Stage 1 - The Massholes!

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Feb 5, 2025 6:10 pm
As the devastating quake reaches Murasaki, she leaps into the air to evade it! She soars forth as if on wires, slashing through any flaming geysers that rise to block her path. Right as she lands near Swingin' Dick, she rushes in for a slash but only achieves a shallow graze that inflicts no real damage. She didn't realize it before due to the power from the Heart of Fiery Passion, but his skin is tougher than the average oni's.

She tries to focus her ki so she can hide her presence, but finds that she can't conjure the necessary peace of mind. No matter! She attacks more fiercely this time to do some real damage!
Last edited February 5, 2025 6:24 pm


🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️Dodge - (3d2)

(221) = 5

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️Attack - (2d2)

(11) = 2

🧘🏻‍♀️ - 🕹️(Secret Move - Stealth Mode) - (3d2)

(111) = 3

🧘🏻‍♀️ - ㊙️Attack - (2d2)

(22) = 4

Feb 5, 2025 6:58 pm
Murasaki somehow escapes the quaking and the flames unscathed. She follows with a quick countersrike—only to find the oni’s hide is indeed quite tough, now that the Mountain Face’s gift of passionate flame has been extinguished.

Fortunately, Dick is by his own overpowered attack, giving the Bombshells an opportunity to converge on him and beat the demon unconscious!


He teeters back and forth… then Swingin’ Dick goes limp and slumps to the ground.
[ +- ] 🎤 DK Stage Clear
April, the Mother

"You ladies are amazing!"

The Mother is just down the slope from you, surrounded by a wall of thick, thorned plants with pink blossoms twice the size of sunflowers. The thorns part for her.

"My daughter is just around the bend, where all of the demons came out." A tear rolls down her cheek, but she tries to be strong. The Maiden’s captor is down, so… it’s over, isn’t it? "I feel her… she isn’t hurt, but…"

It seems April is having doubts about her magical connection.

Just up the hill is an opening in the side of the mountain where a hundred oni had rushed out. The stone door is still open. You need only walk up and round the bend to alleviate the Mother’s trepidation.

Or validate it.
Next B☢️MBSHELL to post, if you go to where The Maiden is, please narrate your approach. You don’t need to flip any coins.
Feb 5, 2025 10:22 pm
Though saved by Gemini, Lacey emerges from the conflict banged up...and a bit demoralized. She'd rather sit down and rest before investigating the mountain's interior...

...but is that what a heroine would do? No, it is not. So she brushes herself off, takes a swig of water from a bottle she keeps in her purse, reapplies some lipstick, and walks up the hill.

"Hello, is anyone here? Don't bother trying to attack or intimidate me. My awesome girlfriends and I just trounced about a million oni, and our ass-kicking quota still ain't reached yet."

Sort of like whistling in the dark, but maybe it'll stir up some doubt, if there is still a threat....
Feb 5, 2025 11:27 pm
Lacey is the first to enter…

And it’s like a red sea of oni surrounding a head of wavy platinum blonde in the center. They are all facing The Maiden, crammed together against the walls of the cavern mostly. None are within ten feet of the girl. All are pressed uncomfortably against at least two other oni.

May, the Maiden

"Oh, hullo." The Maiden smiles sweetly at Lacey.

Just the way she says hello is melodious. The look in her eyes could melt your heart even if you didn’t have one. You don’t want to fuck her. You want to hug her. But you know you can’t touch her.

No… that’s not quite what this is.

The Maiden is the antithesis of a succubus, or any creature so overwhelmingly vile they paralyze the pure at heart.

The Maiden’s purity is unbearable to the oni. They may have been ordered to guard her, but right now, they so desperately want to leave!

"Silly boys," May says innocently. "Has the cat got your manners? A lady is present, and should be addressed accordingly by gentlemen."

Every oni head in the room turns toward Lacey. Not in unison, as several are resisting. There’s a bone-cracking sound in one oni’s neck. With a pained expression he surrenders to the compulsion. Dozens, perhaps a couple hundred oni stare at Lacey, unblinking eyes bloodshot with terror and despair.

Scores of Oni


"Khhiill mmhhheeee."

May, the Maiden

"Love the shoes." May flashes a smile. Her teeth are white as the driven snow.

You are completely safe at this point. Feel free to RP dicelessly as you reunite Mother and Daughter.

Murasaki, up to you, but you could opt to roll ☢️Lotus Blossom, since there’s no consequence to spending your Girl Power now.

Enter the Lotus Position to obtain a deep understanding of an NPC, a situation or your surroundings.

You need to spend a 🌸 to do this.

