Chapter 1 - The LostHollow

Oct 13, 2016 3:06 am

You find yourself in the small village of Losthollow, a prisoner housed in Losthollow keep. You've been captive in Losthollow for about 3 months, having been transferred from the larger city of Falkirk to alleviate a prison over crowding issue they had there. Shortly after your arrival in Losthollow you noticed things became very strange. For the past two months the guards have seemed on edge. Over time, you noticed that it seemed the guard was growing understaffed; guards you once saw regularly you haven't seen in months.

Two weeks ago things changed. The guards stopped showing up. First it was for half a shift, then a whole shift, then handfuls of days at a time. It has been 3 days since the last time a guard checked in on you and the other prisoners. You are starving. You have a small metal cup in your cell that you have sit between the cell bars of a window on the exterior wall that you use to collect rain water.

From the cell next door you hear a voice call out
"Psssst. Can you spare some water?"
Oct 13, 2016 4:15 am
A dirty Elf woman reaches over to grab the metal cup and takes a swig before passing the remainder over to the prisoner next door. "Don't hog it all" She drawls, starvation eating at her
Last edited October 13, 2016 4:16 am
Oct 13, 2016 10:37 am
The prisoner is a thin man with dusty grey hair despite his youthful look. You can discern from his slight pointed ears and his high, arched eyebrows he is likely of elven kin. You figure some sort of half-elf.

He reaches out his hand, takes a small sip of the water, and immediately relief washes over his face. He hands the cup back to you and says:
"Thanks friend. I don't think we've officially met. I am Theraine. What is your name?"
Oct 13, 2016 3:22 pm
The elf woman replaces the cup to its original place on the window to continue gathering water "Sharia. I would say 'well met' but given the circumstances I find the phrase out of place."
Oct 13, 2016 3:50 pm
He looks at you with the best grin you expect one can give you who is imprisoned. He leans in and asks: "So what are you in fire"?
Oct 13, 2016 4:22 pm
I shake my head "Not quite sure, they weren't exactly forthcoming when they stole all my belongings and threw me in this cell." I take a closer look at the cell around me
Oct 13, 2016 9:18 pm
You look around and you see yourself in a stone room. You estimate that it is about 8ft in both length and width and about 10 feet in height. The walls, floors, and ceiling are a thick and dense stone, though the floor is covered in straw. In your cell is a wooden cot with no bedding or pillows. There is a small grate in the middle of the cell that leads to the sewers below; it is essentially your chamber pot. There is a very small barred window and a portcullis for a door. You can look through the grates of the portcullis and see other identical cells. You estimate that there are about 20 cells in total. All are occupied. By reaching through the portcullis you were able to exchange the metal cup with Theraine and if you press your face upto the grated door you can see into his cell.
Oct 13, 2016 9:19 pm
"Hey. Bo! Bo are you awake yet? Wake up you good for nothing bag of bones."
Oct 13, 2016 10:54 pm
I look through the barred window to try and determine how high up the cell block is before peering out to identify the source of the shouting
Oct 13, 2016 11:23 pm
Aritanya says:
I look through the barred window to try and determine how high up the cell block is before peering out to identify the source of the shouting
The best you can tell, it looks like you are on the 5th floor of this keep.
Oct 14, 2016 12:45 am
Realizing this, I will turn to the door and begin testing the lock, hinges etc to see how sturdy they are
Oct 14, 2016 2:17 am
Aritanya says:
Realizing this, I will turn to the door and begin testing the lock, hinges etc to see how sturdy they are
You shake the portcullis.
Roll an Investigation or strength Check
Oct 14, 2016 4:31 am
SgtSquiggles says:
"Hey. Bo! Bo are you awake yet? Wake up you good for nothing bag of bones."
With a short grunt and a immediate followed cough Bo woke up after realizing someone was yelling his name. He was a tall well built Tiefling, rough hands and knuckles, scars about his writs from years in shackles. He scrached his eyes and blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the light.

Bo raised up his head a few inches, "Who needs what?!" He yelled back, not leaving his cot. He took a whif of the air around him.
Last edited October 14, 2016 4:32 am
Oct 14, 2016 6:58 am
Roll an Investigation or strength Check
14 strength
Oct 14, 2016 10:27 am
Sharia shakes, shimmies, and pushes the door with all of her might. However, the door is sturdy and well constructed. With all of her strength it doesn't seem like she could move the door off the hinges.

Bo, having just woken up hears the frantic clanging of Sharia's door. He realizes she's trying to look for a way to escape, which is of course something that all of the prisoners have done on many occasion.

Just then, from down the hall, you both hear the sound of a mechanical clank. You recognize it as the unlocking of the door to the prison level. Someone is coming in from outside.
Oct 14, 2016 10:30 am
Theraine whispers over to Sharia "Shhhh! Quite down. Someone is coming. Don't get yourself in trouble, its been 3 days without food as it stands." He then looks over at Bo with a worried look "Bo, you fool, get it together, a guard is coming. We might eat this day!"
Oct 14, 2016 3:35 pm
not being a fan of this cell, I reluctantly quiet down, the idea of being fed is better than freedom for the moment
"They can't keep me in here for long, I'm getting out of this dungeon."
I whisper
Last edited October 14, 2016 3:39 pm
Oct 14, 2016 5:52 pm
Bo rested his head back down, not hopeful of the possibility of being fed. Morelikely a beating or a new prisoner he thought to himself.

