Interclass Activities and Facultatives Picking

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Nov 30, 2024 3:44 pm
[PM. Classes - April 1, Mon]
Finally the teachers reach their rooms, in 1-B, a very ordinary looking (which thing is turning quite unordinary at this point) math teacher appears and presents himself, "I'm Satoshi Yamashiro, nice to meet you all... As painful as it sounds, you won't be having any mathematics today, the higher-ups insist we go to the yard to start some "interclass activity", so arrange yourselves in nice, ordained lines, and off we go."
Meanwhile, in 1-A, a foreigner looking man enters, with long brown hair and a goatee, he has a gallant and svelte build, wearing a red velvet tuxed and a beige shirt. With a dramatic bow to the class, he presents himself: "Greetings, my young pupils! (he says in perfect English, with a curious but eloquent accent) I am Richard Yamamoto, your English and foreign literature teacher! My, it is a delight to make your acquaintances! I've already set up a nice little activity for us, with the help of the, err... What was it this time? Oh, right: the arts & culture activities coordinator... So down to the yard we go, shall we? Avante, ad astra!"
And with that, the two classes meet at the yard, where they see both teachers, the two homeroom teachers and Ruby! Now wearing a white shirt, fine blue pants, a red scarf and an oversized bonnet, a true parody what she thinks a modern French art connoisseur looks like. "Oh, my, what a pleasant view! All this young and talented folks in just one place! Ahh!" She exasperates, raising her forearm to her forehead in dramatical fashion.

Ok, young folks! Me and mister handsome here... She says, winking at the English teacher, "...Have set up a very special activity for our first days of school! A theatrical play!!" The teacher only nods as she explains it.

Gesturing to the Mathematics teacher, she hastily orders him to bring something, which she begrudging do: a moveable black board, all scribed already.

"Alright, here are the roles we're looking for:" She starts, listing the topics on the board with a rod: "First, there is the Noble Knight, who may rescue the damsel, confront the sorcerer, and deliver an absurd number of heartfelt speeches!! And of course, with his Faithful Squire at his side, to provide comic relief, assist the knight, and try (and fail) to keep them out of trouble." Going through the next role: "And of course, the Evil Sorcerer! Who wants to destroy all love! Kidnap and torment the damsel, challenge the knight, and deliver grandiose villain monologues!!"

"Then there is the Damsel in distress!! Whose purpose is to be bound tight at the mercy of the evil sorcerer/witch and to be rescued by the knight, but with plenty of melodramatic swooning and over-the-top declarations of woe." She then pauses, her cheeks burning with bliss "Oh, I could play that role perfectly!! Specially if the evil witch were a certain someone..." As the English teacher protests playfully: "Now, now... Let us let our young students shine a little bit on their own!" She pouts at his remarks, but finally nods, "There's also the Black Knight! The Noble Knight's nemesis, constantly challenging them to duels over trivial matters!"

Going now through the secondary roles, she says: "Ooh... The Sorcerer’s Henchman: A dim-witted but loyal minion who is always foiling their master’s plans by accident; The Ghost of the Tower: A comedic or tragic specter haunting the damsel, who often offers unsolicited and unhelpful advice."

"Oh, and there's also the Villager Chorus: a group of townsfolk who will narrate the play! And we could also work on a big puppet to play as the evil dragon!!"
All that exposition leaves her panting. After she recovers, she studies her students for a moment. "Alright! Now, the greatest talents among you... Oh, I know who you are, teehee! Should apply to this wonderful play!! We will do lots of rehearsals, and could even alternate roles! And then, on the next festival, we could play it on the stage for everyone to see!! And of course, we trust on our dear student's genius, so we welcome any ideas of additional roles, or modifications for the existent ones! Just come at the board and sign your names next to the roll(s) you're interested in! Oh, and you can possibly play more than one roll!!"

After she finishes explaining everything about the piece, which would occupy the students willing to participate during their English classes for some weeks, she goes through another matter. "Alright, alright... As you may have noticed, here in Youkai Academy, we have a reduced amount of class periods, and that we achieve because we love our students!! And because we're not bound to the Japanese government, being a secret school and all that..." She digresses under her breath, "That leaves you guys with lots of free time! And thus, we offer in here extra, elective courses along with the main ones. You may pick whichever you want, you may even pick all of then! They will take place on the last periods of every day, or the two las periods, on Fridays and Saturdays!"

She then points her rod to a table aside, "Whichever courses you wish to take, just sign your name below it! Oh, and also be assured that, in some days, we'll have our club activities, and you guys will also be able to pick a club for yourselves! Whoa!! Isn't this so fun?!! I miss my school days!" Mizore, who was now just next to hear, stings drily: "You never went to school..."

