(this was preceded by round three)
Gagging on his own blood, Reptile struggles to retain consciousness. The struggle is brief, and lost.
Reptile has died.
Having just thrown open the door, Aanbo steps through from the den, Chase right behind him. Myrtha and Theran are probably relieved to see their fellow Dungeon Busters rather than more enemies.

Aanbo crosses the room in a flash, coming up behind Myrtha's assailant (called "H.A." because no one in the party has yet learned his name), kicks him in the back of the leg, following up with a series of punches to the back of the neck and head. H.A. takes 10 damage. It is a beautifully-executed takedown...
...except that H.A. doesn't quite fall. He staggers, and whirls to get Aanbo in his field of view, too. "The dwarf!" he yells in surprise. "I've heard about you!" Then his eyes widen, as he continues parrying Myrtha's sword blows. "If you're here, what happened to Gerd?!?"
Whatever Derek is doing upstairs, the party cannot see or hear it.

Chase runs up behind Aanbo as H.A. is turning to face them and slams his spear into the man's abdomen. From the angle, it probably hits his kidneys more than his gut; H.A. takes 9 bludgeoning damage and falls to the floor with a groan.

Note that H.A. is not dead, but the "spreadeagled" icon next to him indicates that he is down.
22 - Reptile (0/15) Dead
16 - Aanbo (16/19)
15 - Derek Gone upstairs
14 - Chase (8/11)
10 - Bertram Dead
9 - Myrtha (6/12)
5 - H.A. (-35) Down
1 - Theran (13/13)
Reptile dead save DC10 - (1d20)
(5) = 5