Bo inspected the ceiling from his cot.
Oct 14, 2016 10:05 pm
Lord_Oney says:
Bo rested his head back down, not hopeful of the possibility of being fed. Morelikely a beating or a new prisoner he thought to himself.

Bo inspected the ceiling from his cot.
The cieling itself looks like a plain, stone slab. However, Bo notices a spider has been building a web in the corner of the of the ceiling. It looks intricate and must have taken some time to build. He wonders why he hasn't noticed it before.
Oct 14, 2016 10:12 pm
You hear the rythmic clank of someone walking in full armor. The sound gets closer and closer to the cell. A cough, as a man clears his throat. Then turning the corner, you see a man in a full suit of armor. His hair is grey like granite, he has a faded scar running across one eye; he's a soldier but he looks old and warn. You look at his face but this is not a soldier you have ever seen guard the dungeon.
Oct 14, 2016 10:42 pm
"ATTENTION PRISONERS! My name is Warden. I've been sent here by the town of Losthollow to inform you that we are under state of emergency. A fortnight ago, as the town lay in slumber, a powerful magic was put on our town. The town of Losthollow and the wilderness surrounding have been cut off from the rest of the world. A magical barrier separates us and the rest of Tela`ria. No one knows what caused it. No one knows how to end it. What I can tell you is that it has stirred the local tribe of orcs who live in the forest surrounding our town.

The guard has put up a noble effort to defend us but most of the guard has fallen. As I am sure you have noticed you have had very little care given to you over the last few weeks and for that I do apologize. However, with our forces stretched thin you have not been priority. That, however, will all change. Effective immediately, all crimes both future and retroactively are considered capital crimes and are punishable by swift and immediate death."
Oct 15, 2016 12:11 am
Bo burst into laughter, "you're going to kill us?!" He stood, and walked to the spider in the corner. Bo did not like spiders, but it was the only thing 'new' he had seen in months. Still watching the spider and the web, " you would kill us, for our crimes?......" He scratched the stump of his sawed off horns.

"Becuase you can't find a better use for us? One less thing to worry about?" He turned his gaze to the bars of his cell, at the bringer of bad news. "On who's authority?"
Oct 15, 2016 4:40 am
"Hold your tongue Demon-kin. I am acting on the authority of the people of Losthollow. Supply lines are cuts. There are no trades. There are no supplies. At best we have another month of food rations. The orcs have raided and killed our people. Fact is, they outnumber us 3 to 1. It is simply not prudent to share our rations with criminals. Making all crime capital offenses is a mercy. Its a mercy to those who would otherwise rot in a cage and starve. It is a mercy to the innocent people of Losthollow. However, I agree with the Demon-kin. We have found a better use for you."

The soldier spins around and looks at all the prisoners in the dungeon before he begins to yell.

"PRISONERS OF LOSTHOLLOW KEEP, TODAY IS A DAY THAT FATE HAS SMILED UPON YOU!!! While it is true that all crimes are now capital crimes, I am here to offer pardons to anyone who wants one. However, it is conditional. We are in need of a militia. Any prisoner who agrees to join as a soldier of the Losthollow militia will receive a full pardon for all previous crimes."

The soldier turns around and looks directly at Bo, grins, and says: "How's that for for a 'better use', hell spawn?"
Oct 15, 2016 5:17 am
Bo spat. "It'll do...I do enjoy a good sort." His belly groaned. He gazed back at the spider. 'Food' he thought. He looked passed the guard into the other cells as best he could and spoke to his captive brethren.

"But a good minute soldier can't fight on an empty stomachs can they!!" Bo rubbed his concave stomach.
Oct 15, 2016 1:12 pm
Lord_Oney says:
Bo spat. "It'll do...I do enjoy a good sort." His belly groaned. He gazed back at the spider. 'Food' he thought. He looked passed the guard into the other cells as best he could and spoke to his captive brethren.

"But a good minute soldier can't fight on an empty stomachs can they!!" Bo rubbed his concave stomach.
Make a persuasion check.
Oct 15, 2016 1:53 pm
16+1, 17 charisma.
Oct 15, 2016 11:07 pm
Lord_Oney says:
16+1, 17 charisma.
The old soldier looks at you and laughs. "Dont worry Devil Spawn, we have a breakfast cooking downstairs for anyone who joins the militia. That is assuming you eat eggs and ham and not the flesh of sacrificed babies or something like that."

The withered man waits for a moment to see if he gets a reaction out of you with his last comment before proceeding to say:

"I'll give you all a few moments to think about your choice. However, know this! All crimes are capital offenses. Including future ones. This town has not the supplies or the tolerance to divvy out our resources to those in wanton violation of the law. If you are pardoned and caught committing a crime between now and the time that wall comes down, you will be put to death without remorse.

