Chapter 1: The Shadow Moot

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Oct 23, 2016 1:14 am
"As I knew you would." Gord nods. "I would of course be sure to show my proper appreciation for your help is this matter should the venture prove successful. Just a name and a bit of permission. Nothing tied to you if it goes wrong. A cut of the profits if it goes right.
I would like to move to a test. My intent is to get a name of a contact from him and his permission to try thieving from that target without anything in advance. It could be straight test against his will or if he has a counter offer it could be a contested social test. Either way, I am looking to use Persuasion with Haggling and Falsehood forked in.


Persuasion check - (6d6)

(326442) = 21

Fate to open 6s - (1d6, RA)

(1) = 1

Oct 23, 2016 6:43 pm
emsquared sent a note to Shark_Bone
Capo Furzere glances sideways briefly at a Thief to his right, "Anything that transpires in the Garden is tied to me. You may have your name and your permission, and I will have one from the Royal Green along to assist you in this venture, as well as a two-thirds share of the take." As Furzere finishes the Thief to his right, you think you know him as Carlod - a duelist and cat-burglar, smiles wryly as he stands, a hand resting on the guarded pommel of a rapier at his hilt.
You got it Gord, Furzere will be using his B3 Haggling w/ a +1 Advantage (since it's his turf), and +1 Help for Intimidation B4 from his Second. He'll also spend a Fate for Open-Ended. You succeed = permission, name, no Royal Green along for the ride, and a 40% cut for them (to cut out the middle-man of; you say 1/3, he says 50/50, you say 40/60)? You fail, it's as his conditions? Permission, name, his man, 2/3 cut. Agreeable?

[EDIT]Crap, meant to remove the roll until you could agree and can't seem to delete it... Apologies! I will re-roll if you desire.


Couter-offer, Haggling B3 +1 Adv. +1 Help - (5d6, RA)

(65) + (2) + (5) + (1) + (4) = 23

Oct 24, 2016 2:27 am
Shark_Bone sent a note to emsquared
Zachary exits the Principal's office, holding a bit of parchment in his hands which he slowly rolls up and puts in a jacket pocket. He looks around and sees that Gord is busy talking with someone, so walks over to a table and pours himself a cup of wine.

I must find Maestro. But where to begin? he thinks. He shakes his head and grimaces as he sips the sour wine.
Oct 25, 2016 2:02 am
Furzere smiles greasily and nods, "Good. Good. ... The Baron Wolsing has a small estate in the Garden District where he lived when he still had horses out in his fields outside the city walls. Well, he no longer has horses, barely even the fields, but he keeps the estate, and lives most of the year in Highport. One of his sons lives there now, manages the estate and the north end of the Baron's waning trade. The young Wolsing has an infamous appetite for the Tallfellow Red-leaf, buys it by the bale... Carlod can show you where the estate is and will support you in your Move. Just let him know if you are bringing any other Thieves in on the job. I don't care if you do, it's your cut, just be subtle of course, yes? I know you will." The Capo raises his glass again and drains it in a long gulp. "Shall we away to Madame Valon's, lads?" Two thieves get up with the Capo, leaving a young man from Ashe Family and Carlod at the table, the Royal Green looks to Gord and raises a questioning eyebrow, clearly looking to see if you want to talk business.
Oct 25, 2016 7:09 pm
"I'll not be doing the job tonight, Carlod, so be off if you want. Let's meet here tomorrow for noonmeal and we can talk business." Unless Carlod has anything else, Gord too heads over to grab another free drink.

"I'm starting to think Nulgha may have had a point that this is not a night to begin things." He groused to Zachary.
Last edited October 25, 2016 7:10 pm
Oct 26, 2016 1:56 pm
Carlod nods and grunts, "You will usually find me in person around the tackhouse of the Royal Green, or of course a Guild Courier can get me a message." He turns to follow the other Greens. The Ashe Family-man finishes his cup, and gets up to head to a bunk leaving Zachary and Gord mostly alone in the common room.
Oct 27, 2016 7:28 pm
Can't sleep. What am I gwunna do. Let's think. They need me. Right? Roof should be softer.

Gotta stop other shippers. Gotta pull in some favors for that. 'n stay outa the way of the goons.

Do they know 'bout Tomas?

They better not wreck my place. Maybe I should spook it up. Maybe I should spook them up.

...maybe I should play nice? NO. No. Can't. Nice girls get no respect. They'd sink me.

Hells, I really can't sleep like this. Maybe when I was younger. Urgh.

Nulgha stands up, wincing and hissing, and stretches. She climbs down the ladder and sets off down the alley for a bit. Finding a likely bundle in a corner, she prods it with one foot until it moves on its own.

