestro disappeared. Might have saved us all a lot of bother. Gord observed lightly. He idly picks at the dirt under his nails with a small knife. "You'll get your cut from the fences, Principal. Anyone who still wants Guild rates from us should do the same."
Oct 13, 2016 3:12 am
As Nicastro grips the edges of the table, his knuckles white, Messandier raises an eyebrow in return to Nulgha and snorts.

"Hear, hear!", comes the vocal reply to Gord from a handful of parties around the room. However there must be an equal number expressing displeasure at his words... Nicastro's slams the Silver Skull down on the table once, and it is the only thing that keeps the room from descending into cacophony again.

Capo Helfdan clears his throat: "What of Heimart, Nicastro? His Yellow Jackets have the Foreign Quarter by the balls, the Low City under heel, and the Artisans by the throat! Maestro Alektri was promising us results soon. This is your burden now." The weight in his words evident.

Nicastro takes a long drink from his flagon, staring at Helfdan the whole time... Repnel Porton stands abruptly and leaves the room.
Oct 13, 2016 10:48 pm
Hells, Gord's gwunna be trouble. Wonder what'll it take to win 'em.

"Capo Larrat Helfdan," Nulgha says, pressing a clenched fist to her chest, "I pledge to liberate your balls from the grasp of Heimart, as our dear Saloman is clearly at a loss as to what to do with them. That is, if you would sanction my stepping in to take up the Maestro's burden. What say you?" Gwunna get "paid" for shit Alektri wanted from me anyway, heh, heh.
Oct 14, 2016 1:47 am
Gord watches Repnel leave the room. Wonder where he's going in a such a hurry. Gord turns his attention back to the muttering around the room curious where the mood of the room is.

Gord has the Ear for Voices trait which let's pick out conversations in noisy areas with an Ob3 Perception check. He would like to try using it to hear what the various thieves are muttering amongst themselves at the moot. Shall I roll?


Ear For Voices - (4d6)

(1623) = 12

Oct 14, 2016 2:56 pm
Helfdan looks to Nulgha and says, "I don't rightly care who gets his Lordship to lay off this business of turning the whole damn city on us, if you think you have the means, I'm sure you'd make more than a few friends doing it."

Nicastro butts in, over-enunciating each word, "I will speak with Heimart when next the Quintumvirate meets. You know I sit for the Landed... The Maestro already had his ear, all that I am wanting of now is his Word. And that is what I shall have." he glares at Nulgha.
The room is ill at ease as Principal Saloman continues to hear some new business from one of the minor gangs. Aside from Capo Porton's - whom you know has a personal history with Saloman, Nulgha's words were the only ones spoken in outright defiance of Saloman. But you also know he is not a popular figure in the Guild.

There are many conversations going on about the room, but the only people bothering to conceal their words - and you would wager then, the only one's saying much worth hearing - are the Capos Marlent and Messandier.
Oct 15, 2016 8:46 am
Nicastro's not a yaw away from crackin'.

Wait for a break in the storm... shut yer traps for a step you gulls.

Nulgha walks up to Orazia, a minor thief talking with Nicastro, and slaps him on the shoulder. She says, "Mind a moment?" and edges in front of him. Then, loudly: "Saloman, you know better than any of us who the Maestro has been grooming for leadership. You therefore also know exactly who he would want me to bring my Dues to, if not you. And everyone here knows it's not you. So who would he want it to be? Is it Messandier? Porton? If you're not sure, think about who he most often told you to carry sealed messages to, that you were instructed not to read. Or when he sent you out of the room to talk, who was it most often with? Those are the most likely candidates."
Intent: goad Nicastro into exploding in a way that embarrasses himself in front of everyone, giving the impression that his, well, temperament is not suited to leadership. Task: this insulting question. Failure "he still outbursts [and excommunicates you], embarrasses himself, causing a loss of faith amongst some of the capos, but obviously maintaining some respect and an air of command with the excommunication". Result: Failure.
Last edited October 16, 2016 9:02 am


Ugly Truth, Rhetoric, advantage, disadvantage, 1 Persona against B5 Will is 7D vs Ob 6 - (7d6)

(1325344) = 22

Oct 15, 2016 3:26 pm
Nicastro blinks as Nulgha edges Orazia aside he's clearly surprised by the interruption, his eyes begin to bulge at the mention of Dues, and by the time you invoke Messandier's name he's scrabbling for the Silver Skull. He bobbles the relic as he hastens to slam it down onto the table and it flies from his grip off the side of the table - clattering on the floor with successive clarion tones.

He is on his hands and knees and several meters from the table before he retains the Skull. The entire room is silent, save for the muffled, hollow sluicing of water and Nicastro's feral breathing. All eyes are transfixed. He thrusts the macabre gavel out in one hand, taking slow steps and pointing it accusatorially at Nulgha, "I don't ... he shakes his head once as if dispelling the words he was going to say, ... you! ... his voice cracks as he draws a couple heavy breaths, ... I here-by revoke your title of association with the Thieves Guild of the Free City of Greyhawk, and all rights that entitles you." He stumbles as he regains his position by the head of the table. "I suggest you take your treacherous tongue from these Halls, before I carve it from your throat, and have you swinging from the Cross Street Bridge for your insolence!" His voice is a rasping hiss.
Oct 16, 2016 8:58 am
Gwunna get myself killed like that. Wonder if I can make a good exit...

Nulgha sweeps her gaze across the room and begins walking toward the door Capo Repnel Porton left through. She says, "In an hour you've lost Gallow Hall and your best shipping. Who's next?" She points to a group of thieves and says, "Well, are you with me?" then looks back over her shoulder toward the head of the table. "Don't take the Guild down with you, Saloman, it's...

"Cease her!" comes a shout, and several enforcers draw their weapons. Nulgha sprints to the wall and up the stairs, slipping out the door just as the enforcers are catching up!

Stop 'em. NOW.
1. That superstition about the Docks is a Dwarf thing.

2. Trying to find some solidarity, someone to exit with her. Circles B2 plus 1D Affiliation with Thieves Guild plus 2D Reputation as Shepherding Supplies through the Siege of Port Stonehold. Ob 3.

3. I wanted Nulgha to say one last thing but turns out the Writ is pretty clear this kind of thing is fine, also there are enforcers on her tail. Spirit Binding!
Last edited October 17, 2016 3:47 am


Circles, 5D against Ob 3 - (5d6)

(22442) = 14

Spirit Binding B5 against tbd Ob - (5d6, RA)

(62) + (5) + (1) + (5) + (61) = 26

Spend 1 Fate to reroll a traitor above would fail - (1d6, RA)

(4) = 4

Oct 16, 2016 4:09 pm
As Nulgha utters Saloman's name again, he sets the Skull down, turns calmly from the table and raises his voice to just beneath a shout, "Cease her!" as he walks towards the Maestro's door at the back of the room.

Three Guild Enforcers break into a run, drawing weapons.
Eh, are you gonna be able to Bind Spirits without a tongue? :P

If you don't want to change your actions once the Enforcers start at you, they will be on you once you've finished cutting the figure (in the air?).

What's Gord doing? Just watching in dumb-founded shock like everyone else?
Oct 16, 2016 7:03 pm
Gord shakes his head as the drama between Nulgha and Nicastro unfolds. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Now if I want to break the blockade I need to defy Nicastro or do it myself without our best runner. Gord watches the enforcers run off and shrugs. There was no helping Nulgha here and now. But if she survives, he might just talk her way back in. After all, money fixes all things if you have enough of it.

Since there is naught to do about that, Gord starts drifting towards Capos Marlent and Messandier. If he can get closer, perhaps he can make out what they are saying.

I am proposing a Inconspicuous test to get closer to the Capos without being obvious about it linked to a second Ear for Voices check to hear their conversation.


