Interclass Activities and Facultatives Picking

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Dec 7, 2024 9:26 pm
After several minutes of fidgeting, Kanako sighs and walks up to Mizore.

"Shirayuki-Sensei, I could use some advice on my electives..."
Dec 10, 2024 3:33 am
As Konomi waivers, Kurumu happily writes her name on the role of fairy (that she just made up) "Awesome! You'll be the most adorable fairy ever! Fufufu!"
Kurumu listens carefully to Sumeryu's explanation, understanding it all, or at least pretends to. But at last, her eyes sparkle, if not by the prospect of one of her students getting two roles at once, for her... "...Genius!! You're so creative miss Himeji! This spin of fresh air would be right what's needed for our play to reach stellar levels of success!!" She says, raising her fist eagerly, "Uh... I'll see if no one get's that role, then we could work it out! hehehe..."
Luna's conformity with the immutable fact she would be playing the princess just added to her cheering, she seemed extremely happy at the moment, counterbalancing her rival's sulkiness.
When Hanami came to confront Mizore about leaking their 'little secret', Mizore just shrugs it off: "You fool, you zapped me in front of a whole class of third something people, what'd you expect? Ruby's crazed infatuation for you serves you right! Humph... She snorts smugly, then adding, "Sigh... As your responsible, I should warn that she can be pretty... Extreme sometimes... So be warned. Heck, you probably already got to know that."
As their interaction ended, came Kanako, asking for advice, adding to her unending torment: "Huh... You seem into manga and stuff? You should go for arts... And you nerds normally like magic and occult stuff, don't you?" She says, disinterested.
Meanwhile, Lín Jìng comes to mr. Richard Yamamoto, seeking advice. He patiently waits for everyone who seemed interested in the play step up, not showing any dismay on the small amount of interested students, despite his colleagues enthusiasm and encouragement.

He appraises Lín's physiognomy for an instant. "Hmm... Let us see... Thou dost have a Saturnine visage... I don't think thee would be proper to play the expansive and jovial hero... Now, thou could play the Black Knight! Maybe not as a simple villain..." He gives a subtle side-glance at Hanami and Sumeryu, "Err... We already have plenty in that stock... An anti-heroic black night thee could play! A Lunar hero! An introspective and more somber and tragic counterpart for the hero! Of course, let us not subtract from the light tone of our play, but I entertain thou hast gotten my meaning?"
Evil Witch: Hanami Matsuyama
Witch's henchman: Aika Fujimura
Princess es: Ruby Tojo, Luna
Dragon: Sumeryu Himeji
Ghost: Ibuki
Angel Fairy: Konomi Watanabe
Black Knight
Dec 10, 2024 5:29 am
"You don't need to worry. I haven't rode a dragon before, but no matter how big you are, I can take it!" Hanami proclaimed proudly to Sumeryu, pointing a thumb at herself. How she could say something like that with a straight face was a mystery. Maybe she was too consumed with the thought of dragon riding to realize how her phrasing could be construed.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind if we practiced sometime... Just the two of us," Hanami suggested. She started to finger her scarf nervously, averting her gaze. She hadn't failed to notice Sumeryu was blushing a bit. Is she also looking forward to it? Has she been fantasizing about a rider this whole time!? Her heart was pounding like a drum.
Shit, she's right... Hanami ground her teeth together when Mizore pointed out the zapping wasn't exactly a secret. Why did I have to zap the hell out of her not once, but twice? In front of everyone? She was starting to regret doing that, but seeing Mizore's smugness made her want to just zap the yuki-onna again. Before she gave in to that desire though, what Mizore said next made her pause. "Extreme...? What do you mean? I already know she likes to get electrocuted... Uh, don't ask how I know. How much worse can it get?"

She clammed up as Kanako approached. She could only hope the otaku succubus didn't catch any of that. Why not ask your own sensei? Hanami wondered rather grumpily. However, she took one glance at the incredibly busty Kurumu, and she was able to guess why Kanako wasn't keen to go to her own teacher for advice. "Pfft." Hanami stifled a snicker behind her hand. So petty...!
Last edited December 10, 2024 5:31 am
Dec 10, 2024 5:55 am
"Sure, the Black Knight is all right. Is that settled or should I wait for the final assignment?"
Dec 11, 2024 12:51 am
The dragon girl flips her hair with smug self satisfaction when Succubus Princess praises her. Being recognized for her genius is her due, of course, but it's worth more from a princess. "I'm certain it will be an amazing success."

She has just enough dignity to refrain from drooling. And it's a good thing her human form doesn't have a tail, or it would be wagging.

"Are you sure? It will be a tight fit." Between her wings. Quadruple entendres continue stacking.