The man does an about face, and marches over to the door from which he entered. He turns back to face the room of cells and says:

"Now then, I'll give you all 5 minutes to make your choice. If you choose to join the militia, stand in front of the door with both arms through the holes in the portcullis. If you choose the mercy of death, stay laying in your bed."
Oct 16, 2016 12:42 am
I move to the door eagerly and put my arms through the portcullis
Oct 16, 2016 2:04 am
Bo did not respond to the ignorant man's insult. He cracked his knuckles and smiled on his way to the portcullis. He put his arms through the bars.
Oct 16, 2016 6:37 am
A few moments later the man walks back in the room lugging a heft sack. You hear the sound of metal clanking around in the bag. At first, he stops in front of Sharia. He pulls out a braclet from the sack. He looks at Sharia and says "You first my dear".
Oct 16, 2016 2:28 pm
I grin and accept the bracelet, more concerned about a good meal than the bracelet at this point
Oct 16, 2016 5:46 pm
Aritanya says:
I grin and accept the bracelet, more concerned about a good meal than the bracelet at this point
He snaps the bracelet onto your wrist. He walks to the next cell and does this again to the next willing militia volunteer. The prisoner, after getting this snapped to his wrist asks: "What are these things"

The soldier looks at the prisoner and says: "These are the Binders of Orcus. Our town sage crafted these for us. These bracers contain a powerful enchantment. Every five days the spell has to be "renewed" by our town sage or else the enchantment will be unleashed and kill the wearer instantly. Also, our sage has an incantation that will unleash the effect of the bracelet on command, killing the wearer with no warning. This is to ensure that those who volunteer don't do anything that puts our town at risk.

As he finishes speaking, he approaches Bo's cell to place a binder on Bo's wrists.
Oct 16, 2016 11:47 pm
Bo held his wrists still, and winked at the man after he was clicked in.
Oct 17, 2016 12:36 am
The man unlocks the cell doors, he opens the exterior door to the stairwell to the lower levels, and then announces: "Breakfast will be served shortly. Assignments will be handed out after breakfast. Please feel free to check-in with the armory men on the 3rd floor. Each soldier will be issued 100 gold worth of armor and weaponry as well as 50 gold worth of pocket money. Be on your way.
Oct 17, 2016 1:10 am
"Ah, I was wondering if I would be paid." Bo took another glance at the spider in the cell. "Don't stay here mate, they'll kill you." He chuckled on his way out.
Last edited October 17, 2016 2:19 am
Oct 17, 2016 4:06 pm
I move down to the meal hall and impatiently wait for the food to be served
Oct 17, 2016 4:39 pm
You move down to the ground floor of the keep. It is a large, open feast hall with long oaken tables. Pots of scrambled eggs, breakfast pastries, and cured meats are on the table. Other prisoners have already made their way to the tables and begin gorging themselves on the food. The aroma is mouth watering and your stomach causes you a bit of physical pain as hunger is begging to be quenched. Your eyes land on table with a few open seats and some pots of eggs that are still full to the brim.
Oct 17, 2016 4:43 pm
Ignoring any pleasantries I grab a plate and begin to elbow my way through the others and grab as much food as I can
"Move it rats, I'm hungry" I snarl as I go
Oct 17, 2016 7:23 pm
In the meal hall Bo scopes the spread. Grabs a plate piles eggs into the plate till they are falling off and heads for the group of empty seats. Eating along the way.
Oct 17, 2016 8:47 pm
You both eat until your bellies are full. And then, you eat some more. You are full to the gills with eggs and you both think to pocket a few handfuls of cured meats.

You lean back in your chair enjoying the feeling of fullness. You close your eyes just for a moment when you hear the gruff sound of someone shouting. You turn to see a dwarf, holding a clipboard in one hand and an axe in the other.
"Listen up ye maggots! I be about ta read off some names. If ye hear yer name make yer way over ta me presently. Sharia!.......Bo!.........Vyndiri! Git yer arse over here now."
Oct 17, 2016 9:30 pm
I grab a few extra chunks of meat just in case and walk over to the dwarf "We better be killing something soon, I'm getting bored."
Oct 17, 2016 10:40 pm
A young quiet elven woman stands from a table in the corner and slides across the room, gracefully approaching the gruff dwarf. She appears to be wearing fine clothing, albeit dirty and worn from her time in the prisons and wherever she had been before. She had a regal bearing to her stance and a look of concern in her silver eyes. "Might I ask when our personal effects will be returned to us? There are several important personal items beyond my own equipment included among them that I would like returned."
Oct 17, 2016 11:05 pm
Bo stood and tucked some meat in his rags then made his way to the dwarf. He looked at the other two. He attemped to take a peak at the clipboard.
Oct 17, 2016 11:30 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
A young quiet elven woman stands from a table in the corner and slides across the room, gracefully approaching the gruff dwarf. She appears to be wearing fine clothing, albeit dirty and worn from her time in the prisons and wherever she had been before. She had a regal bearing to her stance and a look of concern in her silver eyes. "Might I ask when our personal effects will be returned to us? There are several important personal items beyond my own equipment included among them that I would like returned."
"Ye were transferred here from Fallkirk. I dinna think that yer personal effects wou' have been transferred with ye. However, if ye make a list of items, I'll see what I ken dig up for ye."

