Plans for the day

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Dec 2, 2024 2:43 pm
This thread will be used so that the players can express their characters' plans for the day, for me to better prepare their scenes (with everything that they want to do). You plans mustn't be set on stone, and you can edit them in the middle of that same day.

1. Morning
[am classes]
2. Noon (lunch break)
[pm classes]
3. Afternoon (after school/[electives])
4. Evening
5. Night
[Late Night]

These are the time blocks we are going to work with, the ones in brackets are like intermediary ones, and probably will have the least amount of scenes in them: I figure most people wouldn't want to roleplay an ordinary mathematics class, nor would I enjoy narrating that; but even then, a good amount of them won't be just 'ordinary' as you already noticed.
Dec 2, 2024 3:42 pm
Since this is the first day I assume electives have not started yet because people would need to sign up, which in that case she would go check out what clubs the academy has in the afternoon and at night she would get settled into her new dorm
Dec 2, 2024 4:28 pm
Same here, checking out clubs and the dorms seems good.
Dec 2, 2024 6:04 pm
Oh, actually, there will be an event day just for that purpose in a few days. Checking on the clubs, that is.
Dec 2, 2024 6:32 pm
alright can she like check out the elective courses then?
Dec 2, 2024 7:10 pm
For the afternoon, assuming electives haven't started yet, Hanami will seek out Yasuo and Rikishi. She doesn't relinquish her curses on Yasuo (-3 Compulsion [Honesty] and -2 Fear [Violence]) so she'd go into this time period with 30/60 Endurance.

For evening, she'll get settled into the dorms and then borrow Aika's phone to call Sumeryu. Yasuo's curses have been relinquished by this point, so Hanami has full Endurance.

At night, she'll get started on her invention if possible.
Dec 2, 2024 8:10 pm
I'm not sure about detailed plans for Lín Jìng. She would probably want to explore the electives, then mix the rest of the day between getting up to date on the school roster (e.g. roaming and observing, optionally while invisible, matching the faces to the dossiers of secrets, maybe gathering some new information), and studying. Getting engaged with other pupils would result in a change of plans.
Dec 3, 2024 2:55 am
Afternoon - assuming no electives, Luna would take the scenic route back to the dorm and explore the campus a bit.
Evening/Night - if nothing goes wrong, she'd settle into her dorm room and then join everyone for dinner. Since she's staying in the dorms, I imagine meals are at set times? Or maybe the cafeteria opens up again.
Dec 3, 2024 2:58 pm
Okay, I should just confirm it already that electives won't be happening today.

As for dinner, there are these 'options' (along with anything else you could come up with): the cafeteria serves a varied menu of meals (just like for lunch), there's also a cozy café at the shopping mall; oh there is a shopping mall! You can check the locations inside the campus in here. Finally, every dorm comes with a small kitchen, so students could also cook their own meals if they wanted (again, ingredients could be found in the mall area).

Is Hanami's only interest to dispel the curse? In that case, I would presume a very brief scene.
Dec 3, 2024 4:01 pm
No, she's keeping the curses intentionally. Hanami wants to ask them more questions about the Katsuya situation. She finds it strange how Yasuo doesn't remember what he had Katsuya steal, so she would want to follow up on that. But first, I imagine she'd ask Katsuya about what she stole while we're in the interclass scene. I'll play that out once she's done with Sumeryu. Or I could have it happen concurrently.

When she does want to dispel her curses, I assume she can do it from anywhere.
Last edited December 3, 2024 4:25 pm
Dec 3, 2024 4:48 pm
Speaking of curses, it should be noted that Konomi still maintains the bad fortune on the bullies who bothered her on the way to school.

Given that there is not much going on with clubs right now, Konomi will probably check out the mall and then go to the dorms.
Dec 4, 2024 12:22 am
After classes are over, Sumeryu will go to the woods to perform martial arts practice and get some exercise lifting 4 ton boulders.

After that, a shower, then change, then go check out the shopping and simultaneously intimidate and excite the staff of clothing and jewelry stores.

Then dinner.

Then bed time.

Dragons need their beauty sleep.
Last edited December 4, 2024 5:36 pm
Dec 4, 2024 2:50 am
Moyreau says:
Okay, I should just confirm it already that electives won't be happening today.

As for dinner, there are these 'options' (along with anything else you could come up with): the cafeteria serves a varied menu of meals (just like for lunch), there's also a cozy café at the shopping mall; oh there is a shopping mall! You can check the locations inside the campus in here. Finally, every dorm comes with a small kitchen, so students could also cook their own meals if they wanted (again, ingredients could be found in the mall area).

Is Hanami's only interest to dispel the curse? In that case, I would presume a very brief scene.
ooh, exploring the mall and then grabbing a bite to eat sounds like a plan for Luna then.
Dec 6, 2024 7:05 pm
Afternoon - Kanako will probably check out the library or something.

Evening - Kanako will eat dinner in the Cafeteria, assuming things don't get too annoying.

Night - Kanako will go for a brief flight before sleeping.

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