Part 1: No Business Like Show Business

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Jan 15, 2025 9:46 pm
Bekassine thinks for a moment before speaking up. "Early on, before we knew each other that well, one of our first skirmishes was in a forest. It was not going well. I was about to take a hit that would have most likely ended me, but Horace jumped in to protect me. In my village, I'm the one people come to for help, so it was a pleasant surprise to see this lug rush in to be a shield. It was then that I really realized that I wasn't alone on this journey. Also that I'd better quickly learn to heal, by skill or magic." She sighs, not used to talking so much.


Performance (I guess?) - (1d20-1)

(3) - 1 = 2

Jan 16, 2025 8:30 am
Horace listens several moments, then begins to sing a quiet song recollecting their final confrontation with Osoyo. It goes on for a couple minutes before he caps it off with the conclusion of that encounter, and the resealing of the great beast within the ice.


Performance (Cha) - (1d20+22)

(2) + 22 = 24

Jan 16, 2025 4:24 pm
Aurelia listens joyfully to the group recounting their tales and especially Horace's lovely voice, nibbling the second course throughout, and clapping when appropriate.

Then it is her turn. She stands to perform the recitation of a short poem she wrote a while ago. It speaks to Aurelia's desires as an artistic creator of the visual arts, and a performer in her own right, surely something Fallenta would appreciate.

"I have named this The Artist’s Aria."

When footlights sparkle across the stage,
A million dreams wake upon the page;
Colors swirl in notes I hum,
From palette to soul, the visions come.
I weave new worlds with voice and hue,
Yearning to share them here with you.
With brush or bow, my heart sets free—
This is the song that lives in me.
Last edited January 16, 2025 4:24 pm


Performance - (1d20+22)

(12) + 22 = 34

Jan 17, 2025 12:41 pm
Fallenta indulges Bekassine's and Horace's performances, but she seem quite taken by Ramank's tall tales and Aurelia's aria.
You have gained 2 Influence Points (3 total now).
The third course presents a relatively filling meal of jellied Ravounelian whole eel in hot sauce laced with chilies, paired with cabbage rolls containing beef, olives, and pork, and served with local wines.

"Now, tell me more about your nemesis," Fallenta asks. "Osoyo, yes? I've heard some of the danger it presented to the world, but sometimes it's hard to separate fact from fiction."
Everybody may either make another Discovery check or Influence check.
Jan 17, 2025 5:21 pm
"There is probably a grain or two of truth in what you have heard."

Aurelia’s hand darts reflexively to the almost faded rune at her throat. "My true foe is no mere rival, but the ancient horror behind the Missing Moment. When Osoyo unleashed a surge of blackfrost through Golarion’s portal network, I became enthralled. My memories are mere fragments, but I still hear insidious whispers at the edges of my mind. While my creativity has flourished since my brush with blackfrost, so have my nightmares. I fear my art might open a fresh conduit... my nemesis could come to the fore with the next surge of blackfrost or umbral ash. I am afraid my creative gifts could become twisted to do Osoyo's bidding."

Thinking she might have said too much, Aurelia's cheeks redden as she works on the jellied eel, attributing her flushed face to the hot spices.

"My goodness, this is delicious but I'm afraid the spices are hot enough to make me flush," she says, forcing a giggle.


Performance - (1d20+22)

(1) + 22 = 23

Jan 17, 2025 6:19 pm
Bekassine, while not overly concerned with impressing thier host, does want to make sure she knows what a threat Osoyo was. As she talks, Fox shivers and raises their hackels for added emphasis, "The blackfrost whale was indeed a mighty foe, but the scariest oart eas the influence it had over others. As Aurilias mentioned, being granted powers but not knowing where they came from, or if they were going to be used for evil. Not knowing if someone you thought was an ally, or secretly working against you. The fear of knowing that, thanks to the aiudara, Osoyo's reach was global." Bekassine shakes her head as if to clear the bad thoughts away. "By the time you are actually staring evil in the face, thats the easy part"


Intimidation (Cha) - (1d20+15)

(12) + 15 = 27

Jan 20, 2025 3:45 am
Horace takes a breath and recounts his memories of Osoyo, summarizing those events leading up to the final encounter with the creature, doing his best to put it in poetic verse.
Everyone's posts are so great, sorry for the phone-in on this one, but I've been crazy busy and didn't want to stall the game further. TY!
Last edited January 20, 2025 3:45 am


Performance (Cha) - (1d20+22)

(13) + 22 = 35

Jan 20, 2025 12:20 pm
"Hah! Osoyo was nothing compared to our combined strenght," Ramank says and leans back. "We fought everthing from the slenderman to weird otherwordly jungle creatures, to hobgoblin warchiefs by the time we got to Ososyo we could easily beat it."

