Part 1: No Business Like Show Business

Jan 7, 2025 11:44 am
Stories of heroes have excited the masses for as long as the art of storytelling has existed. Often for such stories, the more grandiose and outlandish the medium, the better it is at conveying the epic struggles and legendary victories heroes achieve. Stories are still told in the Inner Sea region today of Iomedae’s acts leading up to her ascension to godhood, of Old-Mage Jatembe’s magical legacies, or of High King Taargick’s storied Quest for Sky. More recently, tales of still-living heroes who stood against the runelords of Varisia, who helped to close the demonic rift in the Worldwound, who saved the northern River Kingdoms from an invasion from the First World, and more have proven to be popular inspirations for more modern audiences.

Traditionally, legends of these heroes have arisen organically from their adventures inspiring bards and writers years after their exploits have settled into the annals of history. For Fallenta Sumac d’Venenoux, the passage of time between deed and stage seemed awkward at best and wasteful at worst. Why wait years for these legends to find their way to the stage when one could simply work with the actual heroes fresh off their most recent acts of derring-do and hire them as consultants for Kintargo’s biggest opera since the foundation of Ravounel?

And soon she will find just the right heroes for the show...

Curtain Call

It's been six months since your greatest victory. After dealing with treachery and betrayal and facing down mind-controlled and corrupted minions, you finally thwarted the plans of Osoyo, the Blackfrost Whale, and ensured the alien entity remained trapped beneath the Crown of the World. You certainly have earned a break after everything you went through to foil its nefarious schemes!

All around the region, your friends, allies, and even people in the street have been sharing stories about your heroic exploits—you are, quite literally, the talk of the town. Your fame is even spreading beyond the region in which your previous adventures took place. Awkward hero worship, tall tales, and scandalous rumors about you have become an almost daily occurrence as your legend is already spreading to distant ports that none of you has ever visited before.

On this particular day, a courier has arrived to hand-deliver a scroll case to you. The elegant scroll case is made of silver, blue-painted oak, and abalone shell. Within the case is a scroll curved around a long, slender object wrapped in silk, along with a few loose garnets worth a total of 500 gp.

The scroll reads as follows:

It is my great honor to present you all with the singular opportunity of a lifetime: immortality. Not literal deathlessness, but the immortality of the stage. Like so many others, I have followed your group’s exploits, and they strike me as wonderful inspiration. I wish to turn your epic story into an opera, one that will thrill and delight audiences for ages to come. I ask you to visit me in Kintargo so that we may discuss the possibility of your involvement in this soon-to-be-classic production of your very lives! I’ve enclosed advance payment for your time, including this fine scroll case, but also enough netherwalk incense to cover your journey to Kintargo at speed. Should you choose to travel here via other means, consider the incense additional advance payment.

Seek me out at the Tarry Imp at any time between sunrise and sunset. I apologize in advance for contacting you without revealing my identity, but for the moment, I must use secrecy in order to maintain my advantage over possible competition. When you arrive at the Tarry Imp, simply let the kindly proprietor know that you are there to speak with Auntie Hemlock. I look forward to meeting you, and hopefully beginning a profitable and memorable relationship!
[ +- ] Theater Lore DC 18 or Performance DC 25
[ +- ] If you get a critical success
Within the rolled silk is a slender cylindrical incense container that holds enough sticks of netherwalk incense to travel to Kintargo. A shorter scrap of paper wrapped around the incense gives precise instructions on how to use it.
[ +- ] Netherwalk Incense
Jan 8, 2025 9:27 pm
Bekassine sat dressed in her usual furs. She wore them no matter what the weather was. Her temperature always seemed to run a little cold ever since her patron granted her powers, so the warm clothes were almost always comfortable.
Her adventures didn't appear to have made her any kinder, she was still grouchy to most new people she met, (although she always eventually helped those in need), but she was greatly enjoying the company of her old friends. She was just about to gather Fox, her clever white-coated familiar, and leave when the courier arrived. She looked to the others to see if they were as clueless as she was.
Looking over the case again she says, "Well, this is too fancy to be from anyone I know. Auntie Hemlock a friend of any of yours?"
Jan 8, 2025 10:19 pm
Aurelia had been enjoying a cuddle with Fox, if he allowed such a thing, when the courier arrived.

"I think such a fancy scroll case is saying that the sender means business, don't you think?" She reads the missive, and her first reaction is not to trust the nameless sender, but glancing at the case again has her biting her lip, a habit that tells an observer that she is deep in thought.

"We should be flattered, right? And I feel like this is a dream come true, which is precisely why I feel we should exercise great caution, for I've learned my lesson well enough, not to be impetuous. But Auntie Hemlock ... Hmm ... does it ring a bell?"