Inconspicuous - (4d6)

(3612) = 12

Oct 16, 2016 8:25 pm
All previous conversation in the room have ceased, and as the Enforcers exit the room in a rush, more people begin to leave as the official proceedings have apparently ended and it seems nothing much more exciting can happen than what already has. Several Capos still linger, and many new conversations start up as people marvel at the events of the evening.
Gord go ahead and roll up that Inconspicuous test. Is a Versus against Marlent's Observation (B4) with a +1 Help from Messandier being there and simply aware acceptable to you? Success you overhear what they say unnoticed, Failure will stop the conversation and one of them will confront you.

EDIT: the Ear for Voices is gonna Ride, so that's why you have to get close to them.


Observation - (5d6)

(41416) = 16

Oct 17, 2016 2:29 am
Porton's majordomo, who had remained after the Capo had left, goes to the hallway down which the Enforcer's pursued Nulgha and looks down it searchingly for a moment before turning away to leave through the door his boss exited from.

Messandier stops talk abruptly as Capo Marlent does a double take, and kind of cocks her head at Gord, her eyes narrow curiously for just a moment. She smiles thinly to Messandier, nodding slightly as she steps toward Gord, "Quite the night at the Small Table, hmm? How has the Fence network fared thus far through Heimarts sudden... zealousness?"
Oct 17, 2016 3:08 pm
I've got pronoun confusion. Which one is addressing me?
So far so good. Gord nods. Couple smaller dealers in the Low Quarter have been forced to shut down or relocate. The higher rollers in the fancy shops continue to hide in plain sight. When its high art they don't ask questions. Gord chuckles. "How about for you?
Oct 18, 2016 1:47 am
Sorry, Gord, it's Marlent.
Capo Marlent sniffs sharply, her brow knitted, "Things have been tough actually, we've kept our toehold in the Arena, but otherwise have been shut-out from nearly all of Clerkberg. From the taverns, to the temples, to the various schools and Collegium. Ever since Adzet screwed up his racket with the Alchemists every institution there has been on ... an aggressive ethics kick."

Capo Messandier strides to the table, picks up the Silver Skull and turns to the Maestro's door.
Down the hall from the Cistern and up a long flight of stairs at the door to the alley, the lead Enforcer slams into the door when he was expecting it to just open in his grasp. He frowns and leans into it, grunting as the other two arrive. "She thinks she can keep us in boys! Put yer back into it!"


Enforcer's Power (B4) +1 Help 2nd Enf Power B4, +1 Help 3rd Enf Brawling B4 - (6d6)

(121633) = 16

Oct 18, 2016 2:39 am
"No doubt worried about the precious funding Heimart dangles in front of their nose. Happy to take our money and no questions asked reagents when it suits them though, the craven bookworms." Gord spits. "So what's your play? I've still got a few respectable 'rare book dealers' in the Berg. Maybe we can be of help."
Oct 18, 2016 3:10 am
She ponders a moment, "Honestly a lot of us, myself included, are depending on the Principal right now. The Maestro had something in the works with Heimart that was supposedly going to help us all out by taking the City's attention off of the Guild. Heimart threw Us under the wagon wheels when things started getting rough with the onset of War, and now he needs another scapegoat or a success or a distraction, if we want our reigns to be loosened." she shrugs and looks to the Maestro's door as Messandier goes inside, "That's all in Nicastro's hands now..."
Oct 18, 2016 3:56 am
Nulgha hightails it down the alley, barely noting the thud of a body shoving against the door. A curious observer would see a bit of cobblestone wedged in the door's hinge.
Rolling Spirit Strength B2 versus the enforcers: success
He can't just kick me out! Urgh, he can, but, but, they need me! Hells, that door spirit best hold 'em back.

She ducks through side streets after side street. Starting to breathe too heavily not to draw attention, she climbs up a stair outside some apartments and sits in a rooftop depression. She peeks over the edge of the roof and peers into the distance.

Can't see if they're watchin' my place, too dark. Guess this is my bed tonight.
Last edited October 18, 2016 4:47 am


Spirit Strength 2D - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Oct 18, 2016 5:12 am
One of the iron banded wooden doors on the other side of the room thuds open with an echoing bang, Through the open doorway, strides Zachary Redhill, his light brown hair wild and his expression full of concern. His simple, but well-tailored clothing show him to be a man of means but not one given to ostentation.

"I only just heard. He's gone missing? What do we know? Who's looking for him?" He looks around the room wildly, spots Gord and walks quickly over to him. "I'm late, I know, what did I miss?"
Oct 18, 2016 8:59 pm
"Mainly you missed Nulgha trying to commit suicide by pissing off the Principal. Gord answers. "Kept needling him until he stripped her of her Guild rank and sent the bully boys after her." Gord shakes his head again. "But if finding the Maestro is what you're after, Messandier is the one to talk to.
Oct 18, 2016 9:44 pm
Zachary raises an eyebrow at the news of Nuhlga then nods at the mention of Messiander. Turning, he scans the room for Messiander, but when he doesn't see her, he turns back to Gord and Marlent. "Might you be able to tell me where Capo Messiander is? She didn't leave already, did she?"
Oct 19, 2016 1:45 am
We don't have to RP through it, but you can know anything that has transpired in this IC thread, as well as the info in the IC Knowledge thread, Shark. Also, if you have any questions about the gameworld that you would like to know, or think your PC should, feel free to ask.
Marlent points Zachary to what he knows is the door to the Maestro's drawing room. "She just followed the Principal into his Hall quarters. I doubt she's even bothered him yet, he left in quite the huff..."
Oct 19, 2016 9:24 pm
Zachary gives a hard smile and nods in thanks before walking over to the door. He grabs the handle as if he's going to yank it open and then thinks better of it, and knock on the door.
I'm kind of getting the feel for the thieves guild already. And it feels like we're not supposed to like this guy who's in charge for now. XD
Oct 20, 2016 2:13 am
You're standing there for several moments before the door swings in, Capo Sharyn Messandier is standing on the other side. She clears her throat with a sharp, suppressed cough and says with a Sunndi accent, "Thief... Redhill? The Principal I think is not seeing anyone..." Beyond her you can see that most surfaces of the drawing room are covered in papers.
Oct 20, 2016 2:29 am
Gord turns back to Marlent. "Do you think it a coincidence that the Maestro disappears in the River Quarter followed by Capo Porton challenging the Principal? His tone suggests that certainly doesn't.
Oct 20, 2016 3:16 am
Marlent's brow furrows, "I think that's quite the leap, Brother. Porton made no show of interest in the position himself... Everyone knows he and the Principal have a past. Saloman sent good friends of his - members of his original Family - to the Stone Tower when they were all young men... now they are all old men, if they haven't died in there, they will be even older when they ever see the light of day again. Capo Porton has been a loyal agent to the Maestro for more than a decade.", she shakes her head, "I don't see it. Someone out there saw or heard something - the Docks never sleep, and Capo Messandier will find them and find out what they know. And may the gods help the fool if they are a Guild member and they committed this treachery."
Oct 20, 2016 3:36 pm
Gord is silent for a moment as if mulling that over. "Perhaps you are right at that, Capo. I still don't like coincidences though." Gord looks about the room. "Have you seen Capo Furzere this evening? I had wanted a word about helping me fill an order. After all this though, I wonder if the business is worth it."
Last edited October 20, 2016 3:36 pm
Oct 20, 2016 5:21 pm
She scans the few people left in the room quickly, "He was here for the meeting, I doubt he's gone far. I don't think he was making the trip back to the Garden until morning. Perhaps the commons room?"
Oct 20, 2016 5:36 pm
"Thanks, Capo. Be sure to look me up if I can help in the Berg. Gord nods to Marlent and goes off to the commons room in search of Furzere.
Oct 20, 2016 9:26 pm
emsquared says:
You're standing there for several moments before the door swings in, Capo Sharyn Messandier is standing on the other side. She clears her throat with a sharp, suppressed cough and says with a Sunndi accent, "Thief... Redhill? The Principal I think is not seeing anyone..." Beyond her you can see that most surfaces of the drawing room are covered in papers.
Zachary smiles mirthlessly. "Good, as I'm not here to see him. I wish to speak with you, if you can spare the time. I heard the Maestro went missing. I want to help find him." He crosses his arms over his chest and slides his foot over to the door to hold it open so she cannot shut it in his face.
Oct 21, 2016 1:55 am
As Gord steps into the commons, the fine, early Yragnian-period paintings that adorn the drab grey masonry of the walls creates an odd contrast. And it doesn't take him long to spot Furzere for a similar reason, he dresses in tight but very fine, ornate livery where most thieves prefer sturdy and functional garb. He sits at a table talking amicably among a handful of other thieves, there are drinks in wood and pewter cups in front of them. The Capo looks to Gord and smiles a welcoming grin as he sees the Fence's gaze settle on himself.
As Zachary's foot meets the door Messandier smirks ever-so-slightly, her words are gently twisted by her broad accent, "I see. Well, at this time we have little to take action on. The Principal and myself we review the Maestros ledgers and recent words. The Capos they bring us more. The Quarter Boys already they bring me persons of interest. It has been not even two days. In truth we do not even know there to be foul play." She shrugs, drawing her hand along a scar on her jawline to her chin thinking. She starts to turn away but pauses, "Well ... there is perhaps one thing." She steps away from the door and sweeps an arm toward a chair inside.
Oct 21, 2016 2:18 am
emsquared sent a note to Shark_Bone
Oct 21, 2016 1:19 pm
Gord nods to him and the others in greeting and drops into a free chair at their table. "Evening Capo. Are we drinking to anything tonight or just drinking?" If there is a free goblet and an open bottle, Gord helps himself to a drink.
Oct 21, 2016 4:50 pm
You would have to get a cup from a table a short distance away that is furnished with such things, and pour your drink from a tapped cask. But it is for all in the Guild to use.
"We are alive, we are free, must there be another reason?" His eyes follow you lazily as you get a drink. You think he must have already been deep into his cup at the time of the meeting, as inebriation is already beginning to show in his face. "Good on the Fences for their vocal observance of the Old Alliance on this evening of ... strife." He raises his cup slightly to you, and the others at the table - of whom all but one are Royal Green - follow suit.
Oct 21, 2016 6:39 pm
Gord lifts his glass in acknowledgment and takes a deep drink from his goblet. "We all hang together or we hang separately eh?" Good chuckles. "Besides the Alliance is good for business and that's only going to get harder with the war on." Gord takes another drink. "I had been planning to go in on a venture to break through the blockade around our dwarven neighbors. But the plan was Nulgha's." Gord knocks back the rest of his goblet. "So that's scuppered."
Oct 21, 2016 7:19 pm
The Capo raises his eyebrows, "Indeed? Hm, aye, the Mistress Porter wasted no time in making her feelings about the Principal's new role known. It has been a good long while since I've seen or heard of a Member getting chased out of a Moot by the Enforcers. ... Well, onto the next one, hm?" he raises his glass again, drains it, and a thief goes to refill the Capos and his own.
Oct 22, 2016 5:15 am
Shark_Bone sent a note to emsquared