The dwarf then rips a blank piece of paper off of his clipboard and hands it to you.
Oct 17, 2016 11:33 pm
Lord_Oney says:
Bo stood and tucked some meat in his rags then made his way to the dwarf. He looked at the other two. He attemped to take a peak at the clipboard.
Make a stealth check to try to stealth-fully peek at the clipboard.
Oct 17, 2016 11:38 pm
Aritanya says:
I grab a few extra chunks of meat just in case and walk over to the dwarf "We better be killing something soon, I'm getting bored."
The dwarf grunts and nods at you approvingly.

"Aye! Ole Rend Splitter here hasn't seen any blood in practically a week. She's thirsty and needs a drink.

The dwarf raises his axe and kisses it gingerly across the blade."

Did you go to the weapons master on the third floor? We cant get going until you've armored up. Unless of course you plan on fighting in your skivvy's.
Oct 17, 2016 11:40 pm
stealth check


Stealth check - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Oct 17, 2016 11:44 pm
Lord_Oney says:
stealth check
The dwarf sees you trying to peer at his clipboard. He snatches it close to his chest and fusses at you saying:

"Ye report ta me prisoner and I dinna take kindly ta me subordinates tryin' ta stick their fat noses where they dinna belong. Now, if you have filled your gullet, get up stairs and get your equipment on. We have work to do."
Oct 17, 2016 11:52 pm
Bo bowed his head. " will you be providing anything other then a budget? Or will you issue me armour?"
Oct 18, 2016 12:52 am
Lord_Oney says:
Bo bowed his head. " will you be providing anything other then a budget? Or will you issue me armour?"
"The weapons master up on 3 will issue each person 100g worth of armor and 50g of petty currency. I'd suggest getting up there before all the equipment is gone."

He points at the stairs, looks down at his clipboard, and walks off.
Oct 18, 2016 1:22 am
Bo goes to the third floor to see the weapons master.
Oct 18, 2016 2:07 am
Lord_Oney says:
Bo goes to the third floor to see the weapons master.
You walk up stairs to the 3rd floor, wander around the halls for a few minutes looking for any signage of the armory. However, you see none. What you do find in the first few rooms your peek into are barracks. All are unoccupied. The items within are covered in a fine layer of dust and cobwebs are thick in the corners and dark places. It looks like there hasn't been much action in the keep in several weeks. However, after some navigation you peek into one last room and see:
Oct 18, 2016 2:23 am
"Hello? " Bo considers what he may be worth stealing.
Oct 18, 2016 2:38 am
Lord_Oney says:
"Hello? " Bo considers what he may be worth stealing.
Back from the corner of the room you hear a man with a gruff voice shout:

"Yeah, what do you want?!"

You look up and see a man with a long red beard that matches his receding red hair. He is donned a smiting smock and is attending a small forge in the corner of the room that illuminates him in a faint red glow. You can smell the perfume of the wood from the fire and the room is much hotter than the hallway you just came from.

"Suppose you're hear for gear. Name's Quinton. Look around. Bring everything you want to the counter when you are done.
Oct 18, 2016 2:45 am
does he just have whatever? Or do you have a menu? I'm just New to this
Oct 18, 2016 3:28 am
Lord_Oney says:
does he just have whatever? Or do you have a menu? I'm just New to this
He would have this:


along with general goods.

Basically anything normally available to you at character creation he has (even things like bard instruments or arcane focuses).

Also any packs (eg adventure pack, thieves tool kit, etc.) that your character normally gets he will give to you free.

Also... if you don't have the 5E PHB... Googling 5E PHB will give illegal pdf copies so please DON'T do that. I cannot stress enough. Don't do that...
Oct 18, 2016 3:59 am
I take a long time inspecting each blade and piece of equipment, testing the balance of individual blades and the sharpness of their edges, looking over the various bits of armor and clothing. I then cal over towards the smith.
"Do you make all this yourself?"

Not even waiting for an answer I pick up two longswords, a set of chainmail, an adventurer's backpack, and a spear
Oct 18, 2016 4:49 am
Vyndri stares at the paper for a few moments before reluctantly filling in the objects from her effects. The signet ring and scroll of pedigree which identified her as the daughter of a noble of elvish lands. Clearly this title meant little to those that ruled Fallkirk but it was still important to her, even if she was not on the best of terms with her father. If they could not get them to her, she would simply have to get them back herself when she got out of this situation. As she filled out the paper, she knew she would also need to send a message to Fallkirk. Vris and her other retainers would certainly still be waiting for her though they might not know she had been transferred and nearly starved to death.

Following the others in her little band, she entered the armory and set about looking for appropriate equipment. A collection of daggers, a shortsword and shortbow with a quiver of arrows. She found a set of leather armor, a bit lacking in much of the protective bits but based on her size compared to others it would suffice. She was also surprised to find a decent set of thieves' tools, likely confiscated from another prisoner and left to collect dust. "These will do nicely."