Doctor Princess is volunteering to be kidnapped! This must be Sumeryu's reward for all her good deeds! Like giving those orphans money! And rescuing that van fill of small animals from plunging off a cliff!

She evaluated Hanami, looking far down at the much smaller girl. She answered after a few of seconds, which surely looked like she was evaluating whether Hanami deserved to fly with a magnificent and perfect creature like Sumeryu but in actuality the dragon girl was forcing herself not to squeal with delight. "I would like that, Dr. Matsuyama. After dinner?"
Last edited December 11, 2024 12:52 am
Dec 11, 2024 2:50 pm
As the other teacher in the grade repels Kanako with a disinterest colder than her powers, the Succubus mumbles some indistinct words of thanks and retreats with a stony expression. At least, she thinks, it's good to know that she really can't rely on her, either.

After a few minutes of fidgeting and rumination, she ultimately walks away from the gathering with no electives marked down, and perhaps just a hint of sullen dejection in her step.
Dec 12, 2024 5:34 am
As Mizore was distracted by Kanako. Even after dismissing her, she didn't answer to Hanami, seemingly forgetting her question, or maybe, that is indeed a smirk when she side-glances at her...
The teacher gave another look around, people were already dispersing and going away. "Tush, it appears thou art short in competition... In that case, the role is thine!" He cheers Lín Jìng.
Walking away, sulking, Kanako is stopped short when arms wrap around her shoulders, pulling her back. As she turns, to her surprise, it was her homeroom teacher, Kurumu! "Hey there, girl, trying to slip under my sight, eh? Fufufu! Come on, I didn't saw you sign for any elective, or any role either!" She pats Kanako's head. "That's just not right! Come, why don't you consider some elective? Oh, I saw you reading a lot since earlier morning! You should talk with mr. Yamamoto anytime, he knows all about literature! I'm sure you would find it enjoying!" She says, bringing her closer to the small crowd that still lingered in the yard, her touch gentle. "So, what do you like to read the most, eh?"
While narrating these final interactions, I'll be closing in this scene. Next ones will come soon!
Dec 12, 2024 7:40 am
Sumeryu notices that the girl who threw such a great punch in the cafeteria is dejected! Sullen! Feeling unhappy generally! It's a tragedy. And Succubus Princess is bothering her, most likely in a way that she finds unwelcome.

"Please, Kurono-sensei, I believe that Uehara-san shouldn't be pressured into taking any electives or roles in the play if she doesn't want to." She puts her hand on Kurumu's shoulder to gently pull her arm off of Kanako and rescue the introvert from her pushy teacher.

The dragon girl then holds out her hand to Kanako. Whatever earlier hostility Kanako showed towards Sumeryu in the cafeteria has been completely forgotten. Or Sumeryu is as dense as the Chernobyl sarcophagus and didn't even notice it in the first place. But nobody could tell, externally.

"Uehara-san, your form and strike was top-notch today in the cafeteria. I think you would enjoy taking the martial arts electives. If you don't want to, then would you practice with me sometime? I would like a sparring partner."

And she sweeps her hand up and to her left, to indicate the signup area for electives.

It's like a scene straight out of a shoujoyuri manga when the dashing and beautiful princequeen character is introduced and invites the introverted girl protagonist on a date without calling it that. Sumeryu is tall, beautiful, already popular, using Kanako's name politely, and she's so very, very dashing.

Sumeryu definitely hasn't read this manga before. Nope. Not at all.

Two of her fans faint in the background.
Last edited December 12, 2024 7:40 am
Dec 12, 2024 9:07 am
Moyreau says:
While narrating these final interactions, I'll be closing in this scene. Next ones will come soon!
Got it. Quick note, you forgot Mizore's reply to Hanami. Hanami asked for more info regarding Ruby's... proclivities.
Dec 12, 2024 9:34 am
"That's how I prefer it. I can't get comfortable when it's too loose." Quintuple entendre! The two of them shattered the previous record set in the cafeteria.

