Asha has a bad feeling about these red robed figures and senses a similar tension from the rest of the group, particularly Ane since she knows her the best. She gets the impression that they are referring to the crew when they say "
assortment of knick knacks," which makes her feel even more uncomfortable.
Ane's hurried comment confirms her feelings, but she doesn't want to abandon her friend. Instead she thinks of a distraction so they can all flee.
She starts by making eye contact with the figures with a polite smile, acknowledging them. As Ane answers their question, Asha looks distractedly towards the vendors, appearing to browse. Suddenly she let's her eyes and mouth widen, as though in surprise and then with a scream, points to an imagined threat behind the red robes.
Smoke explodes from Asha in all directions, it's billowing clouds blotting out everyone's view nearby.
She tries to grab Ane's and Garrett's hands, the two closest to her so not to get separated and yells,
Got the impression we all felt this seemed like a bad situation, but I can edit if this is premature.
Casting Smoke/Fog from my characteristics: Conjure a thick cloud, impairing vision.