She brought her requests to Quinton, additionally requesting the contents of a standard burglar's pack. She gave a sly smile to the quartermaster at her request, winking at his questioning look. "We all have our talents."
Last edited October 19, 2016 1:22 pm
Oct 18, 2016 10:38 am
Aritanya says:
I take a long time inspecting each blade and piece of equipment, testing the balance of individual blades and the sharpness of their edges, looking over the various bits of armor and clothing. I then cal over towards the smith.
"Do you make all this yourself?"

Not even waiting for an answer I pick up two longswords, a set of chainmail, an adventurer's backpack, and a spear
He takes a moment, inspects the equipment, and gives you a nod. He writes a hand written receipt.

"Some I made, not all. But I care for all the weapons here. They are oiled regularly and sharper than a surgeon's steel. Now, will this be all for ya? Rope? Rations? Torches?"
Oct 18, 2016 10:39 am
Squeeks1337 says:
Vyndri stares at the paper for a few moments before reluctantly filling in the objects she desired from her effects. The signet ring and scroll of pedigree which identified her as the daughter of a noble of elvish lands. Clearly this title meant little to those that ruled Fallkirk but it was still important to her, even if she was not on the best of terms with her father. If they could not get them to her, she would simply have to get them back herself when she got out of this situation. As she filled out the paper, she knew she would also need to send a message to Fallkirk. Vris and her other retainers would certainly still be waiting for her though they might not know she had been transferred and nearly starved to death.

Following the others in her little band, she entered the armory and set about looking for appropriate equipment. A collection of daggers, a shortsword and shortbow with a quiver of arrows. She found a set of leather armor, a bit lacking in much of the protective bits but based on her size compared to others it would suffice. She was also surprised to find a decent set of thieves' tools, likely confiscated from another prisoner and left to collect dust. "These will do nicely."

She brought her requests to Quinton, additionally requesting the contents of a standard burglar's pack. She gave a sly smile to the quartermaster at her request, winking at his questioning look. "We all have our talents."
Make a straight charisma roll, if you please.
Oct 18, 2016 12:39 pm
Charisma roll


Charisma Roll - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Oct 18, 2016 4:16 pm
Bo wondered about the room, unsure of what to grab. He looked at the other two, "they are ging to need something to hide behind," he whispered to himself. He picked up a greatsword and a chain shirt and put them on the Smithy's table. "And a dungeoniers pack. Oh and my thieves tools should be around 'ere someplace."
Last edited October 18, 2016 4:16 pm
Oct 18, 2016 9:25 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
Charisma roll
Quinton looks down at you seemingly unimpressed. And grunts: "S'pose so".
Oct 18, 2016 9:27 pm
Lord_Oney says:
Bo wondered about the room, unsure of what to grab. He looked at the other two, "they are ging to need something to hide behind," he whispered to himself. He picked up a greatsword and a chain shirt and put them on the Smithy's table. "And a dungeoniers pack. Oh and my thieves tools should be around 'ere someplace."
You all place your items on the counter. Quinton sorts through the pile of equipment. Picks up one of the weapons and inspects the quality. Then looks to the group and says:

"Is this all of it then?"
Oct 18, 2016 9:29 pm
Bo smirks, "don't forget our change."
Oct 18, 2016 11:14 pm
Vyndri follows Bo's lead. "Perhaps a money back guarantee?"
Oct 19, 2016 12:53 am
I spit on the floor and shake my head at the other two

"Screw pocket change, there a bounty we can collect for the Orcs we kill? How about for their kit? I'll bet its worth some serious coin, and with that barrier up and all you'll need metal to melt down and repurpose."

I collect my gear and move towards the door, eager to be on the hunt
Oct 19, 2016 3:38 am
Just as Sharia gets to the door, a new face pears through the open frame.

"D'is de armory? Redbeard downstairs be saying I'm in da group with'a biiiiiig scary demon-man."

Stepping through the doorway is an attractive looking human woman, with ebony dark skin and her hair in badly tangled dreadlocks. She's dressed in rags, but stands straight, and has a wide toothy grin adorning her features. At the corners of her mouth you can see a Glasgow smile. The woman speaks with a thick accent, so that occasionally you might have to think to understand what she says.

"Chou be lookin' like h'im." She nods towards Bo.
I don't have a good image for this character.
Last edited October 19, 2016 3:38 am
Oct 19, 2016 4:53 am
Bo winks at the human with his golden eye. "I must be the deamon he spoke of." He turns back to the smith. "This sword is impressive, but it better not be just looks. So help me I will come back for you." Bo holds his hand out waiting for his change.
Oct 19, 2016 10:59 am
The woman skips across the room, selecting some a quarter staff, crossbow, leather armour and a few other useful items.

"Cantrice Bellagrimm." She introduces herself. "Me t'ink's me be seein' double." Cantrice looks towards the two elves, grinning widely at her own joke.
Oct 19, 2016 8:45 pm
Vyndri took a look at the other elf in the group and returned a faint smile to Cantrice. "We always say you humans look all alike, so I suppose that's fair. Although I can't say I've seen any quite as unique as yourself."

