Char Gen January

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Jan 29, 2025 4:20 am
#29: Slayers Rupert Frock

I’ve been doing this forever. Feels like I’ll be doing it until forever ends…

Class: Gunslinger - While most wield knives or flintlock firearms into battle, the Gunslinger has access to an incredibly rare weapon: the six shooter revolver. These weapons are specially crafted, and each Gunslinger has a special connection with their six-shooter as they carve runes into it to their liking. A Gunslinger can spray lead and bring down the worst The City has to offer. These dangerous weapons mean most avoid interacting with Gunslingers and many Slingers lead lives as drifters and Slayers.

Agile - d8
Brawn - d6
Deceive - d6
Hunt - d10
Mend - d6
Negotiate - d6
Stealth - d8
Streets - d6
Study - d6
Tactics - d6

Starting Stats:
HP: 8
Speed: d6
Damage Per Hit: 2

Ready Action - Load Up
At the start of combat, place 6d6 in front of you, representing the bullets in your gun.

Attack Action - Spray Lead
Gunslingers unload devastating firepower on anyone unlucky enough to be their target. When you Spray Lead, choose a Near or Far monster and pick up as many bullets as you would like to fire. You may use bullets from any chamber that you have loaded. Each bullet that Hits deals your Damage. Bullets that have been rolled are spent, and are not available until you use a Quick Action to reload.

Quick Action - Reload
A trained ‘Slinger knows just the right moment to lay down their guard and prepare their weapon. You may reload up to two bullets into any empty chambers.

Prepared - Bullets fired from a fully loaded gun are rolled with advantage.

Desperate - Last bullet in the gun deals 5 damage per hit.


Jan 29, 2025 6:58 am
#30: Tiny Dungeon 2e Beorst
Heritage: Karhu - Karhu are intelligent and lumbering bears who wander the world having all manner of adventures.

Family Trade: Fishing - I learned the ways of the water and how to hunt on them from my family!

Belief: Claws get results faster than words!

HP: 7
Heritage Trait: Powerful Claws - You have claws as a mastered weapon. You cannot use ranged weapons.

Cleave: I will bathe in the blood of enemies! If your attack drops an enemy to 0 Hit Points, you may immediately make an extra attack with Disadvantage.

Opportunist: One man’s failure is another man’s opening to stab the idiot who failed. If an enemy within range fails to hit with an attack against you, you may immediately make an attack with Disadvantage against that enemy.

Strong: Stand back, I’ll kick it in! You gain Advantage when Testing to do something with brute force.

Mastered Weapons: Claws, Heavy Melee Weapons.

Massive Warhammer,
10 Gold,
Adventurer’s Kit.
Jan 29, 2025 10:37 am
#23: Secrets of Cats


High Concept: The Seeker Who Knew Too Much
Trouble: Hunted for What I Know
Burden: The Lost Kid Who Found Me
True Name: Hollow Dreamer
Other Aspects: The Streets Whisper and I Listen

Great (+4): Will
Good (+3): Seeking, Notice
Fair (+2): Stealth, Investigate, Warding
Average (+1): Athletics, Naming, Provoke, Territory

Psychometry (Seeking): See past events related to a place or object.
Prognostication (Seeking): See glimpses of future events.
Invisibility (Warding): Become invisible, allowing stealth even when it would be impossible.
Reconstruction (Investigate): You’re great at working out what humans did and why. If they’ve left behind clues, +2 on Investigate rolls.
Preternatural Awareness (Notice): Your sense of the other is particularly strong. +2 on rolls to notice invisible beings, astral travelers, and other subtle supernatural weirdness.
Stubborn (Will): Once you’ve set your mind on something, you won’t be swayed. You can use Will to defend against Rapport.

Mental: 4 Physical: 2

Tatterags is a scrappy, wiry-furred tom. His patchwork coat of smoky grays and dull blacks looks like it's been through one too many alley fights, with tufts sticking out in odd places. His left ear is torn, a souvenir from some long-forgotten skirmish, and his whiskers are uneven, giving him a permanently ragged look. His eyes are an unsettling shade of yellow, flickering with a sharp, knowing intelligence that makes most cats uneasy. He moves like a shadow, slipping between dumpsters and down storm drains with practiced ease. He looks like any another street cat, ragged and forgettable, until you meet his gaze. Then you realize: he knows something you don’t.