Beginner's Luck Elf-wise - (4d6)

(1364) = 14

Oct 22, 2016 2:16 pm
Gord nods. "That's kind of why I'm here. Got a customer looking for some high quality pipeweed. Something impressive to those with taste. Thought you might point me in the right direction of what I should be looking for and who I might liberate some from."
Oct 22, 2016 5:10 pm
Furzere tilts his head as his eyes flash with renewed interest, "I see. Well, with the war and it's blockades on land and sea, I don't know that anything interesting has come along in some time... However, I do know of at least one or two Lords or well-to-do merchants in the Garden with discerning tastes for the smoke..." He twists his mustache as he eyes you appraisingly.
At this point I feel like it's prudent to establish that the Capos/gangs are fairly territorial, and to some degree competitive, as much as the Writ allows.

Maybe we should take a moment in the OOC thread to establish what Capo/District everyone operates out of (if not already established)? Which Gord fences and has his shop in the Slums, yes?
Oct 23, 2016 1:14 am
"As I knew you would." Gord nods. "I would of course be sure to show my proper appreciation for your help is this matter should the venture prove successful. Just a name and a bit of permission. Nothing tied to you if it goes wrong. A cut of the profits if it goes right.
I would like to move to a test. My intent is to get a name of a contact from him and his permission to try thieving from that target without anything in advance. It could be straight test against his will or if he has a counter offer it could be a contested social test. Either way, I am looking to use Persuasion with Haggling and Falsehood forked in.


Persuasion check - (6d6)

(326442) = 21

Fate to open 6s - (1d6, RA)

(1) = 1

Oct 23, 2016 6:43 pm
emsquared sent a note to Shark_Bone
Capo Furzere glances sideways briefly at a Thief to his right, "Anything that transpires in the Garden is tied to me. You may have your name and your permission, and I will have one from the Royal Green along to assist you in this venture, as well as a two-thirds share of the take." As Furzere finishes the Thief to his right, you think you know him as Carlod - a duelist and cat-burglar, smiles wryly as he stands, a hand resting on the guarded pommel of a rapier at his hilt.
You got it Gord, Furzere will be using his B3 Haggling w/ a +1 Advantage (since it's his turf), and +1 Help for Intimidation B4 from his Second. He'll also spend a Fate for Open-Ended. You succeed = permission, name, no Royal Green along for the ride, and a 40% cut for them (to cut out the middle-man of; you say 1/3, he says 50/50, you say 40/60)? You fail, it's as his conditions? Permission, name, his man, 2/3 cut. Agreeable?

[EDIT]Crap, meant to remove the roll until you could agree and can't seem to delete it... Apologies! I will re-roll if you desire.


Couter-offer, Haggling B3 +1 Adv. +1 Help - (5d6, RA)

(65) + (2) + (5) + (1) + (4) = 23

Oct 24, 2016 2:27 am
Shark_Bone sent a note to emsquared
Zachary exits the Principal's office, holding a bit of parchment in his hands which he slowly rolls up and puts in a jacket pocket. He looks around and sees that Gord is busy talking with someone, so walks over to a table and pours himself a cup of wine.

I must find Maestro. But where to begin? he thinks. He shakes his head and grimaces as he sips the sour wine.
Oct 25, 2016 2:02 am
Furzere smiles greasily and nods, "Good. Good. ... The Baron Wolsing has a small estate in the Garden District where he lived when he still had horses out in his fields outside the city walls. Well, he no longer has horses, barely even the fields, but he keeps the estate, and lives most of the year in Highport. One of his sons lives there now, manages the estate and the north end of the Baron's waning trade. The young Wolsing has an infamous appetite for the Tallfellow Red-leaf, buys it by the bale... Carlod can show you where the estate is and will support you in your Move. Just let him know if you are bringing any other Thieves in on the job. I don't care if you do, it's your cut, just be subtle of course, yes? I know you will." The Capo raises his glass again and drains it in a long gulp. "Shall we away to Madame Valon's, lads?" Two thieves get up with the Capo, leaving a young man from Ashe Family and Carlod at the table, the Royal Green looks to Gord and raises a questioning eyebrow, clearly looking to see if you want to talk business.
Oct 25, 2016 7:09 pm
"I'll not be doing the job tonight, Carlod, so be off if you want. Let's meet here tomorrow for noonmeal and we can talk business." Unless Carlod has anything else, Gord too heads over to grab another free drink.

"I'm starting to think Nulgha may have had a point that this is not a night to begin things." He groused to Zachary.
Last edited October 25, 2016 7:10 pm
Oct 26, 2016 1:56 pm
Carlod nods and grunts, "You will usually find me in person around the tackhouse of the Royal Green, or of course a Guild Courier can get me a message." He turns to follow the other Greens. The Ashe Family-man finishes his cup, and gets up to head to a bunk leaving Zachary and Gord mostly alone in the common room.
Oct 27, 2016 7:28 pm
Can't sleep. What am I gwunna do. Let's think. They need me. Right? Roof should be softer.