"It was a chump," he continues. "The story should focus on the journey up to the fight, and not the fight itself."


Deception (Cha) - (1d20+21)

(12) + 21 = 33

Jan 21, 2025 11:10 am
Fallenta seems enthralled by Horace's poetic recitation of the battle with Osoyo and laughs at Ramank's flippant confidence.
You have gained 3 Influence Points (6 total now).
Dessert consists of coffee (the only part of the meal directly supplied by The Tarry Imp) paired with tiny chocolates and berry tarts. "Now, then, let me ask you outright. What do you think of the concept of turning your adventures into an opera? Surely you have some interest in the idea, since you are here speaking with me, but I want to get your honest opinions."
Everybody may attempt one final Influence check.
Jan 21, 2025 2:01 pm
"I think it's time the world heard about our exploits," Ramank says. "Get some respect for once. Present company excluded of course, you have been a graceful host. But make our names known from Mwangi in the south to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings in the north."
Let's switch a little and use intimidation for the final check.


Intimidation (Cha) - (1d20+23)

(9) + 23 = 32

Jan 21, 2025 6:29 pm
For Aurelia, it was not so much the recognition for deeds done, though impressive. No, it was more the idea of being famous the world over for a production that reached for the stars and succeeded. Her dream was that every tavern, every market square, would be abuzz with news of the magnificent production they would produce.

"I can build you a magnificent set!" Aurelia gushes proudly. "One so real the audience will gasp as the curtain opens. I have been known to be quite lavish in costume production as well. I have an eye for that sort of thing and the uncanny ability to picture what the audience would see from any seat in the theater!"

Aurelia could be pragmatic when called for, as pesky as the concept was, and so she came back down to earth and asked for the dreaded details.

"Is there a particular budget to adhere too?"


Crafting - (1d20+18)

(6) + 18 = 24

Jan 21, 2025 11:38 pm
Bekassine sips her coffee and nibbles at the tart. She was probably the least excited about the idea, so let the other do the talking here. "I'll let my friends explain while I have more of this delicious dessert."


Assist - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Jan 23, 2025 7:19 am
"I must say, I was rather intrigued by the idea from the moment we saw your invitation. It would be a unique experience for me, but I admit what I hope moreover is that by being here, and by contributing to the production, we might ensure the story is told properly. Flairs of drama are, of course, to be expected! Yet we can make sure the most important moments are intact and nothing too beyond reason is added. I hope, working together, we can make it something quite memorable indeed!"


Diplomacy (Cha) - (1d20+22)

(11) + 22 = 33

Jan 23, 2025 9:55 am
Fallenta smiles broadly as she polishes off the last of her dessert.
You have gained 2 Influence Points, reaching the maximum of 8!
Having fully gained her trust, Fallenta reveals that she has high hopes for her newest opera and that petty enemies have tried to steal her ideas. She also confides that she fled Cheliax some time ago and that certain shady groups who helped her escape would delight in tracking her down. She asks you to keep her name out of any discussions—for now—thanking you in advance for your understanding and trust as well as complimenting you on your disarming charms.

"I must say, I am quite pleased with how well you all comport yourselves! I have read extensively about your exploits, but the printed word does not do justice to how incredible you are! Please, accept this wand of sending. Should the need arise, it will allow you to contact me from a great distance." She holds out the wand for you to take.
You have gained 4 Production Points!
[ +- ] Production Points
At the end of the evening, Fallenta thanks all of you one by one. She then looks self-conscious before admitting she has a somewhat delicate and embarrassing final topic to broach. "Please don’t be offended by what I’m about to ask of you. You must understand I’ve been deceived by charlatans before—not everyone who inspires deserves to inspire. And so I beg your indulgence—I’ve set up a little test for you. An audition, if you will. A quick set of hopefully fun challenges for you to take on, so I can be assured that you are what you claim to be and not just talented fabulists."

She explains that she’s worked with local crafters and actors to prepare some challenges for you to overcome, set up in an old playhouse that’s been out of business since Barzillai Thrune’s days. There’s no real danger to you, and you should consider this audition more as a set of enjoyable tests of prowess one might indulge in at a festival than anything else, but depending on how you solve the problems Fallenta has set up for you, she’ll be put at ease as to the veracity of your abilities as adventurers.