"Shhh," Nulgha whispers, a finger of one hand against her lips. Her other hand holds up a coin, turning it slowly so that it glints silver in the moonlight. She tosses it to the ground; it clinks once, bouncing onto a mound of rags. "For your bedding," she says. The man without a roof wakes fully and scrambles for the coin as Nulgha gathers up the pilled but serviceable blanket.

Back on her rooftop bolthole, now warm and somewhat padded, Nulgha drifts off to sleep. In her dreams the roof sways in the wind like a ship at sea, the spirits of water hum in pleasing harmony, and Tomas - well, not all of her dreams are tranquil.
Oct 27, 2016 9:08 pm
Verrain says:

"I'm starting to think Nulgha may have had a point that this is not a night to begin things." He groused to Zachary.
Zachary nods to Gord, taking another sip from his cup. "I agree. I think we should all be out there looking for the Marstro. He's the one who held us all together and, with him gone for just one night, we start to come apart at the seams." He shakes his head, seeing his cup down harder than he really should in his frustration, sloshing the red into his hand. He shakes it off in disgust. "What is your opinion?"
Oct 28, 2016 4:43 pm
"I think that if the Capo and her boys cannot find the Maestro then my efforts will not help much." Gord replies. "I also think that unless some of us stay behind and stick to our work, then there will be nothing left to bring the Maestro back to. Gord pauses for a swallow of wine. "However, I presume you do not ask idly. Did Messandier ask you to track down something?"
Oct 29, 2016 1:59 am
Zachary eyes Gord for a few seconds before reaching into his pocket and pulling out the rolled up piece of paper. Handing it to Gord, he asks, "What can you make of that?"
emsquared says:
At first glance it appears to be just a piece of parchment that someone has scribbled all over. But as she sets it in your hands, you see it is a relief shading. All of the page is shaded by charcoal, except for where there are indentations from whatever was written on a piece of parchment that once sat on top of it... it reads, "X- Chondite keep it shall be. On the Moon-tooth of Sunflowers, you can expect..." The rest of the writing must have been cut-off by an overlapping piece of parchment, as the relief ends there.
Last edited October 29, 2016 1:59 am
Oct 29, 2016 11:52 pm
Gord pores over the note. He hums thoughtfully and finishes his wine before looking back up at Redhill. "There was a plan afoot to break the blockade of Chondite Keep in an attempt to bring Dwarven Nog into the city. Moon-tooth of Sunflowers sounds like a ship's name to me. Not sure if this note refers to that or not, but I don't believe in coincidence."
Oct 30, 2016 3:41 pm
Zachary grins as he takes the page back from Gord. "Nor do I. Messiandier had no idea what this might mean and you give me a clue upon first glance. Perhaps the wrong person was chosen to investigate Maestro's disappearance." He rubs the tip of his chin thoughtfully. "I'm going to follow this lead. I don't suppose you'd be interested in accompanying me?" He quirks an eyebrow at Gord.
I don't know anything about this city, or Chondite Keep. Could I make a Beginner's Luck Grayhawk City-wise test to know some more information? I'm trying to think of something specific to know about it, but I don't have a base of information to work from.
Oct 30, 2016 10:33 pm
You know without a check that Chondite Keep is a naval/military outpost north on the river near the Nyr Dyv that the City of Greyhawk currently occupies (though it has been in many different hands over the centuries, depending on local military power standings). You can make a City of Greyhawk-wise check to know more.
Oct 31, 2016 5:07 pm
"I might." Gord nods. "If you would be inclined to help me with a venture of my own. It is tangentially related to this, as obtaining a trade good to smuggle in was my part of the Chondite Keep plan. It may prove pointless now but I intend to go through with my part and in fact made a deal with Furzere to boost something out of the Garden Quarter. That's more your haunt than mine.
If Zach wants to roll that Wise check, I'll throw in a helping die.
Oct 31, 2016 7:55 pm
Time_and_Place says:
The morning after the Shadow Moot, River Quarter
Nulgha walks by the docks, wrapped in her new old blanket. A perceptive observer might notice that her hair and boots and glimpses of the cloak underneath her blanket bely the ragged appearance she projects.

Repnel, where are you? House, Hall, working...
I want to find Capo Repnel Porton, talk to him about what happened last night, where he stands with relation to me, where he stands with relation to Nicastro. Where should I go to find him? Or what should I roll if it's not clear I can eventually find him without consequences? Nulgha's task in the absence of interruption is to check his usual haunts in the guise of a vagrant not currently bothering anyone, and if she finds him, catch him at a free-of-prying-eyes-besides-a-loyal-bodyguard-or-whatnot moment. If she does not find him in any usual place, she will ask the spirits of the near bank of the river to guide her, walking the bank looking for omens in the dirt; then if that doesn't work ask the spirits of the back alleys of Greyhawk to guide her, walking the streets and flipping a stone to make decisions on which way to turn; then if that doesn't work it'll probably be time to sleep.
Nov 1, 2016 8:21 pm
I do want to make that check! I want to know of weaknesses that our kind know about and exploit to get past the keep. I have Perception B4, + the hero die from Gord.
Zachary smiles at Gord. "Of course. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, as the saying goes."