Gotta stop other shippers. Gotta pull in some favors for that. 'n stay outa the way of the goons.

Do they know 'bout Tomas?

They better not wreck my place. Maybe I should spook it up. Maybe I should spook them up.

...maybe I should play nice? NO. No. Can't. Nice girls get no respect. They'd sink me.

Hells, I really can't sleep like this. Maybe when I was younger. Urgh.

Nulgha stands up, wincing and hissing, and stretches. She climbs down the ladder and sets off down the alley for a bit. Finding a likely bundle in a corner, she prods it with one foot until it moves on its own.

"Shhh," Nulgha whispers, a finger of one hand against her lips. Her other hand holds up a coin, turning it slowly so that it glints silver in the moonlight. She tosses it to the ground; it clinks once, bouncing onto a mound of rags. "For your bedding," she says. The man without a roof wakes fully and scrambles for the coin as Nulgha gathers up the pilled but serviceable blanket.

Back on her rooftop bolthole, now warm and somewhat padded, Nulgha drifts off to sleep. In her dreams the roof sways in the wind like a ship at sea, the spirits of water hum in pleasing harmony, and Tomas - well, not all of her dreams are tranquil.
Oct 27, 2016 9:08 pm
Verrain says:

"I'm starting to think Nulgha may have had a point that this is not a night to begin things." He groused to Zachary.
Zachary nods to Gord, taking another sip from his cup. "I agree. I think we should all be out there looking for the Marstro. He's the one who held us all together and, with him gone for just one night, we start to come apart at the seams." He shakes his head, seeing his cup down harder than he really should in his frustration, sloshing the red into his hand. He shakes it off in disgust. "What is your opinion?"
Oct 28, 2016 4:43 pm
"I think that if the Capo and her boys cannot find the Maestro then my efforts will not help much." Gord replies. "I also think that unless some of us stay behind and stick to our work, then there will be nothing left to bring the Maestro back to. Gord pauses for a swallow of wine. "However, I presume you do not ask idly. Did Messandier ask you to track down something?"
Oct 29, 2016 1:59 am
Zachary eyes Gord for a few seconds before reaching into his pocket and pulling out the rolled up piece of paper. Handing it to Gord, he asks, "What can you make of that?"
emsquared says:
At first glance it appears to be just a piece of parchment that someone has scribbled all over. But as she sets it in your hands, you see it is a relief shading. All of the page is shaded by charcoal, except for where there are indentations from whatever was written on a piece of parchment that once sat on top of it... it reads, "X- Chondite keep it shall be. On the Moon-tooth of Sunflowers, you can expect..." The rest of the writing must have been cut-off by an overlapping piece of parchment, as the relief ends there.
Last edited October 29, 2016 1:59 am
Oct 29, 2016 11:52 pm
Gord pores over the note. He hums thoughtfully and finishes his wine before looking back up at Redhill. "There was a plan afoot to break the blockade of Chondite Keep in an attempt to bring Dwarven Nog into the city. Moon-tooth of Sunflowers sounds like a ship's name to me. Not sure if this note refers to that or not, but I don't believe in coincidence."
Oct 30, 2016 3:41 pm
Zachary grins as he takes the page back from Gord. "Nor do I. Messiandier had no idea what this might mean and you give me a clue upon first glance. Perhaps the wrong person was chosen to investigate Maestro's disappearance." He rubs the tip of his chin thoughtfully. "I'm going to follow this lead. I don't suppose you'd be interested in accompanying me?" He quirks an eyebrow at Gord.
I don't know anything about this city, or Chondite Keep. Could I make a Beginner's Luck Grayhawk City-wise test to know some more information? I'm trying to think of something specific to know about it, but I don't have a base of information to work from.
Oct 30, 2016 10:33 pm
You know without a check that Chondite Keep is a naval/military outpost north on the river near the Nyr Dyv that the City of Greyhawk currently occupies (though it has been in many different hands over the centuries, depending on local military power standings). You can make a City of Greyhawk-wise check to know more.
Oct 31, 2016 5:07 pm
"I might." Gord nods. "If you would be inclined to help me with a venture of my own. It is tangentially related to this, as obtaining a trade good to smuggle in was my part of the Chondite Keep plan. It may prove pointless now but I intend to go through with my part and in fact made a deal with Furzere to boost something out of the Garden Quarter. That's more your haunt than mine.
If Zach wants to roll that Wise check, I'll throw in a helping die.
Oct 31, 2016 7:55 pm
Time_and_Place says:
The morning after the Shadow Moot, River Quarter
Nulgha walks by the docks, wrapped in her new old blanket. A perceptive observer might notice that her hair and boots and glimpses of the cloak underneath her blanket bely the ragged appearance she projects.

Repnel, where are you? House, Hall, working...
I want to find Capo Repnel Porton, talk to him about what happened last night, where he stands with relation to me, where he stands with relation to Nicastro. Where should I go to find him? Or what should I roll if it's not clear I can eventually find him without consequences? Nulgha's task in the absence of interruption is to check his usual haunts in the guise of a vagrant not currently bothering anyone, and if she finds him, catch him at a free-of-prying-eyes-besides-a-loyal-bodyguard-or-whatnot moment. If she does not find him in any usual place, she will ask the spirits of the near bank of the river to guide her, walking the bank looking for omens in the dirt; then if that doesn't work ask the spirits of the back alleys of Greyhawk to guide her, walking the streets and flipping a stone to make decisions on which way to turn; then if that doesn't work it'll probably be time to sleep.
Nov 1, 2016 8:21 pm
I do want to make that check! I want to know of weaknesses that our kind know about and exploit to get past the keep. I have Perception B4, + the hero die from Gord.
Zachary smiles at Gord. "Of course. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, as the saying goes."


Beginner's Luck: City of Greyhawk-wise - (5d6)

(45363) = 21

Nov 2, 2016 2:10 am
Zachary and Gord put their heads together over Chondite Keep, and here is what they know (City of Greyhawk-wise):

1. It is currently a major focal point for the War, as it is integral to keeping the river passage open which is critical to keeping the Free City of Greyhawk supplied w/ basic goods. Though not exactly besieged, it is under assault pretty much daily by Orcish forces.

2. It is currently held/occupied by the Men of Greyhawk, however a troop of Dwarves has come up from the south and is stationed there as well, helping to hold it as the river is also critical to their inland supply chain.

3. The Free and Independent City of Dyvers (the closest major city to Greyhawk and the strongest naval force on the Nyr Dyv) has thus far withheld aid from Chondite Keep and the Men of Greyhawk against their/everyone's shared enemy, the Orcs.

Knowing anything about the weaknesses of the Keep would require specific knowledge or training of some sort, i.e. not something that can be attained with a Beginner's Luck test. Maybe a military strategist, architect/engineer, or smuggler could help you with such things...
The morning after the Shadow Moot...
Nulgha sits and waits outside the main doors of Gallow Hall near a public fountain, it's about the only place the Guards won't shoo her away from on this street of well-dressed and busy looking people. She sees the telltale look-outs now and again so she's reasonably sure he's inside, but she also knows she'd never be allowed to remain in the halls of the otherwise upright commerce center while cloaked in the musty blanket. She doesn't have to wait long though before the Capo strides out onto the cobble stones at a brisk clip, he's dictating some orders to a young man - you're not sure if the lad is Guild or not - who breaks off from the elder man's path and sprints away as the Capo continues on.
Nov 2, 2016 10:46 pm
Knowing anything about the weaknesses of the Keep would require specific knowledge or training of some sort, i.e. not something that can be attained with a Beginner's Luck test. Maybe a military strategist, architect/engineer, or smuggler could help you with such things...
Gotcha. I'm definitely happy with what I got.

Where are Gord and Zachary this next morning? Meeting up to plan this theft that I agreed to?
Nov 3, 2016 12:04 am
There he is. Doesn't look like he's pissed...

