OK, let's get our of private/secure mode now, everyone post as normal and feel free to role-play your PCs according to their limited knowledge.
flying monkey who never saw which locusts carving is a button take it's time to try push each of them Nyx realize he see serpent on the medallion not a vulture as Tinkara mentioned before.
Did she made a mistake?
That's when monkey finally finds the button press it to make stone go down again and Nyx to wonder what he just saw. As it goes down everyone see Tinkara and a lot of locusts around here
Tante Lude find nothing but a proof that stone is moving magically, she do notice the painting of a serpent in the medallion.
Criella moves to the peephole. It's height is perfect for her to look into. Unlike the flying monkey who was casually looking into it previously she is able to close one aye and stabilize her vision and realize that thanks to either magnifying lenses or magic it would allow a clear view of the gold medallion if flying monkey were not blocking that view.
More over as she is concentrating on the view she realize she just got a telepathic link to another person. She experienced hearing Nyx this way, but never talking back, so this is a shocking for a moment.
Tinkara fly to the next tile of a vulture. The moment she lands on the vulture all four statues yawn and masses of magically summoned locusts fly out of their mouths. The locusts form a single cloud that fills area around and above Tinkara, attacking her
Mechanically it is a 15 feet cube and Tinkara take damage start of her turn, so unless you drop to 0 HP from first attack you cam move out of the area. And sorry to tell you but damage is 8d10 for this one and no saves - there is little you could do to avoid thousands of locusts attacks