Criella thinks up with a new riddle thought as some characters have taken wall weapons. "
I think it best for all of us to take least one weapon off the walls and have it in our hands. Seems that might be what the riddle was warning us." With that thinking
Criella returns her off scimitar to its scabbard and takes a wall mace to keep in hand as the riddle seem to say.
Criella still hates wizards. She also puts away her silver sword to as to have only the mace in her hands.
Riddle "
Walk through water with weapon in hand."
Criella implies it has to be a weapon from the wall since you can remove them. And it is not plural, so one weapon only and not two with one in each hand. She thinks further that it has to be only a weapon from the wall and not one that we own in our hands.
Last edited February 12, 2025 4:42 am