Once everyone is awake, Theran recounts his side's experience after they split at the barn.
"We hauled the body with us, and found an entrance directly into the cellar. We explored as we moved, cautiously. We thought we heard a commotion on the street above, but couldn't risk being caught with a literal dead body."
Theran grabs a chair and sits, the day starting to catch up with him. He cracks his neck and runs fingers through his long hair as he considers how to phrase what comes next.
"This inn has a lot of hidden passages. I'm not surprised they're able to keep things hidden from the villagers... even the ones they're allied with, apparently." The wood elf shoots a poignant look at the captive cultist.
"We found another hidden door with a small room, and another door that opened into a tunnel. We heard a noise beyond the door, but by the time we actually opened it we couldn't see anything or anyone. I have to wonder what other buildings connect to the tunnels. We didn't explore it, but I have to believe more of the town is part of the network.
Regardless, we stashed the body. Gods, it feels terrible saying that, but..." Theran shakes his head and splays his hands in front of him, giving a shrug and a sigh.
"After we did that, we headed up into the inn. A fight broke out. I... I tried to keep Reptile alive, but... I failed, clearly. You saw the aftermath down there. We charged upstairs after that monster," Theran punctuates his word by jabbing his staff roughly into the corpse of the scarred man as he continues,
"and my earlier reconnaissance paid off, since the hidden passageway wasn't a secret. But that's about where you all joined back up with us, and you know the rest."
Theran falls quiet and looks at the remaining Dungeon Busters.
"I'm worried about leaving, because that gives them time to regroup and to twist this tale to suit their own ends. But... someone beyond us needs to know what's happening here, and frankly I think we need help. I feel like this is bigger than the four of us can handle."
Last edited February 7, 2025 6:10 pm