"If that is is amenable, we shall begin after you've had a good night's rest!"
If the PCs want to take time to etch their new armor and weapon runes, Fallenta understands and even offers to help in the process by connecting the PCs with local artisans skilled enough to perform the task. She also uses her resources to pay for the etching process of these runes. If the PCs accept her offer, they can have all six of the runes etched to armor and weapons of their choice over the course of a single day by drawing upon talents spread throughout Kintargo.
Jan 23, 2025 10:29 am
"It has, and will continue to be, a great pleasure to conspire with you," Horace says with a smile as he finishes the last of his dessert. He nods to the others, "I'm up for a little challenge! I, at least, have been idle too long since our last adventure ended."
Horace already has a +2 potency rune on his sword. Given the choice of the others, he would gladly take a greater striking rune! Perhaps those with lower ACs might benefit the most from the armor runes. Horace has 32 AC currently.
Jan 23, 2025 12:11 pm
"Why don't she trust us?" Yarth complains to Ramank.

"It's fine," Ramank replies calming his companion. "We'll pass whatever challenge comes our way. Right?"
Ramank already have a +2 armor potency as his level 11 item. And a +2 weapon potency as his level 10 item.
Jan 23, 2025 5:05 pm
"A test eh? Well that does seem interesting." Bekassine says with a raised eyebrow
Bekassine will take a armor rune if that's an an available option. I don't think the other ones would be useful to her.
Jan 24, 2025 3:18 am
Aurelia's excitement begins to grow. It's beginning to look like they will be immortalized in song and that she will help in the opera's production.

Glaring at Yarth's bad manners she responds to Fallenta.

"Yes of course. And thank you for the gift. I'd be happy to take any tests. I hope I will be up to solving them," she says with a small nervous giggle.
Aurelia's AC is 27 and she would be happy for some runes.
Jan 24, 2025 11:44 am
Once you have the rune situation sorted out and you're ready to begin, Fallenta informs you that your audition will take place in an old, abandoned playhouse called the Swan’s Shadow Theater that she’s "gussied up" with illusions and props. One of many buildings that fell into ruin during the short but violent reign of Barzillai Thrune, Swan’s Shadow Theater remained abandoned for 8 years after Barzillai’s defeat. With its previous owners one of many who vanished without a trace during that time of unrest, ownership of the theater fell to the city, and Fallenta purchased the dilapidated venue at a bargain price. While the theater is far too small and low-profile to be an appropriate place to debut her new opera, Fallenta does hope to rebuild and refurbish the location to serve as her office and headquarters in town—a place to hold early rehearsals and even to live once it’s been properly restored.

The building is nestled away in the alleys of Old Kintargo, approximately 600 feet west of Aria Park, not far from the eastern side of the Old Kintargo Cemetery. The buildings surrounding Swan’s Shadow Theater are all run-down and mostly abandoned as well, and these structures still bear evidence of violence from the Night of Ashes, from charred marks on the walls to doors and shutters that hang askew. Swan’s Shadow Theater is a one-story building. All of its windows have been boarded up, as has the rear entrance. The double doors at the front of the building have been decorated with a "1" in silver paint. Above these doors hangs a partially destroyed sign showing a swan’s somewhat elongated shadow.

Fallenta asks you to wait a bit as she casts several lengthy illusion spells to prepare the theater for the audition. She intends to observe your progress through the use of scouting eye spells. She tells you that you will have 30 minutes to complete the audition.

"For this audition within, you’ll face several challenges that I’ve designed to test your knowledge, personalities, and skills, but not your strength in battle or magical abilities. You should accomplish these challenges in order according to the numbers on each of the doors you’ll find inside. As you complete steps in a challenge, an object will glow with silver light to let you know that step is completed—complete all of a challenge’s steps in any order to win that challenge! If at any time an object glows red, though, you’ve failed the challenge and must move on. The final challenge consists of a mock battle against actors and life-sized marionettes on Swan’s Shadow Theater’s main stage, so here I ask you to use nonlethal attacks and magic—the use of lethal force against actors will cause you to automatically fail the audition. You’ll need to succeed at more challenges than you fail to pass the audition!"
Jan 24, 2025 12:16 pm
"Nonlethal?! Where's the fun in that," Yarth complains.

"It'll be fine, I'll get you an after dinner, pre supper snack once we're done," Ramank tries to calm his companion then turns his attention to Fallenta. "Sounds easy enough. Any special equipment we'll need?"
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