The options for electives were:
Fighting (self-defense)
Magics (preternatural sciences)
Youkai Studies
Nov 30, 2024 4:06 pm
Konomi looks at her classmates, trying to gauge their reactions. She is not sure what to make of this herself.
"A play? Isn't that a bit sudden? Also that plot sounds super cliché."
Nov 30, 2024 5:17 pm
What the hell? Hanami was actually looking forward to some cold hard math, so she wasn't pleased, especially since she busted her back to get there seconds before she would've been late. Now she was off to the yard before even catching her breath. She only hoped whatever came next wouldn't be too strenuous.
As soon as she saw Ruby, Hanami immediately had a bad feeling about this 'interclass activity'. Especially since it was going to be a play, and one that was shaping up to be rather banal in her opinion as she listened. Hmph. Pass. She had better things to do with her time—
Moyreau (Ruby) says:
"Then there is the Damsel in distress!! Whose purpose is to be BOUND TIGHT at the mercy of the evil sorcerer/witch..."
Hanami's ears twitched. Well, maybe being the evil sorcerer wouldn't be a complete waste of time...
Moyreau (Ruby) says:
"Oh, I could play that role perfectly!! Specially if the evil witch were a certain someone..."
"!?!" Hanami nearly fell over at that obvious implication. She caught a few looks, so she cleared her throat and tried to act inconspicuous, but her heart was racing. What the hell is that cosplayer thinking? She was relieved that Ruby would not actually be in the play, but the mental image of Ruby bound and at her mercy was stuck in her head now...

"A-Ahem... The brat's right. A play right at the start of the year is rather unusual," Hanami agreed. However, she was one of the first to come forward, immediately signing her name next to the evil sorcerer role.

She also signed up for all of the elective classes. Yokai Studies and Magics were definitely within her interests, and she figured she could drop Arts and Fighting later if they didn't seem like they'd prove worthwhile for her.
Last edited November 30, 2024 10:03 pm


Nosebleeder (DN 4; Iron-Willed, -Lecherous) - (3d6)

(614) = 11

Nov 30, 2024 6:14 pm
Lín Jìng thinks to herself, this is going to be tough, but if I don't get used to being in the spotlight, I'll never be comfortable with attention; I've got to do this.

She approaches the list, and writes her name on the board, marking tentative interest in anything (including hypothetical additional roles) except the dragon and the chorus.

For the electives, she tentatively picks Fighting (self-defense), Magics (preternatural sciences), and Youkai Studies.
Last edited December 1, 2024 5:57 am
Dec 1, 2024 5:54 am
Ibuki is rather interested in the role the ghost in the tower, offering unsolicited advice is something she's been told she's great at afterall! It being unhelpful however is rather hurtful... she wonders if she can convince Ruby to make the ghost an apparition of a bodhisattva 'journey to the west'

Looking at the list of electives Ibuki's eyes are drawn to the one called 'Youkai studies' "To learn about that monstrous side of me and confront it was why i came here i suppose it is well and truly the way of an 'Oni' to do that head on... one of the three great youkai of japan shuten doji, i wonder if I will get to learn what kind of monster you were" and with that ibuki will sign up for youkai studies. She will also sign up for art afterall poetry is art
Last edited December 2, 2024 6:41 am
Dec 1, 2024 8:39 pm
Konomi eagerly signs up for the art class. She feels less thrilled about the play though. Blending in to the crowd of students she bides her time, not committing to any role. Maybe if all the big roles get taken she can get away with just playing some background character.
Dec 1, 2024 11:56 pm
Sumeryu found it strange that her English literature teacher would prompt the students in a language that definitely wasn't English. She liked his choice in cravat, however.

She sits in the middle, for the presentation, occupying a lot of space both literally and metaphorically. Her adoring fans now number at least a hundred. Her composure is cool and collected. Mostly. She keeps stealing glances at Konomi, Luna, Hanami, Katsuya and now Lin Jing. They are all good princess candidates for different reasons.

She is definitely not plotting how to expand her dramatic mountain castle with chambers and servants for all five of them, and she resents that you would ask.

When the presentation is done, she boldly strides to sign up and puts herself down for dragon. No mere puppet can imitate the regal presence of a real dragon! Quite a few people assume that she has an interest in puppetry and animatronics. Almost everyone, in fact. Because dragons aren't real and haven't been real for hundreds of years, which everyone knows.

