Lifting the curse (Hanami's interrogation)

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Dec 15, 2024 12:18 am
[Afternoon - April 1, Mon]

After the first day of classes ended, Hanami hurried to accomplish her plains, in expectancy of what her night would bring.

She didn't struggle to find the boys, as they came to her (being cursed doesn't sound fun, after all). They meet at the yard, the place deserted besides them.

Coming timidly at her, Rikishi's eyes were hidden by the thick lenses of his glasses. "H-hey... Miss Matsuyama... C-could you lift this curse on us? I mean, that Yasuo guy was really a bully right? Even then, it isn't right to keep him cursed, I think... Right?
Dec 15, 2024 1:08 am
Hanami heads into this with 30/60 Endurance due to maintaining -3 Compulsion [Honesty] and -2 Fear [Violence] on Yasuo.

On another note, I forgot to have Hanami ask Katsuya about what she stole like I planned before the interclass scene closed. Then again, I'm 99% sure it's the underwear so she might not have wanted to admit it anyway :P
"Hmph..." Hanami crossed her arms, looking down her nose at her senpais despite being shorter than Rikishi and certainly Yasuo. She was glad she didn't waste too much time finding them. She didn't want to spend her first day like this, but she just couldn't leave this alone. There was something more going on, and she intended to find out what it was.

"I didn't curse you, so I don't know what you're on about," she informed Rikishi. Then she turned her steely gold gaze on Yasuo. "Anyways, I'm not lifting those curses on you until you tell me what I want to know! First, why the hell don't you remember what you made Momochichi steal? Second, do you remember what you did with the stolen stuff? Third, tell me how your morning went leading up to lunch. Don't leave anything out." She was trying to assess if Yasuo had any more gaps in his memory.
Last edited December 15, 2024 1:18 am
Dec 18, 2024 2:02 pm
The big bully Yasuo cowers at Hanami's harsh tone, trembling at her. "Gah!! W-wait! I don't remember, I told you!! It's like... It's like it was taken from my mind!!"

He gulps dry, making some effort to recollect things. "I- Someone asked me to do it! Offering me a nice reward for it! B-but... As I try to remember, I can only see a dark silhouette of him!!"

Rikishi frowns over that information. "Uh... T-this sounds awfully like... Like illusion, or mind-altering magic! Don't you agree, miss Matsuyama?" He adjusts his glasses with a smug. "You know, I've heard that there's a student working part time at the local cafe that has illusion powers! T-this isn't an exhaustive list, I, uh... Am not a peep to know everything! Asking that creepy teacher Mizore Shirayuki could be a good idea too!"

He can't seem to hide his enthusiasm. "Woa! This is like some detective story!"

"Uh... If you wanna know, the cafe at the mall opens in about half an hour... I heard it's a lovely place, really!"

Meanwhile, Yasuo just looked utterly confused at all that.
Dec 20, 2024 5:05 am
He can't remember who. Just like Momochichi. Hanami frowned. Whoever the true culprit was, she was starting to get pissed. Toying with people's minds over panties of all things? What are they thinking? The hypocrisy of this flew right over her head.

She had to admit, the bowl cut was right that it was illusions or mind-altering magic, and she'd been starting to suspect that herself. His info on the student with the illusion powers didn't exactly narrow things down much, but it was better than nothing. It at least gave her a place to start. The thought of asking Mizore about anything irked her, so she decided she was going to save that as a last resort.

"Right... I guess I'm going to the mall, so I can check out that cafe. And I just decided you bozos are coming with me." A devious smirk spread across Hanami's face as her gaze swiveled to Yasuo. "I am altering the deal. The curses stay on until we catch the panty mastermind. Bowl cut's x-ray vision could be handy, and you've got muscle. Plus, you hit Momochichi, so consider this your atonement!" She got a sadistic thrill out of yanking freedom away from them.

"Heheh... Before we go though, I'll try to get rid of the mastermind's magic. Hold still." Hanami poked Yasuo's forehead with her wand. She figured this would be a lot easier if he could remember the culprit, or at least remember some distinguishing features.
Last edited December 20, 2024 5:21 am


Dispel Memory Alteration (Witchcraft Magic, Smart) - (7d6)

(4463356) = 31

Jan 2, 2025 4:02 pm
As she tries to detect any magic to dispel, Hanami realizes that the source of these mind-manipulations aren't like her traditional witch magic, being instead the effect of yokai powers, something out of her capacities to tamper with. If she wanted to, she'd need to find someone skillful in manipulating yoki, like a yasha, kishin, or someone from other race who happened to learn such arts.
I'll presume you'll go to the mall after that, and include you in the other scene, you can still act in here though.
Jan 2, 2025 5:33 pm
Hanami stood there for a few seconds before suddenly turning her wand on Rikishi in a fit of rage. "...You little SHIT, this isn't magic, it's yojutsu!" She proceeded to zap him as brutally as she could, despite the fact that the boy had merely offered his best guess.

"Tch... Come on, dogs! We're leaving." She stormed off, expecting Yasuo and Rikishi to follow like well-trained hounds. Damn it. Who can I ask to restore the big idiot's memories? She didn't yet know anyone who could- Wait. There was the yasha in my class... Hanami remembered. I will have to keep an eye out for her.
Yep, to the mall.


Zap (Arcane Magic) - (5d6)

(23354) = 17

Jan 2, 2025 5:38 pm
Also, about Yasuo and Rikishi, what kind of yokai are they?
Jan 3, 2025 12:19 am
Damn, Hanami is starting to look scary!

About their yokai race, she doesn't know, technically, it's forbidden to tell anyone your yokai kind on the school (a rule that no one follows), but people hardly go out revealing them on a whim.
Jan 3, 2025 12:21 am
Rikishi jumps and convulses on the air as he's being mercilessly zapped, just to fall flat on the ground, mumbling feebly on the pavement: "Aww... W-what have I done to deserve that..?" While Yasuo squirms in terror at the sight, the both of them promptly following her lead.
Jan 3, 2025 12:52 am
I see, I forgot about that. Still, I think we could say she 'asked' them on the way under threat of zappage.

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