[RE-RECRUIT] "Bombshells in Mullet Hell"

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ClosedCoin-OpPublic4 / weekLegendary_Sidekick

Jan 3, 2025 7:49 pm
From the creator of Hero•Girl•Sprite comes yet-another game in which you are a video game girl living in a video game world…


The Girliest Game Since the Apocalypse!

The System: it’s basically the same system used for Hero•Girl•Sprite: a tri-stat custom d2-system with stats represented by a joystick and two buttons.
🕹️ ㊙️ ☢️
• Up to 4 players can play.
• Heroines are semi-pregen.
• Post rate is, ideally, 4+ posts a week.
• The game’s levels are episodic.
The Premise: A Damsel, who is constantly being kidnapped by giant gorillas and gang leaders, decides she’s done being the victim.



She thinks buying a healing potion or nine might keep her safe, but when she arrives at Ye Olde Potion Shoppe, she blows all but her last coin on the most expensive bottle in the store—for there’s a Fairy trapped inside!

The Damsel frees the adorable little lady!


As it happens, the Fairy really doesn’t appreciate the way so-called heroes just leave her in that bottle until she’s needed. "It’s dreadfully uncomfortable, reeks of cheap booze, and there’s nothing to do in there!"

The Damsel offers, "How about we become the city’s wicked awesome heroes? Anyone tries stuffing you in a wine bottle or a spinach can or a genie lamp, they’ll hafta shove me in it first!"

The Fairy very much likes the sound of this, and so she and the blonde bombshell set off together in search of villains to beat up… but the villains are scary, so instead they look for another unlikely heroine or two to join them.
Some Warnings and Expectations:
• There may be occasional nudity and gore, but never at the same time.
• There may be occasional swearing, but never directed at your characters.
• There will never be any mockery of irl current events, political ideologies or religion.
• The Fourth Wall will remain intact, meaning your characters don’t think of the world as video-gamish. But you, The Player, know it is.
• This game will be weird. Any game I run is weird.

What I Ask of Players:
• Let’s be kind to each other, both OoC and IC, with the obvious exception of villains. (They’re jerks. Beat ’em up.)
• Your #2 Priority: Keep the Game Moving. (You know Priority #1 is to Have Fun, right?)
• Vet me. Reading through the Mario-Kart-based final level of Hero•Girl•Sprite might be a way to do that.
If Interested, reply here!
Last edited March 14, 2025 2:02 am
Jan 3, 2025 7:59 pm
Inserting a quarter into the machine!
Jan 3, 2025 9:23 pm
I am very much interested.
Jan 3, 2025 9:43 pm
Why is it mullet hell? Are you referencing the hairstyle? The fish? Fish with the hairstyle?

And yes, I'm interested. 👍
Jan 3, 2025 10:41 pm
Welcome, Eltesla! I have to say that with Kirby drinking a boba as your avatar, you’ll fit right in.

And, wow, Brainiac! 10 minutes after I posted! And I guess you already know who the other characters are! So let’s officially unlock them…

THE MERMAIDhttps://i.imgur.com/qLAh2rf.jpegSECRET HEROINEhttps://i.imgur.com/GhaxCCF.jpeg

(I picked that image on the right especially for you, Eltesla.)

Here are the heroines’ emojis:

__________ 🧚🏻‍♀️
💃🏼 🧘🏻‍♀️ 🧜🏻‍♀️

And welcome, Totes!

Lemme answer your question. I went through lots of names for my Hero•Girl•Sprite spinoff. One that I liked the sound of was Bombshells in Bullet Hell. But bullet hells are run-and-guns and I guess also space-shooters. I wanted a beat-em-up.

And then I stumbled onto this hilarious arcade game (in a log cabin in upstate NY of all places)…
https://i.imgur.com/DY4gfPJ.jpegCheck out that chick on channel 9!It’s a post-apocalyptic beat-em-up where half the enemies look like Larry from Office Space! And so it all started to form… a post-apocalyptic world in which cities are hostilely overtaken by baaad men… with baaad haircuts!

Mullet Hell.

Where is Mullet Hell? It’s in Neo Hampshire.
Last edited January 3, 2025 10:43 pm
Jan 3, 2025 11:08 pm
By the way, @Dmbrainiac , @Eltesla , @Totes_McGee ,

Do you…
• …phone-post?
• …post on a PC or iPad?
• …or both?