She took just one moment to take a good look at her companion before giving a slight curtsy in greeting. "My name is Vyndri. I am honored to make your acquaintance."
Oct 19, 2016 10:38 pm
Quinton comes back to the counter with a coin purse for each player.

"Your weapons have been signed out to you. Here is 50 gold per person in discretionary coin. This is not your salary. Town Guards make 10 gold pieces a week. This money is to be used in the service of LostHollow. Make sure you get a receipt for any and all purchases made with this money. Any frivolous spending or failure to get a receipt will result in a deduction of your weekly pay. Warden can provide you with Travel and Expense forms at the usage of any of these purchases."
Oct 19, 2016 10:46 pm
"There being only one me." Cantrice promised. "Prolly for da bess."
Oct 19, 2016 11:29 pm
Bo pulled his chain shirt on and strapped on his greatsword to his back. Taking his purse from the smith, "Well now that we are all familiar and done with the pleasures of first impressions." He moved to the door and opened it, bowed slightly and gestured out, "shall we?"
Oct 20, 2016 12:29 am
Lord_Oney says:
Bo pulled his chain shirt on and strapped on his greatsword to his back. Taking his purse from the smith, "Well now that we are all familiar and done with the pleasures of first impressions." He moved to the door and opened it, bowed slightly and gestured out, "shall we?"
Into the room walks the red bearded dwarf that you saw before.

"Quinton. I trust ye took care of me troops here. Be they all armored up and ready ta fight?"

Quinton looks over at the dwarf and flashes a small smile saying:

"Garrik, my friend. You know I will always take care of anyone serving under you."

Garrik turns to the party, stands up just a little straighter, and says

"Alright men. Do anything you need to in the next 5 minutes and then meet me downstairs. We are going to discuss our mission"
Oct 20, 2016 12:32 am
I follow the dwarf downstairs, shouldering my backpack.
"Hey boss any bounty money for the orcs we kill?"
Oct 20, 2016 2:04 am
"Does anyone here speak Orcish?" A loud, raucous bellowing comes from Cantrice, sounding rather inhuman.
She's speaking Orcish.
Oct 20, 2016 2:05 am
Vyndri finishes securing her equipment and heads downstairs with the others. She listens quietly at this point, not just to their conversation but to any others she can overhear. She is curious about what has gone on outside her cell over the last few months, to the point where it would seem that the world was falling down around them.
Oct 20, 2016 3:02 am
Bo follows the group in the rear. "I want more eggs."
Oct 20, 2016 3:20 am
Squeeks1337 says:
Vyndri finishes securing her equipment and heads downstairs with the others. She listens quietly at this point, not just to their conversation but to any others she can overhear. She is curious about what has gone on outside her cell over the last few months, to the point where it would seem that the world was falling down around them.
Make a perception check
Oct 20, 2016 11:48 am
Making a Perception check.....
I hate Random Number Generators.
Last edited October 20, 2016 11:50 am


Perception Check - (1d20+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Oct 20, 2016 9:46 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
Making a Perception check.....
I hate Random Number Generators.
You try to listen but the cavalcade of prisoners are boisterously laughing and talking. You do, for a moment, catch the words of one of the few guard left:

"I don't know how much longer were going to make it. The orcs have been come incensed since that damn barrier went up. I don't know what kind of god damn magic created it but we have to find a way to bring it down and soon or else no one is going to make it out alive."
Oct 20, 2016 9:59 pm
As your group congregates near the eating hall downstairs, Garrick approaches:

"Alright lassies. I hope ye found some nice weapons because ye're going hunting. Earlier today one of the village storehouses was raided by those dirty orcs. They took a month worth of supplies and we've been assigned ta get them back. I've got a map for ye and a few days of rations. It's about a days walk ta the settlement where we think they took the supplies. Bring back the supplies ta the village and I will see ta it that ye get properly rewarded."

He hands you the a rolled up scroll of parchment from his backpack, looks at the groups and says:

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot. A good militia always needs two things. One is a name to be feared. The other is a leader. What do ye what to call yerselves and which one of your ruffians are going ta lead?"
Oct 20, 2016 10:13 pm
"Leader should have the most experience, I nominate myself, of course. As for the name? Jailbirds perhaps?"
Oct 20, 2016 10:38 pm
"Seems a bit early to be claiming yourself the most experienced here. We don't know anything about each other or how we perform." Vyndri thought for a moment. "Perhaps we can appoint a provisional leader for the moment, as a sort of probationary test period. We will follow the appointed leader's orders but they will remain open to feedback and if the other members of the team they do not qualify to lead the group, then we can appoint a new leader." She looked amongst the members of the team to see how they felt about the idea.
Last edited October 20, 2016 10:39 pm
Oct 20, 2016 10:56 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
"Seems a bit early to be claiming yourself the most experienced here. We don't know anything about each other or how we perform." Vyndri thought for a moment. "Perhaps we can appoint a provisional leader for the moment, as a sort of probationary test period. We will follow the appointed leader's orders but they will remain open to feedback and if the other members of the team they do not qualify to lead the group, then we can appoint a new leader." She looked amongst the members of the team to see how they felt about the idea.
Out of the corner of your eye you see Garik grinning. He seems to almost be chuckling to himself and you get the sense that he may have even asked this question just to get a rise out of the group.
Oct 21, 2016 12:23 am
Bo chuckles to himself, the elves are amusing he thought. "Whatever works, let's just get moving. We can talk about a name after we all get back alive."
Oct 21, 2016 3:39 am
"Hey, Redbeard. You da one wid'out a dog collar." Cantrice holds her arm to show off the magic shackle. "Biiiig Scaaaaaarrry axe man. Me tinks we all be wanting orders from you, stead'o some jail trash."
Can I roll persuade?
Last edited October 21, 2016 3:56 am
Oct 21, 2016 10:41 am
Y1ogthePlebs says:
"Hey, Redbeard. You da one wid'out a dog collar." Cantrice holds her arm to show off the magic shackle. "Biiiig Scaaaaaarrry axe man. Me tinks we all be wanting orders from you, stead'o some jail trash."
Can I roll persuade?
Sure. What are you trying to persuade him of?
Oct 21, 2016 10:42 am
Lord_Oney says:
Bo chuckles to himself, the elves are amusing he thought. "Whatever works, let's just get moving. We can talk about a name after we all get back alive."
Garick hands you the rolled up map. You unfurl it and see this:
Oct 21, 2016 10:45 am
SgtSquiggles says:
Lord_Oney says:
Bo chuckles to himself, the elves are amusing he thought. "Whatever works, let's just get moving. We can talk about a name after we all get back alive."
Garick hands you the rolled up map. You unfurl it and see this:

You quickly begin to realize that the purple marking on the map has been drawn to indicate the magical barrier keeping everyone locked in town.
Oct 21, 2016 11:56 am
SgtSquiggles says:
Y1ogthePlebs says:
"Hey, Redbeard. You da one wid'out a dog collar." Cantrice holds her arm to show off the magic shackle. "Biiiig Scaaaaaarrry axe man. Me tinks we all be wanting orders from you, stead'o some jail trash."
Can I roll persuade?
Sure. What are you trying to persuade him of?
Trying to convince him to take charge, rather than letting any of the other PC's boss me around. Particularly the elves.
Roll was 14 +3=17
Oct 21, 2016 1:30 pm
Bo inspects the map closely. Pointing at the mountains in the boundary, " what is the name of them mountains?..."
Oct 21, 2016 2:01 pm
"Does the barrier extend into the waters outside of town?" Vyndri asks, noticing that the purple circle doesn't extend into the water.
Oct 21, 2016 6:37 pm
Y1ogthePlebs says:
SgtSquiggles says:
Y1ogthePlebs says:
"Hey, Redbeard. You da one wid'out a dog collar." Cantrice holds her arm to show off the magic shackle. "Biiiig Scaaaaaarrry axe man. Me tinks we all be wanting orders from you, stead'o some jail trash."
Can I roll persuade?
Sure. What are you trying to persuade him of?
Trying to convince him to take charge, rather than letting any of the other PC's boss me around. Particularly the elves.
Roll was 14 +3=17
You implore Garik to take charge of the time and he looks at your rather convinced and lets out a quiet cackle.
"Dinna worry thar lass. I be certainly in charge of ye group or prisoners. Its always ask me men...and er.... women ta choose a leader just ta see what kind of fightin' it will cause. Git yer way. Find those supplies and report back here."
Oct 21, 2016 6:40 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
"Does the barrier extend into the waters outside of town?" Vyndri asks, noticing that the purple circle doesn't extend into the water.
Garrick looks at the maps, points to the waters, and says:

"Aye. Tha barrier runs deep. Ye kinna dig under it. Ye kinna fly over it. Ye kinna hurt it with any weapon in our arsenal. And in fact, it carved a path and killed trees in tha forest ta make way for itself."
Oct 21, 2016 6:42 pm
Lord_Oney says:
Bo inspects the map closely. Pointing at the mountains in the boundary, " what is the name of them mountains?..."
"Tha mountain be named "Mount Rathegar". Nae from around here be ye lad?"
Oct 21, 2016 8:13 pm
"Can't say I am." Bo told the dwarf.
Oct 22, 2016 12:53 am
Lord_Oney says:
"Can't say I am." Bo told the dwarf.
"Well, see that camp thar on tha map? That be the orc camp. Thar are rumors that thar might be more orc camps in those woods. But we think that the camp on the map is the one where are supplies might be".
Oct 22, 2016 1:27 am
He inspects the map closer. "This river, " he traces the water on the south side of the boundary," She flow to or away from the town? A month of supplies are hard to move even for orcs. I want to get to that camp," He turned to his companions," and back again as quickly as possible." Bo holds up his wrists, "we die in 5 days. What do you all plan to accomplish in that time? I plan on getting back what was taken, killing as many orcs as possible, and coming back bathed in blood and flesh of our FOE! We move as one, we think as one." He turns back to the dwarf. "And I want some god damned eggs when we get back."
Oct 22, 2016 2:36 am
Vyndri nods at the excitable Tiefling. "Plan sounds as good as any, although you can keep the blood bath. I think I'd prefer one with water...and maybe bubbles."
Oct 22, 2016 4:45 am
"Who lead, de orcs?" Cantrice asks. "And dey all riled up by some'ting you niceun townfolk 'as done. What'chu, do?"
Last edited October 22, 2016 4:57 am
Oct 22, 2016 2:28 pm
Vyndri adjusted her gear, making sure she was ready for the trek ahead. "Perhaps they are just as afraid of being locked in this barrier as the townsfolk are. I can understand this sentiment. No one likes being locked up. Not that it will stop us from doing what has to be done."
Oct 22, 2016 3:48 pm
Garik looks at you all and says:

"Off ye go now. Ye ain't got time ta be wasting around here."
Oct 22, 2016 4:26 pm
Cantrice leaves without another word, eagerly skipping ahead of the group.
Oct 23, 2016 9:08 pm
Y1ogthePlebs says:
Cantrice leaves without another word, eagerly skipping ahead of the group.
Cantrice walks out of the keep. She marches down the street a little ways into the heart of the village. Before her, Cantrice sees a small, quaint village. People look on edge. As she walks down the streets people seem to be whispering behind her.
Oct 23, 2016 9:44 pm
Bo follows Cantrice at his own pace, letting her skip along and ahead of him. He notices the looks and the whispers. Bo was used to this treatment, but why her. Sure she was different, but not enough to warrant this. He made sure to keep Cantrice in eyesight.
Oct 23, 2016 10:14 pm
Vyndri follows after the others, keeping her mind on the map and the task. With only 5 days to get the job done, they would need to make haste.
Oct 24, 2016 2:20 am
Cantrice grins and waves at anyone that makes eye contact with her. Despite her outward appearance, she's taking careful note of the state of the village. Do the people appear well fed? Is there food available? Are there any guards patrolling the street?
Oct 24, 2016 2:21 am
Perception roll 11 +0 +11
Oct 24, 2016 6:15 am
Y1ogthePlebs says:
Perception roll 11 +0 +11
Looking around you don't see any guards. In fact, you notice most of the population on the streets are women, children, and older men. They don't appear to be suffering from hunger pains yet.

As you walk around the town trying to figure out what is going on, you hear a very guttural roar coming from the edge of town and then what hears like women screaming.
Oct 24, 2016 6:53 am
Bo grabs hold of his sword and waits to see whats going on before running off with out any clue as to what is happening. "Any suggestions on what that was?"
Oct 24, 2016 1:34 pm
My character speaks Orcish as a language, so it stands to reason that she's able to identify Orcush bellowing without needing to roll for it. Does that sound like an orc getting angry?
Oct 24, 2016 2:08 pm
Vyndri drew her short bow and nocked an arrow. "Are we starting this already?"
Oct 26, 2016 10:25 pm
Y1ogthePlebs says:
My character speaks Orcish as a language, so it stands to reason that she's able to identify Orcush bellowing without needing to roll for it. Does that sound like an orc getting angry?
You hear an orcish bellow yelling "Grab the children"
Oct 26, 2016 10:28 pm
Squeeks1337 says:
Vyndri drew her short bow and nocked an arrow. "Are we starting this already?"
On the street ahead of you, you see a small band of orcs grabbing children. Their parents fight to hang on to them but the orcs are ferociously tearing them away from their crying mother's clutches.
Oct 26, 2016 11:17 pm
Cantrice approaches the Orcs, yelling the Orcish equivalent of cheerful greeting. "Hello, how are you today? Watcha doing?"
Last edited October 26, 2016 11:17 pm
Oct 28, 2016 10:46 am
Y1ogthePlebs says:
Cantrice approaches the Orcs, yelling the Orcish equivalent of cheerful greeting. "Hello, how are you today? Watcha doing?"
Standing before you, you see a crowd of orcs. Each of the orcs have grabbed one of the villagers children in their clutches. The children are crying and struggling to get away from the clutches of the Orcs. As you speak, the orcs spin around, looking for the source of these words. You can see the Orcs looking at you and almost as if the gears are grinding in their head they slowly put together that you can speak in their tongue. An orc, who looks to be the leader of this group steps forward. He gets uncomfortably close to you and lowers his face down to eye level with your face. He holds his face there for just a moment inspecting you.

He then steps back and erupts in laughter. The crowd of orcs look at him, then look at each other, and erupt into laughter as well.

"So, the pink skin can speak our tongue. Well tell your people this pink skin. You will remove the magic walls and let us out of this prison or we will continue to raid your villages and kill your kin".

He turns back to the crowd of orcs. He makes eye contact with one of the children who are crying. He lifts his hand and wipes the tear from the kids face. Then in the other hand, he raises his scimitar.
Make a straight dexterity check.
Oct 28, 2016 11:55 am
Pink skin? Cantrice is black as fuck.
Dice roll of 16+ dex bonus of 1 =17
Last edited October 28, 2016 12:20 pm
Oct 30, 2016 12:46 am
Bo watches, taking position at Cantrice's side, his sword fully drawn and standing at the ready. "What is he saying?"

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