Tatterags is quiet and watchful, with the wariness of a cat who’s been on his own too long. Beneath that, he’s fiercely loyal to the few who matter, like his runaway Burden, and maybe a handful of trusted allies. He doesn’t talk much, but when he does, his words carry weight, and he stares at you for far too long to be comfortable.

Despite being a loner, he has a habit of showing up exactly when he’s needed, not that he’ll admit it’s on purpose. If you ask him why he’s always in the right place at the right time, he’ll just flick his tail and announce cryptically, "The streets whisper. I listen."

He’s not fearless. He knows exactly how dangerous the world is. But he’s stubborn as hell, and no amount of threats or charm will make him ignore what he knows. Even hunted, even alone, he keeps moving forward, because he has no other choice.
Jan 30, 2025 1:43 am
Secret of Cats is such a cool game, and I'm not even a cat person. It's been really fun watching you two do this -- appreciate all the creativity and reminders of great systems we never get to play!
Jan 30, 2025 3:48 am
ThatTaoGuy says:
#22: Charming Mr. Darcy
Name: Miss Eleanor Hartwell

Background: The quiet daughter of a scholar, Eleanor is better known for her intellect than her beauty. Her love of literature and philosophy often isolates her at social gatherings, but she is determined to step out of her shell at Pemberley.

Motivation: Eleanor doesn’t want to win Mr. Darcy’s heart as much as she wants to prove to herself that she can thrive in high society. Her secret hope is that Mr. Darcy will appreciate her for her mind.

Signature Trait: An unmatched knowledge of poetry and prose.

Flaw: Her shyness often causes her to stumble over words or fade into the background.

Opening Scene: Miss Hartwell is seated in the library, nervously paging through a book of poetry. She catches Mr. Darcy’s attention by quoting a verse that perfectly reflects his aloof demeanor.
Name: Miss Arabella Foxglove

Background: The beautiful and vivacious daughter of a wealthy merchant, Arabella is a social butterfly who dazzles everyone she meets. Despite her charm and impeccable manners, she is plagued by whispers of her family's "new money" status and their connection to trade.

Motivation: Arabella hopes to secure a match with Mr. Darcy to elevate her family’s social standing, but deep down, she longs for someone who loves her for more than her beauty and fortune.

Signature Trait: Effortless charm and a radiant smile that makes everyone feel special.

Flaw: Arabella is deeply insecure and hides her fear of rejection behind a mask of confidence.

Opening Scene: Miss Foxglove glides into the ballroom in an exquisite gown, commanding attention as she greets Mr. Darcy with a perfectly practiced curtsy and a dazzling smile. She begins a lighthearted conversation about the latest fashions, subtly testing the waters of his interest.
Name: Miss Charlotte Pembroke

Background: A kind-hearted but overlooked country girl from a small but respectable family. Charlotte has no wealth or exceptional beauty to boast of, but her sincerity and warmth make her a favorite among those who take the time to know her.

Motivation: Charlotte doesn’t see herself as a serious contender for Mr. Darcy’s affections, but she hopes to use this rare opportunity to make a connection that might lead to better prospects for her family.

Signature Trait: A genuine and disarming kindness that makes others feel at ease.

Flaw: Her lack of self-confidence often leads her to downplay her own worth, which can cause her to be overlooked.

Opening Scene: Miss Pembroke hesitates on the edge of the terrace, watching the other guests from afar. After summoning her courage, she approaches Mr. Darcy with a shy yet sincere compliment about the beauty of Pemberley’s gardens.
Gee I love this. If you ever run it here, sign me up, even if it's a one pager I bet it could be extended.


Jan 31, 2025 4:44 am
#31: CAIN Harry Withers
XID: Brussels

How Did You First Manifest Your Powers?: I’m not exactly sure. I remember the SIN. I’ll never forget it. Something just took hold of me then! When I came to, it was a bloody mess.

Is Your Sin Seed In Your Heart Or Your Brain?: Heart. You can just tell, can’t you? When you look at a person, I mean…

What Do You Hide In The Deepest Part Of You?: My boy. He’s far away. Even I can’t find him. I hope no one else can, either. He shouldn’t see any of this…

Is Your Hand Your Hand?: It don’t feel like it most of the time. Sometimes I don’t think it really matters!

Do You Remember Your Mother’s Face?: No. And I pray she don’t remember mine, neither. She wouldn’t like what she’d see there these days!

Force 2
Conditioning 1
Interfacing 0
Investigation 0
Surveillance 0
Negotiation 1
Connection 1
Authority 2
Agenda: Machine
• Put the work before your own needs.
Take A Break

Ability: The Work - You can choose to gain +1D on any roll. If you do, take 1 stress for each time you’ve used this ability this mission (including this one). You can’t use this ability for the remainder of the hunt if you rest.