After all, Aurelia was and had been student and teacher of the arts. The stage was often a small world with many of its participants knowing each other.

"No I don't believe I have heard of her."
Last edited January 11, 2025 2:36 pm


Performance DC 25 - (1d20+22)

(2) + 22 = 24

Jan 9, 2025 9:12 am
"The only living aunt I have is called Mulbu," the small kobold known as Ramank shrugs. "They have evidently heard about our exploits."

Behind him the dragon Yarthadrix, now towering over the small kobold speaks up. "It's about time someone recognizes our excuisite splendor?" it pauses and then have a new thought. "Do you think they will feed us?"

"They don't seem to have spared expenses, I am sure they can afford a steak... or whole goat," Ramank says patting his companion. They were once at odds, but after the encounter with Osoyo have come to an understanding.
Jan 11, 2025 10:54 am
Horace sits with the others and reads over the scroll carefully when its his turn to examine it. "Not a friend of mine," he says, putting the scroll down on the table, "but I agree the elaborateness of the invitation seems to bespeak they are serious in their offer. It also tells us they have the capital to perhaps pull something like this off."

He takes a breath and looks at the scroll, "A promising venture, perhaps, in light of things. It's been some time since we've had good reason to travel, and this at least seems exciting without the threat of impending disaster."
Last edited January 11, 2025 10:55 am


Performance (Cha) - (1d20+18)

(5) + 18 = 23

Jan 11, 2025 2:43 pm
"We should accept! But Horace, nothing is without risk and so far, we know very little about this auntie. Let's be careful."

Aurelia was excited to begin this adventure with the others. The idea of being involved in such a project, it almost felt too good to be true.
Jan 12, 2025 3:09 am
"Of course, of course. She could be a devil-in-disguise for all we know, but I agree: we should accept. It would be far more interesting than sitting around this place letting the locals fawn over us while leeching off their hospitality. I need to do something again - get out, explore, learn the secrets of the world. And sure, maybe be part of an opera."
Jan 12, 2025 3:27 am
Aurelia was delighted they were all in agreement. It put her in a good mood, so much so that she put her slight fear of Yarthadrix away for the moment. It was a healthy respect, she told herself.

"I'm sure we will find something delicious for you Yarthadrix. We all have to eat," she said, smiling.
Jan 12, 2025 4:09 am
"I don't really like going into this situation with no information, but then I guess if Auntie Hemlock turns out to be a demon, we can feed her to Yarth. Are we really leaving right now? I guess I can send word home that I'll be gone a bit longer. . . . " Bekassine says as she starts to think of all the task that will have to be done in her absence.
Jan 12, 2025 6:57 am
"Well, we don't have to leave right now, as in now-now. Why don't we rest up and leave tomorrow morning, or the next day? But I'm ready to be moving. Whatever time you all need is good with me."
Jan 13, 2025 6:55 am
Once you are ready, you light the incense that was given you and travel swiftly through the shadowy Netherworld. Before long, you find yourselves emerging back into the material world just outside the city of Kintargo.

Known as the "Silver City," Kintargo is the largest settlement in Ravounel. The city gained this moniker for the silver salmon that dwell in the nearby Yolubilis River, the silvery sheen of the silty river’s water at dusk and dawn, and the unique silver-streaked white stone used in the construction of many of its buildings. Kintargo is also one of the largest bastions for the arts on Avistan’s west coast. Since its liberation from Cheliax’s oppressive rule, Kintargo has steadily grown in population (much of that number coming from halflings and nephilims fleeing from Cheliax to the south) and has become an increasingly important trade port along Avistan’s west coast.

The Tarry Imp is a cozy hole-in-the-wall eatery and coffee shop located down an alley in Kintargo’s arts-and-entertainment district of Jarvis End. As you move through the district, you pass by the People's Temple. Originally the Temple to Aroden, this massive structure sits higher than any other on Argo Isle. Under the auspices of House Thrune, the temple was transformed into a temple to Asmodeus. Following Ravounel’s independence, the Silver Council voted to turn the reclaimed temple into the government capitol. Officially renamed the Administrative and Civic Center of Ravounel, the building is colloquially called the People’s Temple. Progress on the building’s transformation has been slow, as squabbling stakeholders have yet to agree on the ultimate style and configuration of the building.

You can also see Castle Kintargo dominating the skyline to the northwest. This ancient fortress’s imposing edifice houses Kintargo’s civic offices, city watch, and prison. Following the ousting of the Order of the Rack (whose overt loyalty to House Thrune makes it unwelcome in Ravounel), Kintargo’s own small group of Hellknights, the Order of the Torrent, stationed itself here, where its members can be called upon to help keep the peace whenever necessary.