Nulgha whips off her blanket, twirling it into a roll as she hurries up to fall in step beside the Capo.

"Capo. I imagine we need to talk," she says. "I'm sure you've heard the story. I will resolve my issue with the Guild on my own, of course, though I would appreciate your support when the time comes. Until then, I will bring my dues to you as usual, and I request tacit permission to come and go within the River Quarter.

"Unless... are we in open revolt, Capo? Or will you work with Nicastro?"
Last edited November 3, 2016 7:20 pm
Nov 3, 2016 3:38 am
Porton's hand drifts to the small of his back and his body is tensed as he turns abruptly, just as Nulgha draws up to him. When he sees it's the smuggler and hears her first hurried words, he blinks twice, exhales and falls back into his stride as if nothing had happened, "Walk with me.", he grumbles.

After Nulgha says her second piece he speaks low turning his baritone into a rumble, his voice becoming one with the din of the busy avenue to anyone further than a pace or two away, "I did hear. And I would give you what help I can, but I must be careful just yet. Nicastro will have his eyes within the Hall on me... on everything. And beyond that, the Old Alliance has allowed many men to prosper where they were just as likely to die before. And those many - even in Gallow Hall - would heed a summons under the Writ before me, were it to come to that. ... No, no open revolt, yet." he sighs, "I can't blame them, and I won't ask them to wage war on their livelihoods. No... We would have to have something on the Principal before we could win any numbers away from tradition.", he turns north to walk the street known as "the Strip", which ends in the city gates to the Docks. "My hope is that the Maestro will... return ... before any great conflict arises." he snorts, "But truly, I will not pay dues to Nicastro-ruddy-Saloman, and that... when he has no purse from the Hall at the end of the month... that will bring conflict." as the gates come into sight he stops and turns to face Nulgha, "All the Capo had a reminder by courier's hand this morning, reinforcing the finality of your relinquished status, Nulgha. If you are going to continue working in Greyhawk, be very careful with whom you deal. My advice to you, as your Brother of the Guild and Capo, is to leave town. There is no obligation on any Guildsman to bring you in unless you try to thieve, so just cut your losses. And while Nicastro can't allocate Guild resources to hunting you down for your words last night, he is a privately wealthy man too, and from what I've heard you had flames shooting from his ears he was so hot..." there is no emotion in his face or in his words. His eyes narrow and he draws a slow breath through his nose as he judges the weight of his words on the half-orcish woman.
Nov 3, 2016 3:44 am
Shark_Bone says:
Where are Gord and Zachary this next morning? Meeting up to plan this theft that I agreed to?
If there's nothing else you guys wanted to do that night, it's pretty much up to you. There are bunks at the Guild Hall if you wanted to stay the night there, or you could return to your homes/shop/inn room, or anything in between.

If you guys haven't been, might be worth going back through the IC thread and do some mid-"session" reckoning (log your tests and what not via edit to your Character Record Sheet post, or something?). I'd like to have a little bit more opportunity for everyone to work towards something before calling it an "end of session", but maybe after a day or so more in-game we'll do some tallying and Artha rewards?
Nov 3, 2016 5:26 pm
Sure we can jump to the next day if you want. Breakfast at somewhere near Zachary?
Nov 3, 2016 8:16 pm
"Greyhawk is my city too. I will not abandon it on account of Nicastro. And I have other reasons, other ties," Nulgha says, trailing off. She stands straighter and brushes a bit of something off of her right sleeve, probably from that ratty old blanket. "But your advice is well taken, Brother. I may take a sojourn, say, to Chondite Keep, for a time. A few weeks. I would return before the end of the month. That at least is not an event I would wish to miss!"
Is it a few weeks? "end of the month" could be a day or 4 weeks... gonna assume it's 2-3 weeks given that it must be at least a few days, maybe a week since the Maestro's disappearance and apparently Porton hopes for the Maestro's return before any great conflict arises which makes it unlikely to be a few days 'til the end of the month.
Tomas'll have to understand. Maybe the Maestro will be back and all of this'll wash away. I dunno. I slept under the stars last night... hells to living like that in a city. Gotta lot to do before I set out though. Tomas, Pavel, ole daddy Heimart...

Nulgha stands lost in thought for a few moments, then her distant gaze snaps back into focus. To Capo Porton, she says, "Yes. I will wrap up a few loose ends, then make my way to Chondite Keep. You know I have been asking around... I believe I can guide a small ship safely in and out of the Keep - and out with Nog. I will be hidden for a day or two in the city before leaving. If anyone comes to you with word pertaining to such a job, and you trust them, will you let them know to be at the sweetmeat stall in the market beside the Heimart fountain? At noon, the day after tomorrow."
Nov 3, 2016 9:34 pm
Verrain says:
Sure we can jump to the next day if you want. Breakfast at somewhere near Zachary?
I'll invite you to my place. It's nice enough and won't be public to attract notice.
Zachary thumps Gord's plate down in front of him on the table and sits down on the other side. "Well, after having a night to sleep on it, I wish to ask you if your little errand can wait until after we've had a chance to look into Chondite Keep and the Maestro's disappearance?" He spears some of the eggs from his plate with a fork and politely begins to eat his breakfast while watching his companion.
Nov 4, 2016 3:35 pm
Gord does not answer the question until a quarter of the food on his plate disappears down his gullet. "That depends on how long you want us to look. Gord replies through a mouthful of toast. He washes that down with a swig of milk and continues. "Let me put you in the picture. Nulgha was planning to break the blockade around Chondite Keep to get at some Dwarven Nog stashed there. Big score if we can get that upmarket to the right buyers. My part was to lay my hands on something Dwarves might want for the Nog. I figured Dwarves love a good smoke so that's what I'm trying to boost out of the Garden Quarter."

Another quarter of the breakfast has deftly disappeared by this point. "Now if I'm Nulgha, I need a big score and I need to get outta town fast. I think she's still gonna pull the job and not wait around before she does it. So we can go nose around the docks this morning but I'm meeting with Furzere's man at noon and I'd like to pull this job tonight. Gord sops up the last bit of egg yolk with his last bit of toast. "That work for you?"
Last edited November 4, 2016 3:36 pm
Nov 4, 2016 9:32 pm
Zachary sets his fork down, slowly taking up his napkin to wipe his mouth. "I suppose," he begins, "it will do." His voice is strained and the smile he gives tight. "I won't lie and say I'm not disappointed, but I understand the pressure you are feeling." He leans back in his seat, pushing the plate away. "I do prefer, however, that if we're to concentrate on your errand first, we do so to the exclusion of all else. Better to finish it as quickly as we can and return or focus to the leader our guild needs."
Nov 5, 2016 1:43 am
"Agreed." Gord nods. "Well the plan I have is simple. The target is the son of Baron Wolsing. He's stays in a Garden Quarter estate and buys high quality smoke by the bale. So you move in those circles. Pay him a social call. Case the joint and find out where the smoke's kept. Then Carlod and I return in the night and lift it."
Nov 5, 2016 4:08 pm
Epigone says:
Is it a few weeks? "end of the month" could be a day or 4 weeks... gonna assume it's 2-3 weeks given that it must be at least a few days, maybe a week since the Maestro's disappearance and apparently Porton hopes for the Maestro's return before any great conflict arises which makes it unlikely to be a few days 'til the end of the month.
Yea, ~two weeks.
The Capo's brow nits together in concern, "Nulgha. You cannot bring a ship of stolen goods to this city. At least not while Nicastro is acting Maestro. I cannot sneak an entire hold's worth of nog past the Principal's gaze, and you could never move it either. He would have every right to throw the entire Guild at you, and the entire Guild would happily go after you. This is the most fundamental rule of our way, you know that." he sighs, exhaling raggedly, "I will pass along your words, but I will also have to pass along my warning. This is grave foolishness." his eyes flick towards the city gate to the Docks and he shakes his head, "I must go, I am expected at some Guild business... I hope the next time I see you, you're not swinging from a bridge by your neck." he turns to go, pausing only briefly to straighten his jacket and trousers.
Nov 5, 2016 6:07 pm
Well, now, looks like it's time to find out some details about the Heimarts. What does Nulgha know about them? Specifically, I have these questions and preferred answers and would like to know the true answers if you have them, either because Nulgha already knows or by rolling something like City of Grayhawk-wise or Lord Heimart-wise or Court Gossip-wise:

How wide is the circle of folks who Nulgha knows or strongly suspects who know about Nulgha's relationship with Tomas Heimart? (hope: very small, and not including the Lord Heimart)

How is the relationship between the Lord and Tomas? (hope: quite good, the Lord would even spend some political capital on his son's earnest desire ;))

What would the Lord's feelings on the Maestro's disappearance probably be? (Hope: fear that the Thieves Guild will come apart as that would be too destabilizing)

How does Lord Heimart feel about Nulgha? (Hope: heard of her, doesn't have strong feelings, at most mild respect for blockade running plus whatever he feels about thieves in general)

How does Tomas feel about Nulgha? (Hope: head over heels!)