If your group rests, you can choose to excuse yourself from resting!
Blasphemy: Flux - Manipulate The Direction and Flow of Time Itself

Passive: Steal Time - Once a mission, you can re- roll all your resting dice for yourself or an ally, taking the second result as final.

Stop: Transmute, Instant, Self
You spend up to three psyche bursts to stop local time in an area around you equal to CAT. Roll 1d6 per psyche burst spent and add them together - that is how many seconds you have. Anything that enters this area is immediately affected (including anything put into or out of the area), but time flows normally outside the area. In this stopped time, you are unaffected and:

• you cannot use psychic powers, but neither
can you be affected by them. Any power
currently active from you or affecting you
other than this one dissipates.

• you can perform one activity or course of
action that fits in the duration. After you
would make an action roll for anything, the
effect ends no matter what.

Then, gain temporal instability.

Stutter: Instant, Short
You can briefly reverse time in order to alter causality for any event that happened as a result of an action roll made by you or an ally, instantly after you see the result. Re-roll the action roll completely, taking the second result as final.

When you use this power, gain temporal instability. If you use it again in the same scene, gain 1d3 temporal instability instead.


Jan 31, 2025 9:44 am
It’s done! Thanks for all the encouragement and threats of killing that which I had just created! I found that I definitely veer towards lighter systems and more vague character building. I guess I knew that, as I tend to let things play out in the game these days.

The days of combing through hundreds of pages of character options are pretty much done for me! The ones I enjoyed making most are probably the ones that inspire little nuggets of character building through questions or random tables.

Glad I did it! Glad it’s almost February!
Jan 31, 2025 6:00 pm
#24: Apocalypse World

Playbook: The Maestro d'
Cool 0 | Hard +1 | Hot +2 | Sharp +1 | Weird -1
A devil with a blade: when you use a blade to go aggro, roll+hot instead of roll+hard.
Everybody eats, even that guy: when you want to know something about someone important (your call), roll+hot. On a hit, you can ask the MC questions. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 1:
• How are they doing? what’s up with them?
• What or who do they love best?
• Who do they know, like and/or trust?
• When next should I expect to see them?
• How could I get to them, physically or emotionally?
On a miss, ask 1 anyway, but they hear about your interest in them.

Description: transgressing, display wear, porcelain face, mischievous eyes, lean body, precise hands

Gear & Barter
• Rook's Wicked Blade (2-harm hand)
• oddments worth 2-barter
• an assortment of piercingly bright and impossibly spotless silk shirts in an array of colors
• skintight leather pants
• a reinforced leather jacket that remains impeccably stylish (1-armor)

The Velvet Noose
Establishment: Main Act: Sex, 2 for lube: drinks, scene (see and be)
Atmosphere: velvet, perfume, nudity, dancing

Your regulars include: Lamprey, Ba, Camo, Toyota and Lits.
Who’s your best regular? Camo, he's good to the girls
Who’s your worst regular? Lamprey, he earned that name
These 3 NPCs have an interest in your establishment:
Been wants in on it
I owe Gams for it
Rolfball wants it gone, it competes with his girls

For security:
everybody’s packing: your cast & crew are a gang (2-harm gang small 0-armor)
the place is a warren of dead-ends, hideaways & boltholes

Mercy – The star dancer, the muscle, the one who decides who’s worthy.
Silk – The bartender, the confidant, the one who hears and remembers everything.
Evangeline – The prized courtesan, the slow-burn obsession, the one who makes you ache for her attention.
Dahlia – The untouchable dream, the one who makes you want what you can’t have.
Luka – The scarred temptation, the one who turns danger into seduction.
Cass – The shadow in the dark, the one who watches, waits, and never forgets.


Rook's porcelain face is almost too perfect, eerily smooth, unnaturally unlined and unblemished. Their mischievous eyes give nothing away, always holding a glint of amusement and perhaps a bit of danger, like they know a secret you don’t. They blur gender lines, refusing to fit into expectations, and they dress to be seen. Whether it’s a stylish long coat, a silk shirt open just enough, or a dramatic high-collared vest, they make sure all eyes are on them. No detail is accidental. When they move, they move with the grace and speed of a dancer or a knife fighter; their elegant movements are fluid, controlled, and always one step ahead. Whether they’re mixing a drink, lighting a cigarette, flipping a coin, or slipping a blade between ribs, Rook’s hands are always precise.

