Fallenta smiles broadly as she polishes off the last of her dessert.
You have gained 2 Influence Points, reaching the maximum of 8!
Having fully gained her trust, Fallenta reveals that she has high hopes for her newest opera and that petty enemies have tried to steal her ideas. She also confides that she fled Cheliax some time ago and that certain shady groups who helped her escape would delight in tracking her down. She asks you to keep her name out of any discussions—for now—thanking you in advance for your understanding and trust as well as complimenting you on your disarming charms.
"I must say, I am quite pleased with how well you all comport yourselves! I have read extensively about your exploits, but the printed word does not do justice to how incredible you are! Please, accept this wand of sending. Should the need arise, it will allow you to contact me from a great distance." She holds out the wand for you to take.
You have gained 4 Production Points!
[ +- ] Production Points
Throughout the Curtain Call Adventure Path, the PCs have opportunities to earn Production Points. These points can be gained whenever they accomplish something that can increase the quality of their opera’s production—be it earning further admiration from key stakeholders, securing important resources, or simply bolstering their reputation. Keep track of Production Points the PCs earn publicly, so the party can keep an eye on how things are going. The Curtain Call Player’s Guide contains more player-facing information about Production Points, which won’t come into play directly until the third adventure, when they’ll have a significant impact on the opera’s financial, artistic, and critical success.
At the end of the evening, Fallenta thanks all of you one by one. She then looks self-conscious before admitting she has a somewhat delicate and embarrassing final topic to broach.
"Please don’t be offended by what I’m about to ask of you. You must understand I’ve been deceived by charlatans before—not everyone who inspires deserves to inspire. And so I beg your indulgence—I’ve set up a little test for you. An audition, if you will. A quick set of hopefully fun challenges for you to take on, so I can be assured that you are what you claim to be and not just talented fabulists."
She explains that she’s worked with local crafters and actors to prepare some challenges for you to overcome, set up in an old playhouse that’s been out of business since Barzillai Thrune’s days. There’s no real danger to you, and you should consider this audition more as a set of enjoyable tests of prowess one might indulge in at a festival than anything else, but depending on how you solve the problems Fallenta has set up for you, she’ll be put at ease as to the veracity of your abilities as adventurers.
"If that is is amenable, we shall begin after you've had a good night's rest!"OOC:
If the PCs want to take time to etch their new armor and weapon runes, Fallenta understands and even offers to help in the process by connecting the PCs with local artisans skilled enough to perform the task. She also uses her resources to pay for the etching process of these runes. If the PCs accept her offer, they can have all six of the runes etched to armor and weapons of their choice over the course of a single day by drawing upon talents spread throughout Kintargo.