What's the Lord's schedule like? (Hope: there's some time today he's not completely mired in meetings when Nulgha could pop up and talk that wouldn't be horrifically out of place)

My intent in wanting to know about these things is to get a quick chat with Lord Heimart where I convince him it's a good idea to let Nicastro and the Capos know that he will be hands-off the Guild at least until their leadership is stabilized. That's a lot, I know, and depending on what the answers to the above questions are, may be either fairly easy or absolutely impossible. But that's the thrust of my questioning. Nulgha's task will depend somewhat on the answers to the questions around Tomas - whether and in what ways she can go through him to the Lord. So I guess her first step is securing a moment to talk with the Lord, getting as much help from Tomas as makes sense. So Say Yes, 1+ -wise tests, Circles, or inappropriate task?


Die of Fate: how fast does Nulgha find Tomas? - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Nov 5, 2016 9:09 pm
Verrain says:
"Agreed." Gord nods. "Well the plan I have is simple. The target is the son of Baron Wolsing. He's stays in a Garden Quarter estate and buys high quality smoke by the bale. So you move in those circles. Pay him a social call. Case the joint and find out where the smoke's kept. Then Carlod and I return in the night and lift it."
Zachary smiles at this last bit. "Interesting. How were you planning on completing this errand before my involvement, then?"
Nov 5, 2016 9:42 pm
Epigone says:
How wide is the circle of folks who Nulgha knows or strongly suspects who know about Nulgha's relationship with Tomas Heimart? (hope: very small, and not including the Lord Heimart)
Yea, small. Random folks might have recognized the lord's son carousing around the Docks w/ some sketch lookin sailor woman, but it's not like anyone is tracking your relationships, nor really his. So, whomever you've told and whomever might emerge depending on the history between you two that develops in play would be it. Lord Heimart does not know.
Epigone says:
How is the relationship between the Lord and Tomas? (hope: quite good, the Lord would even spend some political capital on his son's earnest desire ;))
See answer to "How does Tomas feel about Nulgha?".
Epigone says:
What would the Lord's feelings on the Maestro's disappearance probably be? (Hope: fear that the Thieves Guild will come apart as that would be too destabilizing)
Would require a check or rp.
Epigone says:
How does Lord Heimart feel about Nulgha? (Hope: heard of her, doesn't have strong feelings, at most mild respect for blockade running plus whatever he feels about thieves in general)
Would require a check or rp.
Epigone says:
How does Tomas feel about Nulgha? (Hope: head over heels!)
The way I see it, it's a minor relationship, so if he's head over heels for her, Tomas and his father's relationship is not good (so as to keep the role minor). If you want Tomas and Heimart to have a better relationship, Tomas' feelings for her decrease in a proportionate amount to that increase (again to keep his effect minor).

So my thought would be; Tomas is a bit of a black sheep, he and the Lord's relationship is fine, but Tomas has burned a bridge or two with his father eschewing the life he might have liked for one of his sons. His feelings for you could maybe best be described as "an infatuation with danger" or something. He fancies himself a bit of a badass (and maybe he is in some way), and thinks having a relationship with this witchy woman from the Thieves Guild gives that further cred, and he certainly likes you, but also maybe values it more as a part of this dangerous persona he cultivates? How's that sound (60/40, Father/Nulgha)?
Epigone says:
What's the Lord's schedule like? (Hope: there's some time today he's not completely mired in meetings when Nulgha could pop up and talk that wouldn't be horrifically out of place)
Would require a check or rp.
Epigone says:
So I guess her first step is securing a moment to talk with the Lord, getting as much help from Tomas as makes sense. So Say Yes, 1+ -wise tests, Circles, or inappropriate task?
You know Tomas' haunts, you can roll a what I like to call a "Luck Die" (1d6, 6 is good luck/you find him at the first one you check, 1 is bad luck/it takes you the rest of the morning, 2-5 is a range of bad to good luck in that spectrum) to see how long it takes you to find him?
Nov 6, 2016 2:41 am
Shark_Bone says:
Verrain says:
"Agreed." Gord nods. "Well the plan I have is simple. The target is the son of Baron Wolsing. He's stays in a Garden Quarter estate and buys high quality smoke by the bale. So you move in those circles. Pay him a social call. Case the joint and find out where the smoke's kept. Then Carlod and I return in the night and lift it."
Zachary smiles at this last bit. "Interesting. How were you planning on completing this errand before my involvement, then?"
"Same play, different players." Gord shrugs. "All depends on whose markers I could call in. I had also considered trying to talk some out of the man but could not come up with a lie I'd believe. Have you another plan to offer? You do know the way toffs think after all."
Nov 6, 2016 9:54 am
That went well. Feels good to have an ally in all this. Or close enough.

Nulgha hurries through the city, half a mile, half an hour of not drawing attention. She makes her way first to the Wheel of Gold, a gambling establishment for the well off, and the most likely place to find Tomas Heimart on any day of the week. None of the staff have seen him today, though, so she circles back toward the palace and stops at the city guard barracks. A veteran guard recognizes her.

"Looking for young Heimart? He was just here, had a bit of a spar with some of the lads. Said he was off to the Garden Quarter."

Nulgha gives a shallow curtsy and smiles.

That guard station. Of course.
"Tomas!" Nulgha greets her lover with a quick kiss. She pulls him out the door before he can finish saying "What are you doing here?". The door to the guard station shuts, cutting off a knowing chuckle from within.

"It's good to see you, but..."

"No time. Tomas, I need your help and I need it now."

He looks concerned and somewhat self-conscious.

"I may have acted just the slightest bit rashly last night. I may possibly have pissed off the new acting Guildmaster. He may, just may, have ordered some goons to cut out my tongue."

Tomas tries to interrupt, to ask a question, but Nulgha barrels through. "You've got to get me in to talk with your father. I'm skipping town, don't worry, I'll be back in a month, but there are things he absolutely has to know to keep the City intact. The old Guildmaster's gone, his successor's an ass, the Capos are splitting, and if your old man doesn't let up on the Guild for a bit, the Old Alliance and the Peace that comes with it is sunk."