Rook’s Wicked Blade is equal parts elegance and menace. The blade started life as a 12-inch pair of razor-sharp scissors forged from blackened steel, with edges honed so fine they could split a hair lengthwise. When split apart, they become twin knives, deadly in both hands, the serrated exterior edges designed to bite deep and tear flesh as much as they cut. The handles are white bone, smooth and polished from years of use. When Rook wields them, it’s a performance, steel flashing under dim light, each movement precise, the knowledge that violence, if it comes, will be swift and artful. These aren’t tools for work. They’re tools for intimacy, for endings, for whispered warnings left in deep red ink.

The Velvet Noose is a den of pleasure and peril wrapped in perfume and low-lit decadence. Within its crimson-draped walls, bodies sway in hypnotic rhythm, skin is bared under flickering candlelight, and whispered promises slip from lips wet with liquor and filled with lies. Here, sex is art, seduction is currency, and the real game is played in glances and murmured deals. The air is thick with spice and sweat, drawing the desperate, the powerful, and the damned alike. Rook’s girls run the show. Mercy’s gaze decides who stays, Silk’s hands pour more than just drinks, Eve makes you ache with every lingering look, Dahlia teases you into obsession, Luka tempts you with a blade-sharp grin, and Cass watches from the dark, ready to strike. But the Noose isn’t just a brothel, it’s a fortress of hidden corridors, bolt holes, and blind corners, where every hand is armed, and no one leaves without paying their price. Whether you come to indulge, scheme, or simply be seen, one thing is certain, you don’t leave the Velvet Noose untouched.
Jan 31, 2025 6:49 pm
Whoa, so many systems to learn and taking the time to make characters for each one, this was a great New Year's resolution done to completion KCC! Looking forward to the final character concepts ThatTaoGuy!
Jan 31, 2025 8:14 pm
#25: Uranium Chef

Bzzzt-Tik’Kzzz (a.k.a. Chef Buzzkill)

High Concept: Hive Mind, Singular Purpose
Carrot: We Want To Prove That Our Ways Are The Best
On-Air Persona: We Play the Calculating Competitor
Other Aspects: We Are Not Actually All Of One Mind

Reality Approaches
Aggressive +3, Flashy +1, Careful +1, Quick +2, Clever +2, Sneaky +0

Culinary Approaches
Bitter +3, Spicy +0, Cool +2, Sour +1, Savory +1, Sweet +2

Precision Stinger Cutlery: Because we use razor-sharp stingers as knives and skewers, we never need a knife. We ignore all
obstacles and compels related to missing utensils.
The Kitchen is a Warzone: Because we approach every dish like a tactical battle, we can use Aggressive in place of Spicy when creating a Spicy dish aspect.
Aroma is Power: When we succeed at creating a Cool advantage related to our pheromone reduction, we gain another free invoke. Can be used once per scene or cook-off.
Jan 31, 2025 10:46 pm
#26: Marvel Super Heroes (FASERIP)

Fighting: Typical (6)
Agility: Good (10)
Strength: Typical (6)
Endurance: Typical (6)
Reason: Excellent (20)
Intuition: Remarkable (30)
Psyche: Remarkable (30)

Secondary Abilities
Health: 28
Karma: 80
Resources: Feeble (2)
Popularity: Poor (4)

Real Name: Dr. Elias Vance
Occupation: Historian, Forensic Consultant
Legal Status: Citizen of the United States, No Criminal Record
Power Origin: Mutant
Identity: Secret (publicly known as a historian, but his abilities are hidden from the general public)
Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Helen Vance (Mother, Deceased), Arthur Vance (Father, Retired Archaeologist), Sarah Vance (Younger Sister, Journalist)
Base of Operations: An old library-turned-private office in Atlantic Harbor
Past Group Affiliations: None
Present Group Affiliations: None officially, Unofficial consultant for law enforcement, Occasional ally of paranormal investigators or vigilantes

Postcognition (Remarkable 30): Elias possesses the power of postcognition, allowing him to perceive past events by touching objects, people, or locations infused with strong memories. These visions come as fragmented, immersive experiences, sometimes crystal clear, other times distorted by emotional residue or gaps in the historical record. The stronger the event’s emotional or physical imprint, the more vivid the vision, but prolonged use can blur the line between past and present, leaving Elias mentally drained or haunted by echoes of history.