Your path also leads you by the Kintargo Opera House. This enormous theater in Jarvis End has long been the heart of Kintargo’s robust arts scene. Temporarily closed by House Thrune during Barzillai’s rule, the theater is now reopened and busier than ever, with performances nearly every night. The rebels known as the Silver Ravens, led by the opera house’s most infamous star, Shensen, use the site as a base of operations as they continue to watch over the city’s interests. Its facade has recently been restored from the damage the building endured during the city's rebellion against Cheliax.

After you navigate a few winding alleyways several city blocks north of the opera house, you reach your destination: a plain-looking doorway next to a post upon which perches a life-sized imp seemingly made of black wax. In fact, it’s actually a real dead imp preserved in a layer of tar—both a warning to potential diabolists and a trophy of the city’s triumph over House Thrune.

Within, the heady scent of tobacco joins that of coffee. Behind the counter, a single elderly man named looks slightly amused as he tips his crumpled hat to you upon your entrance. When you ask about "Auntie Hemlock," he replies by saying, "She’s waiting for you in the far room—head on back," while he indicates a door at the far end of the dining area.

When you enter the room, you see a well-dressed woman seated at a large table surrounded by chairs. Aurelia and Horace quickly recognize her as Fallenta Sumac d’Venenoux. Fallenta is a famous director whose productions have delighted audiences throughout the Inner Sea region. She smiles and rises to greet you. "Well, look who it is! I’d know these faces anywhere—you are my inspiration, after all! Welcome to Kintargo! I’ve taken the liberty to arrange a light, four-course meal for us to enjoy as we chat. That way, even if nothing comes of our meeting, at least we’ll be well-fed. And thank you for suffering my secretive shenanigans—Fallenta Sumac d’Venenoux, at your service!"
Jan 13, 2025 12:22 pm
Ramank bows respectfully, but Yarth is less respectful. "What's the first course?" the eidolon asks before Ramank can even introduces himself.

"I apologize for my companion," he says. "We haven't been invited to many parties. Mostly it's dank dungeons and things that try to kill us."

He realizes he still haven't introduced himself and quickly adds. "I am Ramank and the dragon is Yarthadrix."

"Yes, yes, introductions are done. Is it time to eat now?" the dragon asks hopefully.
Jan 13, 2025 3:46 pm
"At least let me say it is nice to see you again, Auntie Hemlock!"

And without further ado, Aurelia dug into course number one, for she was famished after all the travelling. She did suppress a giggle when Yarth cared nothing for manners and only with filling his belly. She supposed if she had a stomach the size of his, she would be the same way.

Between mouthfuls of carefully chewed food, Aurelia asked about the opera.

"What will be the order of business, Auntie?" she asked playfully.
Jan 14, 2025 8:51 am
Fallenta moves to each of you in turn to greet you by name and guide you to the seat she's selected for you. The first course of the meal comes out immediately, as a few servers who are obviously excited to have a famous director in their establishment bustle in and out while somehow avoiding any overt fawning or awkward declarations of admiration. They’re well paid for their discretion.

As you settle in for the meal, Fallenta clears her throat. "I am thankful that you've decided to take the time to speak with me. To prove that I'm all in on telling your story, and to serve as an initial consultation fee, please accept these gifts." She procures a maroon silk bag and upends it onto the table. Out clatter a significant payment to in the form of six runestones: two etched with +2 armor potency runes, two etched with +2 weapon potency runes, and two etched with greater striking runes. These runes, she explains, are yours to keep regardless of how the meeting plays out. "But if you do decide to work with me to turn your story into an opera, these will be but the first of your rewards!"
This influence encounter uses the Influence Rules. It plays out over the course of 4 rounds, each lasting 30 minutes and each corresponding to a different course of the meal that Fallenta has arranged for you all to share. At the start of each round, Fallenta speaks a few words to set the tone of that round’s conversation, but the PCs are free to attempt Discover or Influence checks as they wish.
The meal commences with a starter of spiced hare soup steeped in ginger and nettles, served with mint tea. "I'd like to begin by asking you all to keep this meeting hush-hush for now. It's a very real concern that some of my competitors might steal my ideas, and rival companies might rush a less spectacular production to the stage to steal our thunder. Now then, tell me about your favorite pieces of art. Theatrical productions, songs, stories, what have you."
Discovery Skills: Perception, Society, Theater Lore
Influence Skills: Crafting (to talk about methods of creating sets or costumes), Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, Performance (to share stories of performances both successful and disastrous), Theater Lore (to talk shop with Fallenta and help inspire ideas)
Jan 14, 2025 10:26 am
Ramank is content to lean back and let the other do the talking first. He studies their possible patron carefully between bites of food. He tries to figure her out and why she's gone to all this trouble for them.
Will try to Discover. Will focus on lowest DC first and foremost. And in the unlikely case of a critical success I guess I'll focus on their personal bias as well.