"Can you do it? I need to see him, today."
I want the nobles to be generally scared of the Old Alliance breaking, for fear of riots, gang wars, unrest, etc engulfing even their third of the city. City of Greyhawk-wise? Common knowledge, interesting fact? Not looking to establish that the Lord Mayor himself is scared of it, that sounds like it'd be too hard. :D
Nov 6, 2016 11:59 pm
Verrain says:

"Same play, different players." Gord shrugs. "All depends on whose markers I could call in. I had also considered trying to talk some out of the man but could not come up with a lie I'd believe. Have you another plan to offer? You do know the way toffs think after all."
Zachary gives a small nod, still smirking a little. "That makes sense, and I don't have a better plan. Gathering the necessary information to formulate a better plan would take more time than we have and, as you said, I am familiar with that circle." He sighs. "Will you be accompanying me as a man-servant, then?"
Nov 7, 2016 2:56 am
Tomas Heimart blinks repeatedly, clearly concerned but he also clearly can't help it as a bemused smile slowly creeps onto his lips as he's deluged with the words, "Cut your tongue out? Nulgha, what is this? Leaving Greyhawk? ..." he says incredulously, shaking his head to sort out words and thoughts, a confused smirk curling his lips, "If I could get you in the same room as His Lord Mayor, what would you say? What would I say?! 'Good day, father, meet my possibly-criminal fey-blooded witch lover. She's come to tell you how to run the city. ... How's mum?' Slow down. What is going on? The Thieves Guild is at war with itself?" he's stifled the smile completely by now, "I want to help you, my sweet, I do. But I can't just have you walking up to the People's Commander of the flaming-Guard by my invite and divulge that you have intimate knowledge of the bloody-Thieves Guild of Greyhawk!" his voice is just a whisper by the time he says the last four words, glancing to the door.
Its pretty common knowledge that the Landed Nobility of Greyhawk hate the Thieves Guild, and hate that Heimart suffers them as much as he does.

In general the Old Alliance, as such, is a secret of the Thieves Guild, so many Landed wouldn't know the implications of it falling apart. It's probably the least secret amongst the Landed than any other Circles but still, it's spoken of as a myth just as often as a truth there (and the Guild likes it that way). You/all Thieves do know the ruling council of five (the Quintumvirate, or, Quint) know the truth, and Heimart, and likely some other power-players in the City. You can make a CoGH-wise test to "guess" how those-who-know might reasonably feel about this, or a test to gather information to find out for certain. If you discover how they feel and don't like it, you'd have to do something to change the opinion.
Nov 7, 2016 5:12 am
"Let's walk. I'll tell you everything," Nulgha says. "It's not pretty, but you deserve to know."
Assuming he comes along...
Up and down the well-kept roads of the upper districts, Nulgha and Tomas walk and talk for the better part of an hour. Heedless of secrets, she reveals the history of the Guild both past and recent, and her fears that Nicastro will tear apart the Guild into rival factions again with his incompetence and quick temper. She tells of the Moot, and of Capo Porton, and of her own outbursts and escape.

There. That's it. Tomas, there's the truth, all of it. Gwunna keel over or step up?

"So you see. Pressure mounts on the Guild from the war, your father, the Maestro's disappearance, and his disastrous successor. Do you understand now the import?"
Edit: if you'd like a test to see if he'll help me here, I'm trying to steer toward Ugly Truth, but wouldn't be put out if you called it Persuasion or Seduction.
Last edited November 7, 2016 6:04 am
Nov 7, 2016 2:40 pm
Shark_Bone says:

Zachary gives a small nod, still smirking a little. "That makes sense, and I don't have a better plan. Gathering the necessary information to formulate a better plan would take more time than we have and, as you said, I am familiar with that circle." He sighs. "Will you be accompanying me as a man-servant, then?"
Gord nods. "If you think I look the part. I can hopefully get something out of the servants while you mix with the gentry."
Nov 7, 2016 10:27 pm
With a smile, Zachary claps Gord on the shoulder. "I'm sure we can make you look the part. Why don't we get ready and head out? The sooner the better.
I'm ready to get ready and then stop by for an unexpected visit to this young man. Do i know him?
Nov 8, 2016 4:08 am
Shark_Bone says:
I'm ready to get ready and then stop by for an unexpected visit to this young man. Do i know him?
You know of the Wolsing family, and as much as Furzere told Gord (earlier in this thread).

What preparations are you both making?
Epigone says:
Nulgha and Tomas walk and talk for the better part of an hour.
Tomas continues to seem a bit overwhelmed, but his brow is furrowed as he takes in the information and tries to do something with it. "I can see, yes... I understand, I believe." he runs his hand through his hair, "But... well, let's start with... what good is going to come from you bringing this before my father? By my invite no less? If he doesn't have you thrown in some dungeon as a member of the city's organized crime structure, I would still likely not be able to see you again for the same reason. Not openly... he would ask after you, and the Guard would be the first place he'd go. And you know I must work with them, from time to time." he pulls a flask from his hip and takes a long pull from it, "And why must you be this messenger? I've heard His Loordship" he mocks the title with his tone, "has official-unofficial envoys for dealings with the Guild. And if there's one thing I know about this situation it's that you are not one of them. Perhaps there is something I can do on the other side of this trouble... something with this Nicastro?"
Nov 8, 2016 3:43 pm
Gord just needs to borrow a change of clothes to look a little higher station than he is. His time as an apprentice taught him how to be respectful of betters. He hasn't done that in years of course but I'm sure it will come back to him. :)
Nov 9, 2016 12:36 am
"Maybe you are right. I am not one for subtlety," Nulgha says, pulling Tomas to press against her. She whispers in his ear, "You know that well," then steps away, frowning. "I would present the facts before him and he would call more goons. But then what can I do? No one else will come. Nicastro will bluster and your father will strike back and the Guild will break apart and the city will riot and you will have to hide away and we will be apart until war takes us all."

Nulgha takes a deep breath. She looks into Tomas' eyes and drops to one knee. "Do what you can. Please. I have overreached. I... can't do everything I wish I could do. I will pen a letter to your father, you can give it to him and say it is from a thief who wants to remain anonymous."

What am I doing. Be strong. And mysterious. Right? Does he love me or just rebellion?

"I need your help."
Nov 9, 2016 1:14 am
I'm getting dressed in my finery (or whatever passes for fashionable noble clothing to go calling). I can do a little disguise work on Gord to help him look more like my man servant. I think I can probably just go right in and pretend to be the up-to-no-good youngest son of a noble and ask about the pipe weed that Gord wants to steal.
Nov 11, 2016 11:37 pm
Tomas guides Nulgha up by her hand, "Yes, of course! The letter should be much easier, much safer... Can you forge a signature, or get your hands on a seal? Address it from someone of standing in the Guild, perhaps this Nicastro himself! And to some fictional third party, as if talking frankly for business? I will tell my father I came across it while pursuing a bounty! Your message gets to his ears ... or eyes then... and neither of us is implicated with involvement in the Guild." he pulls her close again, "And you did not overreach, I am glad you trust me enough and can come to me with something like this." he plants a kiss on her mouth.
Zachary: No need for a skill-check, I think. You're not trying to conceal his actual appearance right? Just dressing to look like a servant? You can just have the livery on-hand with your level of Resources/Circles, and from there it will just be on Gord (and you) to act the part(s).
Nov 12, 2016 3:32 am
Sounds good! Yeah, I'm just trying to make him look like a man servant, not a street thug. I think Zachary thinks the rich see what they expect, not what's actually in front of them.
Nov 12, 2016 10:57 pm
On to the Wolsing estate then.
Nov 13, 2016 7:47 am
A_minute_or_so_later says:
Hells, slick, Tomas. Slicker'n me.

Nulgha says, "You are brilliant." She furrows her brow, the grey-brown skin wrinkling ever so slightly differently than a human's would. From a Capo to Nicastro. That they'll split from the Alliance and hunker down to weather out Ye Ole Lordship's assaults... or deal with them regardless of the Guild's negotiations, that's better...

She is lost in thoughts spoken aloud for a time, and then: "Let's go somewhere with parchment and a good pen. The Library."
Nov 13, 2016 7:25 pm
The Wolsing estate sits among several other villas belonging to wealthy merchants in the south westerly quadrant of the Garden District. As Zachary and Gord approach they can tell it likely used to be an impressive holding, though now it has languished for some time in neglect. Grasses have grown tall and wild with no sheep or goats around anymore to keep them down, weeds overtake the edges of a well-paved path, a split rail fence ringing the property has rotted and fallen in places, even the building seems to be just a shade of prior greatness, paint and plaster faded and chipping.
The red lines are the fencing, delineating the borders of the estate.