"Y-Yeah. After dinner sounds good...!" Hanami replied breathlessly, unable to completely hide her giddiness. She was planning to find Yasuo and Rikishi after classes, but besides that she wouldn't be doing anything around dinnertime. She'd be settled into the dorms by then. "I'll call you," she said before slinking off, her cheeks burning.
After Kanako walked off, Hanami waited expectantly for an answer, only to be met with that maddening smirk as Mizore side-eyed her. Urge to zap... Rising... "...You're going to leave me in the dark, aren't you? You do enjoy your secrets. Tch, fine! Tojo-sensei won't be anything I can't handle. You'll see!" Hanami declared before storming away.
After finishing up with Mizore, her attention was drawn to the scene between Sumeryu and Kanako when she heard those two fans collapse. "Hmm...? E-Eh? Eh!?" Hanami's jaw dropped. Naturally, she assumed the worst. Is she asking the Missile out? It looks like it!! Why!? She went over to the two fainted fans and skillfully tended to their severe case of Sumeryu overdose, but she watched with bated breath.
Last edited December 15, 2024 12:44 am
Dec 14, 2024 10:51 pm
Despite her pretensions of intellectualist complexity, Kanako Uehara is generally a straightforward girl. If she likes something, she does it; If she doesn't like it, she leaves. This , however, does not mean that she isn't prone to being stuck between a rock and a soft place. First it was the teacher that felt like an estranged auntie grabbing her by the scruff of the neck, then it was the draconic supermodel being her strange, possibly oblivious self.

Trapped in a state of heart-stopping indecision, the Chandleresque internal resolution was fueled by a sense of violence - sparring means she can at least kick one of these people in the face.

She replies curtly, tearing her hand from Sumeryu's grasp. "Tch, well, if you're that needy for someone to beat up, I'll sign up for martial arts. You happy?"
Dec 14, 2024 11:46 pm
Got it. Quick note, you forgot Mizore's reply to Hanami. Hanami asked for more info regarding Ruby's... proclivities.
Uh, actually, Mizore didn't intended to answer to that, either by annoyance, being distracted by Kanako, or the amusing startlement of Hanami.
Dec 14, 2024 11:55 pm
Moyreau says:
Uh, actually, Mizore didn't intended to answer to that, either by annoyance, being distracted by Kanako, or the amusing startlement of Hanami.
Then you forgot her intention to not answer. By not narrating it, how it resolves is left unclear.
Dec 15, 2024 12:25 am
That's a good point, sorry for that. I did edit my last post to add it in the first paragraph.
Dec 15, 2024 12:35 am
Moyreau says:
That's a good point, sorry for that. I did edit my last post to add it in the first paragraph.
No problem. I'm realizing I accidentally came across as kind of blunt, so I apologize. I'm replacing the placeholder now.
Dec 15, 2024 4:13 am
Oh please, that was nothing! But thank you for the consideration! About the other scene, you can still ask her in here if you want, though you presumption is valid.

By the way, I'll continue it tomorrow.
Dec 15, 2024 7:25 am
Got it.
What, it's just about the fighting elective? I was worried over nothing... Hanami thought as she propped up the heads of the two fainted fans with some folded up towels she found in her bag. Wait, no, I wasn't worried. Because being worried would mean I like... like... She shook her head to rid herself of that train of thought. All she has to do is not think about it and the fuzzy feelings will cease to exist.

No longer concerning herself with what happens next between Kanako and Sumeryu, Hanami seeks out Katsuya and pulls her aside. "Hey. I need to know, what did Yasuo make you steal?" She asks rather bluntly, but to her credit, she at least keeps her voice down. She doesn't want the fox girl getting into trouble for something she was forced to do. "I promise nothing will happen to you. But I need all the info I can get."


Ask about the Stolen Stuff (-Rude) - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Dec 18, 2024 1:42 pm
Despite her rough approach, as Katsuya sees her coming, she gives Hanami a warm smile and a constant wag of her tai. "Yes, miss Hanami?"

But then, at her question, her fox ears straighten up in a flash, she freezes, heating progressively building up on her cheeks.

After an extenuating time, she nods. "I, uh... Y-you know, p... p..." Her cheeks already burning hot, "teeheehee... Pan-ties!" She finally is able to spit it out, with great effort. Her eyes lock on the floor. "T-that's what I stole... B-but it wasn't that big guy that made me steal it!" She whispers, "It was... Uh... I can't remember!" She scratches her head, like if trying to find that information, but to no avail. "T-that's all..."
Dec 20, 2024 4:30 am
"P-Panties!? Are you serious...?" Hanami stared at Katsuya, dumbfounded. Of all the things someone could make her take... And at the start of a new school year too.

So it wasn't Yasuo that forced her to do it. This only intrigued Hanami further. He was just the unwitting middleman, made to think it was his own idea to have Momochichi take the panties? The plot thickens... She found Katsuya's inability to remember the true culprit rather strange. It was just like how Yasuo couldn't remember what he supposedly had Katsuya steal. These gaps in memory made Hanami quite sure that their memories had been tampered with.

"That's all you can tell me...? Hmph, alright. Don't worry, I'm going to find the one who made you do it, and I'm going to make him regret it," Hanami assured Katsuya. She walked off afterwards.

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