Feb 5, 2025 11:50 pm
Murasaki proceeds after Lacey, tensed in case there was yet more fighting to be done, but she relaxes when she sees the onis cowering at the edges of the cave, avoiding the Maiden like the plague. Murasaki can't help but crack an uncharacteristic smirk. "It seems she was not in any danger. Look at them. They are helpless before her."

Though, Murasaki wonders why the Maiden came all this way in the first place. She feels it is safe to sit and reflect, so she takes a moment to sit down and enter the Lotus Position. She tries to obtain an understanding of the Maiden.


🧘🏻‍♀️ - ☢️ - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Feb 6, 2025 2:08 am
A 💢MISS means information will be missing. In this case, you won’t get the answer to your specified question. But you’ll glean something.
Murasaki finds The Maiden is difficult to read. Why she came… it’s like asking why she frolics in flowery meadows. Her reasons are her own.

But there is one thing Murasaki picks up: The Maiden is sincere. When she asks the Oni to politely address a lady, that is all she wants of the Oni in that moment.

Her naiveté is her forte. If The Maiden were aware of the grave danger she was in, she would have no power over the demons. Because she has this power, they are unable to be or appear gravely dangerous.

There must be more to it… but Murasaki’s meditation is interrupted by a demon who would really appreciate it if she stabbed him in the frontal lobe.

"Matt" the Oni

"Whould you lhike to khill mhe a yhogha mhat, Mhissh khill mhe?"

The Oni offers Murasaki a throw rug. (It would make for a subpar yoga mat, but it could really tie a room together.)

May, the Maiden

"Aww, Matt? That’s so sweet of you. Just remember what we discussed about close-talking, Kay?"

"Matt" the Oni


Matt takes a step back out of Murasaki’s personal bubble.

"Aihh. Ehll. Ehll. Ehmm. Eehh."
Feb 6, 2025 6:52 am
"No thank you, Matt. I'm just about finished." Murasaki smiles, amused by his discomfort. She's not going to grant him the escape he so desperately craves. As she stands up, she does give the rug another glance. "Actually, that would go nicely in our base." She takes the throw rug and rolls it up, carrying it under her arm.

Because naivete is the Maiden's strength, Murasaki approaches and speaks carefully, deliberately skirting around the topic of the heart-carving and the bounty. "Maiden? We came looking for you. Your grandma and mother were worried sick. Actually, your mother's here." She says, looking over her shoulder to see if April was coming.
Feb 6, 2025 8:52 am
Gemini remains at the edge of the cave, deeply uneasy. Taking away someone's free will to be themselves, no matter their intensions, ain't cool. It's a slippery slope before good people start doing bad things. She feels a sympathy for the Oni, but she's not the kind of person who can openly hurt someone because, let's be real, that ain't cool either.

She eyes May warily, and tries to distract herself with the anticipation of skating back down the mountain when they're done.
Feb 6, 2025 9:03 am
Gong-Ju remains near Gemini, sharing the fairy's uneasy. "This is most unusual," she observes.
Feb 6, 2025 1:04 pm
April, the Mother

The Mother nods at Gong-Ju’s words. "If it were me, they’d have had my heart."

She pats her shoulder, giving Gemini a look as if to offer a seat.

Lacey may be surprised to see that, while her own presence had no detrimental effect on the oni, April’s presence seems to have aroused their attention.

Pink petals as large as Mountain Face himself, unfurl like curtains from outside the cave. As a group of oni slowly regain their senses, you notice ivy on the walls of the cave. Pink blossoms—identical to the kind Murasaki had picked earlier (which April later replanted)—sprout from the climbing ivy.
Murasaki notices a look in Matt’s eye—that violent look the other oni had when they were actively trying to murder you—but when May moves to meet you halfway, the demon is again too overwhelmed by her.

Even Murasaki feels the air is pure. There’s no stink of the oni’s beard, and the cave isn’t stuffy as it should be with such a crowd. (A woman who lived alone in a cave for so long knows best of the wonders isolation and ventilation can do to make cave-life palatable!)

The Maiden herself is pristine, clad in an outfit made of leaves, vines forming her waistband and tiara. Her feet are bare. Soft, warm moss grows wherever she steps to protect her from the cold stone floor. Her skin is immaculate. The plants that clothe her are alive, and the leafy gown is a modest ankle length.

Her eyes brighten like little suns when Murasaki mentions her mother is here.

May, the Maiden

"Oh! You are so kind! Thank you for escorting my Mother."