Beginner's Luck: City of Greyhawk-wise - (5d6)

(45363) = 21

Nov 2, 2016 2:10 am
Zachary and Gord put their heads together over Chondite Keep, and here is what they know (City of Greyhawk-wise):

1. It is currently a major focal point for the War, as it is integral to keeping the river passage open which is critical to keeping the Free City of Greyhawk supplied w/ basic goods. Though not exactly besieged, it is under assault pretty much daily by Orcish forces.

2. It is currently held/occupied by the Men of Greyhawk, however a troop of Dwarves has come up from the south and is stationed there as well, helping to hold it as the river is also critical to their inland supply chain.

3. The Free and Independent City of Dyvers (the closest major city to Greyhawk and the strongest naval force on the Nyr Dyv) has thus far withheld aid from Chondite Keep and the Men of Greyhawk against their/everyone's shared enemy, the Orcs.

Knowing anything about the weaknesses of the Keep would require specific knowledge or training of some sort, i.e. not something that can be attained with a Beginner's Luck test. Maybe a military strategist, architect/engineer, or smuggler could help you with such things...
The morning after the Shadow Moot...
Nulgha sits and waits outside the main doors of Gallow Hall near a public fountain, it's about the only place the Guards won't shoo her away from on this street of well-dressed and busy looking people. She sees the telltale look-outs now and again so she's reasonably sure he's inside, but she also knows she'd never be allowed to remain in the halls of the otherwise upright commerce center while cloaked in the musty blanket. She doesn't have to wait long though before the Capo strides out onto the cobble stones at a brisk clip, he's dictating some orders to a young man - you're not sure if the lad is Guild or not - who breaks off from the elder man's path and sprints away as the Capo continues on.
Nov 2, 2016 10:46 pm
Knowing anything about the weaknesses of the Keep would require specific knowledge or training of some sort, i.e. not something that can be attained with a Beginner's Luck test. Maybe a military strategist, architect/engineer, or smuggler could help you with such things...
Gotcha. I'm definitely happy with what I got.

Where are Gord and Zachary this next morning? Meeting up to plan this theft that I agreed to?
Nov 3, 2016 12:04 am
There he is. Doesn't look like he's pissed...

Nulgha whips off her blanket, twirling it into a roll as she hurries up to fall in step beside the Capo.

"Capo. I imagine we need to talk," she says. "I'm sure you've heard the story. I will resolve my issue with the Guild on my own, of course, though I would appreciate your support when the time comes. Until then, I will bring my dues to you as usual, and I request tacit permission to come and go within the River Quarter.

"Unless... are we in open revolt, Capo? Or will you work with Nicastro?"
Last edited November 3, 2016 7:20 pm
Nov 3, 2016 3:38 am
Porton's hand drifts to the small of his back and his body is tensed as he turns abruptly, just as Nulgha draws up to him. When he sees it's the smuggler and hears her first hurried words, he blinks twice, exhales and falls back into his stride as if nothing had happened, "Walk with me.", he grumbles.

After Nulgha says her second piece he speaks low turning his baritone into a rumble, his voice becoming one with the din of the busy avenue to anyone further than a pace or two away, "I did hear. And I would give you what help I can, but I must be careful just yet. Nicastro will have his eyes within the Hall on me... on everything. And beyond that, the Old Alliance has allowed many men to prosper where they were just as likely to die before. And those many - even in Gallow Hall - would heed a summons under the Writ before me, were it to come to that. ... No, no open revolt, yet." he sighs, "I can't blame them, and I won't ask them to wage war on their livelihoods. No... We would have to have something on the Principal before we could win any numbers away from tradition.", he turns north to walk the street known as "the Strip", which ends in the city gates to the Docks. "My hope is that the Maestro will... return ... before any great conflict arises." he snorts, "But truly, I will not pay dues to Nicastro-ruddy-Saloman, and that... when he has no purse from the Hall at the end of the month... that will bring conflict." as the gates come into sight he stops and turns to face Nulgha, "All the Capo had a reminder by courier's hand this morning, reinforcing the finality of your relinquished status, Nulgha. If you are going to continue working in Greyhawk, be very careful with whom you deal. My advice to you, as your Brother of the Guild and Capo, is to leave town. There is no obligation on any Guildsman to bring you in unless you try to thieve, so just cut your losses. And while Nicastro can't allocate Guild resources to hunting you down for your words last night, he is a privately wealthy man too, and from what I've heard you had flames shooting from his ears he was so hot..." there is no emotion in his face or in his words. His eyes narrow and he draws a slow breath through his nose as he judges the weight of his words on the half-orcish woman.
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