Sumeryu also puts herself down for the fighting and arts clubs. She is so beautiful she is like a work of art, so that makes sense.
Dec 2, 2024 2:15 am
Luna, with her shyness, wondered if it would even be possible for her to take a role in the play and not clam up. She felt the damsel in distress role would be suitable, but only if no one else was picked for it. But putting aside sign ups for the play for a moment, Luna had an easier time deciding which electives to sign up for. Having been raised outside a traditional youkai home, enrolling in Youkai Studies was a must for her. Luna also signed up for the art class, as it sounded like fun.
Dec 2, 2024 5:10 am
Hanami was stealing as many glances as Sumeryu was, though luckily for the witch's heart, their eyes didn't meet. She noticed her signing up for the dragon role, and unlike most of the students, she had a good idea of what it truly meant. Does she plan to use her full body...!? Hanami could picture it now. The evil sorceress riding her dragon into battle, raining hellfire on the poor foolish knight! It was her childhood dream of riding a dragon but cranked up to eleven. Of course, there probably wasn't going to be any hellfire in the play, but the thought of making an entrance like that was so... cool to her. She was going to fight tooth and nail to get that into the script.

She found a moment to approach Sumeryu. "So you're going to be the dragon? Well, I'm gunning for the evil sorceress. We'd make one hell of a team. Whoever's playing the 'noble' knight would find themselves hopelessly upstaged!" She smirked. Then her eyes gained the sparkle of child-like excitement. "Especially if I ride you in front of everyone."
Dec 3, 2024 5:28 pm
Being the first to stand forward and go sign her name, Hanami indeed was met by many gazes, specially after her gasped startlement!

As she picks a chalk and goes write her name, Ruby has a reaction even more dramatical than hers: for a moment, it looked like she was going to faint! "Gaa!! H-hanami, you want to play the evil witch?!!"

She gives cautious looks aside, making sure no one was paying attention to her (everyone were), and quickly grabbed a chalk and made a little modification on the play's cast: "Ahem... Actually, there will be TWO princesses! And well... Having for safety reasons... And for encouragement, I figure I should be close to our wonderful actors... Ahem, so I'll be playing her!!" She says, energetically writing her name under the second princess' role, "Oh... What a terrible witch! Capturing two princesses at once!!" She says, giving a not-so-subtle wink at Hanami.

Instantly after that, came running cheerfully Aika: "Oh, oh! I want to be the villainess' sidekick, henchman, minion... whatever, sign me in!!" She says, writing her name on it.

"Oh well, if she captured two beautiful (and helpless) princesses, she may as well have two henchmen!! If anyone else is interested..." Said Ruby, clapping eagerly at the girls excitement (and at her own).
All that time, Kurumu was cheering and sound extremely excited about this whole ordeal, trying to convince her students to take roles, the main ones specially.

First she came at Luna, pampering her and patting her shoulder: "My, my! Wouldn't you make a wonderful princess? Come, let us sign you up!"

Then she went to to Konomi, but quickly dismayed over her disinterest. "P-please, wait! Look, plays are fun!! They are like playing make-belief!! Wouldn't you like that? What role do you want, eh? I can get it for you! Come on now... Oh, I know! You could play a little angel! Aww, so cuuute!!" She said, her eyes sparkling
After came Ibuki, composed as ever, and signed her name under the ghost role. Curiously for her, absolutely no one else was interested in that role.

"That's the spirit, miss Doji!" Said Kurumu, as if she had hearts gleaming on her eyes, "I didn't took you for someone with acting aspirations, but I'm glad you have!!"

She then sees Sumeryu coming forward, clapping for her, "Yuppy!!! Look, the star of the play is coming!! Fufufu! She'll will certainly play the great heroine who will save the princesses and defeat the awful villainess!"

But then her jaw drops, as she sees Sumeryu sign up for the dragon role; she's speechless for a moment... "D-d-d... Dragon?!! My wonderful star will play the dragon?!! S-she'll be the whole play inside a puppet?!! No way!!" She looked very sad and dismayed.
Dec 3, 2024 5:36 pm
Moyreau says:
After came Ibuki, composed as ever, and signed her name under the ghost role. Curiously for her, absolutely no one else was interested in that role.
Technically, Lín Jìng is interested in all roles except the chorus and dragon.
Dec 3, 2024 5:56 pm
Konomi is still not convinced. She gives Kurumu a questioning look. "An angel? What would an angel even do? Wouldn't a story like that have fairies rather than angels?"
Dec 3, 2024 6:10 pm
Kurumu is impressed by the little girl-looking girl's assertiveness: "Oh, well the angel could look cute and pure, and..." She pauses, "Send that awful villain and her teach- I mean, master, to the depths of hell!! Bwahahaha!" She pauses again, mellowing back, "Oh, it could have both! B-but would you prefer a fairy then, eh?" She says in a warm and kind, but slightly condescending way.
Dec 4, 2024 2:27 am
Kanako stands to the side of the bustling crowds of students, summoning up her best affectation of blasé superiority. She found the whole concept of the play understimulating and decided to focus on choosing an elective.

