[CANCELED] DM-less Heist/prison break, using 5e

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ClosedDungeons & Dragons 5thPublic2 / weekGreyWord
Have you seen RPG games where
- Hooking a PC or two is problematic, causing team dysfunction?
- Game start (conversation with quest giver) take longer than you would like on PBP (but result does not depend on PC actions)
- You wanted to play a wise or intelligent PC, but all you do as player appears to be wrong
- Feel like at least one player is using his meta knowledge (have red the module you play or the Monster Manual on your current enemy)? Perhaps you are that player or at least felt the temptation?

This game is an experiment running a DnD module in an unconventional way:
1. All players read whole module before even session 0 and create PCs best suited for the mission
2. We skip story intro part assuming quest giver NPC shared everything it can we PCs. We jump right into action
3. Players try to role-play their PCs as if they don't have the knowledge players have, but feel free to assume their PC high intelligence/intuition/or just dumb luck help them take right actions even without the knowledge. Perhaps roll a dice ?

Story: we will run Prisoner-13 WotC scenario. Please claim it and read the details on dndbeyond

Jan 15, 2025 11:52 am
Here is an idea, if I got at lest 4 more players (or less if you ready to play multiple PCs) I'm willing to try this strange game:

Experimental. There are no one "behind the DM's screen". All players know everything about NPCs, traps and what not, but pretend their PCs don't.
We still need a system to run combat and to translate dice rolls into narrative decisions, when we as players want dice to decide outcome for us. I'm open for system, but my preference is 5e as the most know and because I chose DnD module as a Plot (see below).
We will use DnD 5e (2014) for character creation and method to perform skill checks (or combat, if one happens). But it will be slightly adjusted for the fact that there is no DM to call for skill checks or determine DC or advantage/disadvantage based on context.

Plot: PCs will need to
1. Infiltrate prison: an impenetrable fortress built to house the region’s most dangerous criminals.
2. Make a deal with a prisoner who is secretly pulling the strings of a spy network that spans much of the continent and is well satisfied with life in prison
3. Get out of the prison without or despite setting up an alarm

Read more here

Duration and peace I prefer at least 2 posts per week and believe we can finish this in a year at that peace of sooner with faster peace. But I'm not the DM, so I'm not the one who choose the peace, we all does it together.
Last edited February 1, 2025 6:57 am
Jan 15, 2025 4:25 pm
GreyWord says:
We still need a system to run combat and to translate dice rolls into narrative decisions, when we as players want dice to decide outcome for us. I'm open for system, but my preference is 5e as the most know
DnD is a fine system for resolving combat. That is where it shines.

You might also benefit from looking into Mythic GM Emulator and its various charts and oracles. It is meant for running existing systems without a GM (DM), and has its own resolution mechanisms, but encourages you to use the dice and such from whatever game you are using. The Chaos Rank mechanism seems like it would be a benefit in what you have described. Just a thought.
Jan 15, 2025 5:34 pm
I've just realized I may want to tell this story without even getting into a combat leaving as the last resort if dice are laughing at our plans.
But I would be delighted if a player who want to be part of this choose a system other than DnD and is willing to take rules-mentor role.

P.S. Is Mythic GM Emulator a system that allows RPG players to have dice and pre-scripted tables to build random stories? If that's right it means I've totally failed to deliver the message of what type of experience I'm looking into.
Jan 15, 2025 8:48 pm
GreyWord says:
... P.S. Is Mythic GM Emulator a system that allows RPG players to have dice and pre-scripted tables to build random stories?
It could be used for that, but mainly I was suggesting looking at MGME as a resolution mechanism for when the group needs dice to decide things.
Jan 16, 2025 12:53 am
Enjoying your TOA run so would be interested in giving this a shot. Suggest if we are creating 5e characters, we run an all rogue run (with multiclassing -- maybe must have rogue levels equal to or greater than half at start if not starting at 1st level) as it seems a good rogue adventure. Tried one once before and it made an interesting dynamic but unfortunately lost our GM to real life as happens so often.

I have a preference for 5e also; I don't like to get confused with too many different systems and know 5e fairly well.
Last edited January 16, 2025 12:55 am
Jan 16, 2025 5:06 pm
I certainly would hope characters would have a few extra levels, because first level characters aren't good at much.

I will say, I don't love the idea of being required to take levels in rogue. There are magic users who could have a lot to offer in a setting like this, and forcing them to take rogue levels slows down spell progression.

All that said, this sounds very interesting.
▪︎ (And I wouldn't just be looking to get my foot in the door for the adventure later on.)
Jan 16, 2025 7:16 pm
I left some details vague on a purpose of
- players would read into the linked material
- other players (not just me) decide on game details. I'm not the DM after all.

Still here is
[ +- ] how would I prefer it
Jan 20, 2025 8:53 am
We got 3 players: me, @badbaron, @MaJunior. Two more spots available.
Jan 28, 2025 9:53 am
Last call before I close this (by the end of the month) due to lack of interest. No regrets on my side, wasn't sure about this idea anyways.
Jan 28, 2025 2:07 pm
It was a very cool idea.
Jan 29, 2025 3:39 am
We'll get em next time.
Jan 31, 2025 5:09 pm
I’d be interested, but I see the thread is closing today.

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