Hindle calls forth multiple images of himself and Merton saves his energy by whipping a dagger at the sorcerer.
Ervan Soulfallen, the crimson sorcerer, is in the process of getting up when Leana and Alax use their thorn whips to keep him in place. He is able to get up, but is unable to do anything else thanks to Brickowsky's spell and the thorn whips from Leana and Alax. He is bleeding, but standing.
"I'll never accept defeat. I didn't accept defeat when I couldn't reach Cinderhowl's egg. I didn't accept defeat when the Hard Way started questioning their friend's and the egg's whereabouts. I turn my obstacles into steps to greater power."
With that, a strange tingling is felt in the air by all. The humanoid skull with a candle on its head turns to the party and it rises higher and higher as bones scattered around the room build up into a body. A skeleton hand reaches up out of the cauldron and another humanoid skull appears with the body to go with it. Finally, a third skeleton appears by the egg and draws its bow and arrow, aiming it right at Hindle and his duplicates.
As the adventuring party prepares its next moves, a loud roar and flapping can be heard. Pouncy continues to hide behind the dragonborn.
Feel free to add your next move, but will try to put up map tomorrow.