Description: Criella is a female Tiefling with small horns, playful forked tail, reddish blend skin, & bat-like wings sprouting from shoulders which are normally folded. She is slightly comely and appears to be in her twenties.
She is wearing breast plate over a simple shirt with trousers & low soft boots. All of the clothing and armor is of strange make. She sports silver ring on her right hand with dragon wrapped around it, a fine linked silver chain necklace, pair of teardrop silver earrings, silver bracelet on her right arm with dolphins swimming around it. This is accompanied with a leather wineskin & a narrow leather weapon girdle.
She also has a dagger in her right boot sleave. On her narrow leather weapon girdle is a pair of scimitars. One on her right side is silver. She also has a leather component pouch, yen wand in holder, & a leather pouch too. She has a leather backpack sporting heavy wool bedroll, longbow wrapped in a leather bag & 2 full leather quivers with arrows that are white shaft & blood red feathering.
Criella has a pair of scimitars drawn but not in a combat pose. She looks like she was reaching for something up upon the wall. As her eyes blink as something surely isn't right. She freezes a moment like a possum in the headlights of a car. Her head swivels around taking in that she just blinked and everything around her isn't the same. It's not her, it is the world changed.
With less than happiness she notes that her party is GONE in a blink of the eye and now there are unknown others present. This immediately puts her a loss. This is after all not a place to alone at and she wasn't a moment ago. She thinks okay now. They aren't here due to me. They look like they are comfy here. Am I the one out of place since my party is gone?
She immediately takes inventory of what she sees. Yes, that is an adventuring party and they are look to be searching/adventuring here. And by looks, they didn't expect me as company. Considering she is roughly outnumbered, she gives a cheesy smile says in easy common, "
Would you be a friendly lot and let's not let this situation proceed to violence." and glances over to the littler wing one, "
Aren't you a sweety."
There is no indication that she is looking for immediate combat as scimitars in hand are being lowered down in a slow even pace. There is an interesting lavender scent that just appears same time she did. A quick guess would say it is hers. She appears to be rather calm. Rather uncanny like and perhaps even forced. Her playful forked tail moves about aimlessly. A sharper eye would take notice that the light that the party has brought with them doesn't allow Criella to cast a shadow.
Last edited February 2, 2025 10:33 am