Telepathy (Good 10): Elias' telepathy is limited to the minds of those he perceives in his postcognitive visions, allowing him to briefly experience their thoughts, emotions, and instincts at the moment he is witnessing. He cannot alter their memories or communicate with them, only passively "tuning in" to their mental state as if overhearing echoes of their consciousness. The deeper he connects, the more intense the experience, risking emotional overload or even temporarily adopting the mindset of the person he’s observing. These whispered memories are how he arrived at his name.

Equipment: None
Talents: Archaeology
Contacts: Archaeologist, Journalist (sister)

Originally, Elias believed his powers were useless beyond academia, using them to study ancient civilizations, uncover lost texts, and verify artifacts. His first major case came when he accidentally witnessed a crime scene’s past events while examining a historical site. When his insights helped solve the case, he was reluctantly drawn into law enforcement consulting. The mystery of his mother’s death is still his driving force, a case he cannot solve, even with his abilities, but the memories of what she experienced at the moment of her death haunts his dreams.
Jan 31, 2025 11:08 pm
#27: Deeds, Not Words

Name: Margaret "Maggie" Calloway
Description: confrontational

Athletics: 1 jiu-jitsu
Subterfuge: 0
Communication: 0

Maggie is a fighter, scrappy and tenacious. She wears the dresses, hats, and accoutrements that the suffragettes have decided upon to present a fashionable, feminine image when appearing in public, but is quick to toss them aside when in private. She struggles with patience; when words fail, she’s quick to escalate action. The police and anti-suffrage groups recognize her, making her a target for surveillance and arrest.

She's known among her friends as Dangerous Maggie for her quote at a rally. "They call us unnatural, unladylike, dangerous. If demanding my freedom makes me dangerous, so be it. I was never meant to be silent."
Feb 1, 2025 3:43 am
#28: Romance in the Air

Name: Julian Mercer

High Concept: Ambitious Cartographer
Place in Society: Disgruntled Commoner with a Noble Patron
Place Aboard: Commissioned by a Wealthy Patron to Map the Route
Desire: To Discover Uncharted Lands and Gain Renown
Refusal: "I will not let anyone take credit for my work."

Great (+4): Scholarship
Good (+3): Notice, Mechanics
Fair (+2): Physique, Gamble, Empathy
Average (+1): Converse, Society, Drive, Will

Master Navigator: When using Scholarship to overcome an obstacle related to navigation or cartography, gain a +2 bonus.
Keen Eye: Once per scene, may spend a fate point to declare an environmental aspect based on the details they notice.
Persuasive Demeanor: May use Empathy instead of Deceive to create an advantage when dealing with potential clients or informants.
Feb 1, 2025 4:04 am
#29: Call of Cthulhu 7e

Character Name: Dr. Evelyn "Evie" Lockwood
Occupation: Professor of Archaeology
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Residence: Providence, Rhode Island
Birthplace: London, England

Attribute Value Half Fifth
Strength (STR) 40 20 8
Constitution (CON) 50 25 10
Dexterity (DEX) 55 27 11
Size (SIZ) 50 25 10
Intelligence (INT) 75 37 15
Power (POW) 60 30 12
Appearance (APP) 55 27 11
Education (EDU) 80 40 16

Sanity (SAN)60
Luck 65
Hit Points (HP) 10
Magic Points (MP) 12
Damage Bonus 0
Movement Rate 8

Archaeology (01%) – 70%
Library Use (20%) – 70%
History (05%) – 60%
Occult (05%) – 40%
Anthropology (01%) – 50%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%) – 10%
Spot Hidden (25%) – 55%
Psychology (10%) – 50%
Charm (15%) – 45%
Persuade (10%) – 50%
Dodge (Half DEX, 27%) – 40%
Secondary Skills
Latin (01%) – 50%
French (01%) – 40%
Handgun (20%) – 35%
First Aid (30%) – 40%
Fast Talk (05%) – 30%

Weapons & Combat
Handgun (.32 Revolver) 35% 1D8 damage 15m range 6 shots
Brass Knuckles 40% 1D3+DB damage

Description: A striking woman with sharp, observant green eyes and a perpetual layer of dust on her boots from her latest dig. Always wears a weathered leather satchel, filled with notes, relics, and a revolver she prays she never has to use.

Ideology/Beliefs: "History is written by the victors, but the truth lies beneath the earth." Evelyn is driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, determined to unearth the secrets of lost civilizations, even if they reveal horrifying truths.