Looking over the options, she stood there deep in thought, mumbling to herself.

"Self-defense might be... but no, and... maybe arts?"
Dec 4, 2024 4:05 pm
Lín Jìng circles around the crowd, slowly finding her way to Richard.

"Um, Yamamoto-sensei, if I may ask, given how the distribution of roles is going, what role or roles am I likely to end up with?"
Dec 4, 2024 4:08 pm
Konomi put on a defiant pout. "You know what? Maybe I do prefer a fairy. Fairies are plenty cute as well!" It takes her a second to realize she just agreed to join the play. "Wait...." She sighs in resignation. "... never mind.... sign me up."
Dec 4, 2024 6:19 pm
"T-Two princesses!?" Just when Hanami thought she was safe, Ruby revealed she was joining in after all. She was rather flustered but she managed to make a recovery. "H-Hmph! Fine then. No matter how many princesses there are, I, the evil witch, will capture them all!" She boldly declared.

She had no problem with Aika being her henchman, and in fact, she thought it was fitting for the tengu girl. Dim-witted but loyal... The role was practically made for her. Aika had declared herself as Hanami's best friend, and then there was also the way she was ready to 'protect' her from Sumeryu during lunch earlier, as misguided as it was. She was rapidly growing fond of the bird. It seemed she had a weakness for earnest people. I wouldn't have any other idiot serving me! Though, she'll have to remember her lines...

She wondered who would be her second henchmen. Really, anyone would do, so maybe she didn't need to worry about it.
Escaping Ruby's gaze, Hanami slid over to Mizore and whispered. "Hey, sensei...! Did you tell Tojo about the zapping...!? This is all your fault." Hanami grumbled, conveniently ignoring how she got herself into this situation with that fateful zap in the cafeteria hall.
Dec 4, 2024 10:18 pm
Sumeryu looks down at Kurumu -who she is mentally classifying as Succubus Princess- and she answers, "There will be no puppet." She smiles, unintentionally gallant as usual. "I ama dragon. No one else can perform this role. I could also be the noble knight, if you think we could arrange the story in a surprising way. Perhaps the real villain is loneliness? There could be more than one play, perhaps, for different versions."

She reassures and charms Kurumu further with one move! Her beauty and charm are too great for this world! That or she's just naturally considerate, very pretty, and very big.

Hanami spoke to her and she nodded in agreement, turning from Kurumu to the bespectacled healer-witch. "We will, I'm sure, and they stand no chance! We will capture all of the princesses, and we'll do it together! Have you ever ridden a dragon before? Are you sure you can handle something that big?"

Doctor Princess is taking the bait! Well, it wasn't bait, but now it is. Sumeryu can't afford to not play the dragon now, since Doctor Princess Matsuyama is going to be her partner in hammy pretend-evil. Everyone knows that the dragon is really in charge and the evil sorceress is her minion, right? Not that it matters too much. People looking closely might see that Sumeryu was even blushing slightly!

Sumeryu is enough of a dingus to completely miss Hanami's double entendre, but she is blushing because she is thinking of acquiring another princess. Could she acquire all of the teachers as princesses? It would be quite the coup. Her right, even, as a proud and noble dragon! Also, just imagine how cute Hanami is going to look in a witch outfit. And how she's going to fly off with her prize at the end and play board games and watch a movie and watch the sunset and other wholesome activities...

She was daydreaming such that she didn't notice her own double entendre in reply.
Dec 5, 2024 3:14 am
First she came at Luna, pampering her and patting her shoulder: "My, my! Wouldn't you make a wonderful princess? Come, let us sign you up!"
Luna found herself unable to resist as Kurumu pushed her to the chalk board. She took one last look around in case anyone else wanted to speak up for the princess role. Since there were none opposed, she wrote her name on the chalk board with a bit of hesitancy.

"I-If it's really okay, I-I'll do my befsth!" Realizing she bit her tongue at the end, Luna couldn't help but blush in embarrassment.
Dec 5, 2024 11:45 am
"Well now I now i have two damsels to offer my advice too, this is wonderful ive always thought that wisdom is best shared among as many as possible"
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