I ask because I have phone-friendly and iPad-friendly character sheets.
[ +- ] Secret Heroine’s sheet on iPad
Jan 4, 2025 12:09 am
Your choice of image is appreciated! To answer the question, I post on PC.

So I have the role of 'secret heroine', but I'll have freedom to work within that defined role?
Jan 4, 2025 12:34 am
I post on both as well, depending if I'm at home or at work.
Jan 4, 2025 1:07 am
Business up front, party in the back! Not surprised these dudes conquered. 😎

And I'm PC only.
Jan 4, 2025 1:49 am
Dmbrainiac says:
I post on both as well, depending if I'm at home or at work.
If you use both, it’s probably best to use the phone version. Small buttons on a PC is preferable to giant buttons on a phone!
[ +- ] iPad Roll Table on an iPhone

Eltesla says:
Your choice of image is appreciated! To answer the question, I post on PC.

So I have the role of 'secret heroine', but I'll have freedom to work within that defined role?

Basically, you’re a former NPC. Your purpose in life was to meditate in a lotus position until the hero learned a new secret move. When the Damsel recruited you, it just made sense for you to be the hero instead of the hero-trainer. You obviously know the secret moves. Your best stats are even called ㊙️secret and 🕹️move!

So what are your secret moves? I don’t mean "you get exactly 3 moves; name them." I mean, you give the Secret Heroine a flavor. She could be a grappler, a dancer, a contortionist. Her moves could be for fighting or for spying. She’s unable to fly like the fairy, but what about parkour? Or Crouching-Tiger-Hidden-Dragonny wire-fu? Or maybe you have a totally different idea. Run with it!

Whatever you have planned for your Secret Heroine, her stats still determine what she’s good at. At Lv.1, you start with a coin that you can spend to increase the stat of your choice. (I’ll get into what the stats do before we start.)
Jan 4, 2025 5:11 am
I see! I initially envisioned a Sailor Moon type of character when I read 'secret heroine', so consider me pleasantly surprised by the twist. I'll have to think about what I want to do with her.
Jan 4, 2025 12:14 pm
Well, colour me interested... but I don't want to deprive anyone of an opportunity to play in one of Legendary_Sidekick's games so I'll tentatively ask for a reserve place in case anyone else wants to jump in!
Jan 4, 2025 4:57 pm
I’m flattered that you would even suggest it’s a privilege. I don’t think my brand of weird is everyone’s cup of tea.

Anyway, if no one snatches up your spot per your offer, having two players come from Hero•Girl•Sprite to BiMH isn’t a bad thing. You sort of already know what the controls do. (Atk and Def are the same.)
Jan 5, 2025 1:17 pm
Tickettbror says:
Well, colour me interested...
The only remaining character is the Fairy. I sent you an invitation, @Tickettbror, if you’d like to play her.
Feb 10, 2025 2:26 pm
Greetings, Scorched-Earthlings!

THE B☢️MBSHELLS will soon have a vacancy on the team. A player bowed out because they thought the game’s pace was a bit fast.

So before you make a decision to join, it’s worth mentioning: the game is fast. I don’t pressure players into keeping up or anything like that, but… since a player left because they felt it was too fast, I feel it’s best to be up-front about that. I want my games to relieve stress, not cause it!

Also, the game is meant to be like an arcade machine with four controllers—like the original Gauntlet or Golden Axe: RoDA, where there are four characters. If three people are playing, you can only join as the one character not already in play.

In this case, it’s…

The Fairy

If you read the first post on this thread, you know her story. She used to be a bottle fairy, so she has a healing move (called "Bottled Energy"). She is also only a few inches tall and able to fly, which turns out to be advantageous when it comes to obstacles, such as alligator pits. (It may have been a crocodile pit. We never did find out since none of the players fell in.)

That said, if you’re looking to play the role of Joe Awesomesauce… nope. Gotta be a fairy-girl.

So to summarize:
• I warned you the game is fast-paced.
• I warned you that you gotta play the Fairy.
• I don’t think I’m really selling this opening very well, so what else can I add…

Oh! Right! The current episode—I mean, Stage!