Significant People:
Dr. Albert Hawthorne (mentor, deceased) – A fellow archaeologist who mysteriously vanished during a dig in Mesopotamia. His disappearance remains unsolved.
Clara Lockwood (younger sister, journalist) – Writes for the Providence Gazette and frequently warns Evelyn to stop digging into forbidden things.

Treasured Possessions:
Dr. Hawthorne’s Notebook – Found abandoned at the site of his disappearance, filled with cryptic hieroglyphs and symbols of unknown origin.
A Scarab Pendant – Retrieved from an Egyptian tomb, rumored to ward off death… or invite it.

Injuries & Scars:
A deep burn scar along her left forearm, from an "accident" during an excavation where something unnatural erupted from the sand.

Phobias & Manias
Claustrophobia – Developed after being trapped in a collapsed tomb for three days.

-Leather Satchel (Notebook, revolver, ammo, flashlight, chalk, brushes)
-Pocket Watch (gift from her father)
-Field Kit (measuring tools, magnifying glass, gloves, canteen)
-Tattered Journal (filled with theories on lost civilizations and eldritch symbols)

Evelyn was once a respected academic at Miskatonic University, but after publishing an article about strange symbols that shouldn't exist, she was quietly dismissed. Now working independently, she investigates lost artifacts and forgotten histories, occasionally taking consulting work on unusual cases for private clients, some of whom know far too much.

Her current mission? Unravel the truth behind Dr. Hawthorne’s disappearance. But perhaps some truths should remain buried…
Feb 1, 2025 4:20 am
#30: A Stop Along the Road

Name: Alder Calloway

Where You’ve Placed Your Home: At the base of the mountain, where the winding road narrows before the steep ascent.

One Beloved Feature of Your Home: The robust kitchen, always warm from the wood-burning stove, filled with the scent of fresh bread and spiced broth. Herbs hang from the rafters, and jars of preserves line the shelves.

Your Companion: Your tolerant cat, a long-haired black feline named Ink, who watches visitors with narrowed green eyes and seems to know more than they let on.

Why Don’t You Go Adventuring?: You did once, long ago. You’ve wielded a sword, ridden into danger, and seen the vast wonders of the world. But your body is weary, your heart is heavier, and you no longer feel the pull of the road. Instead, you keep the lantern burning for those who still walk it.

The World Around You
Is the hospitality you grant expected, or a rarity?
A rarity, though the legends of a warm meal and a safe place before the mountain pass spread through the adventuring world. Some assume your kindness must have a price, but it doesn’t.

How rarely do adventurers arrive at your door?
At least once every fortnight, though the winter slows their numbers, and the storm season makes them desperate for shelter.

How common is adventuring as a profession?
Common enough, but only a few return home with their names remembered in song. The rest fade, lost to the wilderness, the beasts, and the perils of the road.

First Journal Entry

The morning mist rolls down from the mountain, curling around the stone path that leads to my door. The fire still smolders from the night before, and I add another log, watching as the embers flicker and catch. Ink stretches lazily from their perch on the windowsill, indifferent to my movements.

The day is ordinary, and I find comfort in that. The bread is kneaded, left to rise. The stew simmers, rich with the last of the autumn vegetables. The fire is warm, the kettle sings, and the road remains quiet.

For now, at least.

I know the silence will break soon. It always does.
Last edited Feb 1, 2025 4:20 am
Feb 1, 2025 4:59 am
#31: Maid

Name: Aoi
Age: 19
Athletics: 4
Affection: 4
Skill: 2
Cunning: 3
Luck: 3
Will: 1
Starting Favor: 8
Spirit: 10

Maid Types: Boyish, Sexy
Uniform Color: Sky Blue, transparent(!)
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Indigo
Special Qualities: Overactive Imagination, Neat Freak
Maid Roots: Mistress
Stress Explosion: Shopping
Maid Power: Trespass (You can take 1d6 Stress to intrude on a battle, love scene, etc. You can also butt in after the action has ended, and this can even work when someone is using World For Two.)
Maid Weapon: seemingly unlimited supply of shuriken
Feb 1, 2025 5:00 am
Whew! Just got it in with less than a minute to spare, no fancy formatting, and a not perfect image. But it is complete.
Feb 1, 2025 5:32 am
Well done, you two! So many cool characters! And also the maid at the end in the transparent uniform!
Feb 1, 2025 3:41 pm
Harrigan says:
Well done, you two! So many cool characters! And also the maid at the end in the transparent uniform!
Midjourney AI moderators had issues with that, so I focused on the sky blue bit :)

Maid is such a silly game.

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