April steps beside Murasaki. The Maiden’s eyes tear up. "I’m sorry I was unable to call Grammy. Once the giant let me pass under his train tunnel, I was no longer in the Massachusetts-Holes. But this place responds so well to my magic, even the local men told me my heart belongs here. Aren’t they lovely?"

Matt looks as if about to pounce.

"If we wait a bit, I believe King Richard is on his way."

April gives her daughter a hug, bringing her daughter in so much her face is practically smothered in the taller woman’s breasts.

The moment May’s eyes are shielded by the collar of her mother’s jacket, a thorned vine from the cave wall whips around Matt’s neck and yanks hard!—he is swept away! His head and body slam against the wall, separately. The oni who are up baring their fangs are quickly silenced by vines bursting through their chests. (The oni still under May’s spell are spared, at the moment.)

April, the Mother

"Oh, May," she sobs, "I’m afraid the king won’t be coming. But it’s not your fault. I’m proud of you, but how about we go home now…"

Pink petals rise from floor to ceiling, enveloping The Mother, The Maiden and The Bombshells inside a protective dome.

May, the Maiden

The Maiden looks up at the giant flower petals in awe. "Oh, Mum! You found my Mayflower variant. I call it the Aprilflower—it responds to your magic. I knew you still had it in you, Mum. I never stopped believing in you!"

April pulls her daughter into a smothering hug again. Spatters of blood start to appear on the dome, soaking through from the outside. Clawed hands try in vain to tear into the colossal petals. Eventually the claw shaped bumps retract. More blood.

April, the Mother

"It’s not the flower that makes my magic strong, child. It’s you. I will do anything to protect you, my dear."

May, the Maiden

"Oh, Mum!"

Dying Oni

Feb 6, 2025 1:09 pm




• •LV.2 🧚🏻‍♀️
💃🏼 🧘🏻‍♀️ 🧜🏻‍♀️

LV.2• • •LV.2• • •LV.2
Feb 6, 2025 1:15 pm
The pink petals unfurl. You all find yourself back in Neo Hampshire. The old woman who called you is there, cooking a stew in a very large cauldron.

The Crone

"Thank you for saving my daughter. Here’s a quarter for each o’ you. You may also stay for soup and pie."
That’s the end of Stage 1!! You are free to RP and level up. A coin was entered into the left slot of your arcade machine (char-sheet), giving you a choice of +Health or +Girl Power.
Feb 6, 2025 7:43 pm
"Ummm...sure, I'll take some grub."

First, she uses the quarter to get stronger! Weird how that worked...almost as if...nah, no need to get all metaphysical.

As she eats, she ponders their mission. Power and naivete...a dangerous mix. And could all three generations combine their powers? Lacey didn't understand all that she'd seen, but she was pretty sure these woman weren't the lightweights she'd thought they were....

Murasaki had used her meditative powers earlier, so maybe she could explain what she'd learned to the team....

To her teammates: "Is everyone OK? That last fight was a tough one...but good steel must go through the hottest fire, right?"
Feb 7, 2025 12:36 pm
"I am fine, O'Hara-san. I'm sure there is much more work to be done, but for now, it would be wise to rest and recover our strength." Murasaki casually swallows her quarter whole. Its power briefly blankets her body in an aura of purple fire before being drawn inwards, integrating into her very being. She can definitely feel the difference.

She gratefully accepts the Crone's generously offered food. She goes for seconds, thirds, fourths... tenths... Where is she putting all this food? She finishes off half the cauldron's contents all by herself. "May I please have another bowl?"
Feb 7, 2025 1:43 pm
"Girl power!" Gong-Ju cheers, turning to wink and hold up her fingers in a peace sign towards nothing in particular. It's as if she's posing for an unseen audience. The quarter spins in the air over her head before vanishing.

"I am quite well, Lacey. Ready to take on the next challenge. Jal meokkketsseumnida," Gong-Ju says, giving thanks for the meal before chowing down on soup and pie.
Last edited February 7, 2025 3:28 pm
Feb 7, 2025 3:01 pm
The older women are more than happy to serve the heroines who rescued their daughter. True, her powers were holding the demons at bay, but that couldn’t have lasted forever.

Right now, The Maiden is fast asleep in her chamber, exhausted from ‘keeping the kingsguard entertained while awaiting the arrival of His Majesty, King Richard.’ That Dick would have carved out her heart while she slept, powerless to stop him.

The Crone and The Mother could explain it all to you, who they are and what their goal is. But there’s a time for that, and it’s not during soup and pie.

The only words that even skirt the the topic of business are from The Crone.

The Crone

"Rest well. Then go out and make your mark on the world…"
Feb 7, 2025 3:05 pm

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