Tomas Heimart grins with half his mouth, "It was your idea, sweet. I just want to be sure it doesn't cause us too much trouble. It seems this is a delicate thing we are embroiled in." he nods as Nulgha works out the details with herself, and ultimately at the mention of the library.

The Great Library of Greyhawk sits just north and east of the Collegium grounds, near the city wall. It looks rather like an imposing great stone building is in the process of eating a beautifully ornate wooden one. Several decades ago a great stone addition was constructed so as to abut the graceful original wood building, more than tripling it's size, but probably halving it's beauty. It is a busy structure, Clerkburg in general is constantly abuzz with some goings on or another, but the Library in particular - receiving students and public interests alike, is absolutely humming on the outside. City criers, public lectures, the wealthy, students, and even the not-so-wealthy are swarming all about it's grounds.
Nov 14, 2016 3:30 am
Do I know the name of this son of Baron Wolsing? I went back through the thread and didn't see it stated.
Nov 15, 2016 7:16 am
The Library! Once home away from home for Nulgha, during her years of futilely trying to summon that spark of magic everyone insisted she must have.

Don't matter, spirits'd blow 'em away, any day, no matter what they say...

Nulgha walks in confidently, several paces ahead of Tomas. Without looking at him, she says, "Find us a seat and be discreet," then strides over to a nearby clerk. "Four sheets of good vellum, a tot of ink, and rent of a quill, if you please."

Nulgha hands over a bit of silver and a few bits of copper, taking her supplies - slightly roundabout - to the table Tomas has chosen.

Who wouldn't whisper with Heimart...

Nulgha whispers to her herself just loud enough that Tomas can hear. "Capo Nenshen will write to Nicastro, saying he cannot keep his territory together if they know he's delivering dues to Nicastro, what with your esteeeemed father's crack down on the Low City. What should the other three be about, and to whom? Innocuous but thiefy. And from the scum of the City..."

The two banter back and forth for a bit as Nulgha pens the first, important note with her off hand. Tomas is clearly engaged and truth be told quite too theatrical if secrecy really mattered here.

If eyes are about, we're sunk. But he is sooo cute. Heh, he'll love this.

Nulgha whispers, "Okay, now you do the last one." At his confused look, she explains, "Different minions!"
Intent: convince Lord Heimart that easing up is necessary to keep the Guild intact short term. Task: these forgeries "captured" by Tomas.
Last edited November 16, 2016 6:14 am


Will B4 unskilled Persuasion - (4d6)

(3432) = 12

Tomas' first 1D of help, if he helps - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Tomas' second die of help, if he helps with a skill or stat at 5+ - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Advantage, if applicable - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Nov 16, 2016 2:33 am
Shark_Bone, it's Fenrik Wolsing. If you want, in the future, feel free to establish a worldbuilding detail like that in your post leading into the situation.
Nulgha (and most Thieves Guild thieves with any real standing - so, Gord and Zach too) would know that Heimart never knowingly has contact with anyone from the Thieves Guild aside from the Maestro and/or an Advocate representing the Guild, and never does so officially at all, except through the aforementioned Advocate/Lawyer when political theatrics are necessary or need be observed. You would also know though that he does unknowingly have contact with the Thieves Guild, whether that's through political operatives, or commercial, etc. If you want to make a Thieves Guild-wise check to work out anything beyond that, you're welcome to it. Or you can of course operate on your IC guess. One Persuasion test for the letters.
Nov 17, 2016 5:07 pm
Gord fingers the itchy collar of his new shirt. "Haven't had to deal with a starched collar since my apprentice days. Hated when buyer showed up and we had to dress up." He grumbles. "Nice cloth though. MiLord." He added as an afterthought. Gord watched the traffic on the street as they approached the Garden Quarter. He tried to match his gait to the other servants and shop boys he saw and just blend in. No one really notices the servants, right?
Adding in the Inconspicuous roll just because of my Instinct. No idea if it will be relevant.
Last edited November 17, 2016 5:08 pm


Inconspicuous - (4d6)

(6545) = 20

Nov 18, 2016 2:23 am
Tomas leaves with the letters in his hand, kissing Nulgha gently on the cheek before exiting the Library. All that is left to that now is to wait and see what strength can be had in those sheafs of vellum.

Dang, Gord! Nice roll. Let It Ride, huh?
The roads that wind through the Garden District are fairly lively, if not particularly busy, even once away from the central High Market. Even if the vast majority of folk in Greyhawk can't afford to go to the grand performance house or the exotic gardens or the races held at the Circuit, or any of the other numerous attractions, they still like to walk it's streets and feel as if they can. There is also a higher Guard presence noticeable in the District, even the occasional knots of soldiers using the broad roads to practice formations. As Zachary and Gord walk southwesterly down Garden Road it feels like a very different city here.
Nov 18, 2016 8:05 am
Lookout time...

Nulgha returns home, scoping out her house for about hour.
Scoping involves watching from nearby rooftops and checking with the spirits of the adjacent back alleys whether and where men lurk. Assuming she sees nothing amiss...
She sneaks into her own home, gathers a bundle of traveling supplies, then spends the rest of the sunlit hours sleeping in a spacious closet.

Gotta sleep up, tonight's a big day.
She'll be doing some Spirit Binding tonight to consult re: the Maestro's disappearance.
Nov 19, 2016 5:12 pm
No suspicious activity around Nulgha's house. She can enter and do as she wishes.


Gord, do you want to retcon a bit, remove Zachary from the situation, re-approach it in a manner not requiring his interaction?
Nov 21, 2016 2:50 pm
OK then let's ignore everything and jump to the meet with Carlod then. We can chat in character if you want but the main thing I want to do is circle up someone with knowledge of the Wolsing estate to help us burgle it and I'd like Carlod's help on the roll as someone that knows the area.
Nov 28, 2016 3:32 am
As Gord walks the Circuit grounds, he can see they are immaculately kept. The grass low from grazing, but not overly so. The trees lining the lane approaching the racing track itself have grown over it and are spaced closely giving a tunnel-like effect, the hedges and fencing behind them, all sharply manicured angles. The buildings on the grounds have tall stone foundations, with shining white-washed timbers intricately stacked on top, and sloping red tiled roofing. The stables alone could pass for a landed noble's estate if one didn't know what they were looking at. Carlod looks over from the group of stable-workers he is embroiled in a boisterous conversation with as Gord approaches, the athletic man bows to them as he backs away with a smile on his face, and they continue on. He walks over next to some piled sacks of grain and picks up a harness and a couple of tools, his eyes following the Fence with sideways glances.
Nov 28, 2016 7:59 pm
Gord sidles up to Carlod and stands so the sacks of grain are between him and passers-by. "Good day Carlod. Got time to talk business? Got to put our heads together and see what we know about our target."
Last edited November 28, 2016 7:59 pm
Nov 28, 2016 8:20 pm
Carlod glances from side to side perfunctorily, there's an ongoing din in the stables, he shrugs continuing to fiddle with the leatherwork, "Les talk den. I can give ye da patrol schedules, nearby guard posts, pro'lly even a smol cart an' broken-in ass, if ye think we're needin' it?", he doesn't look up from the work.
Nov 28, 2016 9:27 pm
"Depends on how lucky we get inside. Better have the cart ready just in case." Gord nods. "That gets us to and from the place. What do we know about the house and where he's likely to keep the stuff? Servants? Personal guard?"
Nov 28, 2016 9:59 pm
He sniffs and shrugs, "Da Capo says it's jus' the young Wolsing, 'is wife, a kid, an' a servant dere. Can't afford a personal guard no more. 'Sa big house for jus' dat, but I guess it used to be better times for 'em...", he finishes tooling the leather and throws it over his shoulder and works his neck from side to side, "As for where, I figur a man 'oo cares dat much about 'is leaf is bound ta have a fancy pine box for it some'ere 'at'll stay cool, an a house dat big's gotta have a root cellar some'ere about it." he shrugs, bringing his arms up above his head with the rolling motion, "Beyond 'at, can't rightfully say."

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