First afterschool

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Feb 26, 2025 1:23 pm
Lín Jìng takes a breath before continuing, but now she's trying to accompany her words with projected mental images - not to psychically coerce him, but rather to provide vivid illustrations that may be persuasive in their own right.

"I suggest that there are many perks you'd get from going along with my idea.

You'd get attention that is of the kind you'd appreciate, and not the kind you would rather avoid,"
she projects an image of Aono surrounded by his admirers during the orientation class, some of them brushing against him immodestly in the process.

"You'd no longer need to watch your step as much around bullies, as they'd like and tolerate you better," she projects images of Rikishi standing with Yasuo &co. during the confrontation, showing his insignificance there, followed by the scuffle that ensued.

"You'd get gifts and favours," she projects an image of a some pretty upperclassman from her school back home receiving sweets and valentines.

"Maybe some people would be willing to share some spicy secrets with you," she projects the image a bound professor in the forest that she accidentally picked from the witch's mind earlier that day.

"And maybe, if I'm impressed enough by your act, some of the things that right now are incorrect assumptions will become true," she projects the image her and Rikishi entering the little fitting room, and sounds of other people whispering 'Is that two of them going in? How scandalous!'.

"Maybe eventually the transformation would rub off on you and your own powers would improve, through daily exposure to and participation in my youki tricks. And perhaps by then you won't need me anymore. But until then, I'm fine with you enjoying all the perks, so long as I get the first dibs on the new you.

So what do you say? An alliance between leches?"
Using Psychic to project those 'illustrations'. I'm assuming a basic pool of 2 free dice + Psychic 1 + Will 5 (which was previously enhanced by Arcane Magic and hasn't been released yet, but -2 dice similar to 'implant an idea' for the complexity of sending all those images in a persuasive manner. That's a net 6 dice.


Psychic illustrations - (6d6)

(566162) = 26



Feb 28, 2025 11:54 pm
The mental suggestion seems to work like a charm, Rikishi's posture getting more relaxed instantly, a little smirk growing on his lips. "Oh... That wouldn't be so bad... Uh... I'm in!!" He says, his voice-tone already deeper and more confident.

"Yeah, you got an alli- W-wait, leeches?? I'm not a leech!! Oh, whatever... Just tell me what I've got to do..."
Well then, as we have agreed, you may message me (or make a private note) telling how you want him to behave, towards others and towards Ling Jing, the implications of this, etc...

In fact, she could conveniently appear on the other scene now.
Mar 1, 2025 8:08 am
Lín Jìng would spend a lot of time explaining options, giving examples, rehearsing mannerisms and catchphrases, elaborating on the tropes, establishing pre-agreed signals, and so on. She would release some of the spells and use the time to recover some of her energy while helping Rikishi accessorise. Only once all the planning is over would the two search for an unoccupied study room in the academy library - to have enough space for conducting ritual casting, but no extraneous witnesses.


How/where do you prefer her to appear / go to now among the locations of the other scene?
Mar 3, 2025 9:56 am
Moyreau says:
Oh, so, identity-wise, it's still the first day of school, and Rikishi always has been a friendless nobody, so he would keep his. On the side of appearance, he would remain recognizable to those feel that know him, but would have a newfound charming aura to him, he'd have a new hairstyle, a better physical build, a more attractive 'contenance', have an outward 'fake' personality that would be much more confident (enforced by magic).
Lín Jìng nods along sympathetically as Rikishi goes through this part of the plan. "I was hoping to deal with just the appearance, but maybe I can split the spell into two smaller ones, and provide you a bit of charm too. I'm not going to enforce behaviour through magical compulsions though. I'll try to give hints when I think some course of action would be much better than others."
Moyreau says:
On personality side, he would be a silly gallant romantic who wouldn't resist woo any girl he comes across that would have no interest in him/beat the crap out of him for annoying them, while in good-faith ignoring the crowd of 'commoner' girls vying for his attention (still being kind to them, though).
Looks like there may be some missing words or incomplete edits in this section, but I think I get the gist.
"Sure, if you want to try being like that, why not. Just make sure it's what you want to try being like out of the many options."
Moyreau says:
Maybe Ling Jing could be his favorite and the girl he's most found of, being the only one he doesn't dare treating with his perv shenanigans.
When Rikishi hints at such a dynamic between the two, Lín takes the first part in stride, but then stares in confusion at the second half. "I'm going to assume this is a misunderstanding and not you trying to deliberately do the opposite of what I asked. I said I am to be given the top spot on the list, not the bottom spot. If you're going to act rakishly towards everyone except me, that would be extremely disappointing," she tries to appear subtly menacing, but instead comes off as obviously frustrated and insecure. "I'm not sure exactly what shenanigans you'll be up to now that you have your new persona, but don't leave me out of it."


Moyreau says:
We can add to that, and it would be fair if you pick whatever you'd like, I'm mostly open about it.
Seems like he's taking a pretty middle-of-the-road blend of archetypes, which is fine (aside from one concern Lín Jìng already brought up).
Moyreau says:
As for her appearing on the other scene, maybe she decided to make the ritual on the forest? Then as she dismisses him for the day (maybe the spell needs time to take effect) she comes across the girls??
The forest option seems to be a-go. Do you prefer to dismiss Rikishi after the ritual? I thought both makes sense (he has no teleportation, she has) and potentially more fun (the new Rikishi can be shown off immediately and the 'what are you doing here' bit can be played up) if he sticks around.
Moyreau says:
By the way, you mustn't cast it every morning, as long as you're dedicating the Endurance for it, you can sustain the spell indefinitely.
I was thinking of using ritual casting (Elaborate Gestures and Open to Attack, which makes Endurance cost a non-issue), and I think it would be unfair to have the spell cast like that last after falling asleep (it's a pretty good pick for Arcane already, so having it last forever would be too good).

Or is there an unstated implication that this spell must be done in a non-ritual manner? If so, I'll adjust my assumptions.

Mar 3, 2025 2:21 pm
I don't think it would be a problem for the free spell to last indefinitely, the game seems to presume that to be acceptable, and this isn't such a big deal

Also, keep in mind I wasn't particularly meaning that what I said was being explicitly vocalized by him, but it doesn't matter. If she wants to modify the points she has something against, she must only order another way around for them.

As for his part on the other scene, the choice is hers too.
Mar 3, 2025 2:33 pm

If you preferred me not to roleplay snippets of the archetype/behaviour negotiation, I apologise. I thought it could give an interesting glance at the less obvious personality parts.

But past the things already posted, I think it's time to stop micromanaging the archetype and start seeing what happens. I don't expect things to go smoothly, and the unsmoothness to be part of the fun.

I did want to have the spell be appearance-focused more than charisma-focused, but again, it's probably best to just get on with the show by now. Do you have a picture in mind for the New Rikishi, or would you rather just grab one of those I gave as examples?

I'd prefer to keep Rikishi around for the remainder of the scene/day, mostly because I want to see some payoff for the zany scheme already. I'm going to post the spell's special effects to potentially attract the party's attention.
Mar 4, 2025 2:09 pm

Oh, ok!

And yeah... Character images free of the time expense of looking for them? I'm not wasting that!

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