Perception* - (1d20+19)

(5) + 19 = 24

Jan 14, 2025 10:29 am
Horace greets their host graciously with a bow. "Thank you for having us. The powder you provided made the journey remarkably simple. I've never been to Kintargo, it's a lovely city."

He takes his seat, thanks her for the gifts, and when the first course is offered, he waits for the others, then takes a spoonfull of the soup into his mouth, closing his eyes and reveling in the taste. "This is wonderful," he says, "The spices are immaculately balanced."

He otherwise observes Fallenta as she speaks with the others, trying to ascertain what he can about the woman's bearing.
Discovery - Perception - to learn a weakness


Perception - (1d20+21)

(15) + 21 = 36

Jan 14, 2025 5:25 pm
Sorry for Aurelia's jumping the gun on the meal. She was hungry, I presumed erroneously that the food was already there, and it was near dinner time for me too! 😁
Aurelia leans forward, excitement dancing in her eyes. "A few summers ago, I was asked to help with the set design for a children's fairy-tale play at a small village theater. I didn’t have a large budget or an army of helpers, just a handful of eager children and a cramped backstage area. But I wanted that stage to look like a grand forest glen straight out of a storybook."

"So we collected branches and leaves from nearby woods and wove them into arches. We painted old curtains with winding vines and glowing fungi to give everything a mysterious, enchanted atmosphere. Every piece looked different up close, but when the lights hit, it all blended into this fantastic, otherworldly landscape."

"The children were mesmerized; their imaginations sparked when they stepped onto the stage. More than that, the audience loved seeing something so immersive, created from such simple materials. From the moment the play opened, the audience gasped in delight. It taught me that with some creative vision and resourcefulness, I can make any stage a magical realm."

"That’s what I’d bring to your production: a willingness to experiment, a love of detail, and just enough daring to capture the audience’s imagination the moment the curtains rise. I can't wait to begin."
Last edited January 14, 2025 6:13 pm


Performance - (1d20+22)

(11) + 22 = 33

Jan 14, 2025 6:07 pm
Bekassine picks up a runestone and looks it over, only mildly impressed, before setting it back on the table. She then asnwers, speaking for her and Fox. "Most of the 'art' we've come across, are the stories and songs passed down in my village. This place and it's finery are a bit much for us, although I do like the imp outside, that's a nice touch." Bekassine says with a smirk. She was uneasy with the all this is opulence, and Fox clearly wanted to be somewhere they could run around, but resigned herself to al least try and not be rude, and enjoy it while she was here, however long that may be. "You've been very generous so far. All of this begs the question; why us?" she ask before digging into the soup.


Perception (if needed for Discovery) - (1d20+20)

(4) + 20 = 24

Jan 15, 2025 1:30 pm
Fallenta seems delighted by Aurelia's story. Neither Bekassine nor Ramank are able to pick up much about Fallenta by studying her, but based on how she seems to perk up when Beksassine mentions her village's songs, Horace deduces that the director adores song and music. Incorporating these themes will make it easier to gain her confidence.
You have gained 1 Influence Point. Horace learns Fallenta's weakness: either by performing music or just talking about it as part of your Influence check, you can reduce the DC of that Influence check by 1.
"Why you?" Fallenta says, echoing Bekassine's question. "Why, because your adventures are simply fascinating! Missing moments, magical gates to distant lands, ancient evils slumbering beneath the ice: it's a fabulous story to tell!"

The second course of the meal consists of a tapenade made of artichokes, olives, capers, and anchovies, served with crisp crackers, fresh melon, and berries. Fallenta shifts the topic away from the theater to ask each of you about your previous adventures, particularly if you're willing to share your most positive and delightful memories. "Too often, we storytellers focus on the grim and the violent," she remarks with a smile.
Everybody may either make another Discovery check or Influence check.
Jan 15, 2025 2:13 pm
Finally Ramank joins in the conversation. "When we were trapped on Castrovel and had braved its dangerous jungles we met elves from another world," Ramank says. "They sung us the most beautiful songs in an otherworldly language. That was the first time I really relaxed and was able to forget the missing moment."
Ramank lies it on a bit much and while there might be a kernel of truth there somewhere it is all a big fib.


Deception (Cha) - (1d20+21)

(18) + 21 = 39

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