We’re starting Stage 2 which is called

It’s a ladder tournament filmed before a live studio audience. The M.C., Dimpled Chad, thinks he’s funny and charming. So you have combat in a sitcom setting. That’s SitKombat.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA "I don’t get it." HA HA

I suppose the best way to "get it," or see if this game is your cup of tea, is to watch the first match. I’m going to NPC the current fairy (for the current fight only) because the opposing team was actually put in the game for her. If a new player joins by the time this fight is over, we’ll start her at Lv.1. She’ll be Lv.3 like everyone else when it’s time to level-up.

Oh… and the second fight will be on location in New York City. There’s a sunken Statue of Liberty there because that’s a post-apocalyptic stereotype. Feel free to make your fairy a New-Yorker, if you play.
Feb 10, 2025 2:29 pm
To help you look before you leap, here are links to the game:
Feb 14, 2025 6:38 pm
Since we have a lot of new GP members, I’ll post one last call for Bombshells in Mullet Hell, Stage 2—

We have an opening for the position of Fairy.
If there happen to be any fairies sitting in a bottle on an item shop shelf, bust out and join THE B☢️MBSHELLS as they fight in a brutal tournament in the hopes of earning a fist fulla yen!

• See the original post of this thread for details.
• Scroll up a little bit for links to the gameplay threads.
• Post HERE if interested in playing the Fairy.
Last edited February 14, 2025 6:41 pm
Mar 14, 2025 2:34 pm

We have 2 active players now, one of whom is on vacation until the 24th. So I’m pausing the game in the hope of having a third player, maybe a fourth as well!

If you’re new to GP, don’t be shy!

The System: a tri-stat custom d2-system with stats represented by a joystick and two buttons.
🕹️ ㊙️ ☢️
• Up to 4 players can play.
• Heroines are pregen.
• Post rate is, ideally, 4+ posts a week.
• The game’s levels are episodic.
>> STAGE 1: "The Massholes"
>> STAGE 2: "Sitkombat"
>> STAGE 3: "Fem Slashers" (next)
[ +- ] About the upcoming Fem Slashers stage…


The Available Heroines:

You may recognize the Damsel. She’s that blonde in the red dress who’s always getting kidnapped by a street gang or a giant gorilla.

And the Fairy isn’t so much a familiar face as she is a familiar glow. Heroes keep her in a bottle. So are they really heroes then?

The real heroes are THE B☢️MBSHELLS, who help Damsels fight their own battles and believe Fairies should spread their wings!

Join us!
Some Warnings and Expectations:
• There may be occasional nudity and gore, but never at the same time.
• There may be occasional swearing, but never directed at your characters.
• There will never be any mockery of irl current events, political ideologies or religion.
• The Fourth Wall will remain intact, meaning your characters don’t think of the world as video-gamish. But you, The Player, know it is.
• This game will be weird. Any game I run is weird.
• You’ll start at Lv.1, but you will gain two levels at the end of each stage until you’re caught up with the highest-level player. (They’re Lv.2 now, so if you join Stage 2, you’ll all reach Lv.3 together.)

What I Ask of Players:
• Let’s be kind to each other, both OoC and IC, with the obvious exception of villains. (They’re jerks. Beat ’em up.)
• Your #2 Priority: Keep the Game Moving. (You know Priority #1 is to Have Fun, right?)
• Vet me. In addition to links provided above, reading through the Mario-Kart-based final level of Hero•Girl•Sprite might be a way to see how I mix things up.
If Interested, reply here!
Please include preferences:
• Damsel or Fairy?
• Post on phone, PC or iPad?
• Favorite video game heroine?
Mar 15, 2025 1:13 am
Just here to recommend Legendary_Sidekick. He puts a metric tonne of ambiance into his games and loves to showcase the characters.
Mar 15, 2025 4:48 am
I'm glad this came back up since I have enough bandwidth to give it a whirl now!

I would be fine with either damsel or fairy in case someone else comes along and has a strong preference for one or the other.

I mostly post on my phone, but I do use my laptop as well sometimes.

Favorite heroine is a hard one but I would have to say April Ryan from The Longest Journey.
Last edited March 16, 2025 3:23 am
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